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Monday, May 11, 2020

Two Chareidie areas account for 37% of Israel’s virus deaths

This report is frightening on so many levels ...
 I think that the Chareidie community has to take a good look at who is reporting current events to our Gedolim and clean house ASAP.... 
All children and grandchildren of the Chareidie Gedoilim that are feeding off the fame of the Gadol should be shipped off to Afulah or some other far fetched place 
In one video early on ....  when the government had already ordered all Yeshivois, koillim shut, and people were dying like flies in the US, one can see and hear one of  R' Chaim Kanievsky's grandchildren asking him "is there is a mageifah?  Should we shut the Yeshivois?"
He answers "no there is no magifah, and of course the Yeshivois should remain open"
Then you see the brainless grandchild, (he is in his late 30's) scream out like a banshee .."the Rav said there is no mageifah, so there isn't any mageifah," all the while smiling like a chulent bean...
How insane is this? 
But it's not only insane we now see that it is in fact dangerous?
How many people died because of this statement? Who is taking responsibility for this insanity?
Of course, the very next day the Chief of the police went to speak to R' Chaim and R' Chaim immediately ordered all schools shut!
We need to set up a board of responsible "sane" askonim who will have the trust of both the Chareidie public and the Gedoilim who will inform all gedoilim of what is going on ...
In a case such as we just had, their function would be to travel to all the Chareidie leaders, be it in Yerushalyim be it in Bnei-Brak, Beit Shemesh and inform the Gedoilim exactly what is going on and then let each leader make their decision based on the true information...
Asking an old Gadol whose only satisfaction in life is to immerse himself in the ancient text of the gemmarah, if there is a "mageifah" and expecting him to know something that no one ever told him, is insane.... and who knows what damage this did to those who had unquestionable faith in their gedoilim?
Who knows how many who had absolute faith in these tzaddikim, but lost loved ones, will now lose all their faith not only of their gadol but of our Creator?
Let me give you an example...The Israeli government prohibited everyone from burning their chametz... and Gedoiim came up with halachic ways to rid the homes of chametz erev Pesach and yet be able to fullfill the mitzvah of "beeir chamatz".... these posters were all over ...
Every normal year, the Zionists government provides special bins equipped with firefighters every few blocks where frum people live ...this year they prohibited the burning because of the virus..
Yet in Beit Shemesh Bet, where the extremists live and who have an entire different Torah.... they ignored all the warnings and openly defied the government and were burning the chametz in their homes...
Well one guy went and burned his chamatz and burned himself to death; some of his children barely survived ..all the Frum blogs now have ads collecting for his poor widow and orphaned children ...
Well one former neighbor of mine who lives across the street where this tragedy occured cried to me that many teenagers living on that block were now going off the derech as their whole faith was shattered that such a tzaddik who while performing a mitzvah suffered such a horrible death ...
Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, two strongholds of Israel’s Chareidie population, account for 37 percent of the country’s coronavirus deaths, according to official figures.

“We thought it would be bad for the Haredi community, but not this bad,” Tehila Kalagy, a Haredi academic who studies health policy in her community, told The Times of Israel on Sunday, calling the figures “quite surprising.”
“We’re really seeing how the Haredi community here in Israel, like in the Diaspora, has taken a major hit from the coronavirus,” said Kalagy, a lecturer at Ben Gurion University of the Negev’s Department of Public Policy and Administration.
Like many analysts, she believes that the ultra-Orthodox in Israel suffered badly because it was slow to adopt social distancing, and because people tend to live in large families and close-knit communities, where infection can spread quickly.
Israel’s coronavirus death count stood at 248 at time of writing, and the newly released Health Ministry statistics covered all fatalities apart from the latest 11. They do not provide any information on the religious affiliation of those who died, but they do reflect that the two strongly Haredi cities, where infection levels were known to be high, have suffered heavy fatalities.
The majority of the cities in the top 10 list of per capita cases of infection are home to large ultra-Orthodox communities. According to the latest Health Ministry data, four out of the top seven cities with the most total infections are heavily ultra-Orthodox, including Bnei Brak, Modiin Illit, Elad, and Beitar Illit.
Jerusalem, where most cases have been in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, has seen the most total infections, and Beit Shemesh, which has a large plurality of ultra-Orthodox residents, has the fourth-most cases.
In the statistics for fatalities, Bnei Brak residents account for around one in every seven of the deaths — a total of 33 people. The heavily Haredi city became a hotspot for the coronavirus, and was under state-imposed lockdown for two weeks in April.
Jerusalem, where heavily ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods also faced local lockdowns, accounted for 54, or just under 23%, of the deaths, according to the statistics.
Paysach Freedman, a Jerusalem-based Haredi rabbi who runs a crisis helpline, said that the reality in his community has been dire, but suggested that it should be kept in proportion. “There isn’t a feeling that there’s a plague with people dying on every street,” he said, stressing that the people who have died represent a tiny proportion of Israeli’s Haredi community.
The Health Ministry figures only explicitly enumerate the number of deaths for Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Bat Yam, a coastal town near Tel Aviv, which accounts for 17 deaths, or 7%. Others who died are identified only as residents of a “locale with fewer than 15 deaths.”
The statistics are Israel’s official tally and only include deaths in hospitals or assisted living facilities. It is unknown whether there have been fatalities in private homes or other locations.
More men have been recorded as coronavirus fatalities than women — 124 compared to 113. This appears to dovetail with statistics from Asia and Europe, where a slightly higher proportion of fatalities were male. The youngest Israeli to die from the virus was 30, and the oldest was 100. The average age of those who died is 81.3.


Ober Kapo said...


Who's been making choyzek of Ezra?

Do you wanna take this outside?

Burshteen Boro Park said...


where child rapist Burich Lebovits davens

Anonymous said...