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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Rabbi Yisrael Knopfler charged with resisting arrest, obstructing the law and violating order banning gatherings

An Orthodox rabbi in Lakewood, New Jersey, who is suing his state’s governor over restrictions on gatherings was arrested late Monday night for holding one.

Rabbi Yisrael Knopfler was charged with resisting arrest, obstructing the law and violating the New Jersey governor’s executive order banning gatherings, according to the Asbury Park Press.

The arrest came after police broke up an event that Knopfler organized on Lag B’Omer, a minor holiday commemorating the end of a historic plague. 

Public celebrations, which typically include bonfires and concerts, were prohibited this year because of the current plague. But some people, frustrated by restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of disease, went ahead with gatherings nonetheless.

A video of Knopfler’s arrest was posted on FAA, a whistleblower Facebook page that focuses on the Orthodox community. It shows the police arresting the rabbi while a crowd shouts at the police, calling them “Nazis,” “Gestapo” and “anti-Semites.”

Last week, Knopfler joined another New Jersey clergy member, a Christian reverend, in a lawsuit challenging Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order barring gatherings of any size. 

If some essential businesses can stay open with adjustments, the lawsuit argues, houses of worship should be allowed to do the same. 

That lawsuit includes an account of an April gathering at Knopfler’s synagogue that was dispersed by police, according to the Asbury Park Press.



Anonymous said...

I can’t believe that in Lakewood some “people” have the absolute nerve and gall to use the term nazi in reference to our police department. Absolutely disgusting. They should go back to “learn” in Yerushalim and go sit in front of a bus with their Peleg buddies and make a Chillum Hashem there.
It seems that some in Lakewood have forgotten 2 basic concepts in Halacha.
1. Dina D’malchusecha Dina
2. Derech Eretz Kudma L’Torah
When the police are enforcing a lawful order or responding to a complaint (especially a clearly visible outdoor bonfire, which is 100% illegal) they do not need to be harassed and fought with. If you fight with a police officer while in the performance of his duties, you get what you deserve. Shameful and disgusting behavior to be seen in Lakewood.

Anonymous said...

He's a rabble rouser, constantly making a chillul hashem and simply thinks he untoucsble.hes been only trouble ever since he opened his shul. Steals people from other local minyonim etc. Based on his shinanegans he doesn't care about his own family.

Anonymous said...

He is a known trouble maker in town he will do anything for a little attention.
You should ignore him the same way all the rabbonim in town do. Honestly instead of arresting him they should take him away in a straight jacket to be psychologically evaluated.

frum but normal said...

what a chillul hashem this arrogant and ignorant savage is causing,hope and pray they throw the book at this miscreant and throw away the keys

Unknown said...

Rabbis should make a cherem on this so called rabbi, who brings embarrassment to the whole kehila

Al said...

Even if the police are wrong this kind of arresting is not exclusive to Rabbis as it is happening all over the country and should not be turned into an anti Semitic incident.