Thursday, October 27, 2022

Frum Jews Watching if Skver Will Vote for pro LGBT and Lawlessness Candidates after Biden Call


Read some comments about this Skver-Biden episode

Seen enough and won't be silenced
 14 hours ago

When these Rebbe’s endorse a toaiva candidate, like both Satmars openly endorsing the baby killer toaiva Kathy Hochul, I lose respect for them. They become lower in my eyes. If they anger Hashem and Hashem hates them, so do I. There are no excuses for actions that anger HKB”H. There is no dan licaf zchus garbage, when the kavod of the Borei Olam is at stake. They may have thousands of followers, but that means NOTHING in HKB”H’ eyes. Chillul Shem shomayim.

ah yid
 7 hours ago

I can’t speak about local politics. However, one thing I will say after last night’s debate is anyone that endorses or votes for Hochul is a total fool. I watched the debate on You Tube I was shocked there were hundreds of comments almost every single one in support of Zelden. If the chasidishe mosdos endorse Hochul after the SED yeshiva debacle, then I lost all my respect for these useful idiots. Perhaps then Moster is right. The chasidim need an education. Let’s hope these mosdos don’t openly endorse Hochul.

 9 hours ago

Dear ADMOR Harav Dovid Twerski SHLITA;

Please think about NYS Jewery & klal yisrael as whole vs your Choshuve Shtetl. Look at the current government actions as a whole as far as Toeiva, murder & crime, …and all the 7 Noahide violations from this week’s Parsha. Think of the NYS covid lockdowns & mandate missery and government actions targeted specifically at the Jewish Community.
I know you may be thinking this connection may come in handy in case one your Kehila members get into trouble. I know it worked with the Clintons and your Chasidim are indeed lucky to have you as their Rebbe. You acted the way a most caring father would do so for a child. However, I implore of you to think beyond that and for the chinuch & safety of the rest of our children. In that zchus may Kehila always be protected and may we merit the Geula Shleima, Amen.

Yosef ben Avrohom Yaakov

ah yid
 6 hours ago

Please read this Satmar, Skver and any mosdos that thinks flattery will help THEIR pocketbooks. This what the Ben Yehyodah (The Ben Ish Chai) says about flattery Sotah 42:
כָּל אָדָם שֶׁיֵּשׁ בּוֹ חֲנוּפָּה נוֹפֵל בַּגֵּיהִנָּם (ישעיה ה, כ). נראה לי בא ללמד אפילו הוא תלמיד חכם דאין גיהנם שולט בו קל וחומר מסלמנדרא כדאיתא בחגיגה (חגיגה כז.) עם כל זה לא תגין עליו תורה בזה אלא יהיה נופל בגיהנם! ורמז לדבר חֹנֶף [138] עולה מספר לַגֵּיהִנֹּם [138] ולזה אמר כל אדם רוצה לומר אפילו תלמיד חכם. אי נמי לומר אפילו עני הוא והוצרך להחניף בשביל פרנסתו.
ומה שאמר אֵין תְּפִלָּתוֹ נִשְׁמַעַת נראה לי בס”ד מדה כנגד מדה, הפה הוא שערי תפלה וכיון דחטא בפה בחנופה נסתמו לו שערי תפלה.
ועוד נראה לי בס”ד על פי מה שאמר הרמ”ז [הרב משה זכות] ז”ל יחוד התפלה הוא מספר חן [58] כזה ‘ו־ה וה־י והה־י’ [58] וכתב לכן התפלה נקראת בשם חן כמה דאת אמרת וָאֶתְחַנַּן אֶל הֳ’ (דברים ג, כג) עיין שם. נמצא התפלה היא סוד חן בפה ולכן עון חנופה גורם דאין תפלתו נשמעת.

 Reply to  Educated Archy

In order to be a true leader whether in business or being a rebbe you have to true to your principles. Flattery may seem to help but when you’re down these politicians will kick you in the back. I’m certain they won’t help with the SED either. I for one will have lost all my respect for any mosod that openly endorses Hochul. My hope is that what happened in Lakewood will happen here. In Lakewood the vaad supported the democrat while the citizens of Lakewood voted for the Republican

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