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Monday, September 12, 2022

Mixed Reactions from Community to New York Times Article on Chassidishe Yeshivois


 7 hours ago

Instead of all the “Askanim” tweeting and going on the offensive. Go on the DEFENSIVE and endorse out loud Lee Zeldin for governor. I’m not interested in anyone’s tweet and press releases. Tomorrow’s front page of any orthodox paper should be an endorsement for Lee Zeldin. We Yidden have the ability to elect Zeldin if we are united as one. Chasidish, Litvish, Yeshuvash, we can all do it together…

 9 hours ago

Oh please. The New York Times doesn’t hate or like chasidim. The reporters followed the story which received attention when former yeshiva boys went public with their lack of education.

If the samar schools feel the were maligned, they can sue for libel but that would mean exposing their curriculum to public scrutiny.

My daughter goes to bais yaakov and the teachers are terrified because they’ve been told that this sorry will effect them. It won’t, they get an excellent secular education. This is about exclusively Yiddish speaking schools that provide no secular education beyond some arithmetic.

Even yeshivish places like chaim Berlin will be fine. The government isn’t looking for prep school level standards, just basic instruction.

Also, for the people pointing put that many chasidim succeed, that’s like saying all kids should focus on basketball in lieu of studies because a few make the nba.





 6 hours ago

I am very conflicted by this. On the one hand the Chillul Hashem and giving gasoline to anti semites is terrible. On the other hand, this is shedding light on a very important topic that will otherwise go ignored and will continue doing more damage to our children.
Think how much awareness there has been in the frum community since the revelations in the secular media regarding Chaim Walder. Although deeply shameful, many communities and institutions have taken concrete steps in protecting children since then.
So too here, I’m hoping that although it’s shameful to have our dirty laundry out in the public. Perhaps. we can look at the problem of poverty due to lack of education with fresh eyes and think creatively how to resolve this. Adequate secular education is not in conflict with Torah values. Our children deserve better.

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