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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Chareidim Say that Ousting Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch is a "Milchemes Mitzvah"


Chareidie Parties in Beit Shemesh say they want achdus and want all to back Shmuel Grinberg as the new Mayor.
But this "achdus" is a bald-faced lie, because if they really wanted "achdus" why couldn't they have "achdus" uniting to elect the present Mayor? It's not at all about "achdus!" 
They are also spreading rumors that it was Dr Bloch that removed the caravans that Chassidim illegally used for shuls, but what they don't tell you is that the one making those decisions was none other than Shimon Goldberg 
a Belzer Chusid who sits as the minister of housing in Beit Shemesh. We have a recording of him being confronted by Beit Shemesh residents and him saying that he can't do anything and the mayor cannot do anything because this is a "court thing." 

Now the Degel and Aguda parties are saying that fighting Aliza Bloch is a "Milchemes Mitzvah!"
A Milchemes Mitzvah???????
I'll tell you what is a Milchemes Mitzva is, it is putting your children in uniform and sending them to Gaza, that's a Milchemes Mitzvah!!!!!!
What chutzpah??? What Nerve?
 She has been nothing but kind to Chareidim, beautifying their areas, and bending over backward to please them, and even refused to prosecute the protestors and the ones who vandalized .... as they say, "no good dead goes unpunished!"

They will probably win, corruption and chaos will return to be part of Beit Shemesh! 
If that happens I will seriously consider re-locating, in Israel, of course!


Anonymous said...

save the hate for the Palestinian Hamasnicks


LES AYM said...

@8:30 PM
Oh yeh? Well maybe Hashem will help more if they didn't have so much "sinas chinom"?