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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

May one report Jewish Ponzi Schemers to secular authorities, even if it will hurt their children?


Unfortunately, there has been a trend of Ponzi Schemes and other scams which have plagued the frum community of late.

Rabbi Dovid Lichtenstein, host of the “Halacha Headlines” podcast, discussed this serious matter on his latest episode.

One of his guests was Rav Shmuel Fuerst shlit’a, Rav of Agudas Yisrael of Chicago, a renowned Dayan and Posek, and one of America’s leading Gedolim.

R’ Lichtenstein asked if it is considered lashon hara to discuss someone [who is committing a Ponzi Scheme].

Rav Fuerst repled, “If you know this person is not ehrlich…and the chance is that [the investor] will most probably not get their money back, it is not lashon hara.”

He continued, “Fakhert (on the contrary)–It is ‘Lo Saamod al dam rayecha’ to not warn people.” (It is considered standing by while a Jew is in danger, which is forbidden). He quoted the Chafetz Chaim who says this applies not only to life-and-death matters but financial matters as well.

Rabbi Fuerst added that sometimes the yetzer hara tries to persuade people that it is lashon hara, when in fact it is not.

The Rav added that not only is one allowed to warn, he is obligated to do so.

R’ Lichentestein then asked if there is a concern of ‘Mesira’ to alert secular authorities, which is often necessary because Bais Din is limited in their ability to recoup the money taken.

Rav Fuerst replied that it is a clear halacha in Shulchan Aruch, which states that if someone is Mazik the Rabim, you are allowed to be Moser him.

R’ Liechtenstein asked about a story involving Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, who paskened regarding a butcher in Baltimore who was mazik the Rabim, Rav Moshe held that if the Mesira will do more damage than a Bais Din would have the right to do, one is not allowed to alert the authorities.

Rav Fuerst replied:

  1. Not everyone agrees with this. Rav Elyasihiv held like the Panim Meiros, that there is no Mesira even if someone will end up in jail
  2. He is not convinced that the butcher in that story was in fact mazik the Rabim, he would think that if someone is mazik the Rabim, Rav Moshe would agree that one can call the authorities.

Another issue raised was that if people report the issue to the police or other authorities, it will hurt the shidduchim of the scammer’s children.

Rav Fuerst said that when it comes to shidduchim, people need to have seichel–even if the father does bad things, the children can still be ehrliche people.

He added that even if it affects the shidduchum–the Shulchan Aruch knew that could happen, but still issued the ruling, despite that concern.

He said that the Ribbono Shel Olam runs the world , and if it is bashert for someone to find [their match], they will find him / her, even in this situation.


Anonymous said...

A supposed chashuva person in L-d took me and another 15 people on a multi million ride, a number of years ago.

We were pressured by askonim not to sue the banking institutions because then the FEDS would get involved. We were guaranteed by the askonim and a very very prominent Roshei yeshiva 30% immediate repayment if we keep it away from the FEDS, (we got Zero). This yungerman still davens in B-G, behind the Roshei yeshiva. He was made the victim, a number of people from the community reached out to us and made us sound like the bad people.

It wasn't the first time that it happened with this fellow. A big asken at the time ZR told us that this happens a few times a year in L-d.

By protecting them; they enable others as they hide behind the supposed masira veil and using the excuse that their unfortunate family as the supposed innocent victims.

The group went to beis din and got a Judgement but its essentially worthless, as we have no way to enforce it. The askonim and Roshei yeshiva are nowhere to be found; now that we went to beis din.

Its very disheartening... To give you a scope of this, he gave the investors quarterly statements and yearly K1s for over 10 years that we paid taxes on (your not talking about about an ordinary ganov that stole on a deal or a one time thing. This person was calculated ganev for over 10 years, a person that we trusted and looked up to. His shmone esreis were 15 minutes... It was very hard for us comprehend at the time, we felt violated and to see how the system enables this was extremly disheartening, its unfortunate).

I can go on, but will leave it to your imagination.

On a positive note. Most of us were very matzliach afterwards.

Whenever someone asks me if they should invest in anyone. My first response is to look at their shmono esreh. If they daven long ones, then "stay away".

Someone smart and in the know tild me some time ago. That eople that look like molesters are not. It's the people that you least expect that are.

Hatzlocho to all and verify 100x.

And yes. I'm talking from pain.

Anonymous said...

I'm older than you, and can tell you you shouldn't trust anyone ever. Most people I have dealt with will rip you off. Be careful and trust no-one. Get everything in writing with details. Ikvosa d moshicha