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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Thief with Kippah Caught Red Handed in Yerushalyim


Anonymous said...

Non of your videos work. Not on chrome, firefox or edge. Not on computer or mobile. Not in this post or these posts:



Dusiznies said...

Working on it ..

Thinking Jew said...

having the same issue....

Ma Balagan said...

Notice how the Con Man with the Kippa, Avichai Mandelblit, picks predator Aisman from the whole pool of applicants because he has the deepest anti-Bibi credentials:

Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn today met state prosecutor pick Amit Aisman & told him though sexually explicit comments he made to female subordinates are unacceptable, they don't disqualify him from a senior role

Nissenkorn intends to bring the appointment of Aisman, currently Haifa District prosecutor, for govt approval at next week’s cabinet meeting

The issue concerns an incident 12 years ago & another 6 years ago, in which Aisman made sexually explicit remarks to subordinates. Justice Ministry Director-general Emi Palmor ruled though inappropriate for a civil servant, the comments didn't constitute sexual harassment. Aisman was instead warned in internal disciplinary proceedings

The minister impressed on Aisman “importance of independent rule of law in a democracy & fundamental duty of independent gatekeepers”

Aisman expressed “deep regret for things said” & committed to “respectable discourse in his position & in general”

The meeting came a day after a committee headed by AG Avichai Mandelblit selected Aisman from 10 candidates to fill the position, vacant since Shai Nitzan ended his term in 2019. Mandelblit is acting state prosecutor

Deciding on Aisman, the committee considered the remarks to find they “don't characterize Aisman’s work + behavior” & “don't prevent him to serve as state attorney” They also point to Aisman’s regret over the incidents

Israel Women’s Network calls the selection “improper”

Aisman’s appointment to “such an important position as state prosecutor & making light of blatant sexual remarks to legitimize the choice is improper” the women’s rights lobby said

Also today, Haaretz reports in 2015, Aisman opposed criminal proceedings vs a senior policeman accused of sexually harassing a subordinate

Aisman was the only one at a meeting to charge Roni Rittman to express doubt on the accuser's credibility

The case vs Lahav 433 anti-corruption head Rittman, was closed when he resigned

The State Attorney pushed back on the report, noting the then AG & state prosecutor didn’t believe the accusations warranted charges

Aisman’s nomination must still be approved by govt, which teeters on collapse, speculation rampant elections will be called in days. If Aisman's not approved, Mandelblit's expected to take the matter to the High Court, Haaretz reports

After Aisman, the leading candidate's Deputy State Prosecutor Shlomo Lemberger

Part of the coalition agreement, Likud & Blue + White put off senior nominations they're likely to clash over. But in Oct, Gantz said it's time to end “chaos” in govt & fill senior law enforcement posts manned by stopgap temps

Nissenkorn began the process to select a new state attorney, including convening the committee, despite no agreement with Likud

Bibi, on trial in 3 corruption cases, is unlikely to want Blue + White’s preferred pick

Aisman was a prosecutor who worked on cases vs Bibi & also preferred choice of the previous state prosecutor, Nitzan, who recommended Bibi be charged