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Showing posts with label satmar zalman leib teitelbaum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar zalman leib teitelbaum. Show all posts

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Satmar Planning a Protest Against PM Netanyahu’s Congressional Address

Mr. Chillul Hasem Shlitah

As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu plans to address the US Congress, Satmar Chassidim are planning a major protest to coincide with that address. The Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg is planning a major protest against the prime minister and his address. 

The rebbe calls for a meeting of rabbonim to address the worrisome matter, as he feels the prime minister is acting irresponsibility in his defiance of US President Barack Obama and his address is liable to lead to increased anti-Semitism around the world. 

The rebbe is particularly angered over the fact the prime minister states he speaks on behalf of the Jewish People.
The rebbe is planning a major gathering outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Manhattan at the time the prime minister addresses Congress on Tuesday, 12 Adar.
The rebbe made his remarks during a dinner of the chassidus in Boro Park attended by thousands of avreichim.