Saturday, July 1, 2023

25 Leading Rabbanim And Roshei Yeshiva Issue Ban On Using AI Chatbots


I will post some comments that I feel gives another perspective of this issue.  But before I do I think that like with other Kol Korahs they are barking up the wrong tree. Not one person using the internet gives two hoots about this Kol Korah! What this Kol Korah does do is give people an opening to mock Gedoilim who sign Kol Korah who have no clue to what they are signing! Not one who signed understands how any of the platforms work! Askanim are frightened that the regular "Joe Shmo" will now have some basic knowledge, so they recruit clueless rabbanim that will sign anything against the internet. The internet is here to stay. Most reasonable people using Google understand that a lot of the information is false and I will give credit to most people that they are able to distinguish between Fake News and what's true. 

Here is a sampling of some comments:

  1. These gedolim are unfortunately being told lies and divrei guzma by their immediate shamashim. It’s doing a HUGE disservice to the yirei shamayim who will inevitably have to use these things.

    We all know how this will turn out.

    First people will do this in private. Then the rabbanim will scream at these people. Then, in fifteen years, when they realize that the majority of the frum community uses this stuff in a daily basis and there is no turning back, they’ll issue a non-sensicak “hetter parnasa” which can ONLY be issued by a competent posek… ridiculous.

    What the Gedolim SHOULD do is issue a “strong recommendation” and inform people about the TRUE dangers of these programs and what it will do to Torah society. How do we live with this as oppose to ignoring it.

    This is only making people lose respect for these Gedolim. I am not alone.

    If you can mamish have a 100% insular community, go for it. For the rest of us, this is passé and useless.

  1. GROW UP

    1. A chashuve rav once said – ‘every time a kol korei comes out which many won’t listen to, the ONLY’ thing the author gained was delegitimization of our rabbis’

    2. No kol kore ever came out against google search. Why is AI any different – because it has a shmansy name??

    3. Whoever is behind the kol kore, and you know who you are – you know very well that when a question is asked a certain way, you’ll get the answer and signatures you want.

    4. To the the kol kore author – my name is Mordechai.
    What’s yours?

    a) I’m a religious guy like all of you and highly respect these Rabbonim of ours.
    b) Seeing as many kol kores are fake, i take the liberty to assume the same here

    1. This is honestly laughable do they even know what ai is used for it’s actually very useful and I can’t imagine In 5 years how a business would survive without it the Rabbonim don’t even know what’s ai is they are being lied to and either way anyone who’s got internet that’s not for business use which is crazy that they try to ban it 😂 is not listening anyway so all they’re doing is spreading lashon harah because that’s all that’s going to happen from this rabbonim should not try to sit and bam every thing cause then no one end up taking them seriously and there is no problem with ai

      1. This is what happens when a burned out kollel yungerman (who should have gone out to work 10 years ago but instead just hocks in the BMG coffee room all day and whose wife works 3 jobs to support the family) has a great idea to make up a nonexistent problem and run to the gedolim to “warn” them about it. I got to give him credit he did a pretty good job getting so many people to sign this statement full of nonsense and exaggerations.

        It’s no different than Google search which tons of yirei Shamayim use whether for work or because they are planning a vacation or because they want to know what time the supermarket around the block closes… If anything ChatGPT and Bard are better because they don’t respond to profanity while google search is more problematic. People should have a filter in their head and of course when kids are around then basic filters are required m’Ikkar haDin to make sure the kids do not see inappropriate stuff.

        Why did klal Yisroel fall for this anti tech religion? There are other things that al pi shulchan aruch are much more problematic like tznius issues and the likes… or people speaking loshon hara…

More than two dozen rabbanim and roshei yeshiva are publicly banning the use of artificial intelligence chatbots such as the wildly popular Chat-GPT.

In the kol koreh, the morei derech write that such chats have the ability to ingrain the wrong hashkafos in people, as well as outright kefirah, abominations, and other harmful content. It adds that those who begin using it are opening the door to being exposed to a veritable minefield of poisonous perspectives.

“Therefore,” the 25 rabbanim and roshei yeshiva write, “it is assur to connect with and use artificial intelligence chats, whether via a phone, text, or computer, even for a necessary use, and kal vachomer for divrei torah.”

The kol koreh states that this ban is applicable to all men, women, and children. It also exhorts parents and educators to bear the responsibility of warning their children and students against using AI chatbots.

Importantly, the kol koreh notes that for those who need to use such chatbots in their business, “for the time being there is no solution on how to allow it,” but there will be future discussions on ways AI chatbots can be incorporated for business uses.


Anonymous said...

These same Rabbonim are not banning owners and board members of schools that let Yiddish kinderlach sit home from davening in their shuls and sending their sons to their mosdos. Therefore how in tarnation do they expect any regular baalabas to follow this ?

Anonymous said...

I never know about Chat GP AI till Rabbonim put a FATWA on it.

We researched it and it can help in everyday life.

I wonder if Rabbonim knows what it is at all.

Like Kamala Harris talking about the Judicial overhaul without even knowing one item that's in it.

Anonymous said...