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Sunday, April 3, 2022

New Square Rules for "Skverer Bochrim"

 In the entire letter that was distributed to parents, there is absolutely no mention how a "Chassidishe Boy" should behave with his peers or to other humans. It's all about the outside.

Loosely Translated:

Mikva: All boys must go to the mikva before davening, but to be careful in the mikva where one looks, and act with alacrity and tznees.

Kipa: Must be soft, large enough that it sticks out of the hat 

Bekeshe: From Succos onward only plain ones.

Jacket: Only the black ones, no colors.

Tzizis: Only the wool ones with the "round" neck as per the custom in New Square.

Tefillin Bags: It cannot have a handle and of course not, a shoulder harness.

Underwear: Must be the Chassidishe underwear. 

Gartel: Must be a whole one , and must have a minimum of 12 rows. The Gartel is worn on the Jacket or the "chalat" . This must be a separate gartel not the one that comes with the "chalat" Out Minhag is that we dont have the hanging tails and tying the gartel "tight" shows a warmness to chassidishkeit!

There is another page which says that all eyeglasses must be plastic only, peyos cannot have gel, a Bochur cannot have a comb or a mirror, and cannot wear a wrist watch. He must also wear his hat while eating!


LES AYM said...

Why no wrist watch?
Pocket watch is okay?

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Um, excuse me, plastic eyeglasses? There was no plastic in the alte heim. Plastic eyeglasses are a modernisher invention. Hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

No time for any Beim Odom le Chaveiro, if you are busy with gartel shape and tefillin bag handles.

Lourak said...

Dear Din:

I think that your critique of this list, which is merely a guide to proper dress for the bochurim. Surely, you don't mean to suggest that Sqverer Chasidim don't learn the proper way to behave. What then, are you trying to convey here?

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Rolled-Up-Eyes said...

There's nothing whatsoever cultish or controlling here.....please move on....nothing to see.

(surely as Jews, we're better than this? Hashem gave us free will.....not free will to be dominated and controlled).

fyi said...

Now you have a better understanding of where Shulem Deen came from.

Arkansas Hasidim said...

What do you expect from these Hasidim of the Clintons?