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Thursday, July 6, 2023

70% of Those Leaving The State of Israel in 2020 were Goyim! 30% of Russian Olim leave Israel after receiving funding.


According to a new report, 30% of immigrants from the former Soviet Union leave Israel less than half a year after receiving extensive absorption funding and an Israeli passport.

The report, published by the Knesset's Research and Information Center, reveals that the extent of immigration fraud to Israel is numbered at approximately half a billion NIS spent on immigrants taking advantage of the Law of Return, receiving extensive absorption funding upon their arrival, and leaving the country a short time later.

The research data, prepared at the request of Otzma Yehudit's MK Limor Son Har-Melech, shows that following the outbreak of Russia's war in Ukraine, there was a sharp uptick in the amount of immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

In 2022, 62,295 immigrants from the FSU immigrated to Israel compared to just 12,873 the previous year. At the same time, according to the Population Authority, about 18,000 immigrants who had arrived since February 2022 - about 30% of Olim for the entire year - had left the country months of their arrival.

 Of all the immigrants who came from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in 2022, about 23% have emigrated from Israel. 24% of these left within days of entering the country, 70% left within 100 days or less, and about 90% left within 200 days of their arrival.

According to the study, the amount of financial aid for each individual immigrant stands at an average of NIS 45,000, which includes an extensive absorption basket, rent assistance, compensation for Hebrew study, and more. In addition, the amount of financial assistance for one family averages about NIS 100,000.

The report also reveals that the proportion of non-Jews leaving the country is on the rise since 2015, and accounted for 70.3% of all those leaving the Jewish State in 2020.

Another figure from the report shows that the State of Israel spent a sum of about NIS 500 million on all immigrants who left between 2012 and 2020 and on average about NIS 37,000 per person.

Amital Barali, CEO of 'Chotam,' an organization that promotes maintenance of the collective Jewish identity of the Israeli population, said: "They are making a move on us. We are bringing masses of immigrants who have nothing to do with Judaism. They receive funding for their medical care, an Israeli passport, and hopefully - a return to Russia."

"From the data it is clearly seen that the main reason for immigration to Israel is purely economic. This stupidity must come to an end. Immediate action must be taken to change the immigration policy in such a way that prevents immigrants from taking advantage of the State. The grandson clause in the Law of Return must be amended," he added.

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

If they leave, then it's money well spent.