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Thursday, October 6, 2022

New York Jew DO NOT VOTE FOR HOCHUL, SHUMER and AG Letitia James


t's Crystal clear to most people that Mike Lawler and Lee Zeldin are the Go-To candidates to vote for if you're Jewish and want to keep NY safe (crime-wise in terms of hate and anti-Semitic incidents) 

And make living in NY more financially affordable (with regards to rent, bills, and property taxes, and grocery items), and have candidates that have our backs in this whole Democrat controlled Albany thing telling our Yeshivas what to do even though it's a clear violation of church and state, 

However in case not everyone is clear on who to vote for, for United States Senate on the ballot, Chuck Schumer is responsible for the expensive grocery prices at Evergreen and Rockland Kosher, he's pushed forward trillion $$ packages in the Senate that dug us deeper in inflation, he's Nancy Pelosi's boyfriend and 2-State solution Biden's lapdog, vote for Joseph Pinion to help retire Chuck the Schmuck, Joseph supports Yeshivas and will vote against high spending bills that drive us deeper in inflation that causes living in NY State to be less affordable, 

Election day is Tuesday November 8th, go out and vote and tell your neighbors who don't have Internet and see my post to go out and vote for community endorsed Lee Zeldin, Mike Lawler, as well as Joseph Pinion, let's as well fire Letitia A. James from her position as Attorney General since under her criminals attack people including Jews in NYC and get released in cashless bail, and replace her with more competent Michael Henry, as well as fire the disaster Elijah Melnick Shmendrick and replace him with Bill Weber who shares the same goals and values as the above candidates and will fight to make living in NY more affordable, wishing everyone an easy fast


Anonymous said...

If the republicans ever want to win a seat in N.Y. they will have to put up a very qualified person that means somebody that could actually win. Until then, voting for a Republican makes no sense

Joe Magdeburger said...

Everything anti Torah, everything nihilist and demonic has a home in the Democrat Party, which is the fortess of America's enemies. They must be beaten so badly that they will be forced to change.

Fed up with one party rule said...

If people in New York want their freedom back then they should go out and vote. Usually an election is decided by a small minority of the population that actually go out and vote, the power is still in the hands of the people it's just that they are lazy and have all types of excuses why their vote won't count and if only the party would put out candidates... Etc... On the other hand the left woke in energized and active, and that's what makes them win again and again.