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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Ukraine Warns: “Russia Will Purposely Direct Missiles At Uman On Rosh Hashanah”


Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, told Israel’s Kan News that “Russia will deliberately fire missiles at Uman on Rosh Hashanah.”

In an interview with Kan on Friday, Podolyak said that the Russian army will deliberately fire missiles at Uman when Jews are gathered there and therefore he doesn’t recommend that anyone travel to the area for Rosh Hashanah.

“We have no doubt that some chassidim will make efforts to reach Uman on foot,” he said. “We understand that they won’t listen to our warnings that there is a danger of rockets being fired at Uman,” adding that there is a chance that Russia “will purposely do this to create global repercussions.”

Podolyak added that Ukrainian security forces will try to ensure the welfare of mispallelim but it’s impossible to provide 100% protection. “We’re warning people but those who come are responsible for their own lives. We’re a free country, we can’t prevent people from coming to Uman. We’ll try to actively intervene to maintain basic security so that if there is missile fire, people can find shelter.”

Last week, the Ukrainian security forces carried out intensive training drills in preparation for the arrival of Jews to Uman.


Anonymous said...

The Breslovers are just dying to go to Ukraine.

galicianer said...

Anti semite Ukranian Nazi Zelenskyy's perfect plan:
Kill Jews, blame Putin.

Anonymous said...

So the Ukrainians are desperate to keep things under control, a mass influx of Chasidim would sap precious resources but hey! I wanna see Rebbe Nachman so I don't care if it ruins the country's war efforts. It's all about me!

Anonymous said...

7:41 Exactly. In the middle of an existential war they want to drain men from the front line to look after them. Selfish, unholy bastards

Rivka said...

I was in the Ukraine two weeks ago - it was totally quiet around Uman.

The war is going on hundreds of miles away, in Donbass.

Would you make the same arguments that someone - anyone! shouldn't visit Israel, because there are rockets being fired from Gaza?

Usually, sites like this are saying people like that are heros, for still supporting the Jewish people, the Jewish State, without getting hung up on the 'dangers' of visiting Israel.

But of course, when it comes to respecting other people's religious beliefs about the importance of being by Rebbe Nachman on Rosh Hashana, that all goes out the window.

I am just so puzzled, how a blogger who bravely advocates for people respecting each other, especially in the so-called 'frum' Jewish world, lets all this hatred flow freely, when it comes to Breslov.

So, you don't get it, you don't get why people go to Uman on Rosh Hashana often with tremendous self-sacrifice... Do you have to 'get it', to be able to accord basic respect to others you have disagreements with?

And again, when people say they can't make aliyah or visit Israel because 'it's dangerous' - do you think that's the right thing to do?

Dusiznies said...

You are comparing Israel to the Ukraine, a country whose earth is soaked with Jewish blood, and whose citizens helped the Nazis murder our brothers and sisters in the most horrific way?
how low have we sunk?
Hashem has a special relationship with Eretz Yisrael:
עיני ה' אלוקך בה מרשית השנה ועד אחרית שנה
Rav Nachman z"l was a great Tzaddik, but he is no longer alive, and Uman is not Yerushalyim there is no מצוה to be עולה רגל
There is no מצוה to support the Ukrainian murderers.
I have no hatred to Breslov, where did you ever get that idea?
Because I write about that admitted sexual predator and thief, Berland? There is a mitzvah to destroy his sick reputation ובערת הרע מקרבך

Anonymous said...

You are either an unintelligent moron, or are so selfish that you're totally unaware.
Either way, shame on you.

Rivka said...

If you would so more real research, and rely less on news sites that are paid propaganda sites, then you would do much of your very good work even better.

I understand why you think you way you do about Rav Berland - and 99% of the cases I've also been looking into, and exposing, of abuse in the orthodox Jewish community do pan out and are true. If anything, they are under-reported in that same paid-propaganda press machine that protects its own.

BUT - he is the 1% exception, and I spent two years bottoming the facts out, before I got anywhere near to the Rav of his community.

I'm an investigative journalist. That's what I used to do for a living.

And in terms of Breslov beliefs, where's your empathy? You live in chul, not in Israel, and I could also give you long speeches about why Jews should be in the Holy Land, and not in chul - backed up with tons of halachot.

But God gave each person their own path to follow. And just because I personally don't understand why you choose to live in chul, does that give me carte blanche to dismiss you as a lunatic who is practising some 'unkosher' form of Judaism?

There's a two-way street here, and we all have our blind spots.

Dusiznies said...

First of all I live in Eretz Yisrael

Second of all you scribble about Berland
"BUT - he is the 1% exception, and I spent two years bottoming the facts out, before I got anywhere near to the Rav of his community."

If you are indeed an investigative Journalist, why don't you ask Berland himself?

He admitted in open court and out of court that he indeed committed adultery on many occasions. BTW He also admitted in court his thievery and in court he told investigators how he in fact ripped people off, he described it exactly as it happened.
Could be he regrets it now, but he is forever tainted as an adulterer a thief and he possibly committed murder.