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Monday, July 1, 2024

Supreme Court affirms absolute immunity for official acts in Trump case


The US Supreme Court ruled Monday that former President Donald Trump enjoys absolute immunity from prosecution for “official acts” during his presidency — without saying whether his alleged 2020 election subversion falls under that. 

The nation’s top court instead left it up to the lower courts to sort out what constitutes an “official act” by a sitting president — and whether that applies in the 2020 election subversion case.

In a 6 to 3 decision authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, the panel stressed that the “president is not above the law,” and that “not everything the President does is official.” All three liberal justices dissented.

The high court’s ruling vacated an earlier decision by a lower court judge rejecting the immunity theory and cleared the way for more appeals by the former president that could set the trial schedule back months or years, if it ever happens.

Ezra Friedlander's Turkey refuses to let Israeli flight evacuate, refuel after emergency landing:


Ezra Friedlander who represented Turkey as well as other antisemitic countries, and received thousands of Benjamins from them, could not resolve this emergency and it could be that he wasn't even contacted as no one had confidence in him. 

Turkish officials Sunday allegedly refused to let an Israeli flight evacuate or refuel after it made an emergency landing in Antalya because of a medical crisis onboard, Israeli media reported.

El Al Flt. LY5102 was flying directly from Warsaw, Poland, to Tel Aviv in Israel in the morning when the airline said the plane had to land at Turkey’s Antalya International airport after a passenger fell ill, the Jerusalem Post said.

“After consulting with the doctor who treated the passenger on the plane, it was decided that it should land urgently in order to evacuate the passenger to the hospital as soon as possible,” El Al said in a statement.

Although the flight crew initially received permission to de-board and refuel, Turkish officials then delayed the decision, claiming permits were required to fuel the plane, Israeli broadcaster KAN reported.

After waiting, the flight crew was informed that they would not be allowed to do either, forcing the plane to fly off to Greece’s Rhodes airport to refuel, according to Israel’s Army Radio.

Flt. LY5102 then took off from Antalya at 6:18 p.m. local time, arriving in Greece less than 40 minutes later, according to flight tracking site Flight Aware.

The status of the ill passenger remained unclear, and officials did not say if the passenger was allowed to get medical treatment while in Turkey.

Antalya International Airport officials did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

All direct flights between Turkey and Israel have been canceled since the start of the Israel-Hamas war after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack.

Turkey has remained one of Israel’s biggest critics over the war, with its goverment announcing in May that all exports and imports from Israel would be halted after the Israel Defense Force’s advancement into Rafah.

No one tried contacting Ezra Friedlander for a comment! 

Native NYer living in Israel warns Jews to ‘get the hell out’ of US now ‘You are no longer safe’


Ari Fuld הי"ד

A former New Yorker whose brother was stabbed to death by a Palestinian in the West Bank is begging his Jewish brethren to “wake up” and ditch the land of bagels and lox in favor of the land of milk and honey.

Queens native Hillel Fuld, who moved to Israel at 15, believes Israel is the safest place for Jews — as antisemitic crimes soar in the US.

“Jews, get out now. Get the hell out while you still can,” Fuld warned in an interview with The Post.

The 45-year-old married father of five who lives between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem called the recent spate of violent attacks in his native New York and around the US “heartbreaking” — and labeled last week’s Los Angeles attack at an anti-Israel rally a “legitimate modern-day pogrom.”

“Read the writing on the wall,” pleaded Fuld, whose older brother, Ari, 45, was stabbed to death near his home in Efrat by a 17-year-old Palestinian.

“Nobody has to lecture me on terrorism — I know it.”

He added: “You are no longer safe on the streets of New York or Los Angeles.”

The latest statistics are grim — as antisemitic hate crimes are up 45% in 2024, according to NYPD data obtained by The Post in April — and the emboldened nature of recent attacks, many captured on shocking video, raise more alarm.  

Earlier this month, 24-year-old Anas Saleh commandeered a packed rush-hour subway train, demanding that “Zionists” identify themselves, cops said. Survivors of the Oct. 7 attack were trapped inside a downtown Manhattan memorial and having panic attacks in lockdown as a mob outside raged, chanting, “Long live the intifada,” a known call to violence.

“This is literally 1930s Europe,” he said of the shocking subway incident. “It’s scary this could happen in New York.”

The tech guru with a massive social media presence claimed he’s not being “alarmist” when he draws parallels between what he hears about in his native New York City with the dangerous climate his Auschwitz survivor grandmother experienced as a youngster.

Those whose strategy is wait-and-see are in “denial,” said Fuld, noting the German Jews of the 1930s.

“We always say, ‘But we’re the most German people,’” he said, invoking a common refrain about the German Jews who didn’t think the Holocaust – and systematic slaughter of six million Jews – could befall humanity. 

Israel Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli, told The Post that “obviously” Jews are safer in Israel than the US, especially after multiple US university presidents failed to condemn and control raging antisemitism on their campuses. American Jews must start to consider an exit strategy, he stressed.

“One of the options — and it’s an important option — is a return to the Jewish homeland,” Chikli said.

More than 700 Jews around the world moved to Israel, or made “aliyah,” since the Oct. 7 attacks, according to an Israeli nonprofit.

Fuld insisted he’s not meshugana, conceding that Israel has its problems, especially dealing with the massive security failure on Oct. 7. But the techie stressed that the population — and those charged to protect it, namely the IDF — will always have your back. 

In Israel, he said, they know who the enemy is, whereas in New York, they’re masked — literally — referring to the face coverings so many antisemites have hidden behind.

Fuld admitted to hiding his yarmulke with a hat while visiting Times Square recently with his wife and five kids, ages 13 to 19.

“It’s just not worth the risk,” he said. “And that’s tragic.” 

Fuld admitted that American Jews pushed back against his haunting harbingers, saying “the world is too civilized to let it happen again,” that “America is not Germany” and that “if we run away, they win,” he recalled of the skepticism.

But his assessment of the escalating chaos isn’t brimming with optimism.

“We know what’s about to happen – and it’s going to happen fast. The genie is out of the bottle,” he said. “Antisemitism will only get worse and worse. Open a history book.

“I would love nothing more than to be wrong,” he said somberly. “But I don’t think I am.”

Hillel Fuld 

Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle


In the aftermath of Joe Biden’s debate debacle, there is one constant: Dr. Jill’s delusional self-belief that she can save the day. 

Under the thrall of her Rasputin-like adviser Anthony Bernal, the first lady is acting as if she is the candidate — at the expense of her husband and the country. 

She is the keeper of Biden delusions.

“Joe, you did such a great job,” she shrieked after commandeering the microphone at the debate after-party in Atlanta, as her downcast husband stood on stage gaping at her uncomprehendingly.

“You answered every question!” she gushed in a gratingly patronizing tone, like a nursery schoolteacher who hates kids. 

The whole world knew he did a terrible job. Even Joe knew. 

But that’s the problem with habitual lying. It swallows you in delusion eventually. 

You could see the emergence of Jill’s rival court in recent months as Joe faded and she embarked on a frenetic round of solo campaigning, always with Bernal, whom she calls her “work husband.”

Bernal was by her side when she swanned into Hunter’s gun trial in Wilmington in her finest designer threads last month to project presidential power on the yokels in the jury. 

You can see how she depends on Bernal by the knowing glances they exchange when Joe is going off the rails, as he did at Waffle House where they dragged him after the debate when he should have been in bed. 

As Joe babbled to random customers, Bernal turned to look at Jill and raised both eyebrows in an expression of alarm. 

Debate takeaways for Israel


There was nothing remotely surprising about U.S. President Joe Biden’s performance at the presidential debate in Atlanta on Thursday night. The doddering, muttering, angry and seemingly confused man staring emptily, with mouth agape who stood on the CNN debate stage was the same man who has shown up before the cameras nearly every day since Biden was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021.

The Democratic commentators on CNN and the other Democratic Party-aligned media could have pretended that there was nothing off about Biden’s performance. They have been doing that for the past three-and-a-half years. The question is why they chose to respond to the debate by unanimously panning his performance. Why did every single CNN commentator insist that Biden cannot continue as the Democratic candidate for president?

The second question is: What does this mean for Israel?

On the first question, it has been clear from the outset that American voters like neither former President Donald Trump nor Biden. The race has always hinged on who it’s about. Would it be a referendum on Trump or Biden? If it is a referendum on Biden, then Trump wins and vice-versa. Trump was leading going into the debate because until Thursday night, Biden’s efforts to make the race a referendum on Trump had come up short.

The commentators’ immediate condemnation of the president’s performance and the widespread reports of “panic” among the Democratic Party leadership from the first moments of the debate made clear that the party’s leadership decided that the race was indeed a referendum on Biden. If he is the candidate on the ballot in November, then Trump will be the next president.

Since the Democrats don’t want that, having made the race a referendum on Biden, the only move left is for Biden to be forced to step aside and for someone else to be selected as the party’s nominee at the Democratic convention in Chicago in late August.

Whether Biden’s replacement is former first lady Michelle Obama, California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, the nominee will immediately become the hands-down favorite to win in November. Untainted by the president’s baggage as an incumbent, his replacement will be able to make the race a referendum on Trump, and he or she will win.

This brings us to the second question. What difference will this make for Israel?

And how would a different Democratic president treat Israel?

Protestors against the Draft Nearly Kill the Gerer MK Goldknopf but not before the Big Tzaddik R' Moshe Sternbuch Provokes the Crowd into a Frenzy

 Chareidim eating their own like the fish in the sea! It seems that Goldknopf is not extreme enough for them, so they nearly lynched him!

I think that Ger will not stand idly by while one of their own is being beaten, they will soon mobilize and beat the crap out of Peleg, just you watch! 

All this while other gedoilim were standing nearby! 

Among those participating in the demonstration, were senior members of the Eda Charedis, in addition to the Peleg Yerushalayim group. Based on videos and pictures, it appeared that thousands of participants joined the rally.

Shortly before the demonstration, the leaders of the BaDaTZ Eda Haredis, led by HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch shlit’a, addressed the demonstrators.

Protesters carried signs saying “We will not join the enemy army” and “We will die and not enlist.” Photos show clashes between demonstrators and police, as well as dumpster fires and police shooting and spraying protesters with hoses and water cannons. Protesters marched through the streets to various sections of the neighboring areas.
According to reports, some Roshei Yeshiva even called on yeshiva students to leave seder to join the demonstration, a signal of the critical nature of the draft threat.

Shaya Weiss's Understanding of the Biden-Trump Campaign in Yiddish!

 Yiddish twist of today’s News, Art, Chassidus, Politics and more -

Brought to you by your Only Hasidic Conservative political analyst and Local Artist Shaya Weiss.

Charedi Narrowly Escapes Being Lynched by "Innocent" Palestinian Mob After Car Set on Fire


 An Israeli man was attacked by Palestinians in Qalandiya just north of Jerusalem on Saturday night, sustaining light injuries, according to local media.

The victim, an ultra-Orthodox Jew in his 70s, was reportedly stoned after entering Qalandiya to refuel his car. In video footage shared on Arabic social media, dozens of rioters can be seen throwing stones at his vehicle.

He subsequently lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a concrete barrier, sustaining injuries. He was said to have fled on foot towards the Qalandiya Checkpoint, where he was met by Israeli security forces.

The victim was treated by medics on the scene before being evacuated to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center. His vehicle was set on fire.

A week prior, an Israeli man was killed in the Palestinian city of Qalqilya in western Samaria. The victim, identified as Amnon Muchtar, 66, from Petach Tikvah in central Israel, reportedly owned a vegetable store and was said to have traveled to Qalqilya to buy produce.

The deadly shooting came two days after a 78-year-old Israeli man was mortally wounded near Qalqilya. An initial probe found that assailants had severely beaten the man and stolen his car.

Israelis are barred from entering Qalqilya, along with other regions of Judea and Samaria under full Palestinian administrative and security control, collectively designated Area A under the Oslo Accords.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Contrast of Joey from 2019 & 2024


AOC Barks and Sounds Just Like Hitler ym"s


Watch Trump Tell Biden "You are one bad Palestinian"


Watch Thief Brazenly Walks into Flatbush Judaica Store and empty Cash Register Gets Caught minutes later


US couple who died during the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia were walking for over two hours in scorching temperatures before they succumbed to heat stroke,

 This is their daughter describing their awful deaths 

Watch Jill Biden Tell Crazy Joey After the Debate ..."You did good... You answered all the Questions"


Watch a Muslim Judge in a US Courtroom Dismiss Charges Against Pro-Hamas Protestors