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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

DIN on "Daas Torah"


If I ever hear the word "Daas Torah" again, I'll scream.

 I grew up amongst very frum Holocaust survivors, these survivors built from scratch Moisdois Ha'Torah, yet I never heard the word "Daas Torah" until just maybe 20 years ago. 

Who came up with this? 

When we grew up, if you were not affiliated with any particular sect, you consulted with your local rav.  If you belonged to a Chassidisha group, you followed that particular rebbe, if you were a litvak, you consulted with the Rosh Yeshiva of your yeshiva, period! There wasn't a "Daas Torah" for the general population. 

No one said "I'm consulting with "Daas Torah," they said I'll consult with the "rav. rebbe or Rosh Yeshivah!

In fact, most of the people I grew up, never even consulted with any rav. 

They remembered what they saw in their "atlter heim" and that was it, and they actually did a great job building their families and their fortunes from the ashes of the "churban." 

Most shuls didn't even have a designated rabbi. The ones giving the shiurim in the shuls were baalei batim. I actually never saw a rav give a shiur in a shul until I went to mesivta and heard the Rosh Yeshiva give a shiur. The rav of the shul wouldn't even give a drasha every shabbos, they would give a drasha five times thru out the entire year, Shabbas Teshuva, Shabbas Hagodol, before Kol Nidrei, before Tekias Shofar, and before Neeleh" Some rebbelich told stories during Shalish Seudois. 

The people that consulted with the rabbanim were actually Baalei Tehuvah!

And you rarely heard that someone went off the derech. Throughout my entire life in Yeshiva, Mesivta and Bais Medrish, maybe three guys went off.

Which brings me to what is going on in the here and now. 

Last week the Zvillar Rebbe died suddenly at 66. He took over the position from his father that died 12 years prior. When his father was still alive, he wanted to divide the "rabbistiveh" into two, giving his older son the position of Zviller Rebbe in Beitar, and the position of Zvillar Rebbe in Yerushalayim to his youngest son, the one who was niftar last week. The older son said, "no way" and started a huge "machlokas" because he wanted it all. 

So his father said, since you want it all, I'm giving the entire "rabbistiveh" to the younger one, and כך הוה !

Today we heard that the Zvillar chassidim voted to crown the son of the one who died, who was the younger son, as Zvillar Rebbe. 

I will come back to this soon. 

As you know that there will be elections in Israel after YomTov. The frum parties are fighting like cats and dogs, and these frum parties, Degel, Aguda, Shaas are all led by "Daas Torah" 

If you are a follower of this blog, you read that the Belzer Rebbe tried joining the litvishe "Chinuch Atzmaie" and the Litvaks said לא with the big א! 

And so, the Belzer Rebbe, who is no one's fool, went to the Israeli Government and said that he would introduce the Israeli "Core Curriculum" which is English & Math in the Belzer Moisdois, in exchange, Belzer Moisdois would receive millions of shekels. 

The Litvishe hypocrites went berserk and started a vicious "Loshon Hara "campaign against the Belzer Rebbe accusing him of joining hands with the devil. 

By the way, the Litvishe themselves take money from the government and teach math and English in all their moisdois. But they didn't like that the Belzer Rebbe outsmarted them and so they tried besmirching the rebbe on the streets of Yerushalyim and Bnei-Brak with the most disgusting "pashkivilim." 

But Hashem has a sense of humor and made sure that the government collapses and that there be new elections.

The Litvaks now needed Belz, because united they would make a powerful party, and make them able to dictate to any new government what their demands are.

And so, Degel Ha'torah sent a delegation to the Belzer Rebbe, to pasify him, telling him that they are now "maskim" for Belz to be part of "Chinuch Atzmai" on the condition that he breaks his deal with the Zionists. 

The Rebbe who has a long memory, wouldn't even let the delegation into his study and sent his gabbai out with the message, that he wants ALL chassidishe moisdois to be accepted into the "Chinuch Atzmaie." The delegation went back home with their tails between their legs.

Then the Belzer, for good measure, made a statement to the press that he would be "maskim" to withdraw his petition from the Zionists if the Litvishe Party Degel Ha'Torah would sign that they would stop dealing with the Reform movement in the Knesset!

You guys following? 

Degel Ha"toireh, the "Daas Torah"of the Yeshivishe Velt is in cahoots with the Reform!

Daas Torah & Reform!


It's Choidish Elul, a month that we "Joe Shmos," we "Zlubs," are told by "Daas Torah" that it is a time of reflection, a time of Teshuva, yet the leaders of our generation are eating each other alive!

The Zviller Story that I related above is a microcosm of what is going on in the "rebbishe world" 

The Gerer Rebbe is standing by while his Chassidim are spilling the blood of his cousin, R' Shaul Alter! In Satmar there are two brothers who hate each other's guts, and in Bnei Brak, there is a civil war within the Ahroinim themselves. In Sadeger, the rebbe is in secular court trying to evict his own mother. In the Litvishe World there is brutal infighting in Ponovitz (yes ..still) and Peleg is disrupting the lives of frum residents in Yerushalayim on a daily basis.

Last night a Brestlover Chusid a father of 8 got killed by a truck in Beit Shemesh. The Hatzala Ambulance that was coming to the aid of this yungerman was vandalized by the extremists living there. The volunteers were threatened with death... yes you heard this correctly, they threatened the medics with bodily harm. 

The Chilonim are watching all this and are thinking:

זו תורה וזו שכרה

I know that I have a lot of critics that are saying that I hate Chareidim. But this is a lie perpetrated by greedy askanim, and DIN haters that don't want my reporting to be made public. 

I write about this because it actually hurts me. I would love to see achdus amongst us, but in order for this to happen we have to root out corruption and hypocrisy. ובערת הרע מקרבך

What I write is what people are thinking. Most of the stuff that I write is not new. 

To correct this, we have to start with the top. 

Stop worshipping rebbes and Rosh Yeshivois that are either in it for themselves or being manipulated by 'askanim" 

To be sure, there are selfless gedoilim, true gedoilim that are tzadikim, but they will never be allowed to lead, because they refuse to be manipulated by the Askanim. 

The Askanim will never allow a young Gadol to be a leader or be the "generation poisik" because that young Gadol knows where it's at, and will not bow to the askanim pressure. And so they look for gedoilim that are in their late 80's or 90's who by in large have no clue what is really going on and who just want to be left alone in the years that they have left to learn and relax.

Read below and weep!

Translated from Hebrew!

It's only hours after the first negotiations meeting between Degel HaTorah and Agudat Yisrael, and it appears that the parties have not been able to present a breakthrough in the negotiations, and a formula has not yet been found that would allow a unified run of "Torah Judaism."

As first published in The Kikar Ha'Shabbos Blog, the Agudah (Belz & Ger) received today for the first time the request from the Mo'etzes Gedoilei Ha'Torah that he sign against core studies and against the education outline that was achieved between the Ministry of Education and the Belza Chasidism.

However, the Agudah said tonight,that there is no way that they would agree to publish such a letter: 

"We are not willing to run together at any cost, certainly not at the cost of directly damaging the honor of the Rebbe of Belza, it just won't happen."

Sources in Agudat Yisrael claimed tonight that if Degel insists on a "call for proposals" against core studies, then the Hasidim will demand a "call for proposals" against cooperation with the Reform:

 "Only in recent months has MK Gilad Kariv (reform)revealed, in a speech in the Knesset plenum, that Lithuanians have signed a coalition agreement with the Reform in the Zionist Organization, and  MK Yitzhak Pindros, Official representative of Degel H'Torah. We must declare that we are against cooperation with the Reform."

The MK at Agudat Yisrael told the Kikar Ha'Shabbos Blog this evening: 

"We want to go together, but we will insist that during the negotiations, the issue of cooperation with the reformers will also be raised. We would like to find out which member of the Council approved the agreement with the World Zionist Organization, was there a meeting of the Council of Torah Sages on the subject? whether all the heads of the meetings agreed to the agreement."

In his words: "In the past, when Shas joined the Histadrut on the orders of Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef zt"l, 'Yated Ne'eman' on the orders of the greatest of the generation attacked the move very strongly. When did the teaching change?!".

"We will demand that Lithuanians sign a 'call for proposals' against cooperation with the Reform," he added.


Anonymous said...

Its a real problem and the main reason I left the black hat world. I think the Kehillah system in a way was better because it gave people (parnes, rabbi, etc.) official roles and rights and made it harder to obfuscate what was going on.
-guy who sat next to you at shabbos lunch

Dusiznies said...


LES AYM said...

DIN you said "Hatzala Ambulance that was coming to the aid of this yungerman was vandalized by the extremists living there. The volunteers were threatened with death".
Besides you saying so, where else was this reported?
I know you're pretty good, but would be more comfortable having an additional source. Thanks

Anonymous said...

The term has been around forever, perhaps we at one point respected our Gedolim and therefore it was not even said. Now that we challenge anything a Rabbi says,perhaps the defense that one would use is, "but this is Daas Torah"

DrMike said...

As the old saying goes, the Chasidim won.
Since the war, the Litvish have slowly become chasidish. Their "gedolim" are the equivalent of Rebbes. They dress in a very specific way to identify with their group. They even do upsherins now.
Daas Torah is the Litvish equivalent of ask the Rebbe for advice. It didn't exist in Europe because in Europe the Litvish didn't feel the need to imitate the chasidim like they do now.

??? said...

"Most shuls didn't even have a designated rabbi."

You mean like the early Young Israels?

Dusiznies said...

Les Aym

*בית שמש חדשות*

*דוברות זק"א: מתנדבי זק"א הותקפו ואמבולנס הושחת הערב בבית שמש*

*חיים וינגרטן ראש אג"מ זק"א:* "אנו מזועזעים מהמקרה החמור שאירע הערב. מתנדבי זק"א שהגיעו לזירה קשה כדי לטפל בכבוד המת הותקפו ע"י עשרות קיצונים במהלך האירוע והאמבולנס עימו הגיעו הושחת. מספר קיצונים במקום פינצ'רו את גלגלי האמבולנס וחסמו את דרכי היציאה של הצוות מהזירה, כשהם *מאיימים על מתנדב זק"א שנהג באמבולנס שישרפו אותו יחד עם הרכב*, כשגופת המנוח בתוך האמבולנס. אנו מוקיעים ומגנים את הפגיעה הקשה במתנדבינו ובכבוד המת".

גם הערב, בפעילות המחלקה המשפטית של זק"א ובהובלת הרב *אברהם קאפ* מפקד זק"א בבית שמש, שוחרר המנוח לקבורה.

צילום: דוברות זק"א

*>>> לכל חדשות בית שמש הצטרפו כעת ל'בית שמש חדשות' >>>*
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*טלגרם:* https://t.me/shemeshnews Sent from my iPhone

Dusiznies said...

??? said
No I meant most Agudas

LES AYM said...

Thank you.
Wow so sad, shoking!

Anonymous said...

Don't understand the entire rant. We're talking about a term ppl are using that maybe wasn't used by holocaust survivors (no clue why you're using this term) but just shedding light on a few bad things religious Jews are doing. Doesn't in any way change the fact that we have the lowest suicide rate. Lowest otd rate. Safest community (yes I know about the few stories that happened lately) don't know where in bs you live but I would suggest you visit other areas where orthodox Jews live

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with most of what you say here .
You definitely got your head screwed on straight!
Only problem his the bottom line is gotta be hashem! Nothing else! Not Israel, holocaust, love of nationalism, etc
And unfortunately as seen in your articles example on tisha bav holocaust survivor denying g-d ch”v and all your Zionist har habayis propaganda it seems you missed the boat
Very sad

Dusiznies said...

you scribble:
"bottom line is gotta be hashem! Nothing else! Not Israel, holocaust, love of nationalism, etc"

The entire Sefer Devarim is dedicated to Jews living in Israel. Hashem is tied with Eretz Yisrael. Every single prayer mentions Eretz Yisrael. Every time you thank Hashem you must mention EY. The entire bentching is about thanking Hashem for his gift of EY. על הארץ ואל המזון
in fact if you should mistakenly leave out ארץ חמדה in bentching, you must repeat the entire bentching. על המחיה has EY in practically every sentence.
In fact the Gemarra in Mesactas Kesubois says living in Chutz Leaaretz is like "living with out a G-d" G-d is intrinsically linked to Eretz Yisrael!

As far as your disgusting "Holocaust" comment is concerned, you must have taken these words right out of Abbas's thesis on the Holocaust!

I know that you are the guy whose comments I usually delete, you are now disguising your hate with "Nazi" style propaganda as first coming off as a nice guy and then coming out with ingrained hate against myself, Israel and the Jewish people.
May Hasem give you the days that you deserve.

Dusiznies said...

the guy who keeps trolling me, You have a distorted view of Judaism, the Holocaust and Hakodosh Baruch Hu!
Hashem, according to the Zohar, is as I wrote linked eternally to EY.
Only Satmar and the Neturei Karta and now YOU want to separate Eretz Yisrael from Hashem and the Jewish people.
I didn't curse BTW, I blessed you,
I have no hate in me and I love all Jews, but in order to work on ourselves we have to glean the hypocrites amongst us and expose them, and that is what I am trying to do.
Believe me there is so much that I am not at all writing about.
Anyway may Hashem grant you Health and Wealth and Time to enjoy them, and a little "sichal" wouldn't hurt.

Brisker Payois said...

"Only problem his the bottom line is gotta be hashem! Nothing else! Not Israel, holocaust, love of nationalism, etc"

With your understanding OF YIDDISHKEIT, you can be a Christian or a Muslim, because Judaism requires mitzvois and one of those mitzvois is Yishuv Eretz Yirael, and the belief that Hashem gave Eretz Yisrael to the Jews. The Majority of those mitzvois can only be done in Eretz Yisrael. Understanding of the Holocaust tragedy can only be understood, with the understanding that Hashem allowed this happen, probably because Jews were comfortable in Chutz Le'aartz. The Yaavetz says in his introduction to his siddur and DIN has written about this countless times, that all the tragedies that befell the Jewish people after the Second Churban was because Jews refused to make Aliyah.
To say "bottom line is Hashem , Nothing else" is ignorance at best and apikorsas at worst. I would venture to say that your grandparents were safely ensconced in the US while 6 million Jews were gassed, only someone who lost no one in the Holocaust would make such an outrageous blasphemous comment.

Can't believe this Putz said...

"And unfortunately, as seen in your articles example on tisha bav holocaust survivor denying g-d ch”v"
On one hand you criticize DIN for putting those videos on Tisha Beav, and then you turn around and make the most apikorshe comment ever, stating that Israel and the Holocaust don't count.
At least that lady on the video can be excused because she went thru hell on earth.
But what is your excuse?

Pope's Son said...

"bottom line is gotta be hashem! Nothing else! Not Israel, holocaust, love of nationalism, etc"

Are you aware that this is Christian philosophy?