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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

"I Can't Take it Anymore" Tragic Final Facebook Post of Reporter Kelly Plasker

It's Chodesh Elul, a time to make a "chesben hanefesh," unfortunately this lady made that cheshben and reportedly killed herself. What happened? What did she do that was so wrong? The answer my friends is far worse than the question... 
She was groomed as a little girl by a teacher for his sexual pleasure ....
I chose this story because unfortunately in our very own communities, sexual predators lurk in our parks, shuls and moisdois ha"torah ...waiting to pounce on innocent children, destroying their lives.
Do you know how many teenagers from heimishe homes committed suicide in the last five years? Ask someone who works for Chevreh Kadisha.. .... 
How many are going off the derech because they were molested?
So what are we doing about it? The answer is ..."nothing" ....We will call out "tznees" "long shaitels" "zionists" "chillul shabbos" ...offenders ...but coddle the predators ...
Not too long ago a chashiver rebbe in Lakewood who was also a rav in a shul, called a spade a spade ,and made a statement that the "yeshivos in Lakewood are coddling sexual predators" and named a rebbe .... 
What do you think happened?  Was the perpetrator thrown out of his position? Was he shamed?
Guess what happened? The child was accused of making this up and was thrown out of the yeshiva, the Rebbe that that revealed all this was thrown out of his position, he was harassed to the point that he had to move away from Lakewood and lost his parnassa... all because he spoke "loshon hara" on the sexual predator..
The predator? Given respect and allowed to continue to destroy lives...
It's chodesh Elul, instead of removing this scum from our midst, let's instead fight about masks, let's debate whether "minyan be"tzeeber" trumps health concerns.... let's fight how many people can come to shul on Rosh Hashana... Let's fight the Mayor, the Governor about the legitimacy of the Health Regulations...
 Let's continue to make massive campaigns with two page ads in all the Jewish publications about "Not Taking in Shul" Let's shame the "talkers" ...... Let's continue to push the "Loshon Hara" agenda ... let's make sure that we teach 5 year old toddlers not to speak "Loshon Hara" so that we never find out who is taking advantage of them.... 
Now read this tragic story,,.
A Texas weather forecaster has died after confessing her “sins” in a devastating, final social media post, according to reports.
Kelly Plasker, a reporter with news station KCBD, shared a “final confession for the sins I am responsible for” on Facebook Sunday in which she alleged a teacher groomed her for a relationship in high school.
“He was supposed to be somebody looking out for me, but instead of looking out for me he looked at me in ways that men should not look at children,” she wrote.
The same day, the news station confirmed the sudden death of Plasker, who had worked there for three years.
“We are deeply saddened by the tragic and sudden loss of KCBD weekend morning forecaster Kelly Plasker,” vice president and general manager Dan Jackson said in a statement.
“Kelly was a dedicated member of the KCBD weather staff, well-liked by viewers, and admired by her co-workers. Our deepest sympathies go out to Kelly’s family in this time of great loss.”
Though her cause of death wasn’t released, the network aired a tribute that urged viewers to “ask for help if you’re struggling or had thoughts of suicide,” People reported.
In her final post on Facebook, Plaskar appeared to allude to mental health struggles.
“I love you my friends. My brain is broken and I cannot take it anymore,” she wrote.
It should be noted that her 19 year old son committed suicide two years ago..

1 comment:

Maria said...

The Torah way is to treat molesters with disgust. Even their family members should be encouraged to condemn them and force them to confess and repent. They ruin lives. But we should also do more to help victims recover