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Monday, February 1, 2021

Again with the Chareidim...70 Chareidim Stuck In Morocco

"המבלי אין קברים בארץ ישראל?" 

I really have to laugh! 
When I was a teenager, I decided to visit Eretz Yisrael. There was a Yerushalmi Guy by the name of Geffner, and he gave tours..."Geffner Tours"
So where does a Yerushalmi Guy take a bunch of Bochrim and a bunch of Bais Yaakov girls (yes ... in those days it wasn't assur... whoever signed up, was on that trip)? 
To kevarim ..... 
yup, in fact some of those trips took 2 days and we even had to book rooms in hotels...
Yes yes ..he ,managed to sneak in Banias and Rosh ha'Nirkah in the north and Mazada ..... but basically it was kevarim kevarim and again kevarim..
I'm surprised he didn't take us to the kever of Moshe Rabbeinu, but I'll guess he didn't know where it was..

When I came back to the states, my father z"l, a Holocaust survivor, asked me "so what did you see?" so I enumerated all the kevarim I visited; he wasn't impressed at all, he said something so profound that I remember this decades later "At least they have a grave."

I digress.... 

so for 70 guys, the millions of graves in Eretz Yisrael wasn't enough ... In Israel, contractors need permission from the Asra Kedisha mafia before they put a shovel into the ground because chances are that wherever they dig they will find a body ...
But that wasn't enough for these "70 Chareidim" they had to go to "chutz Le'aartz" to Morocco during an epidemic, to go for the Yurzeit of Harav Abuchatzeira! 
I am certain that if someone would have asked Harab Abuchatzeira z"l for advice, he would have told them to sit on their derrières and donate those thousands of shekels to the Yerushalyim poor .. 
I guess they didn't daven hard enough because the way it looks they will be davening at the grave for another couple of weeks..
"zolin zei huben ge"poilt allas git!
Alluha Achbar ... G-d is Great!

About 70 Chareidi Israelis are stuck in Morocco without a way of returning to their families in Israel following the closure of Ben-Gurion Airport last week.

The Israelis traveled to Morocco to daven by the kever of HaRav Yitzchak Abuchatzeira, z’tl, on his yom hilula (yartzheit).

The Israelis, who had no inkling prior to their flight that the airport would be closed, planned on returning to Israel on Thursday or at the very latest on Motzei Shabbos, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. Instead, they were forced to scramble to find places to stay and are making frantic efforts to find a way to return home.

The Israelis in Morocco are not the only ones stranded in foreign countries without a way home following the closure of Ben-Gurion. Hundreds of Israelis are in the same situation in various countries worldwide.

Last week, the government began planning rescue flights to return Israelis stranded abroad to Israel, including an Israir flight from Frankfurt, Germany for hundreds of Israels that was scheduled to fly on Friday. However, the flight was delayed after legal issues arose regarding the Health Ministry’s plan to allow certain Israelis to return on rescue flights while not allowing others, Channel 13 News reported.

A cabinet meeting on Thursday to establish a committee to make decisions on which Israelis are eligible for rescue flights was canceled and is set to meet on Sunday instead. However, it is unclear if the plan can be implemented at all due to the legal issues.

The cabinet is also expected on Sunday evening to approve an extension of the closure of Ben-Gurion, perhaps for several more weeks, as well as the extension of the general nationwide lockdown for another week.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are Australians who have been stranded in the UK for almost a year. I guess if you don't care about Covid then you'll do whatever you want to do.