“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Friday, June 30, 2023
Yes, Bibi should go to Beijing. In fact, he must.
The announcement that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted an invitation from President Xi Jinping to make a state visit to China has triggered some commotion among Israel’s political experts and journalists, most of it negative.
Netanyahu wanted to “snub” US President Joe Biden or “annoy” him. He wanted to show that he was “giving up” on Biden because he had other options, exactly like Saudi Arabia. All this was just revenge because Biden hadn’t yet invited him to the White House. It would be a serious “strategic mistake,” some have warned, Israel risks paying a high price, this was a betrayal of the American alliance, no less, and so on and so forth. It was easy to foresee these lamentations, so Netanyahu insisted at the start of the controversy that Israel’s alliance with America was ironclad, stronger than ever and that America was irreplaceable.
Five months of the most profound political crisis in Israel’s history has narrowed the vision of many.
Child Underwater for 45 sec surrounded by many People, and no one noticed
Got this video from Haztala group in Israel. As you can see, drowning can happen God forbid anytime, anywhere, regardless of the circumstances.
In this case child was underwater for 45 seconds, surrounded by many people, yet no one noticed. A few more seconds and she would’ve been a statistic Gd forbid.
Appeals court ruling tightens R' Avraham Horowitz and Avigdar Mendlowitz grip over Fleischmanns Catskills resort town
The Real Estate Mogul Avigdar Mendlowitz teamed up with R' Avraham Horowitz the Rav of Kahal Bais Yitzchok of Williamsburg to wrestle control of the village and build and get "tax-exempt" status for the new housing. Nice way to antagonize the goyim! Doing what they accuse the Zionists of doing "hisgaarus ba'goyim" .There is a major difference though, In Israel the "settlers" are building in our own land!
A New York state appeals court rejected a bid to throw out scores of absentee ballots in a local election in a Catskills resort village — tightening a Brooklyn-based rabbi’s controversial grip over the town.
The hamlet of Fleischmanns has been at the center of voter fraud allegations and has attracted federal scrutiny over a voter registration drive orchestrated by a Rabbi Abraham Horowitz, who asked his Williamsburg congregation to cast absentee ballots for his hand-picked candidates for mayor and trustees in the March 21 election.
The congregants spend the summer in Fleischmanns, staying mostly in homes owned by Kahal Bais Yitzchok synagogue in Williamsburg.
The New York Supreme Court’s Appellate Division ruled on Monday that 81 absentee ballots that had been set aside since March should be opened, rebuffing a group of Fleischmanns residents who have been fighting over absentee votes for two years.
“The court punted the case on procedural grounds and hair-splitting election law,” said Todd Pascarella, a candidate for village trustee who lost his bid on Wednesday when the ballots were canvassed. “The rug has been pulled out from under us again.”
The court’s decision tilted the election to the rabbi’s candidates, who handily won after the absentee ballots were opened.
Locals worry that the rabbi will push his elected board members to eventually impose strict religious rules on the entire town, including segregating swim times for men and women in the community pool.
They also fear the board will rubber stamp property deals on behalf of the congregation, awarding them tax-exempt status.
Mainl Charge Against Netanyahu Case Proven FALSE!
Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan testified on Thursday that he never received any assistance from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in acquiring a US visa, completely squashing the main charge of bribery in Netanyahu’s indictments.
One of the main charges of Case 1000 accuses Netanyahu of assisting Milchan in obtaining a ten-year US visa in exchange for gifts of champagne and cigars.
Netanyahu’s lawyers, cross-examining Milchan for the fifth day, said to him: “Confirm to me that you never brought cigars and champagne in connection with a visa or anything else.”
Milchan, who is testifying via video link from a hotel in the British resort town of Brighton, replied: “I said that several times, Netanyahu didn’t help.”
In fact, Milchan contacted then-U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro about acquiring a visa, he said, even before contacting Netanyahu.
Netanyahu’s lawyers continued, saying ” “The main investigation created the impression that you only called Netanyahu and his people. (In practice) you called people on the right, on the left.” Milchan confirmed this.
“What you remember (is) that you didn’t get answers from Netanyahu and that he doesn’t hand out visas,” the defense asked. Milchan replied: “There was one sentence from Mr. Netanyahu: ‘Can’t help,’ I asked once and got an answer, ‘Can’t’ or ‘unable.'”
According to activist Eldad Yaniv, in the period prior to the indictments filed against Netanyahu, then-Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit said that “without a bribery charge, there are no indictments.”
Mandelblit felt like the other charges brought against Netanyahu were insubstantial.
Right-wing journalist Yinon Magal responded to the report by stating: “Today was a wonderful day in the Prime Minister’s case…but who will return the lost years to Netanyahu?”
Later on Thursday, Netanyahu spoke to supporters outside the Jerusalem District Court, calling the court proceedings “entertainment.”
“This is entertainment, I know you’re totally shocked,” he said sardonically. “You’ve come to see the best show in town.”
The report follows the major uproar on Wednesday following the admission of former Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich that the goal of the indictments against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was to cause him to resign.
Mossad Abduct Terrorist in Iran
Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency on Thursday publicized a secret operation in Iran which thwarted a plot to target Israelis in Cyprus.
The hit squad head, whom the agents captured in Iran, provided information earlier this week that led Cypriot intelligence services to foil an attack that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intended to target Israelis.
The man was named as Yusef Shahabazi Abbasalilu. He admitted in the investigation that he was sent to Cyprus to harm Israeli businessmen.
“In a unique, daring mission within Iranian territory, the Mossad was able to seize the mastermind of the terror cell, who then admitted [to the terror plot] in detail during his interrogation, which led to exposing and the taking apart of the Cyprus terror cell,” the Mossad stated.
The Mossad passed the information along to Cypriot authorities, and Cyprus intelligence prevented the attack, local media reported on Sunday.
Abbasasulilu revealed that an operative from the intelligence unit of the IRGC sent him to Cyprus for the operation and that the Revolutionary Guards provided him with the assassination target details. In Cyprus, he was connected to a Pakistani group that had committed assassinations in the past.
“We will get any party that promotes terrorism against Jews and Israelis all over the world, including on the soil of Iran,” a senior Mossad official stated.
The Islamic regime has made clear threats to murder not only Israelis but also Jewish leaders worldwide. A report in February revealed that Iran was creating maps of Jews to assassinate if Israel struck its nuclear facilities.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Famous Kabbalist rushed to intensive care with bacterial infection
Madonna's condition was so serious that her relatives were 'preparing for the worst,' a family member has told DailyMail.com.
The 64-year-old was found unconscious in New York on Saturday, and rushed to the ICU where she was reportedly intubated overnight.
On Wednesday, her manager Guy Oseary announced that she was suffering from a 'serious bacterial infection', and needed time to recover so was postponing her tour, due to begin in Vancouver on July 15.
The Michigan-born singer's relative told DailyMail.com they spent several traumatic days unsure if she was going to pull through.
The family member said the shocking collapse was a wake-up call for Madonna, who believes she is 'invincible' and has been pushing herself extremely hard to prepare for the tour.
'For the past couple of days, no one really knew which direction this was going to turn, and her family was preparing for the worst,' the relative said.
'That is why it was kept a secret since Saturday.
'Everyone believed that we may lose her and that has been the reality of the situation.'
Madonna is mother to six children: Lourdes, 26; Rocco, 22; David, 17; Mercy, 17; and 10-year-old twins Stella and Estere.
Lourdes was by her side throughout her hospitalization, The New York Post reported.
She posts frequent tributes to her 92-year-old father, Silvio Ciccone, and is close to several of her siblings.
Madonna has three sisters - Paula, Melanie and Jennifer - and four brothers: Anthony, Martin, Christopher and Mario.
Anthony died in February from throat cancer and respiratory failure, aged 66.
The Ciccone siblings all keep a low profile, leaving the limelight to their megastar relation.
Artificial sweetener found in Diet Coke will be declared as 'possibly carcinogenic to humans'
An artificial sweetener used in Diet Coke will be declared a potential cancer risk to humans, a bombshell report claimed today.
Aspartame will be officially listed as 'possibly carcinogenic to humans' in the World Health Organization's reclassification, according to insiders.
Aspartame is also added to Mars' Extra chewing gum and some Snapple drinks.
The move will occur next month following a review by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the WHO's cancer research arm, sources told Reuters.
The IARC ruling, finalised earlier this month after a meeting of the group's external experts, is intended to assess whether something is a potential hazard or not, based on all the published evidence.
It does not take into account how much of a product a person can safely consume.
This advice for individuals comes from a separate WHO expert committee on food additives, known as the Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization's Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), alongside determinations from national regulators.
However, similar IARC rulings in the past for different substances have raised concerns among consumers about their use, led to lawsuits, and pressured manufacturers to recreate recipes and swap to alternatives.
That has led to criticism that the IARC's assessments can be confusing to the public.
JECFA, the WHO committee on additives, is also reviewing aspartame use this year.
The only way to convince the Palestinians to end the conflict is an Israeli victory.
With all of Israel’s recent challenges and controversy over judicial reform, the state of the economy and social divisions, we missed what should have been one of the biggest headlines in recent weeks.
On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, the reputable Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that 66% of Palestinians believe that Israel will not celebrate its 100th anniversary. Only 27% think the Jewish state will still exist in 25 years.
These results would likely result in a mixture of astonishment and bemusement amongst Israelis, given that the idea that a fully functioning economically and militarily powerful state will not exist in just over a generation is, to say the least, implausible.
While the survey doesn’t teach us much about the future of the State of Israel, however, it does tell us that two-thirds of the Palestinian public believes we will soon be gone.
Clearly, the Palestinians see us as weak, transient and, above all, possible to defeat.
For 100 years, the primary goal of the Palestinian national movement was first to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state and then, after it was established, to destroy it.
Like most of the rest of the world, many Israelis believe the claims that this century-old conflict is about land, “occupation,” “settlements,” Jerusalem or refugees. In fact, it has only ever been about one thing: The violent rejection of Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish people’s ancestral and indigenous homeland.
That is how the conflict started in the early part of the 20th century and, it appears, a majority of Palestinians believe it will end in their ultimate victory.
This belief comes from two sources.
The first is the incessant incitement and brainwashing by official Palestinian religious figures and political officials, as well as Palestinian media and educational materials.
For example, according to Palestinian Media Watch, in 2021 the Palestinian Authority’s highest religious authority, Grand Mufti Muhammad Hussein, assured P.A. TV viewers that the destruction of Israel is only a matter of time, along with the “liberation” of Jerusalem and its “return to Islam.”
Well-made videos are regularly released for Palestinian children and young people on popular social media platforms that claim Israel’s end is inevitable and just as the Crusaders were eventually driven out, the Jews will be as well.
The second source is Israel itself.
Since the early 1990s, Israel has shown that it is desperate for peace. As a result, it has taken actions that actually harmed the safety of its citizens and showed that Israel is prepared to concede and compromise on its national security.
The Palestinian leadership has shown that, if it stands firm, it will receive more and more from Israel. The Oslo process, which we are still trapped in 30 years later, demonstrated to the Palestinians that we have given up trying to win the war against Palestinian rejectionism.
Palestinians see Israeli decisions to give away major parts of Judea and Samaria, disengage from Gaza, release thousands of terrorists, hand suitcases full of protection money to Hamas and promise to divide Jerusalem and give up control of the Temple Mount as proof of this.
They see that the “strongest military in the region” runs with indecent haste to Cairo every time Hamas or Islamic Jihad fires a volley of rockets at Israel’s south.
They see a Palestinian leader who says he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, embraces and financially rewards mass murderers, and compares Israel to Nazis with no response from Israel apart from the odd press release.
They see an Israel uninterested or unable to achieve victory in this long-standing conflict.
Thus, the Palestinians believe the Jewish state will soon cease to exist. This provides the motivation and incentive for ongoing terrorism.
Every Palestinian terrorist who picks up a knife or a gun, or launches a rocket, believes that their actions are hastening the end of Israel. Our response, or lack thereof, merely confirms this belief.
For Israel to stop the violence, it must show that it has the will to survive and achieve ultimate victory. It must show the Palestinian population in actions and deeds that Israel is strong, robust and enduring.
It must convince the Palestinians that Israel is permanent and break their will to carry on fighting by forcing them to accept that they cannot achieve their war aims.
Once the Palestinians have been disabused of their belief in Israel’s temporary nature, our leadership can take steps towards accommodation and peace, but not before.
{Reposted from JNS}
AG James Accuses Ken Rosenberg (El Al) & Daryl Hagler of Stealing 83 Million
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Kenneth Rozenberg (right) and Daryl Hagler allegedly stole $83 million in funding. |
Operators of four New York nursing homes siphoned more than $83 million in Medicare and Medicaid funding to line their own pockets — all while allowing residents to live under horrific conditions, including letting them sit for hours in their own filth, state Attorney General Letitia James alleges in a new lawsuit.
Kenneth Rozenberg and Daryl Hagler, the co-owners of Centers Health Care, pilfered the government cash meant for the care of nursing home residents at four facilities in the Empire State, according to the AG’s suit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court Wednesday.
Going back as early as 2013, Rozenberg and Hagler weaved a complex web involving networks of other corporations and fraudulent transactions to enrich themselves, their family members and other business associates, the filing claims.
The scheme left their facilities were chronically understaffed, resulting in the widespread neglect of elderly residents who were forced to remain in their own urine and feces for hours, were allowed to become dehydrated and malnourished and whose wounds were left to fester, the suit alleges.
SHIDDUCH CRISIS: US Roshei Yeshivos Ask HaRav Hirsch To Make Fateful Decisions ..Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Refuse to Attend
A delegation of Roshei Yeshivos from the US landed in Eretz Yisrael on Wednesday in order to consult with Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, about the shidduch crisis in the US, Kikar H’Shabbat reported on Wednesday.
The report notes the fact that although there are shidduch issues in every country, including Israel, the US has the specific problem that bochurim start shidduchim at a later age than Israeli bochurim (who usually start around age 21) because most spend at least a year or two learning in an Israeli yeshivah. This results in the famous “age disparity” issue that places girls at a huge disadvantage.
The administrator of a US yeshivah told Kikar: “We have a real problem here and we have to solve it. Roshei Yeshivos held meetings a number of times in order to discuss the issue but nothing has really succeeded yet in solving the problem.”
“Roshei Yeshivos decided that the phenomenon of learning at a later age in Eretz Yisrael needs to end but they don’t want to take responsibility alone for such a fateful question. Therefore, a decision was made that a number of leading Roshei Yeshivos will travel to Eretz Yisrael for a few hours and consult with the one who leads the yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch [who is originally from the US], and whatever he decides is what will happen.”
Sources say that the Roshei Yeshivos also discussed the issue of eliminating one year of Beis Medrash in US yeshivos in order to allow bochurim to go to Eretz Yisrael at an earlier age.
The report noted that HaRav Hirsch is not only a native English speaker but is also very familiar with the Olam HaYeshivos in the US.
Four of the Rabbanim in the delegation are HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Dick, Rosh Yeshivas Heichel HaTorah in Monsey, HaGaon HaRav Mendel Slomowitz, Rosh Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Lakewood, HaRav Yehudah Svei, one of the Roshei Yeshivos of Talmudical Yeshiva Of Philadelphia, and the Novominsker Rebbe.
Lieberman: “I Believe Barak, Golan & Alsheich Joined Up Against Netanyahu”
Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman was a surprising voice in the chorus of condemnations against former Police Chief Roni Alsheich after he admitted on Wednesday morning that the judicial system expected Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to resign after criminal indictments were filed against him.
“I never believed in conspiracies but in the last few days I changed my mind when I hear Ehud Barak, Yair Golan and Roni Alsheich – I believe that they joined up against Netanyahu,” Lieberman said.
Lieberman then continued by condemning the calls by Barak and Golan for civil rebellion and even illegal acts. “The calls we’ve been hearing in recent days for civil unrest and breaking the law are outrageous and unacceptable. The protestors who take to the streets week after week are normative, law-abiding people who want the best for the country,” he claimed.
“Those people who take advantage of the protest in order to return to the stage and get a few moments in the media harm the protest and its legitimacy. These things were also reflected in the riots in front of Yariv Levin’s private home, something that harms more than Levin but also the neighbors around him, most of whom oppose the ‘legal coup’ but that type of protest, which impinged on their routine, precisely in the mornings when they need to drive their children and go to work, simply moves them to the other side.”
“I expect all those who claim to lead the protest to think about the protest and not about themselves and about their desire to stand out and earn a few minutes of fame. The dangerous calls they utter could drag Israeli society and the State of Israel into a difficult place that shouldn’t be reached.”
Abe Foxman Slams Biden
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DIN: Just a reminder that it was Foxman who publicly criticized the new government’s right to make judicial changes after being democratically elected. It is voices like Foxman which help influence US policy, especially in the Biden White House
Former ADL director Abe Foxman on Tuesday slammed U.S. President Joe Biden for his “boycott” of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In comments to The Jerusalem Post, the American Jewish leader called the Biden administration’s policy of isolating Netanyahu since he took office at the start of the year for his sixth term “misguided” and “bordering on hypocrisy.”
Foxman explained that the White House refusing to extend an invitation to Netanyahu “also sends the wrong message [not only] to Israel’s enemies, but also to its friends and allies. When friends disagree, they need to, and should, meet, speak to each other. This lack of invitation has become a politicized issue.”
He questioned why the White House welcomes to Washington leaders of countries with less democracy than Israel, calling it hypocritical.
“If you will, the president of the United States just welcomed the prime minister of India, a certainly flawed democracy with serious religious and civil rights abuses. He just welcomed Jordan’s King Abdullah to the White House—not exactly the paradigm of a democratic country,” he said.
“If MBS [Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia] indicated that he would want to come to Washington, he would receive a warm welcome. This boycott… undermines the [U.S.-Israel] relationship,” he added.
Foxman called on Biden to invite Netanyahu to the White House to discuss their differences.
Netanyahu confirmed on Tuesday that he will be visiting China next month. Foxman said that the Israeli leader visiting Beijing before the U.S. was probably due to the lack of an invitation from the White House.
The Camp Took My Daughter’s Tips!
by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com
L’chvod Rabbi Hoffman,
My daughter was a counselor in camp last summer. The camp collected her tips from the campers as they do from all campers. It was pulled from their bank accounts.
Later, when the summer came to an end, my counselor daughter did not receive any of the tips that were clearly collected on her behalf. The claim was that because she received Summer Youth Employment Program (“Youth Corp”), she wasn’t included in the staff tipping pool.
In other words, whatever was collected from the parents toward her, was, without her knowledge or consent redistributed to other camp staff.
She obviously was very upset. So were others who found themselves uninformed of this until after tips were handed out, only to find themselves un-included. None of this was mentioned prior to the summer. They could have worked at another camp, had they known.
Parents also have a right to know that the tips collected is going to other staff and not their child’s counselor. Let’s keep in mind that, it isn’t as though the camp paid her. She was chosen by lottery from the NYSEP program and earned minimum wage from the government. She worked many more hours that were unpaid as well. Is this halachically correct? What can she do when complaining about the unfairness (to the parents who thought they were tipping their child’s counselor, not others and her being withheld her rightfully expected tipping income), has yielded nowhere. Please advise.
A Parent.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Harav Eliyshiv's Son Meets His Sister For The FIRST Time in 11 Years
Israel ambassador to UN Security Council : Building in Judea and Samaria will not stop
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Gilad Erdan on Tuesday spoke at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, urging the Council's members to condemn the indiscriminate violence against Israeli civilians.
Erdan began, "Last Tuesday, Elisha Anteman, a seventeen-year-old who had just finished high school, was nearing the end of his shift at a restaurant near the town of Eli. This was Elisha’s very last shift. You see, he had been working there for nine months, he had saved up some money and made plans to spend his summer hiking."
"Last Tuesday was in fact Elisha’s last shift, but tragically, Elisha will not be taking a trip this summer. He will not be hiking. He will not be spending time with his high school sweetheart Maayan, with whom he discussed building a life together. He will no longer pick up any of his eight younger siblings from school, who he loved like the caring older brother that he was.
"Elisha will be doing none of these things, because Elisha, along with three other innocent Israeli civilians were murdered by Palestinian terrorists whose sole goal was to slaughter Jews.
"This is the heartbreaking reality that Israelis face every single day."
Shimon Brauer 25 Dies from Asthma Attack on NY-Bound Flight
A Hasidic man from Stamford Hill died on Monday after suffering an asthma attack and was unable to locate his inhaler.
Britain’s Jewish News (bit.ly/3Xq3NJj) reported that Shimoin Brauer was traveling from London to New York to work as a volunteer at an unnamed summer camp. The 25 year old’s flight was 45 minutes from landing when tragedy struck, with Brauer dropping his inhaler as he struggled to breathe.
Social media posts by kosher travel site Vakazi said that the British Airways flight crew spent over an hour attempting to revive an unconscious Brauer, giving him oxygen because they were unaware that he had suffered an asthma attack that had closed his airway. Attempts by the flight crew to perform CPR on Brauer were also unsuccessful.
In-flight fatal asthma attacks are rare, but they do occur. A nine year old boy suffered a fatal asthma attack half an hour into a flight from Auckland to Samoa in 2018, with the pilot refusing to turn the flight around and perform an emergency landing, reported KidSpot (bit.ly/3pjkOsa). The boy died 20 minutes before the flight landed in Samoa.
And Olympic Airways was ordered to pay a California woman $1.4 million in damages after her husband died on a 1998 flight from Athens to New York when his asthma was triggered by secondhand smoke, with flight attendants refusing multiple seat change requests, reported Forbes (bit.ly/43hfAet).
But those with asthma can fly safely, says the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, which recommends that passengers inform flight attendants of their condition.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Netanyahu to Visit China, a Slap to Biden and Blinken
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer waiting for an invitation to the White House and plans instead to visit China next month, according to journalist Shalom Yerushalmi, reporting in Zman Israel. Advanced contacts are currently taking place between the office of the Prime Minister and the office of President Xi Jinping.
Yerushalmi cites senior Israeli political officials who told him that the extraordinary visit is intended to signal to Washington that Netanyahu has additional policy options, following President Joe Biden’s declaring him persona non grata in the White House.
“Netanyahu will not stand and wait for an invitation to visit the White House that never comes,” the source said, adding, “He works through parallel channels. China has been very involved in what’s happening in the Middle East lately, and the prime minister should be there and represent the Israeli interest.”
China has enormous economic investments in Israel. According to a December 2022 report on foreign investments issued by the Chief Economist at Israel’s Finance Ministry, China and Hong Kong are in third place in terms of the volume of incoming investments into Israel. In 2020, the total value of those transactions reached an estimated $26.5 billion. Among other prominent Chinese holdings in Israel is the Tnuva food production and marketing corporation which is among the top three or four vendors in the market, and the Haifa harbor, the largest free port in the Mediterranean basin, which is frequented by the US Navy’s Sixth Fleet.
China’s involvement in Israel has become so vast that the Biden administration is worried about protecting critical technology being developed by Israel and the US from the Chinese. The US sees China as the biggest geostrategic challenge it faces and wishes to restrict just how far Jerusalem can go in collaborating with Beijing.
Yerushalmi speculates that since last March, China mediated between Iran and Saudi Arabia to renew their diplomatic after a decade of hostilities between them, Netanyahu will try to promote Israel’s relations with Saudi Arabia through China’s influence, which would make Washington very unhappy.
Last week, Xi Jinping hosted PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Beijing and presented a new Chinese plan for settling the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
Netanyahu last visited Beijing in 2017, to mark the 25th anniversary of Israeli-Chinese diplomatic relations. He brought with him a large delegation of Israeli business people eager to do business with China. There’s no reason to think Israel’s hurting hi-tech executives won’t see the visit as an opportunity to infuse their industry with some yuans.
On Tuesday, the value of 1 yuan is half a shekel (exactly the amount every Jew must pay for the upkeep of the holy Temple).
Paralyzed Man’s Dream Proposal in Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter
Jerusalem’s Old City witnessed a heartwarming and meticulously planned marriage proposal last week as Alon Paz, who is fully paralyzed and reliant on ventilation to breathe, proposed thanks to the assistance of a United Hatzalah intensive care ambulance team.
The heartfelt ceremony took place last Tuesday in the square of the historic Churva Shul in Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter.
Alon cannot recall the exact details of the terrible moment when he suffered a severe car accident while on his way to meet a friend in Netanya. The vehicle he was driving collided with a concrete partition wall, leaving him paralyzed and unable to move anything from the neck down.
For many years, Alon, who was a very active person prior to the accident, has not been able to leave his home aside from the occasional excursions that United Hatzalah’s ‘ambulance of dreams’ takes him on every few months. Recently, Alon approached the organization with a special request. He asked if they could help him plan a special excursion that would include him proposing in the old city of Jerusalem.
The emotional journey began in the morning, as Alon and the team of volunteers, including paramedics and EMTS, visited his mother’s kever. From there, they proceeded to the Me’aras Hamachpeila and Kever Rochel. Meanwhile, teams from the logistics and operations departments of United Hatzalah worked tirelessly to set up the square in the old city in order to fulfill Alon’s dream proposal.
Gradually, curious passers-by started to gather around the red carpet, adorned with a large sign, in the square next to the Churva awaiting the moment when the proposal would take place.
A short time later, the intensive care ambulance pulled up at the nearby parking lot in the old city and Alon was transported to the square in the ambulance bed. The team carefully transferred Alon’s bed and the ventilator from the ambulance, with his oblivious soon-to-be kallah standing beside him. Finally, the spectacular sight was revealed before her eyes.
As the music began playing softly in the background, confetti filled the air, and the medical team guided the bed down the red carpet, Alon held the special ring he had purchased, mustered his courage, and proposed. Without hesitation, she joyfully responded with a resounding “Yes.”
The gathering crowd came forward to offer their congratulations to the happy couple, and minutes of joyous dancing ensued.
Alon spoke about his constant fight to maintain optimism with his condition. “ If a person wants something, they have to fight for it. The Creator of the World will hear and the Creator of the world won’t say no… I love life and I want to continue my life. I want to establish a home, a Jewish home, a warm home, a kosher home, a home according to the Torah of Moshe and Yisrael.”
Alon’s fiance, Yaffit, thanked the organization profusely for their efforts on Alon’s behalf and in making the proposal as special as it was. “The whole thing was really terrific. I want to thank everyone who was involved in this, and who participated and brought us joy. Thank you so much.”
‘Make no mistake – US is embracing BDS says Former Ambassador
The Biden administration has ordered that any American government entity participating in scientific-technological ventures with Israeli companies located beyond the so-called Green Line end its collaboration. leading to a protest from Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.
An unnamed State Department official told Kan News that the directive “simply reflects the position of the United States over the years, which has been reaffirmed by this administration, according to which the status of the geographical areas that were under the Israeli administration after June 5, 1967 is a matter which remains subject to negotiations on their final status.”
Participating in these joint projects is thus “inconsistent with American policy,” he told Walla in a separate call.
The official added that the U.S. “greatly appreciates” the scientific and technological cooperation “with the “start-up nation,” saying that this solid cooperation will continue, the Kan report said.
Foreign Minister Eli Cohen criticized the move Sunday, telling reporters, “I object to the decision and think it is wrong.”
“In similar cases in the past, the Israeli government fully reimbursed parties damaged by such decisions,” he added.
Israel has agreements with other governments stipulating that their cooperative work would exclude companies in Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem. For example, the multi-year, $111 billion Horizon Europe program, in which Israeli institutions bid for EU research and development grants, has this limitation.
In 2020, during the Trump presidency, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then-U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman signed a protocol removing these restrictions from three 1970s-era cooperative agreements.
“Plainly, this geographic restriction within these three agreements was an anachronism,” Friedman said at the festive ceremony, which was held at Ariel University in Samaria. “We are righting an old wrong, and we are strengthening yet again the unbreakable bond between our two countries.”
Friedman said on Sunday that the reversal was a mistake.
Israel has agreements with other governments stipulating that their cooperative work would exclude companies in Judea and Samaria, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem. For example, the multi-year, $111 billion Horizon Europe program, in which Israeli institutions bid for EU research and development grants, has this limitation.
In 2020, during the Trump presidency, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then-U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman signed a protocol removing these restrictions from three 1970s-era cooperative agreements.
“Plainly, this geographic restriction within these three agreements was an anachronism,” Friedman said at the festive ceremony, which was held at Ariel University in Samaria. “We are righting an old wrong, and we are strengthening yet again the unbreakable bond between our two countries.”
Friedman said on Sunday that the reversal was a mistake.
The U.S. informed Israel of the change two weeks ago, according to the reports.