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Friday, August 30, 2013

Gas Masks in Israel "are for Purim," R' Chaim Kanievsky

Kikar reports when asked if one should get on line for a gas mask in light of the imminent attack on Syria, Rav Chaim is quoted saying “gas masks, they are for Purim!”
The Gadol Hador is quoted instructed avreichim to continue their limud Torah and not to concern themselves with the ongoing events.

Having children in Israel, I can now say that I feel much better!

Taubenfeld from New Square walks after sexually abusing teenagers in New Square

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Gerer Chusid, Yisroel Greenhouse leaves Yiddishkeit with his children!

Yisroel Greenhouse and his kids
I will translate letter later on in the week, when I'll have more time!

 בריוו פון עקיבא וויינגארטן.

איך קען דעם ישראל שוין אסאך יארן, מיר האבן געארבעט צוזאמען אלס משגיחיםרוחניים אין איינע פון די ישיבות פאר בחורים וואס פאלן אוועק. מיר האבן ביידע איבערגעלאזט די ארבעט אין די זעלבע צייט. איך צוליב צו ווייניג געהאלט, און ער וועגן זיין אמונה. ער האט געהאלטן אז ס'איז נישט מאראליש אויסגעהאלטן פאר אים עוסק צו זיין אין עפעס וואס ער גלייבט נישט דערין.

איך שטרייך נאר אונטער דעם פרט, כדי מ'זאל וויסן פון וועמען ס'האנדלט זיך. ער איז נישט קיין כוליגאן, ער איז נישט קיין בעל תאווה'ניק, און ער איז אויך נישט גלייך צו קיינעם פון די וואס האבן געמאכט א ענליכע שריט. (און ס'איז מיר אויסגעקומען צו באקענען אסאך אזעלכע) ווייניג אין זיין עלטער קענען זיך פארמעסטן מיט זיין בקיאות נפלא און אויסערגעווענליכע וויסענשאפט אין יעדן תחום. ס'רעדט זיך דא פון א תלמוד חכם עצום אין יעדן הינזיכט. ס'איז כמעט נישט דא קיין פעלד אין וועלכע ער האט נישט קיין באקאנטשאפט.

אין די לעצטע פאר יאר האט ער זיך מתפרנס געווען פון פירן טוריסטן, נאכוואס ער האט געארבעט ביי עטליכע פלעצער. אבער זיין דעגרי אין סייקא-טערעפי האט ער גענצליך איבערגעלאזט כאטש ער וואלט שיין געקענט מאכן א לעבן דערפון. איך האב אים אמאל געפרעגט פארוואס, האט ער מיר מסביר געווען אז ער האלט ס'איז א פראבלעם פון 'אויספאפן' ווייל ער ווייסט פארוואס די עלטערן צאלן אים, צו ארבעטן מיט די בחורים, אבער וויבאלד ער אליין גלייבט נישט דערין, קען ער נישט ארבעטן דערמיט.

קעגן מיין מורא'דיגע שעצע וואס איך שפיר צו ישראל, פיהל איך דאס פארקערטע "א נידערטרעכטיגקייט" קעגן אזעלכע פארשוינען וואס זאגן אז די 'מיליטער' האט אים קאליע געמאכט. ישראל'ן קען קיינער נישט 'קאליע' מאכן. און זיכער נישט מיט ביליגע דעמאגאגיע און שפעטערייען. ער איז זייער א טיפע מענטש וואס לאזט נישט דורך קיין זאך ביזן דערגיין די טיפקייט דערפון.

מיין טייער ידיד איז אריבער א שווערע לאנגע אדורכגאנג, איך געדענק גוט אלע זיינע מצבים, און ס'איז נישט געווען קיינער וואס האט אזוי שווער אנגענומען ווי מיר, ווען ער האט אנגעהויבן פארלירן זיין אמונה. סתם איינער וועט עס קיינמאל נישט פארשטיין. ער איז געווען א זיידענע אינגערמאנטשיק וואס איז געזיצן און געלערנט תורה יומם ולילה. אויף אים קען מען זאגן אז ער איז ווי די אמאליגע משכילים במלוא מובן המילה צו גוטן און צו שלעכטן. אבער צוזאגן אז דאס איז א באשלוס וואס ער האט געמאכט איבערנאכט איז פשוט נישט אמת.

ס'טוט מיר זייער וויי אז ער האט גענומען דעם שריט, און אנדערש ווי יעדעם ווייס איך כאטשיג ביי מיר אז ער האט עס געמאכט מיטן פוהלן באוואוסטזיין,און רוהיגע געוויסן, אז דאס איז די ריכטיגע שריט צוטוהן. און כאטש איך בין נישט איינשטימיג דערמיט, און ער ווייסט דאס, קען איך מיר אבער נישט פארהוילן פונעם פאקט, אז נישט "לייכטזיניגקייט" אדער "גאווה" און זיכער נישט א "רצון צו תאוות" האבן אים פארדארבן.
ער איז אן אדורכגעטראכטע מענטש, וואס האט גוט גענומען אין באטראכט אלע אספעקטן פאר'ן טוהן וואס ער האט געטאן, און גענומען אין חשבון די פערזענליכע פרייז וואס ער וועט דארפן באצאלן דערפאר.

מ'פרובירט יעצט צו שיקן אלע סארט עסקנים רעדן צו אים, כאילו ער האט עס נישט 'אליין' געטוהן ביז היינט. ער איז געגאנגען איבעראל וואו ער האט נאר געהערט אז עמיצער קען אים העלפן. אפגעזיצן ביי אויסגערופענע רבנים און דיינים כדי נאכצופארשן און דערגיין דעם אמת. אלזא אויב טראכט עמיצער אז עפעס א "שמועס" פון א קליינטשיג עסקנ'ל וואס האט נישט געעפנט קיין ספר אין לעבן וועט אים עטוואס טוישן במשהו, מאכט יענער א גרויסן טעות. אבער ישראל ווי א וואויל קינד ,גייט און הערט אויס, און איז מכבד, און רעדט נאך, מיט יעדער - וואס מען איז אים מציע צו רעדן.

ווער ס'האט אפגעמאכט צו פארשפרייטן די מעשה ברבים האט געטוהן א גרויסע שטות און א רשעות אינאיינעם. די זאכן וועלן אויף קיין רגע נישט טוישן אדער דערשרעקן ישראל. פארגאנגענע וואך ווען אונז האבן גערעדט, האט ער גאנץ גוט פאראויסגעזען וואס ס'וועט פאסירן און וואס ס'קען ארויסקומען פון דעם. ער גלייבט נאך אלץ אז וואס ער האט געטוהן איז א ריכטיגע החלטה געווען. ער איז דאס מסביר שיינערהייט מיט א אנגענעמע שפראך, ווער עס וויל זיך אראפזעצן מיט אים קען זיך דאס אליינס איבערצייגן.

יעדנספאל, וואלט איך נישט געראטן די קליינטשיגע עסקנים'לעך צו פרובן משפיע זיין אויף אים, ווייל ער וועט זיי "אויפעסן פאר פרישטאג". און כ'האב מורא אז ער וועט מצליח זיין זיי צו פארדארבן מער וויפיל זיי וועלן מצליח זיין אים צוריקצוברענגען. נישט אז ער האט א אינטערעסע מיטצושלעפן אנדערע, אבער אויב וועט מען אריינגיין מיט אים אין א ערנסטע שמועס, איז קלאר אז דאס וועט פאסירן.

די דאזיגע שורות שרייב איך מיט א שטארקע צער און ווייטאג. וואס ס'באדערט מיך די מערסטע נאך איז אז מ'פארגיסט אומשולדיג בלוט פון אזא גוטע חבר מיינער, און מ'איז אזוי מזלזל אין מענטשנ'ס אינטעליגענץ. נאך א מזל אז מ'האט וועם צו באשולדיגן... "די מיליטער"! א שאד אז מ'האט נישט צוגעלייגט אויך דער פאקט אז אז ער האט נישט קיין כשר'ע טעלעפאן, אפענע אינטערנעט, און ער גייט מיט א בלויע העמד.

צום שלוס, צו אלע וואס מיינען אז זיין בלוט איז הפקר. טראכט'ס גוט אריין אויב וואס איר רעדט און טייפט איז דער רצון השם. און אויב נישט, זאלט איר אייך בעסער אנפוהלן א מויל מיט וואסער, און דאס איבריגע אויסשפייען אויפ'ן קיבאורד. ווייל גלייבט'ס מיר, איר האט נישט קיין בלאסן אהנונג איבער וואס ס'רעדט זיך דא..!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ten Year Old Aaron Tepfer killed in boating accident

A ten year old boy whose leg came in contact with a boat’s propeller while swimming in the waters of Reynolds Channel in Lawrence lost his fight for life over Shabbos. Aaron Tepfer, the son of Tully and Rochel Tepfer, was swimming in the waters off Cedarhurst Yacht Club, three miles from his Cedarhurst home, when the incident occurred at approximately 2:20 PM on Friday afternoon.

 According to reports on Newsday, Tepfer had gone tubing with four friends. The tubes were being towed by the boat, a 27 foot Sea Ray Sundeck, when Tepfer fell into the water. The boy swam toward the boat, which was stopped in the water, but his leg came into contact with the propeller as he attempted to re-board the boat. After being informed of the accident by his own son, the boat’s operator kept Tepfer’s head above water, by grabbing onto his life jacket, keeping the boy from being dragged under water until help arrived.

 ABC News is reporting that five different agencies were involved in the rescue attempt, including paramedics on boats and jet skis, who worked together to extricate Tepfer’s leg from the propeller. Tepfer, who suffered serious blood loss, was stabilized at the scene and was transported to the foot of the Atlantic Beach Bridge, before being rushed to Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park. Despite earlier optimistic reports in the local media, Tepfer, who was about to enter sixth grade, passed away on Shabbos

. The levaya will take place at 10 AM this morning at Yeshiva Darchei Torah where Aaron was a student and his mother is a 5th grade teacher.
We regret to inform you of the petira of our talmid Aron Sholom Tepfer A"H. The levaya will be held, Sunday, at 10 am in the Diamond Bais Medrash, 257 Beach 17 Street .

 Shiva will be in the Tepfer home, 376 Rugby Road, Cedarhurst, NY. Shacharis 7:30 am Mincha/Maariv 7:20pm The family requests that no visitors come after 10pm.

 Mrs. Zahava Farbman, LMSW, Associate Director of Chai Lifeline's Crisis Intervention, Trauma and Bereavement Department will present to parents on helping our children cope with this tragedy. It is open to all parents who would like to come, at 9:00 pm in the Diamond Bais Medrash. Israel call in number +972(0)76-599-0060 US call in number +1 424-203-8405 177249# Participant Access Code — at Yeshiva Darchei Torah.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2,700 year old pottery is inscribed with the name of the father of the Novie Yachaziel!

Archaeologists working in Jerusalem have discovered what they say is a 2,700 year-old pottery fragment with an ancient Hebrew inscription possibly containing the name of a Biblical figure.
The fragment, discovered just outside the capital’s Old City at the City of David site, in what is now the Arab village of Silwan, was likely part of a large ceramic bowl dating from between the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, the Israeli Antiquities Authority said Sunday.
The text fragment on the shard, roughly transliterated without vowels into English characters as “ryhu bn bnh,” is similar to the name of Zechariah son of Benaiah, the father of the prophet Jachaziel, whose name appears in 2 Chronicles 20:14 when Jahaziel spoke prophecy to King Jehoshaphat before the king went off to war.
“While not complete, the inscription presents us with the name of a seventh century BCE figure, which resembles other names known to us from both the Biblical and archaeological record… and provides us with a connection to the people living in Jerusalem at the end of the First Temple period,” the statement said.
The City of David, while today located outside the southern walls of the Old City, is understood by archaeologists to be the site of the ancient city of Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible.
Fragments of oil lamps, stamped handles and female figurines dating from the end of the First Temple period discovered at the City of David site. (photo credit: courtesy Israel Antiquities Authority)
Fragments of oil lamps, stamped handles and female figurines dating from the end of the First Temple period discovered at the City of David site. (photo credit: courtesy Israel Antiquities Authority)
The bowl fragment, along with a number of other small artifacts dating from the same period, was discovered by archaeologists Joe Uziel and Nahshon Zanton during an investigation of remains associated with the destruction of the First Temple, which occurred in 587 BCE at the hand of Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.
Uziel and Zanton said that the letters inscribed on the bowl shard likely date from “sometime between the reign of Hezekiah and the destruction of Jerusalem under King Zedekiah.” Based on their analysis, they noted, the inscription “was engraved on the bowl prior to firing, indicating that the inscription originally adorned the rim of the bowl in its entirety, and was not written on a shard after the vessel was broken.”
The bowl possibly contained an offering, given by the person whose name was inscribed on the vessel, they said.

Terrorists ‘aim to hit Israeli, Jewish targets worldwide’ in coming weeks

Israeli and Jewish targets all over the world are likely to be sought out by terrorist organizations in the coming weeks, the Israeli government’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned in strikingly strident tones on Monday, 

Listing dozens of countries where it said it had “concrete” indications of a terrorist threat. 
It cited concerns about terrorist acts timed to coincide with the forthcoming Rosh Hashana (New Year), Yom Kippur and Succot festivals, and also said that the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US was likely to be “a favored period” for al-Qaeda and other global jihadist groups to attempt to carry out acts of terrorism Iran and Hezbollah, it warned, were continuing their “global terror campaign” against Israeli and Jewish targets.

 It noted that Iran remained bent on avenging alleged Israeli responsibility for the killing of Hezbollah terror chief Imad Mughniyeh in a Damascus car-bombing in 2008, and the deaths of three Iranian nuclear scientists. 

It said its information indicated that Israeli businessmen and ex-government officials were prime potential targets for assassination and/or kidnapping. With all that in mind, the bureau reconfirmed that Israelis are barred altogether from travel to Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, where the “concrete” terror threat was “very high.” 
In addition, it ordered Israelis not to travel to Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, Djibouti, Mauritania, Libya and Tunisia, and to leave these countries immediately if they were there, because of a similarly “very high” terror threat. Where Tunisia was concerned, it underlined what it said were the “threats to carry out attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets.” 

The unusually shrill and widespread alert included an order to Israelis not to travel to the Sinai Peninsula, because of the chaotic situation in Egypt. The Sinai’s Red Sea resorts are a traditionally popular holiday destination for Israelis, especially at this time of year. 
The advisory noted that Sinai was off limits not only because of the general Egyptian disorder and a series of recent attacks in the Sinai, however, but also because of “information on the intention to carry out further attacks.” 

Using only slightly less urgent language, the bureau, part of the National Security Council under the authority of the Prime Minister’s Office, ordered Israelis to “avoid visiting” the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt and Qatar, where it cited what it called a “basic” terrorist threat. 

Israel maintains peace agreements with both Jordan and Egypt, and the warning underlines what the bureau called “the complex security realities” in nations adjacent to Israel.The advisory also specified a “high” terror threat in Indonesia, Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo, Mali, Malaysia and Pakistan, telling Israelis not to go there and urging them to leave as soon as possible if they were there now. 

The bureau’s warning also specified concerns about terror threats to Israeli “business targets” worldwide, and especially in Africa, “in the wake of the exposure of a terrorist infrastructure in Nigeria over the past year.” 
Generally, it urged Israelis traveling worldwide to take extra precautions, such as avoiding unexpected meetings or out of the way places, and to change regular travel routes The bureau also told Israelis to postpone nonessential visits to Turkey, Oman and Morocco, because of “ongoing potential threats.” Slightly further afield, it cited “very high” terror threats in Afghanistan, parts of southern Thailand, parts of the southern Philippines, east Senegal, India’s Kashmir province, northern Nigeria, parts of Kenya, and Chechnya. Israel were not to travel to any of those areas, and to leave immediately if they were there, it ordered.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Chassidishe Monsey "Animals" defy Rav Sternbuch and blanket Monsey with Flyers condemning Rav Sternbuch and the Builders in Beit Shemesh!

Chassidishe gangsters, flooded Monsey with flyers, "Pashkevelim", urging people to kill Avraham Slonim who supports the building in the Beit Shemesh area, where the Crazy "Asra Kedusha" suspect, was an old jewish cemetery.
Littered Sidwalks in Monsey
However Rav Sternbach and other Gedolim already paskened that there is no problem building there!
Flyer condemning Rav Sternbuch
 I know that some of my readers will say, 
"well. they are just a bunch of mishagoyim," 

 If we do not stop this, this will go out of control, and someone will get killed. The Builder was already beaten to a pulp last week. I urge those who have children in Israel, to do what I did this morning. I called my son's Rosh Yeshiva and told him that if he doesn't condemn this atrocity, I will stop paying tuition. The Rosh Yeshiva told me that he will absoluetly tell his talmidim not to go to any of the Asra Kedusha Protests. I told him that's not enough! He has to come out and stand up for Kavod HaTotorah and speak against these bastards that are distorting our Holy Torah!

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Life of a Frum Lesbian

Chanie Getter
In an interview with Forward reporter, Frimet Goldberger, Ms Getter explains in fluent yiddish her journey from a Chassidishe wife, to her discovery of her being gay.

Chanie Getter grew up in Monsey in a very frum Chassidishe Family. She got married at 18, and had three children. She got divorced, and presently lives with another women. Her parents have nothing to do with her, but she continues to lead an orthodox life...
Chanie with a "Spitzel"

Listen to her story in yiddish
Click on the following link, Forward

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Knesset Member to Kerry "YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE"

Finally, someone with common sense, tells the Mushagna Kerry, where to get off.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is putting lives at risk by gambling on the peace process, Bayit Yehudi faction chairwoman Ayelet Shaked wrote in a letter to him Thursday.

 Shaked began the letter explaining that, due to the gravity of the situation, she feels that she “simply cannot be bound by the restraints of politically correct wording” and must be straightforward. 

“By forcing Israel to capitulate to terrorism by releasing murdering terrorists with so much blood on their hands that the US would never dream of releasing if it was their own citizens murdered –
you are not only being extremely hypocritical, but are actually dabbling in experimentation and gambling, by putting me and my children’s lives at risk,” 

Shaked wrote in the letter, which was also sent to US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro and Israel’s Ambassador to the US Michael Oren. 
According to Shaked, US pressure to release terrorists from prison, as it did earlier this week,
“is made all the more absurd, cynical and vicious by the fact that [the US] refuses to this day to release [Israeli agent] Jonathan Pollard from jail, despite the unprecedented [prison sentence] he has served thusfar.” 

The Bayit Yehudi MK added that Israelis will pay the price of releasing convicted murderers, not Kerry. 
“How will you carry the burden of the terrible price toward which you are leading us?” she wrote. 
“You forced us into peace talks during a period of time that the entire Middle East is in chaos, without realizing that by doing so, you have foolishly put us in an impossible situation in which we cannot and will not make any concessions.” 

Shaked wrote that Kerry raised expectations to a dangerous level that could lead the entire region to once again spin out of control once they’re proven to be unrealistic. 

In conclusion, Shaked pointed out that “the past four years in Israel have been quiet and peaceful as ever.” 
She suggested that Kerry “perform [his] job in a much more effective and relevant fashion by focusing [his] attention on Syria and Egypt, where people are actually being slaughtered.”

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Frum Jews in Beit Shemesh defy ruling of Rav Sternbuch and riot like the "Shvartza"

Despite the recent kenos and agreement reached to abide by daas Torah regarding the Binyan Shalem project in Beit Shemesh, Asra Kadisha activists were out in force Monday, 6 Elul 5773. Despite the rulings of Eida Chareidi Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch on the matter, Asra Kadisha fanatics are unwilling to abide by the posek’s rulings, to the extent last week a number of them attacked an elderly developer involved in advancing the project. Bayit Vegan resident Aryeh Golovnititz (גולובנציץ) was beaten so badly by the thugs who arrived at his home; he was hospitalized with a possible fractured skull.
On Monday morning, the Asra Kadisha activists were back and they used their bodies to prevent ongoing construction. A number of arrests were made. Police estimate about 100 protestors were on hand. The protests began on Sunday, albeit a much smaller and calmer event, as the heavy equipment began arriving on the site, signaling the imminent continuation of the project.
Protests followed in Beit Shemesh and Meah Shearim following the arrests, including setting garbage dumpsters ablaze. There were at least 14 reported arrests in Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh. City officials sent trucks to collect area garbage dumpsters so hoodlums could not set them ablaze.
- See more at: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/General+News/181383/PHOTOS:-Dozens-Protest-Ongoing-Construction-in-Beit-Shemesh.html#sthash.JUilFlTr.dpuf

Monday, August 12, 2013

Chassidim in Netanya go crazy and beat a man unconscious because he dared look at a pregnant lady!

by VIN News
Three Weeks after being beaten by a local “modesty squad”, authorities have released the identity of the 50 year old chareidi man, who remains unconscious and on a respirator in the intensive care unit of a Petach Tikva hospital.

According to reports on Israeli news site Ch. 2, (http://goo.gl/CmweYR)
 50 year old Hertzel Moshiach had been waiting for a bus on Rechov Weitzman in the Kiryat Sanz section of Netanya, next to Laniado Hospital, at approximately 11 PM Motzei Shabbos . As previously reported on VIN News, Moshiach was beaten after a group of chareidim allegedly observed him looking at a pregnant chareidi woman who was also waiting at the bus stop. 

 In a video taken at Moshiach’s bedside Moshiach’s sister, Esther Shem Tov, recounted that neighbors alerted her to the attack. They said, ‘Esther, run, they are killing your brother. We don’t know if he is alive or dead but they are beating him with deathly blows’.” “How a healthy person is going, not hurting anyone, never does anything wrong to anyone ever and the tznius squad decides to attack him, for what? Because he looked at a pregnant woman?” added another sister, Racheli Tzabari. According to eye witnesses, the attackers followed Moshiach to his house, where they tied up his hands and feet and placed Moshiach, who was screaming for help, into a waiting black vehicle. “I heard someone scream ‘help, help!’,” reported one eye witness. “I looked up and I saw these chareidi men and an older man.” 

 Another eye witness said that he was not able to see the vehicle’s license plate but that it drove off in the direction of Kiryat Sanz and that the attackers were clearly dressed as chareidim. Both eye witnesses requested to have their faces obscured in the video out of fear of retribution from the attackers. Authorities believe that Moshiach was beaten unconscious in the car and was later found lying in critical condition, in a pool of his own blood in Kiryat Sanz. Israeli police have yet to make any arrests in the case but they are investigating the incident and vowing to bring those responsible for the attack to justice. “I want them to come here and see him,” said Tzabari. “I want them to tell me why they did this.”

Chabad member kills his child and himself , leaves suicide note in Hebrew, video

The man who killed his 9-year-old son during a supervised visit Sunday apparently did so to spite the boy's mother, authorities said.
54-year-old Muni Savyon was meeting with his son Joshua and a counselor at the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire when he brought out a hand gun and shot his son several times before turning the weapon on himself. The counselor escaped unharmed.
'There's a lot of sadness and also anger on the part of everyone involved that a father would take his son's life for no other reason than apparently to spite his mother,' New Hampshire Assistant Attorney General Jeffery Strelzin told the Boston Herald
Scroll down for video
Dead: Muni Savyon shot and killed his 9-year-old son Joshua Sunday during a supervised parental visit at a YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Dead: Muni Savyon shot and killed his 9-year-old son Joshua Sunday during a supervised parental visit at a YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
The boy's mother had dropped Joshua off at the YWCA around 9:30am and was not in the building when the shooting happened.The organization is open on Sundays for supervised child visitation and custody exchanges.The couple's marital status wasn't clear: Savyon's rabbi said the couple were divorced while law enforcement officials said the two were separated.
Muni, a software engineer, sent an email to a friend suggesting he was suicidal before the shootings. He had a troubled relationship with the boy's mother and threatened to kill them and himself before.
Response: Police arrived to the scene quickly and in force after 10am Sunday, forming a perimeter
Response: Police arrived to the scene quickly and in force after 10am Sunday, forming a perimeter
Shooter: Not knowing whether the shooter was alive or dead, police raided the building in a strategic manner
Shooter: Not knowing whether the shooter was alive or dead, police raided the building in a strategic manner
Intent: Savyon had threatened to kill himself, his son and the boy's mother before
Intent: Savyon had threatened to kill himself, his son and the boy's mother before
'She had reservations which is why he was having supervised visits,' Strelzin said. 
Savyon  also recently lost his younger brother who suffered a heart attack in their home country of Israel. 
His rabbi, Levi Krinsky of Chabad Lubavitch, said the man was depressed when he returned from Israel to bury his brother but that no one expected he was capable of killing his own son.
Motive: Savyon's rabbi, Levi Krinsky, said the man had become depressed after his younger brother died in Israel recently from a heart attack
Motive: Savyon's rabbi, Levi Krinsky, said the man had become depressed after his younger brother died in Israel recently from a heart attack

'He was just very broken, which I thought was directly related to his brother's passing,' Rabbi Krinsky told the Boston Globe. 'Did I think he was suicidal? No. Did I think he was dangerous? Not in the slightest. Apparently this is what he was thinking. End it all.'
Savyon's ex-wife Ellen Vig - not the boy's mother - got a copy of the suicide email written in Hebrew which she says spells out his intentions and what he wants done with his property. 
Vig divorced Savyon in 1997, but remained friends with her ex-husband. She described him as a kind-hearted person who loved his son and tried to give the boy varied experiences.  
'He was non-violent. He would try to help anyone he could. He was a really nice guy,' she said from her home in North Billerica, Massachusetts. 
Police and emergency services responded at approximately 10:30 a.m. to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Police and emergency services responded at approximately 10:30 a.m. to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Police and emergency services responded at approximately 10:30 a.m. to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Families: On Sundays the YWCA is open for supervised child visitation and custody exchanges
Families: On Sundays the YWCA is open for supervised child visitation and custody exchanges
Savyon was active in Libertarian causes, Vig said, and was a twice-defeated candidate for the New Hampshire Legislature, most recently in February.
Current New Hampshre State Representative Peter Sullivan said Savyon was a political hopeful in years past

Facebook removes Pro-Israel Articles

BY RUTHIE BLUM For the past two months, I have intermittently been barred from Facebook.
The first time it happened was in June, when I tried to post my Israel Hayom column. Suddenly, a window popped up, telling me that inappropriate material had been found on, and removed from, my page. I was warned that if I continued violating Facebook’s “community standards,” I would be banned from the social network for good.
The notice included a link specifying these standards, and a demand that I click to acknowledge I had read and understood them. Failure to do so, it said, would result in my inability even to open Facebook to read my newsfeed. I complied.
The following statement appeared: “Facebook gives people around the world the power to publish their own stories, see the world through the eyes of many other people, and connect and share wherever they go. The conversation that happens on Facebook–and the opinions expressed here–mirror the diversity of the people using Facebook. To balance the needs and interests of a global population, Facebook protects expression that meets the community standards outlined on this page. Please review these standards. They will help you understand what type of expression is acceptable, and what type of content may be reported and removed.”
Underneath the explanation, examples of unacceptable content were listed. Among these were “violence and threats,” “self-harm,” “bullying and harassment,” “graphic content,” “nudity and pornography,” and “hate speech.”
I was puzzled. Neither I nor anyone else who had shared articles with me had engaged in any of the above. And, as eagerly as I searched, I couldn’t locate a single dirty picture on my timeline.
Indeed, the only activity visible, other than the occasional photo of one of my family members, was political in nature.
Since global politics is what I write about–with an emphasis on the defense of Israel and criticism of its detractors–this is obviously what dominates my Facebook page. Comments on pieces I post are also related to issues of foreign policy, Zionism, anti-Semitism, the Middle East and the United States.
What, then, could possibly be the reason for my suspension?
Figuring at first that it must be some kind of error, I simply chalked it up to spam and waited until I was allowed back into Facebook’s good graces.
When this warning appeared a second time, however, I did what I always do when baffled by cyberspace–I called my kids. After admonishing me for being an idiot where the Internet is concerned, one of them told me to change my settings. This would prevent other people from posting on my page without my permission. I took his advice and assumed I had solved the problem.
The very next day, I received the warning again, this time with a slightly harsher tone. After all, I had become a serial offender. I was banned not for 24 hours, but for three days. This meant that not only was I unable to post anything, but I could not even “like” anyone else’s posts.
The only good thing about this was that it gave me the chance to snap back at my son that maybe I’m not such an idiot. I had done as he had instructed, and  was still getting the menacing message. Ha.
The next step, we decided, was to send a message to the folks at Facebook. Hey, I hollered, I haven’t been posting anything incendiary. Please advise. Alas, no response was forthcoming.
Again I returned to the rules of conduct, to see if I could decipher what I was doing wrong and how I could make it right. The clue was at the bottom of the “community standards” page, in a paragraph titled “Reporting abuse”: “If you see something on Facebook that you believe violates our terms, you should report it to us.”
In other words, someone has been complaining about me to Facebook, reporting abuse on my part. This person clearly doesn’t like what I have to say–which is always from a conservative viewpoint–and has come up with a way to silence me through bullying.
It is actually he or she who is violating Facebook standards, not I. But there is nothing I can do about it, other than go on the defensive, and so far not very effectively.
This is exactly how the enemies of Israel operate. They repeatedly accuse the Jewish state of acting in an illegitimate fashion, thereby placing the burden of proof on the unwitting defendant. It is a brazen and shameless tactic. And it works like a charm.
Facebook is a private enterprise that has the right to choose its users. Those users do not pay for the privilege; and it is a huge privilege for writers to have access to such a massive readership. Whoever has been targeting me knows this full well.
He or she is also aware that all one has to do to ruin Israel’s reputation is to cast aspersions. Social networking takes care of the rest.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Nechemya Weberman's devoted wife!

Nechemya Weberman and His Devoted Wife

Being Married to Jailed 'Devil of Williamsburg'

When Nechemya Weberman was found guilty and was sentenced to 103 years in prison for repeatedly raping a girl who he was supposed to be counseling, most thought the grisly tale was over. This was a record sentence for a Hasidic man convicted in a Brooklyn courtroom. The counselor had fallen, and his cloistered Satmar community — a shtetl in the shadow of the world’s hipster capital, Williamsburg Brooklyn — had cracked open, revealing secrets.
The victim, a minor whose identity is protected by the court, made headlines for withstanding four days of brutal testimony. Both Weberman’s defense and the prosecution later agreed that she was the best witness they had ever seen. Press coverage praised her courage and resolve in combating not just her abuser, but also her own community, which, rather than supporting her, united to raise funds for Weberman’s legal fees.
Even Rebbe Aaron Teitelbaum, the dynastic community leader, outrageously asked, “Is our sister to be like a whore?” The tale seemed well cast and clear cut: heroine, villain, justice.
Covering the case for Newsweek and The Daily Beast, I saw Nechemya Weberman’s wife, Chaya Weberman, in court every day. It became clear that this was a story of not one woman, but two: the traditional heroine — the victim, now a young and beautiful newlywed — and the wife who stood beside her husband as shame cloaked all he touched. I wanted to know that woman.
In court, where the seating was gender segregated like at a religious wedding, the victim’s supporters wore expensive wigs and big jewels, announcing an Orthodoxy that was more modern, while Weberman’s small female faction dressed in funeral black with Old World hats attached to somber wigs. They didn’t smile. Who could blame them?
My eyes met Chaya Weberman’s while waiting for our bags to be searched by court police. Each day she sat beside her husband in the gallery before proceedings began. She was often with a daughter, or with her husband’s sister, women who stared coldly and wouldn’t return hellos. Looking calm and grim, Chaya Weberman nodded in recognition.
After Nechemya Weberman had been shipped to prison in upstate New York, I called his wife again and again, learning more about her and her husband and their 10 children each time, asking repeatedly when we could meet.
She told me that she and her husband had first met, like most Satmar couples, under the gaze of their parents. She liked him from the start, thought him kind and imagined they could make a life together. I told her I remembered first meeting the man who would become my husband, the first Jew I’d ever dated, and thinking the same thing.
The day of their wedding, she fasted and prayed that she and her husband would be compatible and have healthy children. Not long afterward, he became a driver for Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, worked in information technology, founded a counseling business supporting their large family in one of the country’s costliest cities and at the same time became entangled in legal troubles concerning his real estate ventures. She said that he was still never too busy to take her shopping or to visit family, as Satmar women aren’t permitted to drive.
It soon became clear that if I wanted to meet Chaya Weberman in person, I’d simply have to show up at her door. It wasn’t the first time I’d gone to Satmar Williamsburg in an ankle-length skirt, thick tights and a sweater that hid my elbows and collarbone. Though the clothes were mine, I felt disguised, but still I expected she might not see me.
When I knocked, she was surprised, but she let me in. Passover was weeks away, but a vacuum hummed nearby, sucking up hametz. She wore a navy silk dress and a terry-cloth headcovering dotted in rhinestones. Her home was large by New York City standards, with a vaulted ceiling and a massive dining table for family meals. Chaya Weberman had recently returned from one of her biweekly visits to her husband. She had brought him a Megillah for Purim, which she proudly said he read aloud to 20 inmates. I asked if he had made friends, or enemies. She said he’s made neither: He prefers to read; books are his friends, and he doesn’t like to go outside.
Despite all the evidence — the victim’s vivid account, the confessions of other alleged victims in Williamsburg and in the press, and the rumors attacking Weberman’s character, claiming that he had long had a problem with girls — she won’t accept her husband’s guilt. After more than 30 years of marriage, she still believes he is a loving person who could never hate or do wrong. She mistrusts the legal system, and her friends and neighbors reinforce her belief in her husband’s innocence.
It’s easy to wonder how a woman could stand by a man incarcerated for such ghastly offences. Part of her strategy is demonizing the victim and her family; she even calls them “sluts.” It’s part of the narrative she must craft to get through the day. In her mid-50s, she still has children at home to raise and marry off. No easy feat beneath the burden of her husband’s crimes.
She maintains that he has been chosen to be tested by God, even though he did nothing wrong. She won’t ask why. She says doing so would require her to meet Hashem for an answer, and she’s not yet ready to leave this life. She is brimming with faith.
Life is harder without the head of her house, but she smiles when discussing his fan club: people who write to her to champion Nechemya’s innocence, and who are not all Satmar Jews. One woman, for instance, who was searching for a Weber grill came across the trial coverage and offered her support.
Though Weberman’s sentence was reduced, he’ll still likely die in prison. But his wife refuses to focus on that; rather, she repeats that he is “working on his soul,” pursing the gifts of the next life. She surrounds herself with family and friends who support this thesis. She is lonely, but she reassures me that she’ll survive.
Sometimes the only truth you can know is your own.
Allison Yarrow is a journalist in Brooklyn, a contributing writer at Time and the author of “The Devil of Williamsburg,”

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/181608/nechemya-weberman-and-his-devoted-wife/?p=all#ixzz2bTxd4EgF

Monsey residents are still in Galus, after 3 Blacks come to Monsey "to shoot Jews"

Ramapo Police arrested three individuals on Francis Pl in Monsey after they shot at bystanders with a paintball gun out of a moving vehicle on Rita Ave, hitting Yosef Margertetten in the stomach and damaging another vehicle.
The individuals that were shot at are volunteers with Chaverim of Monsey, which helped with the quick apprehension of the alleged suspects, the volunteers gave over the description of the vehicle to police who caught up with the suspects on Francis pl., Police discovered numerous paintball guns and knives in the vehicle.
Hatzoloh EMS transported the victim to Good Samaritan hospital where he is being treated for his injuries that he suffered from the Paintball pellets.
Paintball is a popular game played by millions of people throughout the world. It is also a controversial sport due to what critics believe is an unreasonable risk that players could suffer serious injuries, including blinding and death, Paintball guns use compressed carbon dioxide to propel the small paint-filled pellets, which explode on contact with an object or target. When shot from a paintball gun, paintball pellets can travel 250 to 300 feet per second, or up to 200 miles per hour. 
These "toy" guns which use compressed air instead of gunpowder to launch projectiles, but they are often nearly as powerful as firearms that use gunpowder, Hospital emergency departments see over 20,000 injuries per year due to air and paintball guns,

police are investigating the motive behind this shooting, and It is not clear on what charges the suspects will be charged with, More Information will be posted as soon as they become available. 

Convicted Sex Offender Moshe Turner looking for more boys in Wesley Hills

The chief "Chazir" of Monsey, Moshe Turner, convicted of being a repeat sex offender, is on the prowl again to try to satisfy his perverted desires! 
Read the following e-mail sent to Wesley Hills & Monsey residents.

Dear YDN Parents/Faculty Members and Members of the Monsey Community:
It is becoming increasingly evident that the matter of child safety overall and specifically the issue of the recent abduction attempts in our community continue to need our urgent attention. Increased awareness and vigilance will help create a safer environment for all of our children and grandchildren.
Consider these incidents that took place in our neighborhood since last week’s email:
1.      Moshe Turner, A Level-2 Sex Offender (his picture here), of 65 Decatur Road was seen davening in a Wesley Hills shul even though it is located far from where he lives. Mr. Turner recently pled guilty to viciously sodomizing a teenage boy, and as reported here, escaped the prison sentence he richly deserved due to the communal pressure placed on the victim and his family not to testify in court.
Mr. Turner was recognized by members of the shul who followed the advice of Ramapo Police Chief Brower disseminated in last week’s email, that parents become aware of the registered offenders who live in the area. As a result Mr. Turner was told in no uncertain terms to immediately leave the shul and never return. (Click on this link and enter your zip code and the zip codes of surrounding areas to review the list and see the pictures. You can also click here to receive email notification whenever a convicted sex offender moves into the area, relocates, or when there is a new conviction of a child molester.) 
2.      This past Tuesday, August 6th, a 13-year-old boy was approached from behind by an individual driving a car on McNamara Drive and was asked to enter the vehicle. The boy’s parents had spoken to him about this matter over the past weekend due to our awareness campaign. He knew exactly what to do – run away and tell his parents.
3.      This past Monday, August 5th, an individual in a parked car was seen taking pictures of children playing in Jacaruso Park near the Pupa Yeshiva where Darchei Noam once rented space. Thanks to the efforts of Chaverim member Aron Slater, a grainy picture was retrieved from a nearby security camera and the information was passed on to the Spring Valley Police. (Picture of car attached to this email.)
There is no need to frighten your children needlessly, nor is it helpful to do so. What we all must do is increase our awareness and vigilance as adults and train our children in the basics of both “stranger danger” and comprehensive child safety.
May Hashem watch over all our children and please see to it that they are properly trained and supervised at all times. 

Best wishes for a Gutten Shabbos,