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Mr. Chillul Hasem Shlitah |
As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu plans to address the US Congress, Satmar Chassidim are planning a major protest to coincide with that address. The Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg is planning a major protest against the prime minister and his address.
The rebbe calls for a meeting of rabbonim to address the worrisome matter, as he feels the prime minister is acting irresponsibility in his defiance of US President Barack Obama and his address is liable to lead to increased anti-Semitism around the world.
The rebbe is particularly angered over the fact the prime minister states he speaks on behalf of the Jewish People.
The rebbe is planning a major gathering outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Manhattan at the time the prime minister addresses Congress on Tuesday, 12 Adar.
The rebbe made his remarks during a dinner of the chassidus in Boro Park attended by thousands of avreichim.
this criminally insane Jew hating piece of human garbage,needs to have his ugly head bashed in and his arms and legs broken.
As far as i know according to the Torah a Jew hating piece of human garbage is someone who's fressing treif and married a shiksa etc etc. In other words bibi fits perfectly in this category
Well then, Aron Teitelbaum fits into that category, didn't he marry an Agudist pro Zionist, "tumedike" Ivrit speaking shiksa?
I love it!!! I love when you Jews go after each other and are more vile than Stalin and Hitler combined. Don't you realize that you're all insane pieces of human garbage? And who's that Jewish clown in the right-hand corner?
that Jewish clown is DIN's obsession and nemesis from Ami. DIN likes to show his sophisticated side by critiquing English publications. But I agree with you that Jews fight too much.
You with your disgusting filthy mouth definitely fit in! To call a frum Jewish woman shiksa is just one more proof of your subhuman nature, and btw you could keep bashing AT as much as you desire i have nothing in common with him so i couldn't care less
you are the one that called "a Jewish woman" a "shiksa" see your own post 1:49
Here we go again,
I didn't call anyone any name in that comment, and yes bibi was married to a shiksa, and btw according to halacha a woman who's appearance is like his current wife is considered a OYVERES AL DAS MOSHE=SHIKSA
DIN is an ignorant twisted Sakmar petzele who doesn't know right from left. Why r u taking this nut seriously?
Esther was married to a sheygetz. King Shlomo married some shikses
How about Moshe Rabbeinu and Elozer the son of Aaron, didn't they marry shiksas?
But a bittul Torah protest is ok. Pulling hundreds of talmidim out of yeshiva to protest a speech against nuclear weapons against Jews. What if Iran threatened Monroe?
Zionism and the Zionist regime is MORE danger than any other country
Which other country?
In defiance of NY city ordinance, the dineh d'malchuseh, the Hisachdus Haganovim (of 'Artzos Hahbris V'Kahnahdah ) posted huge posters.... one a protest poster , the other a timetable of bus pickups, on light poles, etc. illegally,.... illegally... all over the metro area today , calling for a bittul Torah, chilul Hashem pruh'tesst at the Israel consulate.
Mind you, on a day when Bibi warns the world that Iran wants to annihilate even the most right wing chareidi in EY, Ch"V... when the umos haolam of both parties showered him with such respect... these thugs,eirav ravs,leidigeirs of questionable Jewish ancestry, have made yad achas with our enemies and have no shame...
Who's paying for the posters, poster hangars, buses, drivers and $200,000 a page ads in newspapers????
the Derby... It's almost Purim... Do you know where your $$$$ are going??? And to whom ..????
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