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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Self -Hating Jew Shira Ben Sasson Thrown Out of Mosque Because She Wasn't dressed Tzneesdik!


Poor Sheikh Karem Shahada, the former Imam of the terrorist village of Urif in Samaria, the home of two terrorists who murdered four Jews in Eli a few weeks ago. According to Hakol HaYehudi, after angry settlers had been reported to damage the village mosque in retaliation for the massacre, somebody from the New Israel Fund––the largest and most powerful non-governmental source of support for Israeli anti-Zionist NGOs––contacted Shahada to say a delegation of NIF activists, shocked by the brazen violence of those bad Jewish settlers, was coming over to help restore the damage.

Poor Sheikh Karem Shahada, what could he say? The good kind of Jews are coming, the ones with the checkbooks, how could he refuse? So, he invited them, and they came, and somebody shot a video of their visit, and in the video all the nice people of this terror nest saw the leader of the delegation, New Israel Fund Associate Director in Israel Shira Ben Sasson Furstenberg, standing in the middle of the mosque with bare legs below a midiskirt.

New Israel Fund Associate Director Shira Ben Sasson Furstenberg showed up dressed like this at a mosque and was promptly thrown out, July 2, 2023. / Twitter screenshot

OMG, as soon as poor Sheikh Karem Shahada found out about the video, he posted an urgent video for all his flock to see, where he blamed the village council for misleading him: he had been told that there would be some visiting journalists, and when he arrived at the mosque and discovered the group of left-wing activists, whom he called “Jews, infidel settlers,” he removed them from the mosque.

“When I came to the mosque, I was surprised that a group from the Jewish side was coming in the clothes you saw,” poor Sheikh Karem Shahada explained. “Of course, what happened is a sad thing, it is a forbidden thing and it is a shameful thing. And of course, I understood the danger of the situation, when I looked and saw them in this way. Allah knows that I did not know that the visitors would be Jews and settlers and infidels, I didn’t know anything. We couldn’t stand the situation. I told them, you can’t stay, and we kicked them out.”

Poor Sheikh Shahada admitted this was a serious mistake and asked for the forgiveness of the villagers, saying he was having a difficult personal time. “I have several circumstances, the family, my mother is in the hospital, and my brother is in the hospital. The point is that I was present but I did not bring them (the infidel Jews – DI). The ones who brought them were the village council, they came in coordination with the council.”

It didn’t help. On Monday morning, poor Sheikh Shahada announced that he had been fired from his post as imam of the mosque following the incident. His associates were outraged and some wrote that the village council was “collaborating with the occupation.”

What a story of white Jewish entitlement, seeking the approval of the enemies of their brothers and sisters, only to be thrown out on their behind, midiskirt and all. And if after this story you still insist God doesn’t have a sense of humor, you need to go back to the beginning and read it one more time.

When Shira Ben-Sasson Furstenberg was eight, her family moved to Cambridge, England for her father to finish his post-doc in Jewish history. It was the first time that she had left her “bubble” of the national-religious Jerusalem neighborhood of Kiryat Moshe. Attending public school with Christians and Muslims was such a formative experience that she describes it as a key to where she is today: the associate director of the New Israel Fund in Israel.
“It is there that I understood that there is such a variety of beliefs,” Shira said. “Suddenly I understood that multi-culturalism is something positive.”
Despite the challenge of the Nation-State Law and the anti-democratic practices of Israel’s current leaders, Shira is confident of the NIF team’s preparedness for what’s happening on the ground in Israel and of the swelling support among Israelis. “We have the best team… we are thoughtful and we have a huge network with a lot of thinking on the board and on the management level and we connect to every community on the ground.”
“In an environment of shrinking democratic space not only in Israel but worldwide, NIF is the home for safeguarding Israeli democracy,” Shira said. “I am deeply encouraged by Israelis stepping up when they are called. Sometimes it feels like we only need to ask (for support). People are here to back us and to say ‘This is the Israel that I want to see.’”

Source: The New Israel Fund


Garnel Ironheart said...

This is the opposite of those Jewish women like Nancy Pelosi who, if they even go to shul, show up bareheaded but when they're invited to meet in a mosque, make sure to cover their hair.

Maria said...

The moral of the story is when visiting Arab villages follow Neturey Karta guidelines. They have been.much more successful with such programs.