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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Satmar Newspaper "Der Blatt" stabs Agudah in the back because of Agudah's letter against the Iran Deal!

I was in quandary whether I should be blogging about this on a day when the entire Jewish nation is mourning the destruction of the first and second Bais Hamikdash.

But then I heard the entire kehillah recite the Kinnos for the 6 million Jews that perished in the Holocaust composed by the late Bobover Rebbe z"l, and I decided that it is a "Choiv Kadosh" to post it on this very day!

Most Jewish people reading current events are frightened that history is repeating itself! 

If one peruses the pages of The New York Times from mid-September 1938 through the first week of of October 1938, it is apparent that what we are witnessing today is a virtual replay of those 3 weeks ...... only worse.

Two weeks before the September 30, 1938 Munich agreement, Germany increased its demands while promising as The Times wrote it:
"hearty reciprocal incidental to a wider European settlement"

A week before the agreement, German "demands had become higher," but Hitler reassured British Prime minister Neville Chamberlain that they were his "final" ones.

A few days before the signing, Hitler appeared before 15,000 people in Berlin's largest auditorium, where the "sieg heils" from the audience "were heard around the globe, for Hitler had a world hook-up" on radio. 

Chamberlain sent a letter to Hitler stating that Germany's demands were unacceptable but urged continued negotiations, because "force produces no solution." 

By the end of the week, Chamberlain had accepted all of Hitler's demands.
The British leader was, the Times reported, "obviously exhausted and had resolved to make an end of the whole business."
 As soon as the Munich capitulation was signed, it was portrayed by the New York Times as a great success. 

What we are living through now is far worse than Munich, not only because we are ignoring  the lesson learned from that event .... at the cost of a six-year world war and millions of deaths , but because even Chamberlain would be shocked at what is transpiring again.

Two weeks preceding its pact with the world powers, Iran increased its demands while the "moderate" Iranian president marched with huge crowds behind him screaming "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" with pictures flashed throughout the world via the Internet. 

After an exhausting 17 days of negotiations, with "deadlines" serially ignored by Iran and seriatim US concessions escalating as they went along, the president and secretary of state made an end of the whole business by accepting virtually all of Iran's demands, while paving the path toward its ultimate destructive goal.

And what, you may ask, is the goal of Iran? The goal is as the Ayatollah himself stated many times this year alone, to annihilate the Jewish State with its entire population, G-d Forbid.

So you would think that the holy Satmar Kehillah would be arranging Tehillim groups to pray to the Almighty to destroy the Iranian ideas. Nope!!
Would you think that they would close the yeshivas and have all the thousand of students march in lower Manhattan to protest the agreement? Nope
Would you think that they would join the Agudah in writing a letter to the president protesting this bad deal? Nope!

What these miserable  creatures did was write an editorial condemning the Agudah for even writing the letter!

(The Aroni faction of the Satmar cult publishes a yiddish weekly newspaper that has a larger circulation than the Daily News, called "Der Blatt" 
It is this rag that I am quoting.)

This is the same Agudah that is fighting for Kiryas Yoel to annex land in Monroe!
So what do these ungrateful Romanian gypsies do? They stab them in the back!
Every single Jewish organization except for "J" street is against this deal, except for Satmar!
But they aren't only stabbing the back of the Agudah ....they are stabbing every single Jew that is alive and living in the land of Israel, today!

Editorial against Agudah in Der Blatt

I will translate only the pertinent sentences, the rest is a bunch of lies, distortions and malicious garbage, from the naive demented Satmar goons!

Byline: A cry in vain
(DIN: they are in fact saying that all worries about the Iran deal, is in vain)

By the Meraglim, the Torah writes "they raised their voices and the entire nation cried on that night" 
The Talmud (in Taanis 29 a) writes: Said Rabbah in the name of Rabbi Yoichenan: "that night was tisha be'ov, " Said Hashem to them: " you are crying in vain, so I will institute a permanent cry for generations."

The harshness of that vain cry has now come to light. Seeing how the lying Yiddishe Zionists  world are drawn into the hysteria of the Iranian Nuclear agreement. 
They are up in arms crying crocodile tears and this wednesday while writing these (editorial) lines ... Zionist sympathizers are protesting the agreement in Manhattan.

And it is not just a protest from part of the (Zionist) people, but its as if the entire Zionists nation decided together to war against this deal.... the deal is by the way a forgone conclusion!

Israel itself has already spent over 50 million dollars on lobbyists in Washington DC to work against this deal.. others are terrorizing Senator Charles Schumer from New York, because he hasn't decided if he will support this deal!

And whats going on with the Agudas Yisroel of America????
Why was it necessary for the very first time in Aguda's history to write  a letter condemning America?
Should an organization like this fall under Netanyahu's spell?

There is more to this hateful editorial, but I'll leave it as is for now!

Tisha Be'OV

Saturday, July 25, 2015

U.S. to Release Convicted Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard, Officials Say

The Obama administration is preparing to release convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard,according to U.S. officials, some of whom hope the move will smooth relations with Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear deal.
Such a move would end a decadeslong fight over Mr. Pollard, who was arrested on charges of spying for Israel in 1985 and later sentenced to life in prison. The case has long been a source of tension between the U.S. and Israel, which has argued that a life sentence for spying on behalf of a close U.S. partner is too harsh. For decades, Israel has sought Mr. Pollard’s early release only to be rejected by the U.S.
Now, some U.S. officials are pushing for Mr. Pollard’s release in a matter of weeks. Others expect it could take months, possibly until his parole consideration date in November. Some U.S. officials strongly denied Friday there was any link between the Iran deal and Mr. Pollard’s prospective release, saying that any release decision would be made by the U.S. Parole Commission.
A White House spokesman referred questions to the Justice Department, where a spokesman declined to comment on a matter which may be before the Parole Commission.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been a vocal opponent of the deal struck between Iran and six world powers to curb Iran’s nuclear program. Discord between Israel and the U.S., longtime allies, has led to a deteriorating relationship that is the stormiest it has been in decades.
Mr. Netanyahu has personally pressed for years to get the U.S. to release Mr. Pollard, who is currently serving time in a federal prison in Butner, N.C.
Mr. Pollard, 60 years old, was a civilian analyst with the U.S. Navy when he was arrested for passing secret documents to Israel. He eventually pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life.
The mechanism or likely rationale for freeing Mr. Pollard couldn't immediately be learned. The most likely scenario would be to free him when he first becomes eligible for parole in November, according to some U.S. officials.
Anne Henderson Pollard and Jonathan Pollard at their wedding Aug. 9, 1985, in Italy. ENLARGE
Anne Henderson Pollard and Jonathan Pollard at their wedding Aug. 9, 1985, in Italy. PHOTO:GETTY IMAGES
Under sentencing laws at the time he was convicted, Mr. Pollard has to be considered for parole after 30 years. The Bureau of Prisons website currently lists his possible release date as Nov. 21, which is the date the federal parole commission is slated to consider whether to end his sentence.
A parole hearing for Mr. Pollard was held in early July. Mr. Pollard’s lawyer, Eliot Lauer, said he hasn’t heard from the parole commission “and I would expect that either I or my client would be the ones who would be notified.’’
Last year, President Barack Obama told an Israeli interviewer: “I have no plans for releasing Jonathan Pollard immediately but what I am going to be doing is to make sure that he, like every other American who’s been sentenced, is accorded the same kinds of review and the same examination of the equities that any other individual would provide.’’
To get out before November would require unusual intervention. In the federal prison system, often the easiest way to free an inmate early is to cite deteriorating health. Mr. Pollard’s supporters say he is suffering from a host of medical ailments that should qualify him for mercy.
The U.S. has considered releasing him before but always backed away from such a move, largely because of opposition from senior leaders at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Justice Department.
It is possible such opposition could again scuttle any release, but it appears his chances at winning freedom are better now than they have ever been, U.S. officials said. Some U.S. officials have concluded he will be a free man before the year is over, these people said.
The prospect of Mr. Pollard’s freedom still grates on many U.S. intelligence officials, in part because his release wouldn’t likely come as part of like-for-like swap, as is often how espionage cases are resolved. Other officials counter that 30 years is a fair punishment and that keeping Mr. Pollard in prison until he dies would serve little purpose.
Mr. Pollard has explained his espionage activity by citing a great affinity for Israel, though counter-intelligence officials say he was paid tens of thousands of dollars for his work.
From June 1984 through November 1985, Mr. Pollard removed large amounts of highly classified U.S. intelligence from his office, made copies and delivered it to Israeli operatives.
About a year after his spying began, federal agents stopped Mr. Pollard as he was leaving work and questioned him about the possible unauthorized removal of classified information.
During that conversation, he twice took breaks to call his wife, using a prearranged code word “cactus,” signaling that she should remove a suitcase full of classified information from their apartment. She also pleaded guilty and served three years in prison and later moved to Israel.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Schumer .... Where are you?

Sen. Chuck Schumer is famous for his ability to locate the nearest TV camera and plant himself squarely in front of the lens.
And yet, as about 8,000 rallied in Manhattan Wednesday night on an issue near and dear to Schumer’s heart — Israel’s security — the senator was a no-show.

The rally was in opposition to the Iranian nuclear deal. Schumer was absent because he hasn’t yet decided whether to do the right thing and oppose President Obama’s disastrous deal, or do the opposite of the right thing and shepherd it through Congress.
Israel’s supporters in the United States have many reasons to hope the deal goes down in Congress.
Yet one goes unmentioned: Schumer’s role in securing passage of the Iran deal represents what would be the capstone in Obama’s quest to distance the United States from Israel.
To understand why, some brief background is in order.
In July 2009, about a month after making his famous “address to the Muslim world” in Cairo, Obama hosted national Jewish leaders at the White House.
Malcolm Hoenlein, head of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, offered the president a word of advice. “If you want Israel to take risks, then its leaders must know that the United States is right next to them,” Hoenlein said.
Obama disagreed, saying that during the George W. Bush years “there was no space between us and Israel, and what did we get from that? When there is no daylight, Israel just sits on the sidelines, and that erodes our credibility with the Arab states.”
This statement neatly demonstrated the two major weaknesses in Obama’s view of the Middle East.
The first is historical ignorance: Far from Israel sitting on the sidelines, when Bush stood steadfastly by Israel, the Jewish state — then led by rightist Prime Minister Ariel Sharon — evacuated every last Jew and soldier from the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank.
Second, Obama was signaling clearly his intent to put “daylight” between the two countries.
But the president can only create so much of that daylight himself.
In reality, the “special relationship” between the United States and Israel is so strong precisely because it goes far deeper than the whims of the current occupant of the Oval Office.
Both the US military and Congress have close working relationships with their Israeli counterparts.
This is deeply frustrating for Obama, so he set out to weaken those pillars of the US-Israel relationship.
How would Obama weaken military ties? Here’s what he did.
During last summer’s war in Gaza, Israeli defense officials wanted to replenish munitions from stocks of American weapons stored in Israel for just such an occasion. The Pentagon didn’t need presidential approval to green-light the transfer, which it did.
Obama, however, objected when he found out about it. He withheld additional weapons transfers to Israel and forced the Pentagon to route such requests through the White House. Obama had essentially downgraded the US-military alliance during wartime.
But Congress is a coequal branch, and thus harder for Obama to control. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried, of course.
The most recent example was when House Speaker John Boehner invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress without coordinating it with the White House. Obama cast congressional attendance at the speech as a betrayal.
But nothing Obama has done to damage Israel’s standing in Congress could compare to getting Chuck Schumer — the supposed shomer (guardian, in Hebrew) of Israel — to ensure the survival of a nuclear deal that rearranges America’s Mideast alliances by elevating Tehran at the expense of the Israelis, the Saudis, the Jordanians and the Egyptians, among others.
And that’s why crowds in Times Square Wednesday night chanted “Where is Chuck Schumer?”
As Schumer continues to avoid answering questions about his stance on the nuke deal, his constituents are wondering how far he’s willing to go to become the Democrats’ next Senate leader.
Would Schumer the shomer throw America’s allies under the bus and allow Obama to drive a wedge between Washington and Jerusalem? If Schumer won’t answer that question directly, his handling of the Iran deal will.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Twins who married twins have babies minutes apart

The twin brothers, Niv and Ran Cohen, 24, and the twin sisters, Leah and Rivka, 20, become parents to daughters born only 20 minutes apart on Sunday 
Twin brothers, Niv and Ran Cohen, with their newborn daughters 
 Photo credit: Kikar Hashabbat

Schumer has Hikend arrested because he dared protest in front of his office paid by taxpayers

Trump tells CNN "The people don't trust you"

In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper that was broadcasted tonight, Republican candidate for president Donald Trump berated the reporter for continuing to address polls that shed him in a negative light instead of polls showing his upper-tier status.

 "I am leading across the board," Trump said in the interview. "And then you hit me with this poll that I didn't see before, where oh, gee, it's not even that kind of a poll. All i know is I have a very big group of support. And I think one of the reasons." 

 "Let me tell you. The people don't trust you and the people don't trust the media. And I understand why," Trump lectured Cooper. 

 Trump also said the American dream is "dead," but he will revive it and "make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before." 

 "You know I tell the story, the American dream -- I talk about the American dream in speeches," Trump said. "The American dream is dead but I'm going to make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before."

DONALD TRUMP: You keep bringing up negative. You only want to talk about negative. Why don't you bring up the positive? 


TRUMP: Excuse me. 

 COOPER: I started off with the Washington Post poll. 

 TRUMP: You started off the interview --

 COOPER: No, I started off with the Washington Post poll. 

TRUMP: You start off the interview with a poll that I didn't even know existed. 

 COOPER: I started off with the Washington Post poll. Intentionally, because I knew you would accuse me of that. 

TRUMP: All I know is every poll I am leading in and you give me these two polls where it is different states. They're not even a national poll. 

 COOPER: Check the record. 

 TRUMP: I'm sure the record is fine. 

 COOPER: I started off with the Washington Post poll where you are way out in front.

 TRUMP: I just think it is very unfair. Talk to me about a poll I have never even saw.

 COOPER: It came out today. 

 TRUMP: It's not even a poll. It's in three different states and you are hitting me with this. Frankly, I think it is a very unfair question. I think it is an extremely -- you start off the interview with that. You don't say, I led in the FOX poll. I'm leading in the ABC/Washington Post poll. 

 COOPER: You're leading across the board. 

 TRUMP: I am leading across the board. And then you hit me with this poll that I didn't see before, where oh, gee, it's not even that kind of a poll. All i know is I have a very big group of support. And I think one of the reasons. 

 COOPER: Among Republicans you are way out in the front. 

TRUMP: Let me tell you. The people don't trust you and the people don't trust the media. And I understand why. 

 COOPER: Right. And politicians. 

 TRUMP: You know, I have always been covered, fairly, accurately because it was usually a financial press. And you know numbers are numbers and my numbers happen to be great. So, I was always sort of treated fair. With the media it's, not all cases, some, some of the political media is great. And really honest. Even if they've don't want to want to be, they're really honest. But I find that 60%, 70% of the political media is really, really dishonest. You know I tell the story, the American dream -- I talk about the American dream in speeches. The American dream is dead but I'm going to make it bigger, better and stronger than ever before. The American dream is dead. But i'm going to make it bigger, stronger. Right. And I go 'boom!' and I do it with great bravado and the audience goes crazy.

Neutrei Karta Savages Wave Iranian Flags At Anti-Nuke Rally In Times Square

Faigy Mayer posted old family pictures minutes before she jumped

She broke free from the iron-tight grip of her ultra-conservative Hasidic community — only to kill herself after years of struggling with that decision.
Tortured soul Faigy Mayer, who leaped to her death from a trendy Manhattan roof bar Monday night, was shunned by her parents for choosing to live in the secular world, relatives and friends told The Post.
The tragic woman, 30, posted touching old family photos on Facebook just six minutes before she climbed over the ledge of the 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar in the Flatiron ­District at 6:45 p.m. and jumped.
“My family refuses to allow me to have my baby pictures so finding these pics were cool!” the woman wrote above the snapshots.
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Photo: Facebook
Her final words were to a bartender — whom she asked, “Where’s the east deck?’’ a law-enforcement source said.
The question was laden with symbolism. Jewish people pray in that ­direction, toward Jerusalem.
After the bartender pointed, Mayer walked over to a 4¹/₂-foot brick wall along the roof and put one leg over it, then the other, the source said.
The bartender ran to her and grabbed her hand, but she pulled loose and jumped, the source said.
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Photo: Facebook
Mayer’s death came after years of battling manic depression — and her Brooklyn family’s devastating rejection over her decision to leave the faith, relatives and friends said.
In 2009, she appeared in a National Geographic documentary called ­“Inside Hasidism” — admitting that her loss of faith was a long time coming.
“It was actually at the age of 3 that I already showed no interest in Yiddish or Hebrew,” she said.
After she openly began eschewing the faith, “My parents, they were like, point blank, ‘You have to get out of here because you are not religious anymore,’ ” she said.
A source in the community who knew Mayer said, “Once you don’t feel loved by your own parents, it’s the end of the world. You hate yourself. You don’t want to live.”
Mayer’s parents’ biggest fear became a reality after she left home — one of her sisters also ­renounced their religion.
“[Mayer] was very worried about her sister all the time,’’ the source said.
But she put up a good front, defiantly mocking her former faith.
Mayer boasted on Twitter that she loved bacon, and skewered ­ultra-Orthodox wedding customs on Facebook.
“Hahaha my people are hilarious, putting the bride on a leash while covering her as if she’s the devil. #onlydogsneedleashes,” Mayer wrote July 5 in a post with a video about a “mitzvah tantz,” or custom dance.
The clip showed a man dancing in front of a bride and holding one end of a sash attached to the woman, whose face is veiled.
But inside, her distance from her family was destroying her.
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View of the Empire State Building from the rooftop bar at 230 Fifth in New York.Photo: Chad Rachman
A source described one particularly heartbreaking attempt by Mayer to connect with another family after being rejected by her own.
“She loved family. She used to beg to baby-sit the rabbi’s kids,’’ the source said. “It was like an outlet to relieve her pain, caring for the babies. It was a tremendous connection for her.’’
Mayer’s parents were still so bitter about her renunciation of their lifestyle that some of their anger continued even after her death, another source said.
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A makeshift memorial for Faigy Mayer outside 230 Fifth.Photo: Chad Rachman
Her family told her ex-Orthodox friends that her funeral would be at noon Tuesday — then scheduled it for 2 p.m., the source said.
“The family did not want the friends to show up to the funeral. It’s disgusting,” the source said.
Still, her parents and siblings attended her service in Borough Park. About one-third of the 150 mourners were ex-Orthodox.
And her stricken dad offered an olive branch to those from outside the community when he stood to speak — opening his eulogy in English rather than Yiddish.
“I did not prepare my speech in English. I apologize. I really ­appreciate you coming,’’ he said.
The dad then said in Yiddish, “We’re never going to recover.”
A source close to the family said Mayer was bipolar and schizophrenic, having been in and out of mental institutions for years.
“She changed her personalities almost as often as she changed socks,’’ the woman said.
A friend and fellow ex-Hasid, Srully Stein, 23, said Mayer also was “brilliant . . . a genius.’’ She was working on an app to help former Hasids like herself in New York City, friends said.
On June 30, Mayer posted a photo on Facebook of a mural at the High Line park.
“Yes, life is beautiful!” she wrote, standing in front of the pink letters with a paint roller in her hand.
A friend commented on the photo early Tuesday, writing: “Wish you believed it, girl. *hugs*”
Additional reporting by Amber Sutherland, Yaron Steinbuch, Kathleen Culliton