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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ezra Friedlander & "Lange Rekel" Eichenstein Proudly Pose With a Jew Who Married a Shiksa



Fat Jerrold Nadler said...

Does Ezra think I'm chopped liver now? I'm jealous!

Down with the faux Hasidic frauds said...

Two rebbishe eineklach, Eichenstein a Zidichoiver einekel, Friedlander a Belzer einekel.

What a disgrace and embarrassment to their ancestors.

(Eichenstein is a neighbor, former employee, and protege of Friedlander)

Have they no shame, these "Chasidim"? Instead of wearing a giant shtreimel from a treifene chayeh on their heads, maybe they should try to kasher their keppelach instead?

Friedlander & Eichenstein Ma Jufis troupe said...

Do they have no self respect, these Hasidics? Why didn't they dance מה יפית for the cameras in front of Doug?

Shame on those phony actors.

ליסקא ביי סעודת אחשורוש פאר יום כיפור said...

דעם פריעדלאנדער איז אן אויסווארף, א גוי מיט א הויכע שטריימעל, מען דארף עם אויסשפייען

Anonymous said...

Where is sender in all this? Maybe he's giving out shoes to the migrants at the 2nd gentlemans house. Or counting the cash from all the donations from the PR

Kapo Konvention said...

Don't worry about Sender Rapoport. He's no doubt somewhere kissing Hispanic behinds with Aron Wieder.

Chabad heretics salute Biden said...


Lubavitch gets into the act too.

Liska sheigetz uses event to promote himself, as usual said...

Liska tucheslekker PR release promoting himself via the event


He calls Biden the most important leader on planet earth. This shows the non-Jewish attitude of the Liska sheigetz. A typical expression used to describe the president of the USA is the most powerful leader on earth (that is also arguable). But the most important? This shows the corrupt mind of that Chusid Shoytah.