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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Massive police escort required to protect Israel's Olympic Team in Paris


LOL!!!! CBS Lies about Trump Lying!!


Trump Is "mekabeil panim" the Prime Minister of Israel


Hilarious!!! They demanded that Biden select a woman of color as VP, which he did, and now when somebody mentions that Kamala Harris was chosen because she is a woman of color, they claim racism


Steve Job's Last Words


The Druze Children Murdered by Hezbollah


Beit Shemesh mourns one of its own, Sergeant Yehonatan Aharon Greenblatt

Sergeant Yehonatan Aharon learned at Yeshivat Neve Dkalim and served in the 52nd Battalion. He was critically wounded a week ago by an anti-tank missile that hit the building he was in and passed away on Shabbos.

The Mayor and the Iriya send their condolences to the dear family.

Mayor Greenberg:
 "The residents of Beit Shemesh salute our hero *Sergeant Yehonatan Aharon Greenblatt* who gave his life for Am Yisrael. Our hearts are broken and the grief is overwhelming. The Iriya embraces the family in this hard time. Yehi Zichro Baruch."

Sick!!! KAMALA HAMAS’s response to Oct 7 rape of men, women girls, burn torture by Gazan soldiers & civilians?


Kamala’s anti-Israel advisers helped bring on Oct 7


Philip Gordon 

“The idea that terrorists attack because they hate freedom, however, is misguided,” Philip Gordon wrote in ‘Winning the Right War’. “Even most of the Muslims who support terrorism and trust Osama bin Laden favor elected government” and “personal liberty.”

Gordon, Obama’s Middle East coordinator, explained in his book that Muslim terrorists weren’t “born evil” or “hate our freedoms”, but rather they feel “shame” over the state of “a once great Islamic civilization” surpassed by other cultures including “the local upstart, Israel.”

America was “creating conditions” that “generate” Islamic terrorism by detaining Al Qaeda terrorists, failing to punish American soldiers, and “justifying any Israeli military action”.

Gordon urged the White House to assure Iran that we have “no intention of using military force against Iran or fomenting internal dissent” because “Iran’s concerns about such issues are legitimate”

Published in 2007 by an imprint of the New York Times, Gordon’s book was a blueprint of the policies that the Obama administration would adopt, including blaming America and Israel, appeasing Iran and Islamists, and making Muslims feel better about themselves.

These are the building blocks of the policies that led us to Oct 7 and an Iranian war across the region.

Today, Gordon is Kamala’s National Security Advisor and possible future Secretary of State.

Gordon’s hostility toward Israel and sympathy for Islamic terrorists is a longstanding matter.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Canada Getting More and More Antisemetic as it now Revokes JNF’s Tax-Exempt Status ..One of the Oldest Jewish Charity


Nathan Disenhouse

The Jewish National Fund (JNF) faces the potential loss of its charitable status in Canada due to concerns raised by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regarding the organization’s support for military infrastructure in Israel, The National Post reported on Thursday. JNF is contesting this decision through legal channels.

Nathan Disenhouse, JNF Canada’s National President, issued a statement on Thursday saying, “The Jewish National Fund of Canada has launched legal proceedings in the Federal Court of Appeal to contest the CRA’s wrong and unjustified decision to revoke JNF Canada’s charitable status. The appeal states that the CRA review process was flawed and fundamentally unfair.”

Canadian law generally recognizes charitable activities conducted abroad as it does those within its borders. However, judicial rulings have established that certain domestically charitable actions may lose this status when performed internationally. A notable example is providing support to foreign armed forces. The Canadian government emphasizes that charities must exercise caution when transferring equipment, supplies, or funds overseas to ensure they do not end up in the hands of military organizations in other countries.

JNF’s own literature describes its donations as paying for “the new planned IDF Training Base City in the Negev,” “helping the development of the Bat Galim training base complex area,” “helping to facilitate the upgrade of the existing auditorium for soldier intake, training and conferences,” “building a club for the 124th (Blackhawk) Helicopter Squadron at Palmachim Air Force Base,” and “a similar facility for 131st Squadron at Nevatim Air Force Base.”

Media Rewriting History to Support Harris Campaign


The media seems to be rewriting history in an effort to bolster Kamala Harris’s campaign. Here are just five major hoaxes launched by various media outlets in just the past week:

5. CBS Claims Trump Lied About Harris’s 
Donations to Minnesota Freedom Fund
CBS recently claimed that former President Trump was lying when he said Kamala Harris donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which bailed out “dangerous criminals” during the George Floyd riots. However, Harris did promote the fund on X (formerly Twitter) and encouraged people to donate. The claim that she had no involvement is misleading at best.

4. President Biden “Dropped Out” to Save Democracy
A narrative emerged suggesting that President Biden voluntarily stepped down to save democracy. In reality, sources indicate that Biden was forcibly removed by top Democrats who reportedly made threats after he insisted he wasn’t going anywhere. This paints a very different picture from the noble sacrifice being portrayed.

3. JD Vance and the Couch Cushion Scandal
A bizarre and baseless claim surfaced that JD Vance had sexual relations with a couch cushion. Although the Associated Press fact-checked this claim and found it false, they later removed the fact-check, citing that it “didn’t go through our standing editing process.” This retraction raises questions about their fact-checking integrity.

2. Kamala Harris Was Not a DEI Pick for Vice President

Despite President Biden’s clear statements in 2020 that he was selecting his Vice President based on gender and skin color, there is now a media push to deny that Kamala Harris was a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) pick. Biden’s own words confirm that Harris was indeed chosen based on these criteria.

1. Kamala Harris Was Never the Border Czar

Perhaps the most audacious of all is the recent attempt to erase the fact that Kamala Harris was designated as the Border Czar. Media outlets have been scrubbing their own reports since 2021 that placed Harris in charge of the border crisis. This blatant historical revisionism is a clear attempt to distance her from the controversial role.

Poll: After Congress speech, public prefers Netanyahu over others


A poll published on Channel 12 News on Friday evening found that the majority of the Israeli public believes that Benjamin Netanyahu is the most suitable person for the position of Prime Minister, with Netanyahu prevailing over Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz and Naftali Bennett.

When compared to opposition leader Lapid, the poll found that 36% of respondents prefer Netanyahu as Prime Minister, compared to 28% for Lapid. When put up against National Unity Party chairman Benny Gantz, Netanyahu wins 32% of support, compared to 28% for Gantz on the question of suitability for the role of Prime Minister. In addition, the poll found that Netanyahu is also preferred over former Prime Minister Bennett, with 33% saying Netanyahu is best suited for Prime Minister, compared to 32% for Bennett.

The respondents were asked which issue is more important: The return of the hostages or the continuation of the war in Gaza until "total victory" is achieved. 62% voted that the return of the hostages was more important, while 29% responded that the continuation of the war is more important. 9% answered that they do not know.

The respondents were also asked about their feelings in the wake of the Prime Minister's speech to US Congress: 38% responded that they felt proud, 27% felt disappointment and 18% were divided between the two options.

When the respondents were asked whether their opinion of Prime Minister Netanyahu changed following the speech, 65% answered in the negative, while 30% answered in the affirmative, of which 15% said they changed their opinion for the better, and 15% for the worse.

(Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Israel National News articles, however, is Israeli time.)

At least 10 killed, including children and dozens injured, in rocket attack in Druze town

 At least 29 people were injured - and ten of them killed - when a rocket hit a soccer field on Saturday afternoon in the Druze town of Majdal Shams in northern Israel.

Magen David Adom has reported that of the injured, six are in serious condition, three are in moderate condition, and ten suffered light injuries and shock.

The soccer field is located near a park, and among the injured and killed are children and teens, ages 10-20 years old.

Initial investigations by the IDF show that the aerial defense system had difficulty intercepting the rocket. The incident is under investigation.

MDA Senior EMT Idan Avshalom, who arrived in the initial minutes, described: "I left a nearby kibbutz and arrived at the scene within a few minutes. I saw a large commotion on the soccer field, with severe scenes of casualties and fatalities, destruction, and burning objects. We conducted an initial triage of the victims, and large MDA forces arrived immediately to direct the injured to 3 local clinics."

MDA paramedics Orly Ben Simon and Omri Hochman reported: "When we arrived in the town, we were directed to 3 local clinics where the injured were being sent. We assisted the medical teams, stabilized the patients, and transported the injured to hospitals and helicopters that landed nearby."

MDA paramedic Faiz Mahmoud, a local resident who came to assist the injured, said: "I immediately went to one of the clinics where the injured were brought and saw a large commotion of people. At the same time, large MDA ambulance teams began arriving at the scene. The clinic was full of casualties, including the dead and seriously injured. We were given patients and immediately took them to join the helicopters that had landed nearby."

Ali Tarbia and Farhat Kasseff, United Hatzalah EMTs, recalled: "When we arrived at the soccer field, we encountered a very difficult scene where dozens of children were lying injured on the ground. Together with other United Hatzalah volunteers, we provided them with initial treatment. On two of the victims, we performed CPR together with other medical teams. Nine of the victims were declared dead at the scene due to the severe injuries they sustained."

Following the sirens in Majdal Shamas, the IDF reported: "A short while ago, sirens sounded in the area of Majdal Shams. One projectile was identified crossing from Lebanon toward the area. A hit was identified in the area. Injuries were reported. The IDF, in cooperation with the MDA, are at the scene, evacuating those injured."

"Following the sirens that sounded at 17:24 in the area of northern Israel, approximately 30 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array successfully intercepted numerous projectiles and the rest fell in open areas. No injuries were reported."

The IDF later added: "The Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, the Commanding Officer of the Northern Command, the Head of the Operations Directorate, the Commanding Officer of the IAF, and other members of the General Staff Forum, are currently conducting a situational assessment following the recent missile launches at Majdal Shams and other areas of northern Israel."\

"It is important to note that the projectile launched at Majdal Shams was a rocket, not a suspicious aerial target."

Meanwhile, Hezbollah has denied any connection to the incident.

However, the IDF reported that, "According to an IDF situational assessment and the intelligence in our possession, the rocket launch toward Majdal Shams was carried out by the Hezbollah terrorist organization."

"The Hezbollah terrorist organization is behind the rocket launch at a soccer field in Majdal Shams which caused multiple civilian casualties, including children, earlier this evening."

The Commanding Officer of the 210th Divison, BG Yair Peli, is currently holding a situational assessment at the operations center in Majdal Shams, along with the commander of the Home Front Center in the Northern Command and additional commanders.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was updated earlier Saturday on the details of the incident in Majdal Shams.

The Prime Minister is currently holding an additional security consultation with his Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Roman Gofman, and will hold a security assessment later with all heads of the security establishment.

Immediately upon learning of the disaster, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed that his return to Israel be brought forward as quickly as possible.

@friedlanderezra won’t answer questions about why he represents Antisemites Like Qatar and and Erdogan


Watch IDF Soldier Completes Heartfelt Conversion to Judaism


Israel and the IDF represent a diverse and multi-ethnic country and army, home to a multitude of cultures, races, and religions. Israel, though, is predominantly Jewish because Israel is the biblical homeland and the vibrant heart of Jewish tradition.

In a world so vast and populous, the Jewish nation is minuscule, comprising just 0.2% of the global population, or around 14 million people. To put this in perspective, New York City alone is home to over 8 million residents, the same amount of Jews living in Israel.

Because of this, every Jew is sacred and valuable, and each new member added to the ranks is cherished. This sentiment is shown by the pure emotions exhibited on this IDF soldier’s face as she recites the Shema to complete her conversion.

Despite the ongoing war, Israel is ranked second in the world for happiness among young people under thirty.


Sick! Leftists activists are attacking a freed hostage

 Anti-government activists are attacking former Hamas hostage Noa Argamani online, including saying that she should not have been rescued from captivity, because she agreed to accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington for his speech in front of Congress.

Argamani, 26, became an internationally-known symbol of the October 7th atrocities after a viral video of her pleading for help while being whisked off to Gaza on a motorcycle was viewed millions of times.

In June, she was rescued in a daring rescue operation by Israel’s Yamam special forces unit, along with three other hostages: Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv, who were being held in a separate location close to Argamani.

During the rescue operation, elite counterterror officer Arnon Zamora was killed by Hamas gunmen

While news of Argamani’s release was initially celebrated in Israel, some anti-government activists harshly criticized her for agreeing to be present during Netanyahu’s Congress speech.

“I would have preferred she remained in captivity and Zamora was alive. Why did he fall, why did he sacrifice his life, so her father, the Bibist [Netanyahu supporter], could lead Noa to the Netanyahu family’s lavish plane?” wrote prominent Israeli businessman Roni Mana wrote on social media platform X.

After intense backlash, Mana deleted his tweet and walked back his remarks.

“I want to apologize to Noa Argamani for the things I wrote about her,” he posted. “There is no place for that, and I ask for her forgiveness.”

But Mana was far from the only anti-government voice to slam Argamani for joining the Israeli delegation to Washington.

On X, retired left-wing journalist Dan Margalit called Argamani’s participation in the trip “a disgrace.”

Haaretz journalist Uri Misgav said that Argamani and her father “should be ashamed” of themselves for agreeing to join Netanyahu.

Speaking at an Evangelical Christian event in the U.S., Netanyahu said he was “shocked” by the level of vitriol directed at Argamani.

“Noa endured torment in Hamas captivity, longing to return to her mother before she died,” Netanyahu said.

“And now, as she stands with the prime minister in Israel’s official delegation for a crucial speech before Congress, she faces a campaign against her with messages like ‘shame you left captivity.’ Is there no limit to this madness? Enough is enough.”

Noa Argamani places the names of the hostages and their families at the Ohel Chabad Lubavitch in New York.


*An emotional closing of the circle: nine months after he petitioned the Rebbe's Zion in prayer for his daughter, Yaakov Argamani arrived this morning with his daughter Noa, who was freed from Hamas captivity, to pray in the Rebbe's Zion together with some of the families of the abductees.*

Noa Argamani, one of four hostages who were rescued from Gaza last month by IDF forces, on Friday morning arrived at the gravesite of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, to utter a prayer of gratitude to G-d and request the release of all the remaining hostages.

Alongside Argamani were relatives of other hostages, who were part of the delegation which joined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his visit to Washington.

Argamani's visit took place nine months after her father prayed at the Rebbe's grave during a Tzerei Agudat Chabad trip for the hostages' relatives. During his visit, Yacov held a picture of his daughter, while praying for his daughter to be saved. Now, Yacov joined her in prayer at the gravesite.

During that trip, the nearly 200 families participating also held meetings with US government officials.

Alongside Noa Argamani and her father were representatives of the hostages' families: Attorney Talik Gueli, mother of Yassam officer Ran Gueli, whose body is held by Hamas; Eli Bibas, father of the captive Yarden Bibas and grandfather of the youngest hostages, Kfir and Ariel Bibas; Ayelet Samerano mother of Yonatan who was captured whom the Nova Festival and declared murdered after 59 days; Ofek Shaul, Brother of Oron Shaul who was killed and his body abducted during 2014's Operation Cast Lead, Shelly Shem Tov, mother of Omer Shem Tov who was kidnapped to Gaza from the Nova music festival; and Esther Yaheli, mother of hostage Ohad Yaholomi who is still held captive in Gaza, and grandmother of twelve-year-old Eitan who was released after 52 days.

Tzerei Agudat Chabad Chairman Rabbi Joseph Aharonov summarized: "Alongside the prayers of thanks for Noa Argamani's release, we all continue to pray for the return of all of the hostages."

Israel fears Harris could endanger hostage deal


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of Israel’s delegation to the United States were taken aback by comments made by Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday, following her meeting with Netanyahu in Washington D.C.

The vice president met with Netanyahu Thursday for about 40 minutes, the prime minister’s office said, a day after his address to a special joint session of Congress.

Shortly after their meeting, Harris tweeted a brief summary of their conversation, saying the two discussed Israel’s security, the “humanitarian crisis” in the Gaza Strip, and a possible ceasefire deal.

“Today, I had a frank and constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu about a wide range of issues, including my commitment to Israel’s security, the importance of addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the urgent need to get the ceasefire and hostage deal done,” Harris wrote.

Harris also gave a press briefing following her meeting with Netanyahu, emphasizing what she called the “dire” humanitarian situation in Gaza in an apparent criticism of Israel’s handling of the war.

“I will not be silent,” Harris vowed. “What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time.”

“We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”

The vice president called for the establishment of a Palestinian state, and said that she had prodded Netanyahu to finalize a deal with Hamas.

“As I just told Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done.”

A senior Israeli official told multiple media outlets that Harris’ comments surprised Netanyahu and sparked concern among delegation members that the vice president’s rhetoric could be interpreted by Hamas as signs of an intensifying rift between Jerusalem and Washington.

“Hopefully the things the vice president said in a press conference would not be interpreted by Hamas as a rift developing between Israel and the United States, which would delay a deal,” the official said, according to Yedioth Aharanoth.

“Her tone surprised us,” he continued. “The question now is what would Hamas’s answer to the Israeli proposal be. One thing that was raised in the talks with both U.S. President Joe Biden and Harris was that there should not be daylight between the Israeli and American positions because that would cause Hamas to reject the deal. What should the terror group think when it hears Harris? We can only hope this does not there is no backing down from the deal because we have made much progress.”

Netanyahu is slated to meet with former president and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Friday in Florida, a day after he met with President Joe Biden in the White House.