Thursday, September 3, 2015

Aharon Tzvi Korlandski beat the hell out of a frum IDF soldier and is now in Jail!

On Tuesday, the State Attorney’s Office in Jerusalem charged 34-year-old Aharon Tzvi Korlandski with verbally and then physically attacking a Charedi soldier – whom the indictment names only as “P.M.” – while both men were attending Maariv in the charedi Jerusalem neighborhood of Ezrat Torah last month.

He has been charged with one count of attacking a public official, one count of insulting a public official, and one count of interfering with a police officer while carrying out his duties.

P.M., who is serving in the IDF’s Shahar program for ultra-Orthodox soldiers, was wearing his uniform when he went to the synagogue on August 20. According to the indictment, when Korlandski arrived at the prayer service, he noticed P.M. and began shouting, “Hardak, hardak! Get out of here now, take off your kippa, what are you praying here for?” “Hardak” is a derogatory term meaning “simple-minded haredi,” with a play on the Hebrew word for germ, “haidak.” It was coined by haredi extremist groups that have waged a fierce incitement campaign against haredi soldiers and anyone involved in encouraging ultra-Orthodox men to enlist in the IDF.

According to the indictment, Korlandski also incited other worshipers against the soldier, and several of them joined Korlandski in shouting, “Hardak!” at P.M.

One of them allegedly tried to photograph P.M. with his cellphone, even though the soldier requested several times that he not do so.

Korlandski then approached P.M., began punching him in the chest and tried to grab his beret off his shoulder, the indictment said. When P.M.’s father tried to intervene, he, too, was struck in the chest and arm, it added.

Another worshiper, Eliezer Goldis, reportedly tried to intervene and help P.M. and his father. The police were alerted to the altercation, and once Korlandski became aware of this, he fled the scene.

He was arrested on August 24 and has been in police custody since.

While in detention, he has been verbally aggressive and has physically attacked some of the prison officials, the indictment stated. It said that at various times during his incarceration, he had called police officials “a nothing, an imbecile,” “Satan,” “Nazis” and “the police of Amalek” – a reference to the ancient biblical enemy of the Israelites. At one point, he allegedly expressed the wish that Islamic State would “come to the state and wipe them out.”

The IDF said in response that it was “doing everything necessary to protect its haredi soldiers and to enable them to serve with honor while continuing their haredi lifestyle and faith.”

The so-called “hardak campaign” against haredi men serving in the IDF has taken the form of posters, pamphlets and booklets with cartoons and other images that incite readers against haredi officials involved in promoting IDF service. These publications routinely depict such people as pigs and malign elements attempting to corrupt haredi youth.

In July, extremists published a booklet containing the names, photos and contact details of senior figures in the haredi community who were promoting enlistment, as part of efforts to harass and delegitimize them.


Chanie said...

I don't suppose the Israeli justice system would consider yet another form of punishment -- exiling Korlandski and dropping him where he'd be most happy, with his Islamic State brethren. No? Prison doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent or punishment.

Anonymous said...

The Chofetz Chaim said, that when the Bolsheviks started their activities klal yisroel should of declared physical war against them even killing and getting killed ZIONISM AND THE ZIONISTS ARE MUCH WORSE THAN COMMUNISTS! ASHRECHU REB ARON TZVI

Hozen said...

Wow you sound very Intelligent pls tell us some more

Anonymous said...

Along with this piece of filth,they should jail all those traitorous gangster RA-BONIM who instigate and brainwash these mindless zombies.

Dusiznies said...

10:00 Pm
So the Chofetz Chayim himself spoke Loshon Harah? Very interesting, telling all of us that it is prohibited, yet he had no compunction to bad mouth another Jew! Very interesting story about the CC, thanks for sharing!

Fred said...

It's only a matter of time until one of these Haredi scum gets violent with a soldier or cop, and in turn gets his head blown off after being shot in pure self defense. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Are you davening everyday? Do you say VELAMALSHINIM? And not just on a simple day, you say VELAMALSHINIM also on EREV YOM KIPPUR! AND DO YOUR RESEARCH ON WHO WE SAY THE BRACHA OF VELAMALSHINIM! According to you it's LOSHON HORA

Dusiznies said...

I just did my research and the gemarrah says that the Chazal added this bracha against the early Christians, so with this logic, I think we should have Satmar and the Neturei Karta in mind!

Anonymous said...

You're wrong the bracha is against ALL who don't believe in Hashem and chazal, the only ones left today are the atheists who call themselves Zionists

Dusiznies said...

So that's exactly why I have Satmar and Neturei karta in mind at that Bracha, because they don't believe in Hashem and chazal, because Hashem and Chazal said that Hashem gave Israel to the Jews
V'kabzzinu Yachad me'arbah Kanfois Ha'aretz.

Anonymous said...

And to fulfill his promise of returning us to EY, Hashem didn't have no-one of KY to lead us to redemption only a disgusting pig who didn't even believe in the existence of Hashem? And according to the NEVIYIM when we will be zoicha to the REAL geula there's gonna be peace in the entire world, in the meantime the so called state of Israel is the cause of ALL problems in the world! BUT GO TALK LOGIC TO A MONKEY

Dusiznies said...

I don't know Hashem's cheshbonis but I do know that Hasehm would never have picked anyone in KY...
and how do I know it?
Because the facts are the facts! And the facts are he didn't pick dem "goiser naar" from KJ and picked someone who cared and did his hishtadlus to give Hashem's children a home!

Anonymous said...

And I'm the groiser naar? (Although any derogatory names coming from you is a honor) why? Because you don't even know the basics of chazal, and let's go to your first stupidity "Hashem would never have picked anyone in KY=Klal Yisroel! And how do you know it? Because you have facts" And what's the facts? That from ALL of KY shomrei Torah umitzvohs no one is capable to be the messenger of Hashem just some atheist pig! And who couldn't even do it without permission of the United nations! And Hashem needs their permission? MONKEY YOU BELONG IN A ZOO

Dusiznies said...

When you wrote KY I thought you meant Kiryas Yoel.
But now that you clarified your stupidity with KY= Klal Yisroel, I'll respond the following: Through out Jewish history, Jews had evil people as their Kings, there were actually very few that were Shroimie Torah, and we see that Hashem allowed them to be put in power for reasons only known to Him!
In fact in this week's parsha the Orach Chayim Hakodesh says that all nations of the world have a "sahr" an angel that runs their affairs, the leaders are basically puppets, but not so in Israel says the O"C Hakodesh, in Israel HKB"H himself runs the country ...
so there you have it .... Hashem runs the State of Israel, and he put Netanyahu in power!
In fact, the Orach Chayim quotes the gemarrah in Kesubois that says that anyone living outside Israel is as if he is living without a G-D!
So its funny if you think about it ....
the Zionists are living in Israel with a G-d, and the Satmar rebbes and Lakewood Litvaks are actually without a G-d!

Dusiznies said...

Your quote that they did it without the UN is a blatant lie! The UN in fact recognized Israel, so did the US and to surprise your ignorant keppeleh did Russia! Read up on your history!

Anonymous said...

Well if you couldn't figure out that much that kiryas yoel wasn't even in existence when the Israeli regime was founded, obviously you quote in your next reply something that i never said, in the contrary, i said Hashem does NOT and will not ask permission from anyone when the REAL geula is gonna be
And since according to your statement that now you clarified my stupidity, i have news for you your response to that REALLY clarifies YOUR stupidity Hashem allowed the evil kings to be put in power, those evil kings are the cause of KY going to galus in the first place, and thanks to them the bham"k was destroyed
And i don't need the or hachaim,i have clear psukim in the Torah paashes bechukoisai and many more that if we won't follow the Torah Hashem will leave EY and we will be exiled, and finally the NEVIYIM say it clearly that the geula will be by Hashem himself with NO help whatsoever from anyone definitely not from a bunch of CHAZIR FRESSERS, and the NEVIYIM also say that after the REAL geula peace will dominate the world, in the meantime the tragedy caused by Zionism and their zionistic regime caused, causes and will G-d forbid cause the biggest tragedy since the creation of the world

Dusiznies said...

Blah blah blah
You don't know a thing about the "real Geulah" so shut the hell up!
All I know is that Satmar Rebbe and other gedoilim advised their followers to stay in Europe while those followers held legitimate Us & Palestinian passports and then escaped thru the chimneys in Aushwich!
Because they held like you that Hashem will not perform any miracles for the Zionists... turns out they didn't know anything aboou the Geulah themselves .....
The only one who had it half right was the Chofetz Chayim that said that those in Eretz Yisroel will not be harmed!
And you know who else had it right ..... sit down for this one ..... Binyomin Zev Jebotinsky who ran from shul to shul warning about the Holocaust and was thrown out by your Rabbis!!
The biggest tragedy is cause by frum people supporting the Iran dictators and kissing up to them ...

Anonymous said...


Dusiznies said...

Your computer has it's caps on again!
Your comment that "THANKS TO ZIONISM WE HAD THE HOLOCAUST" is crazy for 2 reasons ...
#1 The State of Israel was not established until after the Holocaust!
#2 The "Zionists' who lived in Israel prior to WW2 survived, and those who opposed Zionism who lived in Europe, all perished!

Anonymous said...

I said ZIONISM i didn't say the state of Israel, and btw Ben tzvi YM"s and other leaders of Zionism during the war stated RAK BEDAM TIYEH LANU ARETZ

Dusiznies said...

Listen Mr Shmeggegie,
Why would the Ribbono Shel Olam have a Holocaust because of Zionism,and have 6 million Jews get murdered and then allow a Zionist State to be established only 3 years later?
makes no sense!
and not only that, but Hashem allowed the Zionists who emigrated to Palestine pre - war all survived?
Take your theory and shove it where the sun don't shine

Dusiznies said...

8:25 Also your comment "Ben tzvi YM"s and other leaders of Zionism during the war stated RAK BEDAM TIYEH LANU ARETZ"
is an outright lie that R' weissmandel quoted but its evidence was never produced , in fact we have recordings of that meeting that I already posted previously, that proves that this was the figment of someone's imagination!
Lies lies
Am Yisroel Chai

Anonymous said...

Why the Rbs"o had a holocaust and why 6 million died? The answer is in parshes bechukoisai, and why hakb"h allowed 3 years later the establishment of this malchus haminus? Makes no sense to you because you're an ignorant amoretz, but to someone who's learned just a little chazal knows and understands the concept of challenges, besides all that's happening was clearly said and written by the greatest of our previous gedolim going back hundreds of years, that before the coming of moshiach a mabul of apikurses organized by Jews will spread all over the world, and that's why we keep saying VELAMALSHINIM and pray and hope for the disappearance of minim which today the only minim left are the Zionists

Dusiznies said...

Your scribble:
"before the coming of moshiach a mabul of apikurses organized by Jews will spread all over the world"
The Sitra Achreh dressed up the "minim and apikorsim" in chassidishe clothing , some he even dressed up in koptas, and they are the eirav rav that the Zohar hakodash is talking about, because these frum looking leaders talk and talked loshon hara on Eretz Yisrael and its inhabitants and there isn't a gehinnim hot enough for them, being "choiteh and uh'macha es harabom"
they are worse than the meraglim, and even convinced you to be mallshin the greatest Jews that ever lived. Jews that gave their lives to bring Eretz Yisroel back to the Jewish people.....
Parsha Bechukosai curses those Rabbanim who misled millions of Jews into believing that Europe is Yerushelayim, so Hashem brought the Holoocaust exclusively to those Jews who lived in Europe, and left those who lived in Eretz Yisrael alive, to show klall Yisrael that He wants them back in Eretz Yisroel!
The fact that they talk against the Zionists in their Shalosh Seudois Toirelich between fressing shmaltz herring and white fish salad, and quote from Parshas Bechkoisah, that doesn't prove that they know what what the hell they are talking about, it does prove that they are Rashoim who breeding Rashoim and they are holding back Mashiach ben Dovid
Ksiva V'chisimah Torah!
I will not allow anymore comments on this thread that maligns the true Jewish people that love Israel!

Hozen said...

Unfortunately many Charidim believe this garbage ...not just the Satmara Scum ..all thanks to the Hate monger Yoli .