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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Yosef Goldman 8-year-old Grandson of Zviller & Skverer Rebbes' Drowns Near Monsey

An 8-year-old boy  drowned after being underwater for some time when a boat carrying seven children and one adult flipped over in Haverstraw Bay. 

Yosef Goldman, of Israel, died around 1:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 18, after becoming trapped under the boat which flipped about 100 feet off of Haverstraw Bay, said the Rockland County Sheriff's Office.

According to Sheriff's officials, the boat flipped over sending all eight occupants into the water. Most clung to the boat until help arrived, but the boy went underwater and was trapped under the boat.
The child was recovered by dive team members, who immediately began CPR.
All onboard the boat were reportedly wearing life vests.
Yosef was the son of Mordechai and Perel Goldman, who live Eretz, Israel. Goldman is the son of the Zvhiller Rebbe of Monsey.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ben Shapiro Doesn't Consult Satmar and Visits Mearas Hamachpeilah

The American Jewish conservative political commentator and author Ben Shapiro came for a visit to Israel, visiting the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron on Wednesday.

“Went to Hebron yesterday and visited the Cave of the Patriarchs, Ma’arat Hamachpeila - the first plot of land purchased by Abraham in Israel and the gravesite of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah,” Shapiro tweeted.

“It was closed to Jews for 700 years under Muslim rule. Since 1967 it is open to everyone. Thank God for Israel.”

Well not "everyone" ..... 
Satmar won't allow their Jews to visit either!

Chuck Schumer Will Join PLO At Israel Bashing Conference

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democratic members of Congress and elected officials plan to address the annual J Street National Conference later this month, also featuring speakers from anti-Israel organizations including IfNotNow, the New Israel Fund, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) national and central councils.

Schumer and Pelosi are frequent speakers at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, one of J Street’s main rivals

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) are also scheduled to speak at the conference, which will be held Oct. 26-29 in Washington, D.C.

Funeral cracks up as dead man screams ‘Let me out’ of coffin

He got the last laugh.

Loved ones at an Irish funeral for Defense Forces veteran Shay Bradley were shocked — then delighted — when they heard the voice of their late friend calling out from his coffin.

“Hello, hello — let me out!,” they heard on Saturday at Bradley’s funeral in Kilmanagh, Leinster, as his casket was lowered into the ground.

The pre-recorded message continued, “Where the f - - k am I? Let me out, let me out. It’s f - - king dark in here. Is that the priest I can hear? This is Shay, I’m in the box. No, in f - - king front of you. I’m dead.”

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Simcha Bais Hashoievah in Crown Heights



Lipa Schmeltzer On His Experiances in Uman


Asher Hazut Dies From Being Struck by Lightening

 14-year-old Asher ben Mazel Hazut (חזות). Asher is one of five members of the Hazut family struck by lightning on Zikim Beach on Tuesday afternoon while on a family Sukkos outing.
 He had been in a pediatric intensive care unit in Ashkelon’s Barzilai Hospital in “very serious” condition, sedated and on a respirator. He was Niftar on Wednesday afternoon.
Asher, was the member of the chareidi family who was most seriously injured in the lightning strike on the beach. His brother-in-law remains in an intensive care unit, also intubated and sedated. His sister and brother were also injured in the event and B’chasdei Hashem, their conditions are improving, admitted to Barzilai in light condition.
Dr. Gili Givati, the deputy director of the hospital told the media that “five injured persons arrived at the hospital’s emergency room. Asher was the most seriously injured.”
“Another seriously injured victim remains in an adult intensive care unit and she too is intubated and sedated and receiving intensive medical care as well. Three others were injured, listed in light-to-serious condition, and are admitted and being treated in various units in the hospital”.
The family is calling on the tzibur to be mispallel for the family members:
• Efrat bas Sara
• Elchanan ben Mazel

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anti-Semitic Rep AOC & Muslem Rep Ilhan Omar Endorse Jew For President

During the prime-time DemocRAT Debate event where Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders had to field questions about both his health and his age, it was the 78-year old Vermonter who got a jolt when it was revealed New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would be endorsing his campaign at a Queens rally Saturday. 

Fellow squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota also endorsed Sanders but it's unclear if she will be at Saturday's event. 

Israeli Airspace On Yom Kippur

Friday, October 11, 2019

Zera Shimshon - Ha'azeenu

 “They sacrifice to demons who are not gods...”
 (Devarim 32/17)

Rashi explains: 
"They are not gods: they are completely powerless.
 If they would have some power Hashem's anger would not be so great.” 

From this Rashi we can imply that if Bnei Yisrael leave Hashem for an avodah zara that has some value. Hashem is less angry than when they leave Hashem for something that is totally useless.

Rabbi Naftali Portnoy's 6-year-old Grandchild Viciously Attacked in Queens by Homeless guy

A homeless man with a history of mental illness randomly attacked a 6-year-old boy in front of his grandparent’s house in Queens on Thursday afternoon, seriously injuring the boy, police and sources said.

The child was sitting on the steps of his grandparent’s house on Metropolitan Avenue near 123rd Street in Kew Gardens at about 5 p.m. when the vagrant walked into their driveway, said Rabbi Naftali Portnoy, the boy’s grandfather.

The 35-year-old vagrant then grabbed the child, picked him up and threw him to the concrete, slamming his face on the ground, police said.

His brother rushed into the house and told his grandfather about the attack.

Portnoy called 911 and tailed the vagrant, who was shirtless, while he walked away from the scene down Metropolitan Avenue.

DANGER!!!! Yartzheit Candles Melting

These are manufactured in China... we had the same issues with the Chanukah pre-filled candles!
To make a quick buck, frum guys have these yurzeit candles manufactured in China without any supervision or having anyone to answer to !

The Bird That Takes Only Dollars


Thousands Escort Skverer Rebbe Home in New Square Motzei Yom Kippur

Naroler Rebbe of Bnei Brak Got "Malkis" Erev Yom Kippur

Sefer Torah Falls to the Floor on the Monday Before Yom Kippur in Satmar Lakewood

Erev Erev Yom Kippur on Mondy,  in the Satmar Shul in Lakewood , a guy got pesicha and as he took out the Sefer Torah the other Sefer Torah  that was leaning unchained on the one being taking out suddenly dropped to the floor!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Nothing Like Drinking a Nun With Some Shmaltz Herring

While Jews Mourn the Murder of 2,500 IDF Soldiers by Anwar Sadar on Yom Kippur 1973, Ezra Friedlander Plots to Give this Murderer a Congressional Medal

I'm old enough to remember the cold blooded murder of 2,500 Jewish Teenagers and young adults on that tragic and unforgettable Yom Kippur of 1973.

I'm old enough to remember that this  calculated attack was planned by a savage that denied that the Holocaust took place just 29 years before.....

Yes …. Yes he made peace with Israel …...
but how could an orthodox Jew with a huge Shtreimel turn around  and organize an honor to this animal; awarding him  a Congressional Medal of honor and help sponsor 

"A bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Anwar Sadat in recognition of his heroic achievements and courageous contributions"

What do to we tell the mothers and fathers of these precious neshamois?

How do we explain to these young widows and orphans that for money a "lisker" Chusid sold his neshama and his heritage to honor a piece of dirt?

Hesder Yeshiva students dance with emotion after Yom Kippur ......Watch: IDF Chief Cantor sings ‘Kol Nidre’

These Boys go to the army to defend the Jewish people....
 Kol Hakovod 

IDF Chief Cantor sings ‘Kol Nidre’