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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he still hasn’t endorsed her


Former president Barack Obama hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris’ presidential bid because he doesn’t think she can beat Donald Trump, according to a source close to the Biden family.

Following Joe Biden’s shock resignation from the race on Sunday, and his immediate endorsement of the vice president, most of the Democratic elite have been quick to rally behind Harris — but Obama is a notable exception.

“Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the Biden family source told The Post.

“Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

“When you are running for president there are things you can and can’t say.”

The turning point for Biden, 81, came after his disastrous performance against Trump in a televised debate in Atlanta last month which, The Post first revealed, was part of an “elaborate set-up” to remove him from the race.

But the source doesn’t have high hopes for a TV debate between Trump and Harris. When Biden was still in the race, a second debate was scheduled for September 10.

“Wait until the debate… She can’t debate. She’s going to put her foot in her mouth about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine. She’s going to say something really stupid,” the source said.

“Obama knew this was going to happen, Joe knew this was going to happen. Now she is going to have to answer real questions.” 

The White House did not respond to The Post’s request for comment on this story.

According to the source, Obama’s hope was to get Biden out of the way and an article written by George Clooney in the New York Times asking him to step aside was a part of that plan.

However, the higher ups in the Democratic Party didn’t count on Biden endorsing Harris right away and “Obama was shocked” when Joe endorsed her, according to the insider.

After Biden’s ouster, Obama — who did not return a request for comment Wednesday — wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” when the Democratic National Convention is held next month, the source said.

Obama is “furious,” things haven’t gone his way, which is why he is not joining in the Democratic Party’s support of Harris,” the Biden source added.

Another well-placed Democrat source said, “Obama being surprised by a smart political decision actually makes sense when coupled with his personal inability to see politics beyond his singular, immediate interests.

“Obama always thinks he is the smartest and coolest guy in the room. He’s friends with George Clooney, after all.”

Rod Blagojevich, the disgraced former governor of Illinois who denounced Obama as a “threat to democracy” in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Tuesday, told The Post he believes “Obama was instrumental” to getting Biden out of the race.

Blagojevich, a former Democrat who is now supporting Trump, was governor of Illinois when Obama became a state senator in 2005.

“It [Biden’s departure from the race] couldn’t have happened without him [Obama],” Blagojevich told The Post.

“Without Obama, Biden is still the Democratic nominee. Obama was the conductor leading the orchestra that convinced Biden to step aside.”

Obama ended his role as Illinois senator when he was elected president in 2008, while Blagojevich was impeached in 2009 for attempting to sell Obama’s vacant senate seat, removed from office and convicted on corruption charges a year later.

Obama persuading Biden not to run for the presidency in 2016, in order to allow Hillary Clinton a shot at the White House, has also since been a sticking point between them, according to reports.

“He was not encouraging,” Biden later told the New York Times, referring to the former President, who believed at the time that the former Secretary of State had a better chance of beating Trump.

“He’s running the Democratic party like a Chicago ward boss from the shadows in the back room,” Blagojevich continued. “In this case it’s a big backroom because he has a lot of big houses.

A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World



In Part One of this essay published in The Jewish Press a few months ago, I described the growing tension between the charedi and non-charedi (which includes the secular and dati-leumi – national-religious) public. I contended that the charedi community must acknowledge that the events of October 7 have dramatically transformed Israeli society and significantly affected the interactions between charedim and other societal groups, such that the status quo will no longer stand.

If you have been following the news, you know that all my predictions have come true. With mounting casualties, the army faces a large shortage of manpower. The Israeli Supreme Court has ordered the government to cut funding to all yeshivos and kollels whose students do not serve in the army. The battle lines have been sharply drawn: The overwhelming majority of the Israeli public is no longer willing to put up with the mass exemption of all charedi young men from the army. The endless rounds of reserve duty that miluimnikim are forced to serve severely impacts their businesses and families. The country also sees the massive growth of the charedi sector, which now numbers more than a million. Israelis are worried about future demographics in which a huge percentage of the population refuses to shoulder their national responsibilities.

Sadly, the charedi leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning. Efforts to create collaborative systems with the army in which charedi standards of tzniuslimud haTorahtefillahMehadrin food, and other needs are met are rejected out of hand – although there are a few small successful programs, notably Yeshiva Derech Etz Chaim, the first charedi hesder yeshiva.

Instead, they are spreading the narrative that the government is set on destroying Torah and the charedi world in a fit of anti-religious hatred. Leading elderly rabbonim traveled to America attempting to raise vast amounts of money to replace the government largesse that has kept them afloat till now. Massive demonstrations are the religious call of the day in which the participants scream, “We will die rather than be drafted!” accompanied by calling police Nazis when they attempt to disperse them.

At the same time, we are moving closer and closer to a full-scale war with Hezbollah on the northern border, rachmana l’tzlan. It is a time for national unity, but unfortunately, the reverse is happening.

Innocent Palestinians in Ramallah Give Their Honest Opinions About Hamas


Jewish-American comedian Zach Sage Fox traveled to Ramallah to speak with Palestinians on the streets and find out their views on Hamas.

It should be noted that it is extremely dangerous and a violation of Israeli law for Israeli citizens or identifiably religious Jews to enter Ramallah. In fact, Fox wrote on his Instagram account that he was lucky he made it out of Ramallah alive [and that was without anyone knowing he was Jewish].

“Free Palestine?” he wrote. “I went to see ‘Palestine’… and almost didn’t make it out alive.”

“After asking questions on the streets of Ramallah for less than an hour, a group of Palestinian men threatened to kill us if we didn’t delete our footage. This is what we were able to recover…Welcome to the WILD WEST BANK.”

All the Palestinians he spoke to without exception said that they support Hamas. When he asked one “innocent” Palestinian civilian whether she saw the videos of the atrocities Hamas carried out on October 7th, she enthusiastically answered that she saw everything and “was okay with everything they did.”

Conversely, some denied that Hamas committed any atrocities on October 7th and at least one denied the existence of Israel altogether. Another one said that the Jews should go back “to Poland or Iraq.” Others may not have denied that Israel exists but expressed their desire for a “one-state solution” – for Israel to be wiped off the map.

And of course, every single one of them displayed complete ignorance about basic historical and political facts, just like their supporters on US campuses.

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post following his publication of the video, Fox said that “all of them hated Jews with every bone of their body.”

“Ramallah was a well-built-up city. Northface, designer clothes. Some of it didn’t look that different to Israel. And I thought to myself, peace could be so easy.”

“But their love and admiration for Hamas is so strong and, in the best case scenario, the most moderate people I spoke to still had tons of sympathy for Hamas. That was the range – sympathy to deep admiration. I never heard a negative thing about Hamas.”

“It was an eye-opening experience, a shock to the system to see such an ingrained level of hatred, particularly towards Jews.”

Fox added that the main difference between Palestinians in Ramallah and campus protesters in the US was the Palestinians’ “openness to say bad things about Jews specifically, not under the guise of Zionists.'”

“I couldn’t get one person out of a random sample to condemn Hamas.”

Antisemetic Bitch Rashida Tlaib holds up a sign that reads “War criminal” as Israel PM Netanyahu addresses Congress


‘CBS News’ Journalist Has Terror Ties


CBS News journalist in Gaza praised terrorists at an official event of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organization and had contacts with terrorists as a member of the Gaza City Municipal Council, an HonestReporting investigation revealed.

Marwan al-Ghoul has been working as a CBS News producer in Gaza for more than two decades, and his affiliation with a proscribed terrorist group, as well as his official public role in the Hamas-ruled Strip, raise alarming questions regarding the network’s journalistic standards.

PFLP links

In 2018, al-Ghoul was among the speakers at an official PFLP event commemorating one of the prominent members of the terror group who was also al-Ghoul’s relative.

According to the PFLP website, al-Ghoul spoke on behalf of the family, which “expressed their gratitude to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and their esteemed comrades everywhere in the Palestinian land … for their … commitment to continue the struggle.”

Al-Ghoul praised the group’s terrorists, emphasizing his relative’s dedication to “maintaining the noble national values established by the leading [PFLP] martyrs, such as Al-Hakim [the organization’s founder George Habash], [Secretary-General] Abu Ali Mustafa and [terrorist operations leader] Wadie Haddad, and those who followed their path of struggle and martyrdom.”

The PFLP is a proscribed terrorist group whose members have been involved in deadly attacks against Israelis, including suicide bombings, stabbings and shootings.

Chareidim Celebrate Release Of Youth Who Rolled Dumpster On Mother Of 11, Seriously Injuring Her


In an absurd display of insensitivity and lack of moral fiber, a group of Chareidim from Meah Shearim celebrated the release from jail of a youth who in 2022 rolled a dumpster down Yechezkel street, trapping a mother of 11 near a wall and seriously injuring her.

Last week the same group celebrated the release from custody of a person who had torched a cellphone store, but on this occasion, they made a reception for Meir Katzav (Known as Kuf due to his young age at the time of his trial).

Katzav participated in a December 2022 demonstration against the draft law, and during the course of the protest rolled a dumpster toward police on Yechezkel street, a steep road bordering Geula. The dumpster missed the police but hit Mrs. Mirel Dzalowski, a 40-year-old mother of 11, pinning her to the wall and seriously injuring her. Dzalowski required long months of complex treatments to recover from her injuries and is still suffering from disabilities due to the incident.

Chareidim did not condemn Katzav’s action and even wrote of him “Happy are you that you were caught for Torah” and said that his incarceration was due to a “Protest for Hashem’s honor.” 

Apparently, those who instigated the protests which led to such violence and nearly cost a life have yet to learn the lesson – that incitement and hatred have no red lines and can lead to tragic consequences.

In a daring rescue operation in Gaza, IDF retrieved the bodies of five dead Israeli hostages.

The Hostages: Oren Goldin 🎗️ Mia Goren 🎗️Ravid Katz 🎗️Tomer Achims 🎗️Kiril Brodtsky.

In a complex operation which took place in Khan Younis Wednesday, the IDF managed to recover the bodies of five hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza.

The five bodies recovered are: Ravid Katz (51) a resident of Nir Oz, Oren Goldin (33), a resident of Nir Yitzchak , Maya Goren (56) a resident of Nir Oz, Tomer Achimas (20) an IDF soldier who fell on Oct. 7th and whose body was abducted to Gaza, and Kiril Brodski (19) a soldier who fell on Oct. 7th.

Maya Goren (56) was the mythological kindergarten teacher of the kibbutz. Her husband Avner (56) was brutally murdered on Oct. 7th but Maya was initially thought to have been taken hostage.

 Last November, her children were informed that Maya had in fact died in captivity and her body was in Hamas hands. The children, Asif (25) Bar (23) Gal (21) and Dekel (18) sat shiva for their parents at the hotel where their kibbutz had been relocated. “We couldn’t sit at home, as we don’t have a home anymore,” Gal said bitterly.

Daf Yomi for Women with Rabbanit Michelle Farber - Hadran


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Zera Amalikeim YM"S Ve'zichrom Post Twitter Message that Netanyahu is a "Killer" Gets 144 thousand Views, 3,000 reposts Over 8,000 Likes


Netanyahu to Congress: 'I promise, we will win'


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday addressed a joint session of the US Congress amid the war with Hamas in Gaza. This is the tenth address of an Israeli Prime Minister to Congress and Netanyahu's fourth, surpassing British Prime Minister Winston Churchill for the most by a single foreign leader.

"Mr. Speaker I want to thank you for the honor of addressing this great citadel of Democracy for the fourth time. We meet today at a crossroads of history, our world is in upheaval. In the Middle East, Iran's axis of terror confronts America, Israel, and our Arab friends. This is not a clash of civilizations, it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a clash between those who glorify death against those who sanctify life. For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together!" Netanyahu opened.

"When we stand together, something very simple happens: we win - they lose. My friends I came to assure you today, we will win!" he declared.

He related: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Like December 7th, 1941 and September 11th, 2001, October 7th is a day that will live in infamy. It was the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, it began as a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky. Thousands of young Israelis were celebrating at an outdoor music festival. And suddenly at 6:29 a.m., as children were still sleeping soundly in their beds in the towns next to Gaza, suddenly Heaven turned into Hell. 3,000 Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel. They butchered 1,200 people from 41 countries, including 39 Americans. Proportionately, that's like 20 9/11s in one day.

"These monsters, they raped women, beheaded men, burned babies alive, they killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents. They dragged 255 people, both living and dead, into the dark dungeons of Gaza. Israel has already brought home 135 of these hostages, including seven who were freed in daring rescue operations. One of those freed hostages, Noa Argamani, is here in the gallery sitting near my wife, Sara.

"On the morning of October 7th, the entire world saw Noa's look of desperation, as she was abducted to Gaza on the back of a motorcycle. I met Noa's mother, Liora, a few months ago, she was dying of cancer. She said to me: 'Prime Minister, I have one final wish: I wish to hug my daughter Noa one last time before I die. Two months ago, I authorized a breathtaking commando rescue operation. Our special forces, including a heroic officer named Arnon Zmora, who fell in this battle, rescued Noa and three other hostages. It was one of the most moving things, when Noa was reunited with her mother Lior, and her mother's last wish came true. Noa, we're so thrilled to have us with you today!

"Many other hostage families are here today, including Eliyahu Bibas, the grandfather of those two beautiful red-headed boys, the Bibas boys, toddlers, and they were taken hostage. With their mother and Eliyahu's son, the entire family was taken hostage. Two beautiful, red-haired children, were taken hostage. What monsters!

"With us also is Iris Haim, whose son Yotam bravely escaped Hamas captivity with two other Israeli hostages and were tragically killed making their way back to our lines."

Netanyahu also acknowledged the families of American hostages and declared: "I will not rest until their loved ones are home, all of them!"

He continued: "I want to thank President Biden, for his tireless efforts on behalf of the hostages and for his efforts for the hostage families as well. I thank President Biden for his heartfelt support of Israel after the savage attack on Israel on October 7th."

Netanyahu noted: "For the past nine months, Israel's soldiers have shown boundless courage. With us today is Lt. Avichail Reuven, an officer in the Israeli Paratroopers Brigade. His family immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia. In the early hours of Oct. 7th, Avichail heard the news of Hamas' bloody rampage. He put on his uniform and grabbed his rifle, but he didn't have a car, so he ran eight miles to the front lines of Gaza to defend his country. We all honor your remarkable heroism."

The Prime Minister also acknowledged Ashraf al-Bakhiri, a Bedouin soldier from Rahat who on October 7th, killed many terrorists, defending his base and nearby communities. "Like Ashraf, the Muslim soldiers of the IDF fought alongside their Jewish, Druze, Christian, and other comrades in arms with tremendous bravery," he stated.

Netanyahu also pointed out Lt. Asa Sofer, a tank officer who lost a hand and vision in his eye while protecting his soldiers from a grenade, and will soon return to duty as a commander of a tank company, as well as Lt. Jonathan Ben-Hamo who lost a leg and continued to fight. "My friends, these are the soldiers of Israel: unbound, undaunted, unafraid! They will rise like lions, they have risen like lions, the lions of Judah, the lions of Israel!" he proclaimed.

The Prime Minister acknowledged Yecheil Leiter, whose son, Moshe, fell in battle in Gaza. He addressed the bereaved families and promised: "The sacrifice of your loved ones will not be in vain!"

The Israeli-American Council stated ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress on Wednesday, "Today, the State of Israel will become the only country in the world whose leaders have addressed joint meetings of the United States Congress 10 times, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will become the first foreign leader to address that forum four times, exceeding Winston Churchill’s record of three such speeches. This remarkable history reflects the unique and exceptional bond between the United States and Israel. The powerful alliance between these two great countries was forged by the Judeo-Christian values on which they were built, strengthened through a deep spiritual resonance between each nation’s sense of purpose, and further reinforced by mutual interests and common threats that drove the two societies ever closer. America has no better friend than Israel, and Israel has no better friend than America."

"The Israeli-American Council (IAC) proudly celebrates this special occasion and extends our welcome to Prime Minister Netanyahu and his delegation from Israel, which includes families of hostages held in Gaza and a hostage rescued from Gaza. We applaud Congress’ strong bi-partisan support for Israel, especially in this time of peril, and express our deepest gratitude to Speaker Mike Johnson, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for inviting the Prime Minister and for their strong support of the Jewish People. Most of all, we thank God that both countries continue to be beacons of light and decency in our troubled world," the IAC stated

US doesn’t value its ally as they snub Israel's Head of State ... No one there to greet him!


Speaker Johnson Chastises Camel'e For not attending Congress When Netanyau Speaks


Camal'a Harris puts the ‘lie’ in allies when it comes to supporting Israel


Americans are naturally fixated on the security lapses surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the curious circumstances of Joe Biden’s sudden withdrawal from the presidential campaign. 

But another Washington development is also incredibly important, and it must not get lost in the gusher of news. 

It involves the US visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which is already revealing in striking detail how the Democratic Party is turning its back on the Jewish state. 

Moving away from Israel would be a grave error at any time, but coming in the midst of its war for survival against Iranian-backed terror groups, the move amounts to an outrageous betrayal of an endangered ally. 

The hostility oozes from the top, with Vice President Kamala Harris refusing to preside over Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday.

Perhaps she does, but her absence is compounded by the fact that her replacement also refuses to attend the speech.

When a vice president is absent, the job of presiding falls to Senate president pro tempore, who is Democrat Patty Murray of Washington. 

But Murray also declined, and is said to be boycotting the address despite the invitation to Netanyahu being bipartisan. 

Shameful Oct. 7 record 

Whatever Harris’ reason for missing the event, her record is full of harsh condemnation of Netanyahu’s prosecution of the war in Gaza. 

Although Biden has run hot and cold in his support of Israel since the Oct. 7 terror attack by Hamas, Harris has been consistently critical. 

As early as December, she said that our ally “needed to do more” to protect Gazan civilians, saying in a Dubai speech: “The United States is unequivocal; international humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.” 

Although she also said Israel had a right to defend itself, her remarks were widely regarded as coming close to accusing Israel of war crimes. 

In March, she again went further than the White House by demanding an “immediate cease-fire.”

According to USA Today, she called the situation a “catastrophe” and claimed that “people in Gaza are starving.” 

That is a false claim repeated endlessly by pro-Palestinian activists and Jew-haters at the United Nations.

The real problem in Gaza is that Hamas uses non-combatants as human shields and steals most of the international aid meant for civilians. 

Small Boro Park Home Near Apt House Sells For $2.2 Million... Crazy Jews!


CRINGEWORTHY: Schumer "The Lone Clapper" Endorses Camel"la but No one Claps!


News anchor breaks her fast on live television


Channel 14 News anchor Maggie Tabibi spoke on Tuesday night about the meaning of the Three Weeks in Judaism, “This is the period from the 17th of Tammuz to the 9th of Av, three weeks that symbolize the time from the breaking of the walls of Jerusalem and the siege on the city, to the destruction of the Second Temple.”

Tabibi spoke about the importance of unity in our times, “I am taking this opportunity, in light of the social rift and national destruction that we have experienced since October 7th, to remind everyone that our strength is in our unity, and now is the time to break down the social walls – today, more than ever.”

She then concluded by breaking her fast and saying the Shehakol blessing over her drink.

Is there no limit to the lunacy?....Netanyahu responds to attacks on Noa Argamani


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Tuesday to the criticism by leftist journalists of rescued hostage Noa Argamani and her father Yaakov, after the two joined Netanyahu's delegation to Washington.

Speaking at the start of his meeting with evangelical Christian leaders, Netanyahu said, "I am appalled by the campaign directed against Noa Argamani. Noa went through agony in the captivity of Hamas. She wished to return to her mother before she died, and was able to do so. It is not an easy experience and, now that she is coming back and appearing together with the Prime Minister in the official delegation of the State of Israel in a very important speech before Congress, there is a campaign against her."

"It's a shame she got out of captivity," Netanyahu added sarcastically, and then said, "Is there no limit to the lunacy? There is a limit. That's the limit. Enough is enough."

His comments come after the journalists criticized Argamani and her father in vitriolic posts online.

Haaretz Journalist Uri Misgav wrote, "Noa Argamani and her father should be ashamed of themselves that they agreed to serve as decorations on this insane and smiling couple's flight, exactly on the morning when we received news that another two hostages had the bad luck to die in captivity and not fly to Washington with the abandoner of hostages. This is an embarrassment like no other. First of all for the insane couple who kidnapped and used them, but also for themselves."

Journalist Dan Margalit added, "I join Uri Misgav, this is an embarrassment for Noa Argamani and her father, that they are serving, of their own free will, as decorations for Netanyahu's presentation in Washington."

MK Almog Cohen (Otzma Yehudit) responded to the journalists, saying, "I'm sure you held it in all day, but in the end the cat is out of the bag."

Television host Ayala Hasson also responded to the comments, writing, "Noa Argamani, dear, you are not alone. I support you. You experienced hell in Hamas captivity. Talk about it to the world, which has already managed to forget. Tell the world that there are others like you held there in captivity. Ignore the sick people who have no compassion, who dare to attack you."

Voight: My daughter Angelina Jolie was influenced by antisemitic people - regarding Gaza

Jon Voight, the 85-year-old Oscar-winning actor known for his outspoken support of Donald Trump, made headlines on Tuesday for his public disagreements with his daughter, actress Angelina Jolie, over the Israel-Palestine conflict.

"She has been exposed to propaganda," Voight told Variety. "She’s been influenced by antisemitic people. Angie has a connection to the UN, and she’s enjoyed speaking out for refugees. But these people are not refugees."

“I love my daughter. I don’t want to fight with my daughter. But the fact is, I think she has been influenced by the UN From the beginning, it’s been awful with human rights. They call it human rights, but it’s just anti-Israel bashing," he said.

Cast members Jon Voight and Aubrey Plaza pose on the red carpet during arrivals for the screening of the film ''Megalopolis'' in competition at the 77th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France, May 16, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/STEPHANE MAHE)

Voight, who has a six-decade career in Hollywood with iconic roles in films such as 'Midnight Cowboy,' 'Coming Home,' and 'Deliverance,' remains a controversial figure due to his right-wing political views. He is an ardent supporter of Israel and its recent actions against Hamas, contrasting sharply with Jolie's advocacy for Palestinian refugees.

Voight’s relationship with his daughter has been strained over their differing political views. Despite their reconciliation, the actor continues to publicly challenge Jolie's position on the conflict.

Variety's feature highlighted Voight's unique lifestyle, his passion for acting, and his unwavering political beliefs. Despite Hollywood's general left-leaning stance, Voight remains active in the industry, recently starring in Francis Ford Coppola’s dystopian film "Megalopolis." Voight's portrayal of Crassus, a wine-addled emperor, has been met with mixed reviews, yet his dedication to his craft remains undisputed.

In a reflective moment, Voight shared his deep connection to the Jewish community, rooted in his upbringing in Yonkers. His father's work at a predominantly Jewish country club shaped Voight's understanding and empathy toward Jewish culture and struggles. This background, he believes, significantly influenced his staunch support for Israel.


Fat-Crap Nadler Calls Netanyahu “Worst Leader In Jewish History

 In a scathing statement, senior Jewish Democratic lawmaker Jerrold Nadler denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “the worst leader in Jewish history” since the Maccabean king (Aristobulus) who invited the Romans into Yerushalayim over 2100 years ago. In his statement, Nadler listed a whole list of grievances he has against Netanyahu.

“The Prime Minister is putting the security of Israel, the lives of the hostages, the stability of the region, and longstanding Israeli democratic norms in perilous jeopardy, simply to maintain the stability of his far-right coalition and absolve him of his own legal troubles,” Nadler wrote on X. “Tomorrow’s address is the next step in a long line of manipulative bad-faith efforts by Republicans to further politicize the U.S.-Israel relationship for partisan gain and is a cynical stunt by Netanyahu aimed at aiding his own desperate political standing at home. There is no question in my mind it should not be happening. Still, I have not given up on the dream of an Israel that can live in peace with its neighbors, including with Palestinians, through a negotiated two-state solution.”

Despite his harsh words, Nadler announced that he will still attend Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress, saying, “I feel my voice is more impactful in the room, holding the Prime Minister accountable.”

Trump to Host Netanyahu at Mar-A-Lago on Friday


 Former U.S. president Donald Trump plans to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., on Friday, the Republican presidential candidate said on Tuesday.

“Looking forward to welcoming Bibi Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago,” Trump stated. “During my first term, we had peace and stability in the region, even signing the historic Abraham Accords, and we will have it again.”

“Just as I have said in discussions with President Zelenskyy and other world leaders in recent weeks, my peace through strength agenda will demonstrate to the world that these horrible, deadly wars and violent conflicts must end,” Trump stated.

He added that “millions are dying and Kamala Harris is in no way capable of stopping it.” (The U.S. vice president has said that she secured sufficient votes to be nominated as the Democratic Party’s candidate for the presidency.)

“You have to finish up your war. To finish it up. You gotta get it done,” Trump told Israel Hayom in March. “I am sure you will do that, and we gotta get to peace, we can’t have this going on.”

Matt Brooks, the CEO of the Republican Jewish Coalition, told JNS last week that he interprets Trump’s call to finish the war as a “blank check” for the Israel Defense Forces.

Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Monday, seeking to solidify bipartisan support following U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 election and amid ongoing conflicts on the Jewish state’s borders.

On Wednesday, Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress during which he plans to present a “new way” of dealing with the threat that Iran presents and highlight Jerusalem’s efforts to achieve victory over Hamas, said an Israeli official familiar with the plans.

Netanyahu’s office said on Tuesday that Biden invited him to the White House on Thursday afternoon, but the White House has not yet confirmed that meeting.

As part of his visit, Netanyahu is also scheduled to meet with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden has endorsed for the Democratic nomination for president.