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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Teacher suspended from school & jailed for using wrong pronoun


A teacher in Ireland has been suspended from work and then jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student.

Enoch Burke was arrested on Monday for violating a court order barring him from teaching at Wilson’s Hospital School in Westmeath, or even being present there, the news site RTE.ie reported.

Judge Michael Quinn found Burke guilty of violating an order made by the High Court last week and sent him to Mountjoy Prison, where he will remain until he either purges his contempt, or until further order from the court.

The teacher remained defiant in the face of jail time, telling the judge that “it is insanity” that he will be led out of the courtroom and taken to prison for refusing to give up his Christian beliefs.


DrMike said...

I want to be outraged but here's the thing: is this the hill we want to die on?
Seriously, obvious male says "Call me 'she'", fine. What does it hurt me? It doeesn't. What does it cost me? Nothing. Guy's deluded but he's not hurting anyone (except himself) so call him "she".

Joe Magdeburger said...

I go for sheit as in sheeit! What is that?