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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Rep Chuck Fleischmann tells off Pro-Hamas harrasing him in the Capital


Kindly email him to express your support 

Address Lookup | Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (house.gov)


Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone is wondering, he's not Jewsish - he identifies as Roman Catholic! Still, he's so much more prinicpled and Israel-friendly than sadly, many of our own co-religionists. Jewish politicians could well learn from him, how to be secure with our convictions and how to not let these mindless pro-Hamas thugs intimidate us.

Anonymous said...

We have an obligation to call him and thank him for his support . I heard that many pro israel politicians are getting thousands of anti israel calls daily and not enough pro israel calls.His Number is 2022253271

Those agitators should not be allowed in there said...

Great work by the congressman, may G-d bless and protect him!

P.S. Why are those agitators allowed to run free and harass our representatives in the halls of government? They should be evicted and/or arrested. It is one thing if they protest outside, but who allows them inside to harass people like that?