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Monday, July 3, 2023

Guys! Daven for our Children in Uniform.. Netanyahu: Jenin became a haven for terror; we're putting a stop to it


Let's put our differences aside and say a couple capitlach tehillim for our IDF soldiers who are putting their lives on the line. If you are learning in kollel, dedicate your learning for your brothers and sisters who are fighting for us. Whether you are for the draft or against the draft, for Zionism or against Zionism put your theological ideas aside and feel for those who are in uniform! 

At the end of a security situational assessment, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the military operation in Jenin and said that "the IDF last night launched an extensive operation against terrorist targets in Jenin. In recent months, Jenin has become a haven for terrorism - we are putting an end to it."

"Our forces entered Jenin into the nests of terrorists - they eliminate terrorists, they arrest wanted persons, they destroy headquarters and seize many weapons, and they do another thing - they destroy laboratories on an almost industrial scale. Laboratories from which they made explosives and IEDs intended for the slaughter and murder of Israeli civilians. They are doing all of this in one of the densest places on earth, and they are doing it with minimal harm to civilians up to this moment, and no harm to those not involved, and this is the directive - to look after the security of our forces and also to avoid harming innocent people as much as possible," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu also said that "I have been saying for some time that we are dealing with changing the equation against terrorism, we did it two and a half years ago in Operation Guardian of the Walls against Hamas, we set it back a decade. We did it a few weeks ago in Operation Shield and Arrow, in which we eliminated senior Islamic Jihad leaders, and we are doing it today in Jenin through a combination of surprise measures, power, and changing the rules. This also adds to the deterrence capacity of the State of Israel, both to protect against additional terrorist attacks and to change the equation in the region."

At the end of his speech, Netanyahu said: "I would like to thank and express my appreciation to the Minister of Defense, the Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet, and the IDF commanders - those here and those in the field, and the soldiers who are doing an outstanding job. I know that all the citizens of Israel stand behind them. We will continue this action as much as possible required to restore peace and security to the citizens of Israel."


Yosef said...

Might be better to daven that Israel should stop this operation which provokes the Arabs and causes more deaths.

Dusiznies said...

Yosef is a reflection of the deep-rooted indoctrination of Satmar ideology, that instilled and embedded hate in the hearts of their naive sheep towards their fellow Jews. All the chesed in the world, all the chicken soup on this planet cannot cover up their sheer disgust and indifference of their fellow Jews living in Israel.

The biggest miracle that Hakodosh Baruch Hu ever performed to his children, the Jewish people, happened in this century.

One can argue that it is even bigger miracle than Yetzias Mitzrayim, because during Yetzias Mitzrayim all Jews lived in Egypt, there wasn't a single Jew living out of Egypt. Yet in less than one hundred years, Jews from all corners of the globe managed to converge to the State of Israel. A feat that has never happened in the history of the world to any nation, and they managed to revive an ancient language that hasn't been spoken in thousands of years; now in the year 2023, millions of people speak Hebrew and for a lot of people it is the only language they understand and speak.
Today, as I type these words, close to 7 million Jews live in Israel, and yet, "Yosef" cannot bring himself to daven for his own brethren in uniform, he would prefer that the IDF "stop" and allow the blood thirsty Arabs to amass weapons of destruction so as not to "provoke" these animals and barbarians!
How sick and demented have some of our Chareidie brothers become?
Know that this barbaric ideology based on lies and propaganda has destroyed the very soul of the Jewish people. If you think about it, Satmar and the Reform and the extreme left are all on the same page.

Woe to us that in this month of Tammuz a Jew who calls himself "Yosef "not only doesn't see himself praying for his brothers and sisters in Israel but like Yeravim ben Navot doesn't want others to do the same!

Woe to the Jewish people that we have people like this "yosef" amongst us!

Dr Phil Esquire said...

Yosef is indeed a descendant from Avraham Aveenu but from Hagar, there is no possible way that his DNA has any chromosomes from our Matriarch Sarah, no way. I would advise him to check his background, since it cannot be that his pedigree is in any way connected to the Jewish people.

Frum but normal said...

DIN, with filthy rabies infected sewer rats you don't argue or debate.
Rats you just fumigate.
This rat was brainwashed with a pathological hatred towards Eretz Yisroel and it's millions of Jews, in that den of poisonous snakes and rats called SATMAR CHINUCH

Anonymous said...

Over the years, and I am a great-grandfather B"H, I have found that guys like "Yosef" are by-in-large, naive "amai-ratzim" who hate those around them. They do not make good husbands and make even worse fathers.
They tend to quote from the Va'Yoel Moshe, to justify their hate and jealousy of those who had the courage and foresight to live in Eretz Yisrael.
The Sefer Va'Yoel Moshe itself,is with all do respect not a scholarly work by any imagination, and is filled with quotes of Chazal that the author picks and chooses and leaves or omits those Chazals that do not fit into the agenda. One just has to visit the Modern State of Israel to see that their understanding and vision of Eretz Yisrael is not only flawed on many different levels but an utter failure. The majority of the Jewish people will be in Israel within the next two years; the Torah learnt in the Zionist State is unmatched in the entire Jewish History. The "yosef"s of the Jewish people have already been proven to be on the wrong side of Jewish history, and will not even be footnotes when the Jewish Redemption comes to the State of Israel in the coming days.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Voyel Moshe is amaratsus?? It's a genius piece work. You could argue with it, but it a genius piece.i just came back from Israel. Rav hai gaon said " ein umoseinu oumo elo btorosoh" that means that our nation is ONLY a nation with the toiro. Unfortunately most of the Jews in Israel don't keep the toroh, therefore they distance themselves from our nation. Fighting for the land doesn't make you a jew. The Ukrainian ppl also fight for there land. That makes them Ukrainian, but Jews have a different criteria.
It's observens.
Thats it
That's what rav hai gaon said.
Not me

Anonymous said...

After all Yosef has a point. How long the will be no peace there will be blood.

Anonymous said...

LoL vayoel Moshe is a master piece. You could like it or not but the say amaratsus makes you look like a fool. We have to remember the words of rav hai gaon.
Our nation is ONLY a nation with the toiro
Fighting for the land doesn't make you a jew, Ukrainian ppl also fight for the land.that makes them Ukrainian but Jews have a different criteria.only smiras htoiro makes you a good jew. I just came back from Israel.
Unfortunately the majority of the Jews in Israel don't keep the toroh. It's sad but it's a fact we should daven they should return to their father and become religious.there behavior also puts the Jewish nation in big fiscal danger.
Another point.
The most dangerous place today for a jew today is in Israel.. isn't that ironic? I lived in Belgium learned in Switzerland and in Israel now living BH in the US. It's much safer for jew in Switzerland or in Germany then in Israel.

Dr Phil Esquire said...

You write:
" Voyel Moshe is amaratsus?? It's a genius piece work."
You must have a very limited understanding of what a genius work is! It doesn't look like you ever learned much, did you?
You keep quoting " Rav Hai Gaon" but I'll let you into a secret, Rav Hai Gaon wrote in Arabic, and most of his supposed work has never been authenticated.

You write:
"The most dangerous place today for a Jew today is in Israel.. isn't that ironic? I lived in Belgium learned in Switzerland and in Israel now living BH in the US. It's much safer for jew in Switzerland or in Germany then in Israel."

Mamash words right out of the mouths of the meraglim:
עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב והחיתי והיבוסי והאמרי יושב בהר והכנעני יושב על הים ועל יד הירדן

In addition, that's exactly what the Jews said pre WW2 in Germany. I had an uncle that wrote those exact words in Belgium before they rounded him up with his wife and two children and shipped them off to Auschwitz!

You write:
"Unfortunately the majority of the Jews in Israel don't keep the toroh."

I have news for you, I see that you never learned much, calling a mediocre sefer a "work of genius" so here goes:
The majority of the Jews never kept the Torah going back to the times of the Shoiftem and the Jewish Kings. Open up the gemarrah and you will see that the majority did not keep the Torah, Mishna after Mishna in Kelayim, Peah and Sheveeos, talks about Jews who don't keep the laws. According to Harav Avigdar Miller most Jews before the War were assimilated, those still keeping some mitzvois joined the Haskala the Yiddishisten and the Bund.

Anonymous said...

I have BH learned a lot. I have smiche on many parts of shulchan aruch but I'm not the issue here..
One question are you religious?
You seem to be not sure about the statement of rav hai gaon because it's in Arabic...
Yishuv erets yisrael is one mitsva out of 613...( And it's a machlokes if it's relevant in our times). For any religious jew the words of rav hai gaon are commend sense.
The rambam in mishne Torah ( written in Hebrew) wrote that a mechalel shabos is like a non jew. Chazal say it also you can't drink his wine etc. If a person is not on with Judaism he has a broblem but we can't fake it. That's exactly what reform did.
You saying I'm like the meraglim
The difference is then god said the go and now not. That's exactly the difference. It's again about doing what god says and the actual" fun" of having a land like the Ukrainian.
Bnai efraim wanted to leave mitstaim before the time and they got killed.
The mapilim also had the same end, because they wanted to go to Israel so badly after god said no .
Regarding your uncle...
The fact is Israel is a dangerous place to be.
BH we now not before the Holocaust.. that's not a valid point at all..
Because then it was dangerous that means it's now?? Unfortunately there are people that made aliya and got killed in Israel.. you know ppl that left Israel the last 70 years and got killed by gentiles?..

Dr Phil Esquire said...

Getting "semicha" doesn't make you into a Talmud Chacham, and it certainly doesn't give you common sense, you are a perfect example.

You write:
"Yishuv erets yisrael is one mitsva out of 613...( And it's a machlokes if it's relevant in our times)"

This isn't just "one mitzva out of 613" Mr. Smicha, as most of the rest of the 612 mitzvois can only be done in Eretz Yisrael. According to the Ramban, mitzvois done in Chutz Le'aaretz aren't even Mitzvois, we only do them so that we won't forget them, in Eretz Yisrael according to the Ramban they are a "chiyuv"

You write:
"The rambam in mishne Torah ( written in Hebrew) wrote that a mechalel shabos is like a non jew. Chazal say it also you can't drink his wine etc. If a person is not on with Judaism he has a broblem but we can't fake it."

Who is arguing with the Ramabam, all I'm saying that throughout our History starting with the Shoiftim until today, most of Klall Yisrael weren't religious. In fact because of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, thanks to the Zionists, we now have the most Jews being Religious than in the entire course of Jewish History. There is more Torah being learnt in the Zionist State of Israel than anytime in Jewish History since Yehoshua, and that is thanks to the Zionists who give over $500 million to Moisdois Ha'torah every single year.

You write:
"The difference is then god said the go and now not. That's exactly the difference. It's again about doing what god says and the actual" fun" of having a land like the Ukrainian."

God says now!
That is according to the Chazon Ish, Steipler, Vilna Gaon, Baal Shem Tov, Netziv, R' Yosef Zonninfeld, R' Eliyashiv, R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, R' Chaim Kanievski, etc etc etc

Comparing Ukraine the Jew murderers To Eretz Yisrael? Mr. Smicha? The shechina never left Eretz Yisrael, never! Ukraine is a country soaked with Jewish blood. Shame on You, Mr. Smicha!

You write:
"Bnai efraim wanted to leave mitstaim before the time and they got killed."

The Bnai Efraim will be back at Techiyas Ha'meisim and have Olam Haba, because they wanted Eretz Yisrael
The Meraglim, on the other hand, have no Olam Haba and will not return at Techyas Hameisim. I suggest you think long and hard about that, Mr. Semicha!

You repeat:
"The fact is Israel is a dangerous place to be."

The fact actually is that the meraglim said that!
עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב והחיתי והיבוסי והאמרי יושב בהר והכנעני יושב על הים ועל יד הירדן

You write:
"Unfortunately there are people that made aliya and got killed in Israel.. you know ppl that left Israel the last 70 years and got killed by gentiles?.."

Less Jews got killed in Israel in the past 75 years than anytime in Jewish history! Just 3 years before the State was established over 6 million Jews were murdered in Chutz Le'aaretz and Im not counting the Jews that were murdered by YOUR UKRAINIANS!
Look back in Jewish History and take any 75 year period and you will find that hundreds of thousands of Jews murdered, by pogroms, crusades etc..
Before you babble, Mr Smicha, check your facts, because facts don't lie!

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:16
Are you insane? Are you actually watching what is going on in France, as Arabs are burning down Paris? This is happening over the entire Europe and will happen soon in the USA. Flatbush is surrounded by a huge Arab population, and its sitting on a powder keg ready to explode any minute! Lower Brooklyn is a hotbed of an extreme hostile Arab population. You are exactly like the Jews liviving in Europe preWW2 that were blind and mute to what was going on around them!
Ukraine? You are comparing Ukraine to the Holy Land? Meshigginar!

Anonymous said...

You still did not answer if you religious..
I know that in the time of malchei yisrael there was big parts that were not frum..
That's exactly the reason for the first churban.. a nation that doesn't keep the toroh can't be in Israel.
It's says in the Torah that the land will kik you out. Do you want that should chas vesholem happen???
You saying that nonsense that because the state of Israel there more religious people today.
Are you serious?
Did you forget what the state did to t the sfardim that came from north Africa??
Most of the sfardim were religious people today most are not.
What about the teimanim???
The kidnaping?
What would be if the state of Israel would never happen?
Al the sfardim would stay in there county's. Are you aware that the Jews living today in Tunisia are way more religious than the sfardim in Israel. If not rav ovadiai there would be almost nothing left.and the askenazim would emigrate to us and other countries.
The would be better than in Israel...
Financially and also no killing..
You saying it's the best 70 years
What a non sense .
it's the best 70 years in the world .
that has nothing to do with Israel.
The opposite in Israel it's the worse 70 years.
Ppl don't get killed in Belgium today because of Israel?? Or in UK because of Israel?? The unfortunately truth is I got harassed many times in Europe because of Israel.
Every time the Israeli soldiers are having a mitsva, the Arabs in Europe are getting heated up.
So the bottom line is that the problems if they exist in Europe with the gentiles are because of Israel.
Then you said many gdolimsay god says now .any source to that?
You mentioned names that's All.
Yes they went, do they hold it's a choice ? No.
Anyway the argument is about the state of Israel and not the debate about the mitsva.
Then you say that the state is the biggest supporter of toire.
Come on. Most of the the kolel money comes from gvirim in us. Ask any random roshkolel.
There is BH a lot of toire al over the world. I did not count were there is more.
There is definitely more ppl registered in kolel in Israel, but that is not necessary proof.but anyway that is not because the state. They only give a few hundred shekels a month I lived in Israel for years.. please look the facts as they are and not bending them
I for a reason did not mention any names from gdolim because you always could find others that hold different.
But because you mentioned I will remind that almost all the gdolim were against Zionism.
Klal yisrael would be much better without them.

Anonymous said...

You say most mitsves you only could do in Israel.
That's right but not relevant.
We have no beis hamikdach yet so most of these are not relevant.
The Zionist are trying to be mavatel it.
So again please stay focused.
You are welcome to come visit Lakewood NJ to see toire .
New sqwere, yes Monroe also there is a lot of toire in Monroe..

Dr Phil Esquire said...


Most of what you wrote has been chewed over and over again and is just a bunch of word salad disguised as Torah theology!

Yes I'm frum and have children, grandchildren living in Israel, Lakewood and Monsey!

You scribble:

"I know that in the time of malchei yisrael there was big parts that were not frum..

That's exactly the reason for the first churban.. a nation that doesn't keep the toroh can't be in Israel."

During the First Bais Ha'mikdash the majority of the Jews including their Kings were "Ovdei Avoda Zara" and Murdered each other, that's why there was a churban. Being Mechalleil Shabbos wasn't even on the radar, read Tanach! Mr Semicha!

During the Second Bais Hamikdash, most Jews were in fact frum and yet the gemarrah in Mesactas Gitten struggles on why the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed, and why they were "spit out?" According to you, the answer is simple, "it was because of the Jews that didn't hold Shabbos" yet the gemarrah doesn't mention this, the gemarrah then concludes that it was because of SINAS CHINUM!!!!!!!!!!!

25,000 Talmidim of Rebbe Akiva were murdered because of what????Were they mechaalleil Shabbos? Did they murder each other? Did they steal from each other? Did they commit adultery? NOPE!!!!!! It was as Rav Dessler says "they couldn't tolerate each other" Let me repeat that, 25,000 talmiddim of the Great Tanna Rebbe Akiva died during the destruction of the Second Bais Ha'mikdash because of Frum Jews like you!

Eretz Yisrael "spit them out" not because they were Zionists or Mechalleil Shabbos NOPE! But because they hated each other!

You write:

"Did you forget what the state did to t the sfardim that came from north Africa??

Most of the sfardim were religious people today most are not."

How about the Ashkenazi Hungarian Jews who grew up in Williamsburg, Monsey, Monroe, Boro-Park and Lakewood who are going off the derech by the tens of thousands?

Do you know that in these communities there is at least one suicide a week?

You care about the Sfardim? You sneaky liar! BTW those in the Sfardie communities living in Israel are coming back by the thousands!

Dr Phil Esquire said...

4:14 Part 2
You write:

"What about the teimanim???

The kidnaping?"

What about the Teimanim? Are you regurgitating Satmar propaganda?

Yes there were a handful of Teimanim that were secularized so what, how about the Satmar graduates that are going off?


I suggest you do some history, they were kidnapped for Holocaust survivors in Brooklyn who couldn't have children and who bought them on the black market, that is why the Aguda and Satmar for that matter are now working feverishly behind the scenes to squash the story since Israeli courts opened the files, and you wouldn't believe the utter crap that is coming out!

Satmars also kidnapped ... read the Yossile Schmacher Story, there were hundreds of Kidnappings by the frum communities but this made the papers!

Your outrageous comment! Only a Ukranian would write a question like this!

"What would be if the state of Israel would never happen?"

What would happen? Disaster!!! That's what would have happened!

Right after WW2 after 6 million Jews were brutally murdered all western countries would not allow the surviving Jews in they had strict quotas especially the USA!

The only country in the entire world that let's in every single Jew WITHOUT quotas was Israel when it was established in 1948

BTW those Jews that didn't listen to their Rabbis who told them not to make Aliyah, and defied them and came to Israel..survived Hitler!

If only we had a State in 1940, 6, million Jews would have emigrated and would have been safe in Israel!

Your foolish stupid comment:

"What a non sense .

it's the best 70 years in the world .

that has nothing to do with Israel.

The opposite in Israel it's the worse 70 years.

Ppl don't get killed in Belgium today because of Israel?? Or in UK because of Israel?? The unfortunately truth is I got harassed many times in Europe because of Israel.

Every time the Israeli soldiers are having a mitsva, the Arabs in Europe are getting heated up.

So the bottom line is that the problems if they exist in Europe with the gentiles are because of Israel."

For two thousand years Jews were expelled from Spain, England, Poland, Austria etc.they were as you put it so nicely "Spit out"

For two thousand years Jews in Europe and in the Arab Countries for that matter, Jews were not only "harassed" in the Streets but were tortured, burned at the stake, Jews were murdered by the Ukrainian Cossacks, murdered and raped in the Crusades Pogroms in Russia, in England! In the USA Jews were accused of murdering gentiles and were lynched read about Leo Frank there were hundreds of Leo Franks!

Was this because of the Zionists? You bloody fool!

If only there was a State of Israel!!

The Arabs in Europe don't need excuses to kill Jews they would and they did kill Jews way before there was a State, why don't you read the Rambam's Iggeres Teimon, that was written over 900 years ago?

You are getting your info from a mediocre sefer that you stupidly call a work "of genius" :)

Your ignorant comment:

"Then you say that the state is the biggest supporter of toire.

Come on. Most of the the kolel money comes from gvirim in us. Ask any random roshkolel.

There is BH a lot of toire al over the world. I did not count were there is more."

I don't talk like you out of ignorance I speak of facts.

For the last 5 years the Israeli budget for Torah Moisdois after the cuts was 250 million in dollars, this year it was doubled so that this year alone it will be $500,000. million

Dr Phil Esquire said...

Part 3
If you stacked all the gevirim from the US they could probably come up with 20 million a year..maybe that would cover about 100 kollilim, there are over 8,000 kollilmin Israel, and I attend myself two of them!

The "random Roshei Yeshivas " that are saying that, if they are saying that, are a bunch of liars and thieves. The Adopt a Kollel only supplements what the Israeli government already gives!

And I have news for you "roshei Yeshivas" don't head Kollels, Kollels are headed by Roshei Kollilm that are paid by the Israeli Government!

You say that there is "alot of Torah in the world,"could be, but it doesn't come close to what is happening in Zionist State of Israel! In the Mir alone there is over 10,000 talmidim, that is only one Yeshiva only one! I have a son learning there!

On my block alone there are 12 Kollilim, all supported by the Zionists Government!

Finally you naively write:"

"But because you mentioned I will remind that almost all the gdolim were against Zionism."

They were wrong and some of those gedoilim were the direct cause of the murder of thousands of families who they advised not to make aliya pre WW2

Read Eim Habanim Semicha, Derishas Tzion, Ke Eis Le'Chenana, Ulo Yaaleh!

The Minchas Elozer, the Munkatcher Rebbe told his chassidim not to make Aliyah, the result was that over 92% of the Jews living in Mukatch were murdered by the Nazis.

I am sure they would have wanted a State!

If only we had a State, If Only!

Dusiznies said...

I am stopping comments from the Ukrainian 4:14 and 7:16
This guy just quotes propaganda by the Hungarian sect in Monroe,and like the meraglim badmouths the only Jewish State in the world that is the home of the majority of the Jewish people!
He can comment on Al Jazeera or the Berlin Newspaper Der Shturmer,

Dusiznies said...

Note to Mr. Smicha

Most Rishonim and Achronim hold that the שלוש שבועות no longer apply, see side bar.

Even according to the Satmar Rebbe, the Va'Yoel Moshe who holds that the שלוש שבועות does apply, admits that it doesn't apply to an individual, in other words each individual has a chiyuv to make Aliya!

History has proven this idea countless times,
the Ramban, Ari Hakodosh, The Orach Chayim Hakodosh, R' Shlomo Alkabatz the mechaber of לכה דודי , Rav Yosef Chayim Sonnenfeld, even the Satmar Rebbe was going to make Aliya in 1948 but the last minute changed his mind, the Chazon Ish, The Steipler, Harav Kook, Gerer Rebbe, Belzer Rebbe, Kloizenberger Rebbe, The Vilna Gra (his Aliyah failed when his daughter got sick) Talmeidei Ha'Gra, Talmeidei Baal Shem Tov, Rav Gustman, Rav Kahanaman. R' Yankel Galinski, Harav Shach, Harav Shteinman, Harav Gersin Edelstein, Rav Tuvia Weiss, Rav Moshe Shernbuchת Briskar Rav, Rav Eliyashiv, R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach,
all made Aliya despite the three oaths!

As far as your blasphemous assertion that making Aliya is not a mitzva,
The Chafetz Chayim lists Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisrael in his 613 count, in fact the Chafetz Chayim had plans to move to Petach Tikva, the original plans of his Israel Home was recently sold at the Genizim Auction.

The Ramban, one of the Monei Hamitzvois, lists Yishuv Eretz Yisrael as a "Mitzvas Esse me'Doiriisah" Bezman Hazeh! In fact he states numerous times that mitzvois in Chutz Le'aaretz are only done so we don't forget them.

The הרשב"ש a rishon agrees with the Ramban see חלק ג הערה 6

The following achronim hold that Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is a mitzva Today:
שלטי הגבורים (שלטי הגבורים שבועות ריש פרק ג)
הרדב"ז (שו"ת הרדב"ז חלק ג סימן תי)
המבי"ט (ראה חלק ה הערה 188)
האלשיך (ספר האלשיך דברים כ"ח ח)
המרש"ל (ים של שלמה יבמות פרק ו, סימן לב)המר"ם גלאנטי (שו.,ת סימן מד)
החרידים (פרק נט )
המהר"ל (ראה חלק ג הערה 184)
הרמ"א (תורת העולה חלק ג פרק א)
הדרישה (דרישה טור אה"ע סימן עה, סעיף קטן יא)
המהרש"א (ראה חלק ה, הערה 78)
השל"ה (חלק א, הערה 140)
מגן אברהם (מ"א סימן רמח, ס"ק טו )
חות יאיר (שו"ת חות יאיר סימן ר"י)
פני יהושע (חלק ד, הערה 217)
אור החיים (דברים כו)
יעב"ץ (חלק ג, הערה 265)
נודה ביהודה ( חלק ג, הערה 268)
הגר"א (חלק א, הערה 67)


חיי אדם
ישמח משה
חתם סופר
חכמת שלמה
דרישת ציון
ערוך לנר
פתחי תשובה
בית הלוי
ר, צדוק הכהן
ערוך השלחן
שדי חמד
בן איש חי
חפץ חיים
אור שמח

Anonymous said...

Dear din.
Thanks for the mareh mkomos.
But I don't think I said that it's not a mitsva.
( The question is if it's a chiyuv, another atack happened to day the west bank,in aso it's dangerous).
You right that the 3 oaths are not on a yochid
The debate is if the state of Israel was a good thing that bought ppl closer to hashem or the opposite.

Dusiznies said...

All the above quoted hold that it is in fact a "chiyuv" The question is only if it is a "chiyuv" Me'doiriisah or a Chiyuv Mideraban
It is dangerous all over the world

In NYC 21 people were shot this weekend alone. NYC has the same population as Israel!
Between Philadelphia, Baltimore and Fort Worth there were 10 dead and 38 people shot

I feel very safe anywhere in Israel, I'm planning to come to NY this august for a wedding and I feel fear .