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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Avraham Melohn, a noted community leader and philanthropist from Manhattan, suffered a fatal heart attack yesterday.


R’ Avrohom Moshe Melohn, a noted community leader and philanthropist from Manhattan, has passed away at the age of 62. The Monsey Scoop reports that while visiting a friend in Monsey, Rabbi Melohn suffered a heart attack and passed away shortly thereafter.

The deceased, who lived in Manhattan, was a fervent follower of several leading Jewish sages, among them the late Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. He was also connected to the Pinsk Karlin hasidic court.

Rabbi Melohn was well known for philanthropic works, particularly in support of the yeshiva world. Family members told Rockland Daily that, "He gave millions to charity, often out of the limelight."

He had a special connection to the court of Satmar. The Rebbe of Satmar personally held a celebration for the marriage of the deceased's son.

His businesses spanned the world, mainly in the field of real estate. He was known for charity and kindness, for supporting orphans and widows, and for being a patron of nonprofits in the Me'ah She'arim neighborhood of Jerusalem.

His sudden death from a heart attack has shocked all his many acquaintances and friends, as well as the Torah institutions that were helped by him.

Rabbi Melohn's funeral took place Friday at 17:30 (New York time) from Or Sameach Synagogue in Monsey. His casket arrived for burial in Israel in the afternoon on a private flight and was buried just prior Shabbat (Sabbath) on the Mount of Olives.


Motti said...

This industry of corpse import for burial in Israel has to stop now

Anonymous said...
