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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Feckless Biden and Kamala have thrown Israel to the wolves with their ignorance and betrayal


by Michael Goodwin NYP

As fate would have it, the 79th anniversary of the formal Japanese surrender in World War II came on the same day that Joe Biden all but encouraged Hamas to keep fighting and holding hostages in Gaza.

The contrast suggests that had Biden been president back then instead of Harry Truman, America would have lost the Second World War.

Truman boldly led the free world to total victory, while Biden is an appeaser from head to toe.

He is a modern incarnation of Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister so desperate for peace that he convinced himself Adolf Hitler wanted the same thing.

Although Biden fancies himself a student of history, he has failed to learn its most important lesson about dealing with tyrants and terrorists.

The signature moment of his terrible tenure, the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, helped spark wars in Europe and the Mideast and heightened tensions in Asia.

Our adversaries see him as a soft touch, and who can say they are wrong?

Biden’s not even smart enough to hide his delusions, as he showed Monday with his answer to a question about Israel and ­Hamas.

The terrorist savages had just executed six civilian hostages, one of them an American citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, and Biden was asked if he thought Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was doing enough to gain a cease-fire.

Given the circumstances, the question was preposterous, but the answer far worse.

“No,” Biden said.

Never has one word signified so much ignorance and betrayal.

Israel is a key ally, its existence a moral imperative. It is being threatened in a three-front war with its survival at stake and kidnapped hostages are being brutalized, yet Biden publicly undercuts its democratically elected leader.

There was no denunciation of Arab terrorists taking hostages, terrorizing them for nearly a year, then executing them to prove there would be no deal unless Hamas got everything it wanted.

Nor did Biden mention that Israel has agreed to earlier cease-fire proposals that Hamas rejected, a fact that American officials concede.

Only through a printed statement did the White House even acknowledge that an American citizen had been slain.

Given an opportunity on camera to make a forceful denunciation and promise consequences, Biden’s one-word, one-sided answer puts more demands on Israel.

Nothing was asked of Hamas, which got a green light to keep holding out for more Israeli concessions. Not incidentally, of the remaining 60 hostages thought to be alive, at least four are American citizens — yet Biden says nothing about them.

Open Jew hatred

Nor mentioned was Iran, which could end the war in a heartbeat by announcing it would no longer finance and support Hamas.

Kim Jong Un executes 30 officials over floods in North Korea that killed 4,000: report


North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un ordered up to 30 officials to be executed over their alleged failure to prevent massive flooding and landslides in the summer that resulted in the death of some 4,000 people, according to South Korean media.

An official under Kim’s regime said between 20 to 30 leaders in North Korea had been charged with corruption and dereliction of duty, with the state sentencing them to capital punishment, TV Chosun reported.

“It has been determined that 20 to 30 cadres in the flood-stricken area were executed at the same time late last month,” the official told the outlet.

Reports of the executions were not immediately verified by independent outlets.

The North Korean Central News Agency previously reported that Kim ordered authorities “strictly punish” the officials after catastrophic flooding hit the Chagang Province in July, claiming about 4,000 lives and displacing more than 15,000 people.

The officials who were executed were not identified, but the report noted that Kang Bong-hoon, the Chagang Province Provincial Party Committee Secretary since 2019, was among the leaders dismissed by Kim in an emergency meeting during the flooding disaster.

Following the meeting with Kim, former North Korean diplomat Lee Il-gyu told TV Chosun that it was clear officials in the province were “so anxious that they don’t know when their necks will fall off.” 

Kim was seen last month surveying the damaged areas and meeting with residents as he estimated that it would take months to rebuild the flooded neighborhoods.

The North Korean leader also slammed reports from South Korea about the death toll, refuting the allegations that thousands were killed.

It’s not the first time reports have emerged of Kim ordering officials to be taken out over a perceived failure.

In 2019, the state allegedly executed Kim Hyok Chol, its nuclear envoy to the US, for failing to negotiate a summit between Kim and then-US President Donald Trump.

'Gallant, Resign!' Members of Knesset Tell the Coward That wants to Surrender to Hamas

Minister Amichai Chikli and several Likud Knesset members approached their party member and Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant and urged him to resign.

They opened the letter saying: "At this time, the responsibility of the country's leadership, in general, and the Minister of Defense, in particular, is to instill a spirit of resilience among the nation and bravery among the fighting forces. Unfortunately, in recent times, and even more so in the past days, your statements and actions are achieving the exact opposite."

The MKs who signed the letter alongside Chikli, include Moshe Saada, Amit Halevi, Ariel Kellner and Avihai Boaron. They attacked Galant: "Instead of acting to exact a heavy price from Hamas for the horrific murder of six of our hostages, you are actually asking to raise a white flag and surrender to their demands."

They explained that the "withdrawing from the Philadelphi Corridor is totally disregarding Israel’s security priorities. We cannot even fathom the thought and it stems from the same short-sightedness that led our security leaders to October 7, where as soon as we lose our grip on the Corridor, rivers of weapons and terrorist operatives will flow into Gaza, Hamas will restore its strength very quickly, the rockets will fire once again and, unlike the tales that you and the heads of the defense system are trying to deceive the public into believing, there is no guarantee that the international political conditions will enable us to return to a normal situation and retake control of the Corridor."

They reminded him: "For years you told how you felt a failure that you, as commander of the Southern Command, were not able to finish the job in Operation Cast Lead, and now, at the moment of truth, you are ready to give up on the absolute defeat of Hamas. You were talking about this defeat at the beginning of the war, calling it 'surrender or death.’”

“Until now, we have avoided calling out to you, because we wanted to reduce tensions, but the events of the last few days have left us no choice. The people of Israel and its soldiers deserve a minister of defense who will lead them to victory, a minister of defense who will make demands and uphold his promises. A minister of defense who does not surrender to terrorists, but subdues them. A minister of defense who knows that the fall of our soldiers must not be in vain, a minister of defense who respects the public that sent him to implement a national security policy, in the spirit of Jabotinsky's Iron Wall," his Likud partners wrote to him.

In conclusion, they wrote: "If you are tired from the journey and are unable to stand firm in the face of those who seek to murder us, we implore you to go and return to your home. Leave the sacred work in the hands of others, who are capable of it and who are worthy of the dedication and sacrifice of our soldiers and the generation of victory, that we have witnessed right before our eyes,."

'If we leave Philadephi, we can forget about the hostages. They will be smuggled out through Rafah Crossing and we will never know where they are.'


IDF combat soldier Oded Harush explains why it is important for the IDF to keep control over the Philadelphi Corridor and appealed to those who accuse the opponents of the deal as if they are abandoning the hostages.

"This is more than the debate about the Philadelphi Corridor. This is offending us as reservists," Harosh said in an interview with Channel 14 News.

"When I see that the slogan is 'either a deal or abandoning the hostages,’ they make it seem as if there are only two options. If I oppose the deal, does that means I am abandoning the hostages? I have been fighting for nine months in Jabaliya, in Khan Yunis, in Rafah. I was injured in Khan Yunis and went back there after I recovered. I gave nine months to rescue hostages. Does it look like I am abandoning them? Why can’t I support maintaining control over the Philadelphi Corridor, without being accused of abandoning the hostages?"

He calls on the heads of the campaign: “I think us reservists deserve to be treated with a bit more sensitivity. You are not more moral than us. You are not the only ones with slogans. You are not the only moral ones. You are not more moral than us. We, who fought and risked our lives, are probably more moral than you. Just because I disagree with a hostage deal, does not mean that I am not moral.”

On the importance of maintaining control over the Philadelphi Corridor, Harush explained: "Hamas is against us staying in the Corridor, but Egypt is as well. Why? Why should they care? We are doing the work for them.”

He added in response to those who claim that it will be possible to return to the Corridor at any time and mentioned the Disengagement Plan and kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. "Ten months after they promised us that if we left Gush Katif and one bullet came out of there, we would flatten Gaza, ten months later no bullet came out – but, one of our soldiers was kidnapped and we didn’t flatten Gaza. We didn't enter Gaza at all."

As a tank commander who took part in the battles in Rafah, Harush described what the soldiers found there: "What we saw with our own eyes, neither sensors nor Egyptians can replace. Without going into too much detail, the launchers we found under Egyptian posts and the tunnels that crossed from Rafah to Egypt, are not simple tunnels. They are freeway tunnels. Not only ammunition was brough through there, but vehicles as well."

Harush wondered what would happen if Israel withdrew from Philadelphia for a few days. What would the terrorists have time to do with the hostages: "We are leaving Rafah for a week. Think what they can do with our hostages in a week. We could be dealing with dozens of Ron Arad cases. We will never know what happened to them.”

Wall Street Journal: Hamas Murders Six Hostages and Biden Blames Israel


An opinion article by the Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board excoriated US President Joe Biden and his administration for placing the blame on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for Hamas’s execution of six hostages. The article also stressed how Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris put immense pressure on Israel, even threatening it with an arms embargo, not to enter Rafah – delaying the operation for months. And of course, that’s exactly where the hostages were found.

Hamas probably can’t believe its luck—or the lack of moral seriousness by its enemies. The terrorists murder six Israeli hostages, including one dual-citizen American, and Israel is suddenly under pressure to make concessions—to Hamas.

That’s the way it looked Monday, a day after Israel said it recovered the bodies of six hostages. They were executed in a Gaza tunnel only a day or two before Israel reached them, shot multiple times at close range. The hostages are Eden Yerushalmi, age 24; Ori Danino, 25; Alex Lobanov, 32; Carmel Gat, 40; Almog Sarusi, 27; and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, the U.S. citizen, 23.

We have met Hersh’s parents, Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg, and were struck by their strength and good courage, willing to do anything and go anywhere to help their son. The crime here is all on Hamas, which took the innocent hostages on Oct. 7 and has refused to release them through multiple rounds of U.S.-brokered negotiations.

Yet the reaction from the White House, the British government, the Western press and some parts of Israel is to blame the Israeli government. On Monday, in a one-word answer to a press scrum, Mr. Biden accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of not doing enough to secure a hostage deal.

Britain’s new Labour government chose Monday to announce that, after a review, it is suspending 30 arms export licenses to Israel. The titular explanation is that there is a “risk” the arms might be used in violation of humanitarian laws against Palestinians. Does the Keir Starmer government mean violations like Hamas shooting innocents in the head? Or does it fear that Jeremy Corbyn, the anti-Israel MP, is forming a group of independent “pro-Gaza” Members? The timing here compounds the bad policy.

Like Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi, the Muslim hostage Israel rescued last week, the murdered six were found in Rafah, the city the world worked so hard to prevent Israel from entering. President Biden’s opposition kept Israel out of Rafah for three months. Vice President Kamala Harris claimed a Rafah invasion would doom its civilians. “I have studied the maps. There’s nowhere for those folks to go,” she said. Israel proved her wrong, evacuating a million Gazans in two weeks. Israel has dismantled Hamas’s Rafah brigade with notably low civilian casualties.

Aid groups hyped worst-case scenarios for a Rafah invasion. Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris withheld weapons to stop Israel from fighting there. Ms. Harris wouldn’t rule out “consequences” if Israel went ahead. Egypt threatened to abrogate its peace treaty with Israel over it. Israel has since found over a dozen tunnels from Rafah into Egypt, which insists that Israel leave the border to let Hamas’s arms smuggling resume. It should be clear now why Israel couldn’t let Hamas rule Rafah.

Mr. Biden said Sunday that “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes.” But his next sentence pushed for a cease-fire to end the war. Ms. Harris says, “Hamas cannot control Gaza,” an important line that has been missing from her speeches, but that also seems at odds with her insistence on an “immediate cease-fire.”

The choices are heavy, and Israel’s leaders don’t need U.S. pressure driven by an American election calendar. Americans know right from wrong. When Mr. Polin and Ms. Goldberg spoke at the Democratic convention, the crowd chanted “bring them home.” That was also the chant at the Republican convention during the speech by the parents of Omer Neutra, a 22-year-old U.S. hostage still in Gaza.

Israel is offering unprecedented strategic concessions and risking its soldiers’ lives to free hostages. U.S. pressure should be on Hamas, which took the hostages and murders them.

Social Media Outraged at Teacher Federation President & Leftist Witch Randi Weingarten for Blaming Netanyahu in Hostage Tragedy

 Leftist Democrat Randi Weingarten, the President of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), has ignited significant controversy over the weekend with remarks suggesting that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shares responsibility for the brutal hamas murder of six hostages, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who were found brutally executed by Hamas.

Weingarten, a prominent figure known for her stance on school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday to express her views. Her comments came just a day after the discovery of the hostages’ murdered bodies in a tunnel in the Gaza Strip, following an operation by Israeli forces.

“Our hearts are breaking for the families of the hostages Hamas murdered,” Weingarten wrote in her post. However, she went on to assert, “At the same time anger must be placed at Netanyahu’s feet for his refusal to consummate [a] cease fire [sic]/ hostage release deal.”

The post quickly sparked outrage, with many criticizing and mocking Weingarten for appearing to place blame on Netanyahu amid a highly sensitive and tragic situation. Critics argue that her comments may shift focus from Hamas’s role as the perpetrators of the violence.

Douglas Murray Defends Netanyahu, Says Wars are Not Won Due to Compromise


 Douglas Murray appeared on Piers Morgan’s show and, as he so often does, Murray spoke powerfully, emphatically and eloquently in his defense of Israel.

Murray pushed back on the presumption that Netanyahu is not compromising. He said it’s not Netanyahu who is uncompromising, rather it is Hamas. They could have returned the hostages all these months, they could have used the billions in tax dollars they got from US and British citizens to build a booming paradise. Rather they chose to build tunnels and enrich their leaders.

Murray said “These are fanatics, they want the death of their own citizens in order to put pressure on the West. How can you compromise with that?”

Murray said that Westerners tend to believe that wars end because one side “comes around” and agrees, however, the reality is, that wars end because one side wins and the other side loses.

Facebook Removes Eulogy For Slain Hostage Carmel Gat .... ‘Praises Organizations We Define As Dangerous’


In a shocking display of insensitivity and arrogance, Meta (formerly Facebook) decided to remove from its site a eulogy given by the brother of Carmel Gat, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza after being kidnapped from Kibbutz Beeri and spending 11 months in captivity.

Meta claimed in response that the eulogy “shared or sent symbols, praise or support of people and organizations we define as dangerous, or followed them.”

In the eulogy, Carmel’s brothers Alon and Or, said that they loved her and wanted her to hug them, to look them in the eyes, to be with them and strengthen them.

They added that “We miss your zest for life, how you loved to order many different foods and taste them all, how you loved to have fun but sleep early after giving your all. Your ability to do for others became your symbol and your signification. All your life you fought for what was important for you while checking and ascertaining what was most appropriate for you and your surroundings. You fought for justice, social equality and helping all. It is absurd that you in particular should have been involved in this disaster. You who saw everyone but those who wished to see you didn’t see. You, who symbolized the struggle and the rectification. You will live with us, now, at every moment. You touched the lives of so many people who you met in your life and after you were kidnapped you touched the hearts of many worldwide. We’re sure you are drinking coffee with Mom [Kinneret Gat, who was murdered on 7.10] in the new kibbutz up above.

“Carmel, we are angry, very very angry. We need your help to channel this to good places. Carmel would have said that we must continue to fight for our lives, as nobody will do it for us, so wake up, wake up from this nightmare, everyone.”

It is unclear which part of the eulogy irked Meta, although the request to “continue to fight for our lives” may have been a factor. The family requested from Meta to restore the eulogy and were told that they must appeal formally to have it reinstated.

Carmel (40) was an occupational therapist who used various methods and techniques to help other hostages held in the Gaza tunnels.

Biden/Harris Justice Dept Charges Hamas Leader in Connection With Oct. 7 Massacre in Israel Just to Lure Dumb Jews to Vote for them!


DIN: When I first read it I really thought it was a satire! But it's real! The DemonRats are afraid of losing the Jewish vote, so they are charging a terrorist rat in a cave who they will never bring to justice to make the stupid Jewish stooges to vote for Harris! They tried stopping Israel from entering Rafah where this Rat was hiding out!  How sick is this? 

The Justice Department announced criminal charges Tuesday against Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and other senior militants in connection with the Oct. 7, 2023, rampage in Israel, marking the first effort by American law enforcement to formally call out the masterminds of the attack.

The seven-count criminal complaint filed in federal court in New York City includes charges of conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals and conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, resulting in death. It also accuses Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah of providing financial support and weapons, including rockets, and military supplies.

The impact of the case may be mostly symbolic given that Sinwar is believed to be hiding out in tunnels and the Justice Department says three of the six defendants named in the complaint are believed now to be dead. But officials say additional actions are expected as part of a broader effort to target the operations of a militant group that was designated in 1997 by the U.S. government as a foreign terrorist organization and has been linked to a series of deadly attacks on Israel, including suicide bombings.

The complaint was originally filed under seal in February to give the U.S. time to try to take into custody the then-Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, but was unsealed Tuesday after Haniyeh’s death in July and other developments in the region lessened the need for secrecy, the Justice Department said.

“The charges unsealed today are just one part of our effort to target every aspect of Hamas’ operations,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a video statement. “These actions will not be our last.”

The charges come as the White House says it is developing a new cease-fire and hostage deal proposal with its Egyptian and Qatari counterparts to try to bring about an agreement between Israel and Hamas to end the nearly 11-month war in Gaza.

A U.S. official, who was not authorized to talk publicly about the case and spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press there was no reason to believe the charges would affect the ongoing negotiations.

National security spokesman John Kirby said the recent “executions” of six hostages, including one American, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, by Hamas underscore “the sense of urgency” in the talks.

“We are investigating Hersh’s murder, and each and every one of the brutal murders of Americans, as acts of terrorism,” Garland said in the statement. “We will continue to support the whole of government effort to bring the Americans still being held hostage home.”

Sinwar was appointed the overall head of Hamas after the killing of Haniyeh in Iran and sits atop Israel’s most-wanted list. He is believed to have spent most of the past 10 months living in tunnels under Gaza, and it is unclear how much contact he has with the outside world. He was a long-serving Palestinian prisoner freed in an exchange of the type that would be part of a cease-fire and hostage release deal.

Haniyeh was also charged.

Other Hamas leaders facing charges include Marwan Issa, the deputy leader of Hamas’ armed wing in Gaza, who helped plan last year’s attack and who Israel says was killed when fighter jets struck an underground compound in central Gaza in March; Khaled Mashaal, another Haniyeh deputy and a former leader of the group thought to be based in Qatar; Mohammed Deif, Hamas’ longtime shadowy military leader, who is thought to be dead following an Israeli airstrike in southern Gaza in July; and Lebanon-based Ali Baraka, Hamas’ head of external relations.

During the Oct. 7 attack, militants killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took about 250 people hostage. Roughly 100 hostages remain, a third of whom are believed to be dead.

The criminal complaint describes the massacre as the “most violent, large-scale terrorist attack” in Hamas’ history. It details how Hamas operatives who arrived in southern Israel with “trucks, motorcycles, bulldozers, speedboats, and paragliders” engaged in a brutal campaign of violence that included rape, genital mutilation and machine-gun shootings at close range.

It references a widely circulated video showing a largely unclothed and unconscious woman in the back of a pickup truck as Hamas operatives chanted “Allahu Akbar.”

The document also says the defendants in the years and weeks preceding the attack openly called for violence against Israel and advocated even more mayhem after Oct. 7, citing a statement from Mashaal three days later that said: “I call on you at this moment, I call on every one of you. Responding to Jihad is an individual responsibility. Whether you fight collectively or individually, this is your individual responsibility.”

Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed over 40,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants in its count. The war has caused widespread destruction and forced the vast majority of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents to flee their homes, often multiple times.

Hamas has accused Israel of dragging out months of negotiations by issuing new demands, including for lasting Israeli control over the Philadelphi corridor along the border of Egypt and a second corridor running across Gaza.

Hamas has offered to release all hostages in return for Israel committing suicide and to end the war, the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces and the release of a large number of Palestinian prisoners, including high-profile militants — broadly the terms called for under an outline for a deal put forward by President Joe Biden in July. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged “total victory” over Hamas and blames it for the failure of the negotiations.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Bloomberg News A Stooge for Biden/Harris Punishes Journalist Olivia Nuzzi for article about Biden health cover up

Journalist Olivia Nuzzi had the rollout of her new show killed by Bloomberg after she published an article on Joe Biden's declining condition, according to a bombshell report.

The New York Magazine reporter was the target of an online campaign after she wrote about efforts by Democrats to conceal Biden's deteriorating condition in a July article titled, The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.

Semafor reports that Bloomberg had planned a splashy rollout for Nuzzi's show, Working Capital, but abruptly cancelled them after the article came out and some Democrats demanded her firing.

Nuzzi's critics called a racist, sharing tweets from the Obama administration where Nuzzi mocked those who questioned whether the former president was really born in the US. 

Nuzzi confirmed Semafor's reporting, telling the outlet she was not surprised, but nevertheless disappointed by Bloomberg's' decision.

'When I write something that agitates the right, I am accused of being a liberal activist. When I write something that agitates the left, I am accused of being a conservative activist,' Nuzzi said.

'The difference is that mainstream media organizations tend to ignore bad-faith campaigns against reporters led by the right.' 

The Bloomberg show, which sees Nuzzi interviewing political and business leaders, was quietly released last month and is available online.

A Bloomberg News spokesperson declined to comment when reached by DailyMail.com on Tuesday. 

In her New York Magazine piece, Nuzzi claimed top Democrats were stumped as to how and why the fast-declining 81 year-old Biden was being allowed to continue his re-election bid.

Nuzzi said she had heard questions being posed by high-ranking Democrats on the east and west coasts about whether Biden is a puppet whose strings are being pulled by another group of secretive Democrats.

According to anonymous sources close to the president who spoke to her for the piece, the president is forgetting the names of old friends and is easily manipulated by close confidants like his wife and top aides. 

Nuzzi was told that Biden is being shielded by ever-growing layers of bureaucracy that have made it harder and harder for people to reach him - often on important official matters.

Many are speculating the red tape is being used as a means to try and prevent people from learning the truth about Biden's health and well-being.

Nuzzi's article was published shortly after Biden's disastrous debate performance and as many Democrats were calling on the president to step down from the presidential ticket. 

Biden eventually decided to bow out of the race, leaving VP Kamala Harris to run in his place against Donald Trump in November. 


Mazal Tov !They say there is still hope; they call it love.


21-year-old Michelle Rokbin was among the most severely wounded among the residents of October 7th. Terrorists shot her in the head, abdomen, legs, and all over her body.

The bullet passed through her right eye, entered through her nose, and exited through her head.

She was in a coma for three months. She oscillated between life and death, between darkness and light, between this world and the next.

When Michelle awoke, none of her body's systems were functioning.

Throughout this time, from the moment Michelle closed her eyes until the moment she opened them, for months without a break, with no sleep, in pain, confusion, and hallucinations, there was someone by her side the entire time. Someone who was connected with the greatest love to her bed, her partner, Rinat.

He never left her side for a moment. When she closed her eyes, he closed his.

He was present at every check-up, every doctor visit, with every breath she took.

When she found it hard to breathe, he breathed for her. When she found it hard to lift her hand, he held it up so that no treatment would be withheld from her.

Rinat was the angel watching over her for all these months.

When everyone else gave up, he fought. Even when there were doubts, he had faith.

She had love within her, and she triumphed because of Michelle's courage.

She couldn't walk a step, but Rinat held her hand, marching together with her, step by step, to pass the long journey she still needed to go through.

This week, Rinat proposed to Michelle, offering her to be his partner in life, for good and bad, health and sickness. Michelle agreed.

Best of luck to Michelle and Rinat.

IDF Kills Muhammad Who Paraglided into The Kibbutz on October 7 and Murdered a Father in Front of His Son!

The IDF eliminated Monday the Hamas commander who murdered Gil Ta’asa right in front of his sons’ eyes on October 7 and then coolly drank soda from the family refrigerator.

Ahmed Wadiyya was one of eight terrorists killed in an airstrike on a compound near the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, in a joint operation with the Shabak.

The IDF told Taasa’s relatives of his death, thereby closing a painful circle for the hero fire fighter’s family.

Wadiyya had headed a company of the elite Nukhba force on the day Israelis call “the Black Sabbath.” Paragliding over the Gazan border, he entered Netiv Ha’asara together with his men, and started hunting for Jews to kill.

Ta’asa (46) had woken with the rocket alarms that started wailing at 6:30 AM and bundled the two sons who were with him, Shay (12) and Koren (8), into the bomb shelter next to his home. He went back to the trailer to grab his gun when the moshav WhatsApp group informed him that there was also a terrorist infiltration.

He did not get a chance to use it, however, as he saw two terrorists approaching and then throwing a grenade into the shelter. He jumped on it right before it exploded, killing him immediately, but saving his sons’ lives, although they were left bleeding by the shrapnel.

Security cameras at the small house then caught Waddiya and the other terrorist taking the children into the kitchen, opening the fridge, and drinking the Coca Cola they found there for a few minutes.

This clip was made infamous when it was included in the documentary that the IDF made of some of the horrific brutalities that Hamas perpetrated on October 7, which was shown first to international journalists and then in several parliaments around the world.

In speaking to the press about their ordeal later, Koren said the terrorists had also grabbed his cellphone when he opened Google Translate to try and communicate with them. Instead, they opened Facebook to record what they had done to his father.

For unknown reasons, they only beat the boys before going on with their murder spree alongside the others in their group, killing 22 members of the moshav in all.

The boys managed to reach their mother’s home safely, and stayed there for hours until they were finally evacuated. Koren eventually lost an eye as a result of his injuries.

Ta’asa’s older son Ohr (16), was also murdered. He had gone to the Zikim Beach with friends that morning and none survived their encounter there with other Nukhba forces.

Hey Guys Who Are dating... This is the way to handle rejection!


A father should never have to say goodbye to his daughter


Israeli Police Were Not at Strike and Manage to Arrest Lady Smuggling Arabs Into the Country


Attempt to Smuggle Illegal workers in a Wedding Car 

A woman in her 40s from northern Israel was arrested while transporting six illegal immigrants under the influence of drugs.

Iran And Hezbollah Have Held Off Major Attacks On Israel After Seeing What The IDF Did In Iran


Top sources have revealed to The Jerusalem Post that the IDF’s strike on Iran’s S-300 antiaircraft missile system on April 19 has significantly deterred the Islamic Republic and Hezbollah from retaliating against Israel in the wake of the assassinations of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr.

The strike, which was in response to Tehran’s launch of over 300 aerial threats against Israel on April 13-14, has had a profound impact on Iran’s willingness to engage in further military action, the sources said, noting that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, views the strike on the S-300 as a significant loss and can’t figure out how Israel achieved it. The proximity of the system to Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility and a key military airport has also made Khamenei aware of Israel’s capabilities and its ability to destroy the military site if it wanted to.

So far, Iran has not responded at all militarily to the assassination of Haniyeh, which occurred in Tehran as he visited the country to attend the swearing-in of President Masoud Pezeshkian.

Hezbollah, on the other hand, has chosen a more limited option to retaliate against Israel, launching several hundred rockets at IDF bases rather than unleashing a full-scale war. Sources attributed this change in plan to fears of Israel’s military capabilities, as demonstrated in April.