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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump campaign sees ‘nearly 20 paths’ to victory as DemonRats Panic


Former president Donald Trump’s senior campaign adviser projected confidence about the state of the race on Tuesday and said he sees “nearly 20 paths” to victory, in contrast to just “one, maybe two” for President Joe Biden.

“We’re very much on the offense in Michigan, we’re very much on the offense here in Wisconsin, we’re very much on offense in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” Chris LaCivita said at a brunch hosted by Georgetown University roughly a mile from the Republican National Convention.

“We’re dictating the map and we’re dictating the issues.”

LaCivita’s remarks come as Democrats panic about their party’s prospects in November and as the former president maintains his polling lead over Biden.

Shortly before LaCivita spoke, reports broke that congressional Democrats circulated a letter pleading for their party to delay Biden’s official re-nomination.

The contrast between a unified GOP in the wake of the failed assassination attempt on Trump and the chaos brewing within the Democratic Party over whom, exactly, should be their nominee is one reason why LaCivita believes they hold the upper hand.

Trump’s strength as a candidate, LaCivita said, is responsible for what he believes is an expanding electoral map

“All data we’ve seen shows the race [in Virginia], we’re either: up a full 2 or 3, tied, or down 1 or 2,” he said. “Minnesota, that’s consistently plus 2, New Mexico’s coming online, New Jersey, what? Last time I saw it was a 2-point race.”

“We have nearly 20 paths to get what we need to get, and they have one, maybe two.”

LaCivita noted these sorts of results are coming as the Trump campaign has spent zero dollars on advertising, although he noted that some ads have been aired that were funded by affiliated political action committees.

The Biden campaign, in contrast, has spent “$156 million.”

Although Biden’s age is one of his largest electoral liabilities, LaCivita hardly gave it a mention. Instead, he explained that the theory of Trump’s reelection strategy is issue-driven.

“Inflation versus non inflation, five and a half bucks a gallon gas to two and half bucks a gallon of gas,” he said. “We’re going to continue to see, I think, a prosecution of a campaign that represents that.”

That the Trump campaign believes it is more aligned with the public on issues ranging from the economy to the southern border, LaCivita said, is why they are not concerned about any potential changes at the top of the Democratic ticket.

“We’re prepared for whatever, because the policies are the policies. Inflation is because of Biden-Harris, where we are in the world, the border, please,” he said. “So I think that fundamentally there won’t be a huge change in terms of the messaging, in terms of the positioning.”

Footage from the emergency room as a bleeding Trump walks in


New Excuse for Keeping Biden in the basement: President Biden has tested positive for Covid, according to the White House.


In a statement, the White House press secretary said that President Biden would be “returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time."

Doctor Warns Why You Should Never Unpack Your Suitcase Right After A Trip


There seem to be two types of people out there, the ones who unpack their suitcases immediately upon returning home from a trip, and the ones who forget about the suitcase and everything inside of it for weeks until finally emptying it, sometimes only so they can use it for another trip. Well a doctor is saying there is actually a right way to do it and surprisingly, it involves keeping the suitcase closed for many days after returning home.

Dr. Jason Singh posted a TikTok video warning that immediately unpacking can actually be harmful to your health. He explained that if you are coming back from a trip, especially one where you stayed in a hotel, you may have picked up bed bugs. Those gross creatures can lay eggs in your clothes or on your belongings that will hatch and invade your house if they get into it. However, if you keep your suitcase closed for a couple of weeks, they will wind up dying before you unpack since, according to the doctor, they "require a blood meal after hatching in order to continue their development." He ended the video stating, "So now you have a reason to be lazy, just like me, and just let your suitcase hang there in the side."

FedEx in Coral Springs Refuses to Take Package That is bound for the Jewish State

 Online today on Boca Raton Jewish Community page:

“…Avoid FedEx in Coral Springs: I was refused help when I tried to mail a package to my aunt in Israel. The clerk was all smiles until she saw where the package was going. I filled out a complaint form on FedEx (but so far no response)….”

WOW! Harvard graduate and Orthodox Jew Shabbos Kestenbaum Knocks It Out of the Park at RNC Convention


Mort Zuckerman has ended his $200 million donation to Columbia University.

 Mort Zuckerman, the billionaire owner of U.S. News & World Report and former owner of the New York Daily News, has ended his $200 million donation to Columbia University.

Zuckerman, who is Jewish, cited Columbia's "failure to address rising antisemitism”.

“The recent decisions and actions taken by Columbia have been antithetical to the university’s mission, and it is simply not the same institution it was when Mr. Zuckerman made the pledge”.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Crazed speculation or genuine mystery? As Trump shooting conspiracy theories run riot, eight key questions are put under the microscope



It seems staggering that it could happen in 2024 — a would-be assassin’s bullet ­coming so close to Donald Trump’s head that it took off part of his right ear.

The U.S. came within an inch, literally, of being plunged into the sort of political chaos and violence that would make the turbulence of recent years look utterly insignificant.

Many Americans struggle to believe that this was simply a terrible cock-up on the part of the U.S. Secret Service and local police who were tasked with protecting the ex-president.

Especially given that the would-be assassin was no trained professional but a skinny 20-year-old kitchen assistant —Thomas Crooks — who was turned away from his high school rifle club for being a ‘comically bad’ shot.

As new details continue to emerge about the shocking security failure at the fateful Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, at the weekend, ­myriad questions have been raised.

Some strike at the heart of the controversy and others appear to be just bizarre conspiracy theories. The latter tend to fall into two camps, either Left-wing claims that the botched shooting was ‘staged’ to boost Trump’s popularity or Right-wing claims that the Secret Service knew it was coming and didn’t act to stop it.

Such wild speculation — fanned, of course, by social media — is the product of relentlessly suspicious minds in a ­ferociously polarized country. But key questions remain unanswered among the jumble of speculation and rumor . . .


Investigators say they are still ­struggling to understand why Thomas Crooks would want to kill the former president. Politics is the obvious answer and yet Crooks’ precise political views seem difficult to gauge.

He was a registered Republican Party member but, in 2021, he made a $15 donation to a ­Left-wing group. However, ­investigators have yet to find any evidence that he held strong ­political positions.

Crooks graduated in 2022 from a high school where he was described as very much a ‘loner’ who was a victim of teasing and bullying but also as ‘nice’ and ‘incredibly intelligent’.

Fellow pupils and teachers have said they definitely saw him as politically conservative but only moderately so. While it’s no secret that many traditional and more moderate Republicans loathe Trump, Crooks hardly fits the ­picture of the political zealot ready to embrace violence.

Nor does he quite fit the stereotype of the embittered high-school misfit with a simmering hatred of the world. While a classmate says he was teased about his poor hygiene and body odour and tried not to draw attention to himself, the FBI says he had no known ­history of mental illness.

Nor did he leave behind any ­evidence of violent rhetoric on social media or a hatred-spewing ‘manifesto’ as rampaging gunmen nowadays so frequently do. Instead, Crooks was virtually invisible online, apparently having no ­public account on either ­Facebook or Instagram.


This core question, that has ­puzzled so many security experts, became even more pertinent after it emerged that the gunman had actually scaled a warehouse owned by the American Glass Research company that was being used as a ‘watch post’ by one of the police anti-sniper units ­covering the event.

Thomas Crooks opened fire right under (or more accurately, over) the noses of trained snipers peering out of the building’s ­windows looking for threats.

And, shockingly, although the unguarded roof of this commercial building offered a clear line of sight to the stage — no more than 150 yards away — where Trump was standing, it was outside the security perimeter set up by the Secret Service.

Consequently, the gunman didn’t need to pass through any security checks, including metal detectors, to reach his vantage point. How he got so close with an assault-style rifle remains another mystery.


Police themselves warned of Crooks’ suspicious behavior near the gunman’s eventual shooting position at least three times.

A Beaver County officer — a member of one of three different local forces patrolling the area — was part of an anti-sniping team stationed inside the building that Crooks later scaled.

The officer watched him outside as Crooks looked up at the roof and then left, news network CBS reported. He then returned, sat down and looked at his phone, at which point one of the snipers even took a photo of him.

When Crooks took out a rangefinder, used by hunters to assess the distance to a target, the sniper radioed his command post.

Crooks then disappeared once more and returned, this time ­carrying a backpack. The snipers radioed in with this latest­ information, adding that he was walking towards the back of their building.

Police believe he might have used an air conditioning unit to get on to the roof. Fatally, the snipers themselves never tried to engage Crooks.

Experts were dumbfounded that none of the three officers was stationed on the roof, which would have offered a far better vantage point to observe the rally. The trio reportedly hadn’t been given a spotter, which is standard procedure, due to a manpower shortage.

Embattled Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle unconvincingly claimed yesterday that nobody had been positioned on the roof for safety reasons because it was ‘sloped . . . at its highest point’.


Bystanders have said they warned police of the man with a gun on the warehouse roof ­several minutes before the shooting and couldn’t fathom why Trump was allowed to continue his speech.

Video footage taken by people close to the perimeter seems to corroborate this, although earlier phone warnings to the police didn’t mention the man had a gun. But according to various sources, law enforcement personnel also spotted the gunman on the roof nearly 30 minutes before the first shots were fired.

One of them reportedly saw Crooks at 5.45pm (Trump wasn’t shot until 6.11pm on Saturday).

One officer did manage to get up to the roof from the outside, peering up over the edge only to see the gunman aiming his rifle at him.

Unable to use his own gun as he was holding the roof with both hands, say superiors, he ducked down. Crooks then turned and started shooting at Trump.


According to some fanciful social media interpretations of photos of the moment when shots were fired, Trump was holding a yellow object in the hand he used to touch his bloody ear.

They have even claimed it was a gel pack containing fake blood — routinely used in films and TV — that Trump burst the moment he grabbed his ear.

To be clear, there is no evidence to back up such an outlandish conspiracy theory.


Online speculation has swirled about the behavior of an ­unidentified woman sitting in the seats reserved for core Trump supporters behind his podium.

As others around her recoil in horror and either cower in their seats or attempt to flee, the woman — wearing a white top, dark glasses and a black Trump baseball cap — momentarily sinks low but then calmly pulls out her mobile phone and starts filming the drama as Secret Service agents bundle the ex-president to the floor.

One post on X asking people to ‘pay close attention to the woman in the black hat’ has been viewed some 20 million times.

‘Gunshots ring out and her first instinct is to very, very calmly pull out her phone and film the whole spectacle. Does that seem like normal behavior to you?’ asks another user.

Her conduct is certainly at odds with those around her and ­suggests little concern for ­personal safety.

Yet is it so odd nowadays, some have countered, for people to reach for their phones during a crisis?

These skeptics have insisted her behavior is more a sad reflection of the modern compulsion to film violence than ­evidence of any prior knowledge of the shooting.


Some insist that several videos of the shooting show police and Secret Service agents — whose first duty, of course, is to protect serving and ex-presidents — ­acting as if they knew bullets would soon be flying.

A two-man police anti-sniping team, armed with rifles and ­positioned on a rooftop near the stage, can be seen peering through powerful ‘spotter scopes’ in the direction of the gunman for around 40 seconds before he opens fire and they fire back.

Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director of the FBI, told the Mail earlier this week that they might have assumed the assassin was a police sniper, part of their security team.

Down on the ground, sceptics have focused on footage of a Secret Service agent walking around in a somewhat crouched stance as he ushers people away from the ex-president just ­seconds before the first shots ring out.

Others have countered that he’s doing just what an agent would be expected to do and there’s nothing suspicious here.

Some of the evidence that’s been produced to suggest the incident was staged is itself fake. An image rapidly circulated on social media showed a picture of two agents who ran to guard Trump with smiles on their faces.

An influential anti-Trump ­commentator, who has almost 250,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter), shared the image, saying: ‘Everyone here seems to be having a good time, laughing and smiling for the cameras.’

However, the picture was ­later debunked as a digitally manipulated version of an ­Associated Press photo.

So-called ‘BlueAnon’ conspiracy theories — levelled by Left-­wingers — have clearly been thick on the ground this time, compounding the confusion spread by similarly paranoid or just ­trouble-making Trumpites.­

According to research group Institute for Strategic Dialogue, references to false assassination narratives amassed more than 100 million views on X in just 24 hours.


The drama on the rally stage after the shooting briefly veered into farce when Trump could be heard complaining that he wasn’t going to be hustled away until he’d recovered his shoes.

He later explained that he’d been thrown to the ground with such force by his bodyguards that they’d come off.

But why, at a moment when there could have been more ­gunmen around and his life was still in danger, was he so worried about footwear?

Hollywood screenwriter Randi Mayem Singer speculated —somewhat mischievously — that Trump wears two to three-inch lifts to make him look taller.

According to Singer, that explains why the shoes fell off so easily and why he ‘didn’t want the humiliation of people seeing his trick shoes’.

Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle is blasted for 'stupidity' and 'BS excuse' that snipers were not on the roof used by gunman Thomas Crooks because it was 'too sloped'


The Secret Service's director Kimberly Cheatle has been slammed for her 'stupidity' and 'BS excuse' that snipers were not present on the roof used by would-be assassin Thomas Crooks because it was 'too sloped'.

Speaking to ABC News on Tuesday, Cheatle claimed that agents were not positioned on top of the sloped building, deeming it too dangerous - despite images from the scene showing Secret Service snipers set up on a sloped roof behind where Trump was delivering his speech. 

Former Army Ranger Sean Powell was among those who registered his outrage with Cheatle's 'BS excuse' a rage filled tweet. 

'Holy s***. A sloped roof? That is a total BS excuse,' he wrote.

'Our snipers used to set in on mountain tops in Afghanistan. On the down slopes if need be. The stupidity of this statement explains so much of why s*** hit the fan that day. Absolute incompetence,' he added. 

Following Cheatle's bizarre comments, a former US senator from South Carolina, Jim DeMint also weighed in saying: 'This sad excuse about defies believability.' 

Instead of placing her snipers on the roof of the American Glass Research Building in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Crooks fired from, she made the decision to secure the building from the inside. 

'That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point,' she claimed.

'And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. 

'And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside,' she added. 

Thanks to Cheatle's decision, Crooks managed to evade cops and Secret Service three times, even though he had been deemed 'suspicious' and could have been on the roof for up to 30 minutes before he pulled the trigger.

Witnesses also begged law enforcement to act when they saw him clamber onto the roof with his AR-style rifle, but the lapse in security meant he was able to carry out his bid to take the 45th president's life.

But now, her comments have been heavily criticized by members of the public, with many dubbing the theory a 'total BS excuse' that 'defies believability'.

The lapse in security allowed would-be assassin Crooks to evade both police and the Secret Service, despite being flagged as suspicious.

Witnesses reported seeing Crooks climb onto the sloped roof with his father's AR-style semiautomatic rifle, but security officials failed to act in time to prevent any harm coming to the former president. 

 The snipers above President Trump were on a sloped roof so why couldn't they secure the sloped roof that the assassin was on?'

'She should have been fired days ago. We need accountability'.

Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg added: 'Ironically, the snipers who were behind Trump during the rally were on a sloped roof, she is b*********** and getting away with it'.

As the public outcry surrounding Cheatle's comments rages on, conversations about how she obtained her position within the agency are also beginning to emerge.

It has been said it is largely due to her close relationship with first lady Jill Biden that she was able to land her role as director of the agency.

Four sources close to President Biden's family, including people who interacted with Cheatle during the Obama-Biden administration, told the New York Post she was well liked by the future first lady and her most senior aides, including top adviser Anthony Bernal. 

'Cheatle served on Dr. Biden's second lady detail and Anthony pushed for her,' a Democratic insider said. 

'I heard at the time she was being considered for director that Anthony had pushed her forward as an option,' another source added.

Republicans preparing to grill Cheatle have already focused on her own background.

Before being appointed by President Biden in 2022, she worked for PepsiCo as senior director in Global Security. 

She worked for 25 years in the agency and in the Vice Presidential Protective Division.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Ky.) on Fox News has called her a 'diversity hire.'

'You know she was working at Pepsi before this. I know she was a former CIA Secret Service agent, but still, this is what happens when you don’t put the best players in,' he said.

Costco rolls out emergency food kits that can keep you going for 11 YEARS - as World War III fears grow


Costco is selling emergency food and drink survival kits with a shelf life of 25 years.

The kits are aimed at Americans wanting to stock up in case of natural disasters in their area, but they also appeal to so-called doomsday preppers fearing the end of the world.

The ReadyWise buckets, containing 150 servings - including pasta alfredo and chicken pot pie - are $79.99 after a $20 discount.

But those really wanting to stock up - and with plenty of storage space, or a big bunker - Costco is selling the kits by the pallet.

The ReadyWise pallet has 5,400 servings for $2,499 after a $500 discount.

Based on one serving a day of the food items, the pallet could last nearly 11 years.

Each bucket has 80 entrees and sides, 30 breakfasts, and 40 drinks. Water must be added to turn the dried foods into meals.

The pallet contains 36 of these buckets - so 2,880 mains and sides, 1,080 breakfasts and 1,440 drinks. 

Cookbook author Jeffrey Eisner posted a video on Instagram about the Readywise buckets after he spotted them at his local Costco on June 30.

'So I'm in Costco - which is like, my happiest place in the world to be - and I've never seen anything like this before,' Eisner says.

'I guess this is for when the apocalypse hits, which could be any time now, right? Who knows?'

He adds: 'So, you know, when the world collapses and caves in, as long as you have your Readywise emergency food supply, all's right with the world.'

His video went viral - with more than 2 million views and 2,700 comments.

'I like that someone thought to consider our desire for variety during the apocalypse,' wrote wrote Rachel_the_realtor.

Another joked:'25 year shelf life… if the apocalypse doesn't kill you the preservatives will!!'

Some users also explained the use of the kits to those who thought that they were unnecessary.

'You guys have never heard of food storage before?,' wrote Hellolovelypeople

'It's for temporary potential disasters. Earthquake, hurricane, tornado, power outage, city closed down, quarantine etc.

'It lasts 25 years so you can buy it once and have the peace of mind that's it's there. This has been a thing for a long time. My mom got me a bucket like this 15 years ago.'

Doomsday preppers fear the world as we know it will end - perhaps because of World War Three or a huge natural disaster. Russia invading Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East - with The Hamas attack on Israel - have added to fears.

So they build bunkers and stock them with food and drink

One is Rowan MacKenzie, from Missouri, who became a social media phenomenon after revealing she's been prepping her home for 12 years. 12968423

She previously hit the headlines after revealing she spent over $90,000 on her hidden bunker stockpile.

The 38-year-old began stocking up her cupboards 13 years ago and initially, bought lifelong essentials, such as beans and rice, which she taught herself to preserve through trial and error.

Israel Finally Gets this Right: as Israel Rejects Norwegian FM’s Request to Visit, Cites Recognition of Palestinian State

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz officially rejected the request of Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide to visit Israel.

Israel Hayom reported on Tuesday that even before the Norwegian minister’s appeal to his Israeli counterpart, the Norwegian foreign ministry tried to coordinate the long-awaited visit to Israel, but the Israeli foreign ministry in Jerusalem did not respond to the request and introduced delays which left the Norwegian minister no choice but to request the invitation from the Israeli foreign ministry. As mentioned above, he was refused.

The wooing by Norway, a country that continues to demonstrate unabashed hostility toward Israel despite the massacre October 7 atrocities, began at the NATO conference in Washington, DC last week, when Minister Eide was trying to locate Minister Katz at the opening reception, and after finding him, he told him: “We have many issues to talk about.”

According to eyewitnesses at the incident, Minister Katz responded: “There are also many things you did to us.”

The Israeli ambassador to Norway has not yet returned to Oslo since being called for consultations following Norway’s recognition of a Palestinian state and in response to Norway’s extremely hostile rhetoric against Israel. Sources familiar with the matter told Israel Hayom that there is currently no prospect of returning the ambassador.

Norway not only recognized a Palestinian state but refused to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization after the massacre of Israeli citizens on October 7. It refused to sign a condemnation of Hamas and supported the lawsuit against Israel in The Hague

Israel’s Undercover Forces Emerge as Gaza’s Newest Battlefield Player

The Israeli commandos who rescued four hostages in Gaza drove a pair of battered white trucks—one displaying a soap advertisement, the other bearing a mattress and furniture on the roof. They were armed, but their main weapon was disguise, blending into a Hamas stronghold until the guns started firing.

The early June rescue mission has become the most prominent example of Israel’s famous undercover units on the battlefield in the Gaza Strip, a dangerous foray into a territory that its covert forces once found nearly impenetrable. Subterfuge is a skill set that Israel’s security services have honed for decades in the West Bank, with operatives known as “mista’arvim”—a Hebrew moniker borrowed from an Arabic term for people steeped in Arab culture.

Now, the covert unit’s presence in Gaza adds a volatile new element to the war zone, where a blown cover could be disastrous and civilian disguises sometimes constitute a war crime.

Hamas fighters are also operating in civilian garb in Gaza.

Depicted in the Netflix series, “Fauda,” the mista’arvim are lionized as heroes in Israeli society—and hated among Palestinians, who view them as menacing illegal hit squads.

Avi Issacharoff, the co-creator of “Fauda” and a former member of a military undercover unit, said the hostage rescue in Nuseirat was unlike anything he had witnessed. Most missions take place in the West Bank, where Israel has long held security control.

“The new thing is that they do undercover operations during a war inside an enemy territory,” he said. “This is what is so crazy.”

Last month’s rescue in the central Gaza city of Nuseirat relied on weeks of intelligence-gathering, commandos who practiced on replicas of the buildings housing the hostages and the positioning of thousands of soldiers to provide support, Israeli military officials said. The masquerade was vital to the daylight operation. Officials said they feared Hamas guards would kill their captives the moment they detected Israeli commandos.

“It’s not enough to find the right vehicle. You need to disguise it so it will work out in this specific territory,” said Shir Peled, a former undercover fighter for Israeli police.

In simultaneous raids on two apartment blocks, the teams maintained the element of surprise. Israeli forces, military officials said, overwhelmed the captors, extracted their bounty and battled through crowded streets to get the hostages to the beach and spirit them away on helicopters. 

It is likely that undercover operatives were in the neighborhood for weeks before the rescue and present when it began to deal with Hamas’s guards, said Tomer Tzaban, a member of a small undercover military unit that operated in the Gaza Strip in the 1990s. Now Israeli intelligence is likely on a recruiting spree for local collaborators inside Gaza while mista’arvim also continue to operate there, Tzaban said.

In Tzaban’s era, Gaza was a difficult assignment. Even before Israel and Egypt imposed an embargo in 2006, there weren’t many visitors, so there were few disguises to choose from—construction worker could work, he said. Tourist couldn’t.

Ron DeSantis wants Trump back in White House, Biden back in 'basement'

Standing With Israel at the RNC Convention


Lara Trump on assassination attempt on father-in-law at RNC Convention quotes from Tehilim


Israeli and Palestinian Jerusalem Youth Chorus advances on ‘America’s Got Talent’


A chorus of Israeli and Palestinian teens won hearts, applause and a chance at $1 million with a successful “America’s Got Talent” audition that aired on Tuesday night.

The Jerusalem Youth Chorus performed Phillip Phillips’ “Home,” an anthem that envisions a safe and comfortable future after difficult times — with lyrics whose resonance in the post-Oct. 7 climate are unmistakeable.

“Settle down, it’ll all be clear. Don’t pay no mind to the demons — they fill you with fear. The trouble, it might drag you down; if you get lost, you can always be found,” sang 20 teens and young adults wearing jackets with the chorus’ logo, featuring a peace dove.

They went on, “Just know you’re not alone, ’cause I’m gonna make this place your home.”

The TV show’s notoriously harsh judges offered thumbs up during the performance and gave a standing ovation when it ended.

“I love this audition. You made something very complicated beautiful through friendship,” said Simon Cowell before casting the first of four votes to pass the chorus to the next round. (Cowell, whose father and partner are Jewish, has donated to support the Israeli army in the past.)

Founded in 2012 by an American Jew named Micah Hendler, the Jerusalem Youth Chorus aims to bring Jewish and Palestinian teens together in a city and country marked by division.

“Singing in groups naturally creates community and builds trust, even on a psychological and neurological level,” Hendler, who lives in Washington, D.C., told the Forward last year. (A Palestinian chorus graduate named Amer Abu Arqub serves as an on-the-ground executive director.) “We’re hardwired to trust people more when we sing together.”

In the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, with tensions over the Israel-Hamas war high, some Jewish-Muslim and Israeli-Palestinian collaborations in Israel and abroad experienced turmoil or went on hiatus. The youth chorus canceled a planned tour but otherwise doubled down, giving a virtual concert in October and rescheduling its U.S. trip.

The group is touring the United States again right now, having left Israel right after the school year ended there.

“It has been a truly heartbreaking year in many ways,” the group said in an Instagram post last week. “We have all lost so much. We have lost people we love, we have lost trust and innocence, but in all of those moments, JYC singers, Alumni and staff have stayed committed to the cause and process and it has made all the difference.”

Members of the chorus explained the group’s mission and vision on “America’s Got Talent” during a short interview after their performance.

“We are the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, a group of Palestinians and Israelis,” one girl said on behalf of the group. “We believe through music and through working together and talking to each other, we are taking a step forward into building that amazing future where there is justice and there is freedom and there is equality and there is inclusion.”

Another girl answered judge Heidi Klum’s question about what the group would do with $1 million, the prize for the season’s ultimate winner.

“We will create more spaces just like this chorus — so people can meet people that are different from them so we can create this change,” she said while wearing “Bring Them Home” earrings. The message — which at least one other chorus member displayed on a dog-tag necklace — is meant to call attention to Israel’s hostages in Gaza but also signifies in Israel a desire to make a deal with Hamas to end the war.

The Jerusalem Youth Chorus issued an official ceasefire call in early June. “The last eight months of war have brought nothing but destruction to Palestinians AND Israelis, and have only served to empower the extremists on both sides who have sacrificed their own people to further radical ideologies of total victory,” the group said in a statement, adding that Israelis and Palestinians should be able to choose an alternative and saying, “It is for this shared future that we sing.”

In recent months, the group has unveiled an original song called “A Different Way” with lyrics in both Arabic and Hebrew; recorded itself singing Rabbi Menachem Creditor’s “Olam Chesed Yibaneh,” which has become an anthem for peace activists; and participated in an annual Israeli-Palestinian joint ceremony on Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s memorial day.

The judges on “America’s Got Talent” did not explicitly refer to the war or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the four-minute set that aired. But backstage after the performance, host Terry Crews alluded clearly to the ongoing crisis.

“You guys symbolize so much for so many right now,” he said. “Thank you, thank you for being here.”

The group will perform again in a subsequent round of “America’s Got Talent,” which tends to crown its annual victor in late September.

Nikki Haley makes case for Trump in 2024 election at the RNC Convention


When the Kloizinberger Rebbe Met Ben Gurion


Bus of IDF Soldiers Returning from Gaza Enter Meah Shearim by Mistake and are called Nazi and have bottles Thrown at them


Police have to go into Meah Shearim and beat the hell out of them once and for all! Soldiers returning from a war that is protecting these parasites should get this miserable treatment? 
Where are the leaders? Where are the Rabanim?? 

Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders Brings the House Down by Impassioned Speech at RNC ...Mentions G-d Many Times


Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered a fervent speech at the RNC, beginning by addressing the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a recent rally.

“Not even an assassin’s bullet could stop him,” Sanders declared. “God Almighty intervened because we are one nation under God, and He certainly wasn’t finished with Donald Trump.”

Sanders then sparked laughter with a quip about President Biden’s age: “I got the chance to take my 4-year-old son Huck to ‘Bring Your Kid To Work Day,’ much like Jill now drags Joe to ‘Bring Your Husband To Work Day.'”

She continued by praising Trump’s presidency, under which she served as press secretary until 2019.

“President Trump did the job that Kamala won’t and Joe Biden simply can’t,” Sanders asserted.