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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Chareidie Ladies Now putting on "shaitlach" on their Toes


I sure hope that these "Toe Shaitlach" aren't from India or made from "lace" because that would present an entire other problem.

What's next?

"hand shaitlach?" 

Notice the ad states: "No texting" they don't want you to order thru your smartphone, chas ve'shaolom!


Anonymous said...

Why isn't the just like the lace Shantel? The lace sh. Is supposed to make it look the real thing and these fake toes are just same idea.. no really sure what's going on here.

Professor Ryesky said...

How many men get hard-ons from seeing a woman's t-o-e-s?

Anonymous said...

Soon once the science catches up, women will be obsolete altogether. Perhaps these lunatic cultists will be happy then.

Anonymous said...

From now on judge all l’kaf zechut.
If’s women is wearing a short skirt you must assume it’s a long skirt with a short skirt “shaitel” covering her “ zniut” skirt.
Don’t look / look away.

Leib Tropper said...

I wonder if this company was started by a foot fetishist?

Anonymous said...

Lol you really fell for it

Gay Aveck said...

What does the OU stand for?


Over 100 Jewish organizations are urging the Senate to codify the 2015 Supreme Court decision extending federal protections to same sex marriage.

Agudath Israel of America, a haredi Orthodox umbrella body, objected to the proposed law, which has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is now under consideration in the Senate.

Democrats, led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, the Jewish New York Democrat who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, advanced the bill, which was drawn up the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision this summer to reverse its 1973 ruling guaranteeing abortion rights. Democrats fear the ruling could lead to the reversal of other rights, including the right to same sex marriage.

Joining the Reform movement and Keshet are the Conservative and Reconstructionist movements, the National Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and a number of local Jewish federations and community relations councils. The American Jewish Committee said in response to a Jewish Telegraphic Agency query that it does not generally sign letters of “this nature” but “we support the goals articulated in this letter.”

The Orthodox Union, the umbrella body for modern Orthodox Jews, declined a request for comment.

Yankel Bleich said...


Joe Magdeburger said...

What about footnotes in book? Oh my goodness!

Anonymous said...

They are available with no connection to "tznius". They are called "Silicone Toes Prosthetic Piar for Underdeveloped Toes, Louise". Check out the internet site: https://www.eblsculpture.com/store/p40/Silicone_Toes_Prosthetic_Pair_for_Underdeveloped_Toes%2C_Louise.html

But the price range is $1562 up to $3124. A shaitel is cheaper.

Anonymous said...

But the price range is $1562 up to $3124. A shaitel is cheaper...

You mean a shaitel for your feet with human hair ? Just don't shave, it even cheaper.