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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Professor That Lied about being Black Is Really a Kansas City Jew

I had a good laugh reading about this "Black" professor.  
In these scary times coming across a story that is bizarre, is my way of getting away from real life and at least for a couple of minutes getting entertained.
But reading the following article I found myself thinking.....Here we have a very academically brilliant lady living her life as a lie, and would probably have been a great professor if she led a truthful life.... and so I am wondering, what possessed her to want to want to live her life as a "black?" Her response was that she has "mental issues."
But I think that her lying life is no different than the life of many of our politicians.... like for example ... Joe Biden .... who couldn't make it as president years ago because of his plagiarism, because of his constant lies to the point that people no longer knew who he really was and what he really thought.
The difference between a professor living her life as a lie, is different than a politician such as Biden living a lying life....because the later is very dangerous to the country and the free world, whereas a professoring claiming that she is black and teaches black studies harms no one...
But it is a reflection of the times that people can climb academic circles to the highest level to the point of becoming the coveted profession, of a professor, and climb the highest political echelons to the point of running for the highest and most powerful office of the United States and yet be a pathological liar.
And what is amazing.. is that everyone knows he is a liar and knows that he has  done absolutely nothing in 42 years being in government and yet he is a contender .... no one knows who he really is and yet millions will cast their vote to this great pretender... You must watch the clip below ....

At least the professor did tshevua in Chodesh Elul and told the world that she is a liar.

A college professor in the United States admitted to lying about being black and said she is in fact a Jewish woman from Kansas City.

Jessica Krug, an associate professor at George Washington University, made the admission in an article published Thursday on Medium, writing her career was based on a “toxic soil of lies.”
“To an escalating degree over my adult life, I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish child in suburban Kansas City under various assumed identities within a Blackness that I had no right to claim: first North African Blackness, then US rooted Blackness, then Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness,” she said
Krug said lying about her identity was “the very epitome of violence, of thievery and appropriation, of the myriad ways in which non-Black people continue to use and abuse Black identities and cultures.” She also linked it to mental health issues from when she was young.
“The mental health professionals from whom I have been so belatedly seeking help assure me that this is a common response to some of the severe trauma that marked my early childhood and teen years,” she said.
In the Medium post, Krug also referred to herself as a “culture leech” and a “coward” for not coming forward sooner.
“I have built my life on a violent anti-Black lie, and I have lied in every breath I have taken,” she said. “There are no words in any language to express the depth of my remorse, but then again: there shouldn’t be. Words are never the point.”
According to her bio on the George Washington University website, among Krug’s areas of expertise are Africa, Latin America and African American History. She has written two books, including “Fugitive Modernities.”
“My ancestors, unknown, unnamed, who bled life into a future they had no reason to believe could or should exist. My brother, the fastest, the smartest, the most charming of us all. Those whose names I cannot say for their own safety, whether in my barrio, in Angola, or in Brazil,” she wrote in the introduction.
Krug also reportedly used the name Jess La Bombalera in activist circles.
A student who took a class with Krug in 2019 said she was “shocked” the professor lied.
“It was the last thing on my mind to think she was lying. I would think I had the details confused,” Anmol Goraya told CNN.
George Washington University said it was aware of Krug’s post but wouldn’t further comment.
Krug’s admission was similar to that of Rachel Dolezal, who in 2015 stepped down as the head of a local NAACP chapter after her parents said had been posing as Black for years but was actually white.

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