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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Inside the mysterious 50-foot-long tunnel beneath 770 that sparked the riot.. Hamas Looking to sue Chabad over Copyright Laws


Video reveals the inside of a bizarre tunnel built by a group of young Hasidic Jewish men underneath a historic Brooklyn synagogue.

The footage, posted on CrownHeights.Info’s Instagram, leads viewers down stairs and through hallways to a dirt-filled room where a roughly 2-foot-by-2-foot grate has been removed from the wall of the building, which is adjacent to the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights.

The videographer then crawls through the hole, which leads to a 3-foot-high dirt tunnel that reportedly extends about 50 feet and around two corners to the headquarters’ location of its shuttered men’s ritual bath.

Photos shared on CrownHeights.Info’s website show a beer can on the side of the tunnel and an electrical wire hanging.

In the adjacent building’s dirt-filled room, clothes and other items can be seen scattered around, apparently left by the renegade diggers of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

The alleged rogue members of the movement advanced by the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson had reportedly been digging the tunnel under the 100-year-old synagogue for nearly a year.

The tunnel apparently was designed to reach the abandoned men’s mikvah — or ritual bath — around the corner to “expand” the synagogue, according to the Jewish outlet Forward.

The underground pathway was not discovered until last month, when neighbors reported suspicious noises coming from beneath their homes, Israel National News reported.

“Some time ago, a group of extremist students, broke through a few walls in adjacent properties to the synagogue at 784-788 Eastern Parkway, to provide them unauthorized access,” Rabbi Motti Seligson, spokesman for Chabad-Lubavitch, said in an emailed statement to The Post.

“Earlier today, a cement truck was brought in to repair those walls. Those efforts were disrupted by the extremists who broke through the wall to the synagogue, vandalizing the sanctuary, in an effort to preserve their unauthorized access.”

“They have since been arrested and the building closed pending a structural safety review.

“Lubavitch officials have attempted to gain proper control of the premises through the New York State court system; unfortunately, despite consistently prevailing in court, the process has dragged on for years,” Seligson said.

“This is, obviously, deeply distressing to the Lubavitch movement, and the Jewish community worldwide. We hope and pray to be able to expeditiously restore the sanctity and decorum of this holy place.”

Another statement from the headquarters added that “the group of young agitators” were “primarily in the U.S. on student visas.

“These individuals have been squatting in the synagogue and attempted to take control by demolishing walls to connect the basement to the adjacent building, intending to ‘expand’ the sanctuary,” it said.

“Steps are being taken to revoke their student visas and repatriate them to their countries of origin.”

After the tunnel’s discovery, the synagogue leadership called in structural engineers to assess the building damage, and on Monday, cement mixers arrived to fill it in, sparking a riot.

The group of renegade Orthodox Jewish men, thought to be mostly in their teens and early 20s, were filmed tearing down wood panels and wooden support beams as they desperately tried to get into their tunnel.

Other footage from the temple on Eastern Parkway showed cops trying to hold back dozens of Hasidic Jewish men as they pushed their way into the 20-foot-wide enclosure, toppling over wooden pews in their anger.

At least a dozen men were taken into custody, sources told The Post. Ten received criminal misdemeanor charges, another was charged with obstructing governmental administration, while one other received a summons for disorderly conduct, sources said.

No injuries were reported in the brawl.

The clash involves the headquarters and former home of Schneerson, a site that has been at the center of previous controversies.

A violent incident in 2004 over a plaque outside the building led to a lawsuit over who was the proper owner, and in 2006, a New York court gave control of the building to the Agudath Chaseidi Chabad.


Netanyahu orders halt to home demolitions in Gush Etzion


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued instructions this evening (Tuesday) not to demolish the homes of soldiers and reservists during wartime.

The Prime Minister's Office stated that to prevent a recurrence of incidents like today in Gush Etzion, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered that as long as the war continues, the evacuation and demolition of the homes of soldiers and reservists of settlers in Judea and Samaria must be stopped.

Earlier today, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel contacted the legal advisor to the security system, attorney Itai Ofir, following the destruction of the houses, some of which belong to soldiers and reservists.

Arbel wrote, "This morning the Civil Administration, with the assistance of the Central Command and the police, evacuated and destroyed ten buildings in Pnei Kedem, claiming that these were built illegally. According to reports, the houses that were destroyed included two houses of reserve duty soldiers, who are currently serving the people of Israel and the citizens of Israel in the war in Gaza."

Arbel mentioned that "at the beginning of the war, the Land Enforcement Authority at the Ministry of Finance, responsible for fighting against illegal construction, with the consent of the Deputy Legal Adviser to the government, decided not to issue new orders, not to impose new fines, and not to take enforcement procedures during the war, even with regard to illegal buildings for which proceedings have been going on for a long time."

According to Arbel, "The decision was reached due both to the recruitment of hundreds of thousands of reservists who are unable these days to conduct a legal battle or settle their case with the Authority, and due to the needs of the Authority, many of whose employees have been recruited, as well as the prioritization of tasks which does not justify a focus at this time on taking draconian procedures against citizens, for not complying with the directives of planning and construction.”

In the letter, Minister Arbel claimed that "many of the residents of Pnei Kedem and other communities in Judea and Samaria are currently being recruited for a long and bloody war, that was launched by the murderous terrorist organization Hamas on October 7th. It is not reasonable that these soldiers, their family members or their neighbors, who also have relatives in the reserves, are among the hostages, murdered or evacuees, will now have to deal with the bureaucracy and regulations or worry that their homes will be destroyed."

In conclusion, the Minister wrote, "I demand that the enforcement on land be frozen until the end of the war, as has been done in other parts of the State of Israel, so should also be in Judea and Samaria. This is the most justified and appropriate solution during this period of time, also from a legal point of view, and there is no reason why it should not be adopted by the security establishment as well."

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin On the 770 Debacle: Chabad Educators, Rabbonim And Leadership Are To Blame


As reported a group of violent “Meshichist” Bochrim have taken full control of Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, and smashed a wall down after digging an illegal tunnel to “expand the Bais HaMedrash”. When the NYPD arrived to make arrests, a brawl took place, as these Bochrim fought with the police.

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a respected author and historian, as well as a Lubavitcher Chosid made a video about the terrible Chillul Hashem which occurred at Chabad World headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway, on Monday night:

“The fact that some Bochrim can do such things is because of the unfortunate Chinuch (education) that they got from youth. And the only ones who are to blame are their educators…and the other ones to blame are the leaders of our community are our Rbabonim, Meckaz Linyonei Chinuch…. they let people do what they want….. this is a result of a breakdown in leadership…..”

“Leadership…either you do what you need to, or get out of the kitchen! If it’s too hot in the kitchen, [get] out!…. you are not doing this properly… you are creating this monster. And if it means firing heads and getting new people, then so be it. If it means closing 770 for a week, Chas Vesholom, to get this all corrected, fine.”

While "Settlers" Are Fighting in Gaza the Government is Razing Their Home in the Gush

General Yehuda Fuchs is a decorated IDF officer who has risen through the ranks to be the head of Central Command, which supervises the entire region of Judea and Samaria.

Fuchs has had significant success since Oct. 7th in maintaining security in the region by applying extreme pressure on terrorist enclaves and taking the battle to the towns where terror cells have been developing. With over 1200 arrests and some 300 terrorists killed in the region during this period, Fuchs has succeeded in containing the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist cells which had previously attacked settlers in a succession of severe attacks during 2023.

However Fuchs is not just a canny soldier but also a potential politician, and has been accused by settlers and right-wing politicians of using his position to implement his political views, which differ from those of the current government. Thus, Fuchs has been unilaterally undercutting official government policy by cutting down the number of forces allocated to the enforcement of Palestinian construction violations in Judea and Samaria, according to a Israel Hayom report last July. In this way Palestinians can and are paving the way for a future state via illegal land grabs in strategic regions of Judea and Samaria.

At the same time, Fuchs has been quick to crack down on illegal Jewish construction, razing a number of outposts even during the wartime period.

Fuch’s actions have not gone unnoticed. An article in the Washington Post called on President Biden to pay attention to the Israeli general who is quietly implementing the US policy of working towards a two-state solution.

In a particularly galling example of Fuch’s persecution of settlers, a Border Police force was sent to raze an outpost near Pnei Kedem east of Gush Etzion, claiming that the settlement was illegal. At the time, some members of the tiny settlement (6 families) were serving in reserve duty fighting for their country, but for some reason the Civil Administration chose this time to destroy their homes. One of the soldiers returned from a shift to find police destroying his home. All his attempts to enter and take some of his personal belongings were met with refusal from the police. “They’re treating me like Sinwar,” the soldier later said, although he reiterated that he would continue to fight for his country.


Flatbush being flooded with illegals ... Israel Wondering if there is room in Flatbush for Gazans


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Beit Shemesh Escorts One of their Very own Gavriel Bloom HY"D to His Final Resting Place



Letter from a Soldier who Got Killed in Gaza to His Parents


ISIS Condemning Hamas for Sacrificing "the people of Gaza" for Iran


Inseparable in Life and in Death


Fighters Yaki Hekester and David Schwarts HY"D, graduates of Har Etzion Yeshiva, who fell in battles in Gaza last night!

Funny funny funny can't stop laughing.


Did the Feds Murder Jeffrey Epstein ? Sure Looks Like It!

 Despite being the most high-profile prisoner in the US, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in federal custody at the Manhattan Correction Center in New York on August 10, 2019.

The financier, awaiting trial on charges of sex trafficking underage girls, was found in his cell just after 6:30 a.m. having apparently used a length of orange bed sheet tied to the cell’s bunk bed to hang himself.

Throughout the previous night, cameras in the Secure Housing Unit where Epstein was being held weren’t recording, prison guards slept and Epstein was left without a cellmate despite prison psychologists’ direct orders.

Then-Attorney General Bill Barr would later call the situation a “perfect storm of screw-ups”.

Within a week a medical examiner had ruled the death a suicide, meaning no further investigation was required. Eventually, a 128-page report was produced by the Department of Justice which concluded prison staff made errors and blamed “long-standing operational challenges” for Epstein’s death.

However, some have consistently challenged the official version of events, including Epstein’s brother, Mark, 69, who is campaigning for more information to be made public — including video from the cell block.

“I only want to look at facts, but when we consider the facts available we get more questions,” the property developer told The Post.

“There appears to have been no investigation once it was ruled a suicide, they saw no reason to dig deeper.

“It seems like a cover up. Why can’t I find his pre-hospital care report and why can’t I get the 911 call?”

The following is a compilation of publicly available information about Epstein’s death as well as findings from Mark’s four-year investigation:

WATCH: Captured Gazans To IDF: “We Waited For You To Free Us From This Tyranny”


An IDF source reportedly leaked a video to Channel 12 showing a group of stripped and bound Palestinian detainees in northern Gaza blaming Hamas for their plight.

“For 17 years, we’ve lived under tyranny,” one detainee says in the video, referencing Hamas, the governing authority in Gaza. He further explains the rationale behind their decision to stay in their homes during the military campaign: “When you arrived, we remained in our homes because we live in peace and love peace. If we were guilty of something, we would have left our homes and fled, but we live in our homes in peace.”

The man goes on to express a desperate situation faced by his community: “I swear to G-d, we waited for you to free us from this tyranny.” He describes a harrowing scenario of starvation and deprivation: “our children are hungry, our wives are begging on the street for food. Our wives have started eating scraps. Our children have died in front of our eyes due to hunger. There’s no water. I’m sick and I cannot get any medical care.”

As the detainee outlines the dire circumstances, he attributes the cause to the current governance: “You know what the situation is like in Gaza. Everything has turned upside down on us.” When a soldier asks, “Whose fault is that?” the response is unanimous among the detained Palestinians: “Because of Hamas! Because of Hamas!”

Violent “Meshichist” Bochrim Literally Destroy 770; Brawl With NYPD


Chaos ensued  at Chabad World Headquarters located at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon, disrupting the davening and learning that take place there around the clock.

The trigger: A cement truck.

The truck showed up on Union Street behind Lubavitch World Headquarters with the apparent assignment to fill up an underground tunnel that ran from the main shul to the now-closed Mikvah building next door.

Bochurim, mostly from Israel and wearing ‘Meshichist’ yarmulkas and pins, responded with fury. They have been reportedly behind the digging of the tunnel, claiming it was to expand 770 visited by residents and visitors on a daily basis.

They proceeded to tear down the iconic wooden panels that wrapped the walls of the main shul. They then tore down wooden beams and used what appeared to be a hammer to break the shul’s brick wall.

The result is a very visible opening from the main shul to the tunnel. Officers of the NYPD were seen entering 770 to survey the developments but have not made arrests.

The main shul of 770 has long been the subject of a legal dispute between Agudas Chassidei Chabad / Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch and Cong. Lubavitch Inc. over who is the rightful owner of the 770-788 Eastern Parkway complex. Bochurim have long had free reign in the main shul, even violently barring some from entering.

Around two hours later the NYPD entered the Bais Medrash and made a few arrests. The crowd of meshichist bochrim responded to the NYPD with violence befitting animals in Gaza (see videos below). It’s high time that the respectable greater Lubavitcher community rise up and seize control of this Makom Kadosh. The overwhelming majority of the Chabad community are sickened by what has transpired at 770 over the years, and have remained silent far too long. Perhaps this is a wake up call to some serious action.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Chusid Makes Fun of Chassidishe Rebbes Making Havdala


DIN: Having been at many "tishin" where Chassidishe Rebbes made Havdala, I can tell you that he is not exaggerating one bit! 


Chinese Workers take off time to Daven Mincha in China


Jewish "Yamach Shemom'nickers" Drive Thru Manhattan in a Convey to Support Hamas


Someone recently commented on this blog that the Chazan Ish called a Jew, a Zionist, "Yemach Shemo" and he added that he personally heard it from someone who heard it, so based on this heter I call these Jews Yamach Shemom Ve'Zichrom'nickers!

Watch This Mall in China


Did Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak Have Sex With Epstein Trafficking Victim?

Published |Updated
Bruce Golding

Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre claimed to have had underage sex with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, according to court records made public on Friday.

The allegation is contained in a 2016 declaration by lawyer and former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, who said Barak was among several prominent men with whom Giuffre claimed to have had sex.

."She has even claimed that all of these individuals, and me, had sex with her without using a condom," he said.

Photos of Barak entering Epstein's Manhattan mansion were published after Epstein was arrested on child sex trafficking charges in 2019.

The Wall Street Journal last year reported that they had at least three dozen meetings scheduled between 2013 and 2017.

At the time of the report, Barak said, “I never participated in any party or any other improper event around [Epstein], and never met him with girls or minors, or even adult women in improper context or behavior."

The 20 Women Heroines Who Saved Lives on October 7 Honored


KKL-JNF on Sunday launched the “Path of Heroines” at the entrance to Ofakim Park, commemorating the courage of Israeli women who bravely saved lives during the ruthless Hamas attack on October 7.

KKL-JNF Chairwoman Yafit Ovadia Luski said, “Today, we honor the heroines, the women who fought to hold the door of the command center, the brave paramedics, the fighters, and the policewomen, the doctors and the medics who saved hundreds of lives. They did not surrender to fear, did not stop to rest, showed determination, and acted without hesitation, each with her unique strength. They are Zionist heroines living next to us, flesh and blood. We did not place a statue here. We paved a path. Because the heroism of October 7 is part of a long journey that began long before us and will continue long after us.”

ZAKA volunteer Norit Cohen, who was among the honored women, said: “Myself and my friends at ZAKA were all in the front lines and dealt with body collection. Every bloodstain, every hole in the floor told us a story of gunfire, and grenade explosions. We worked for days to collect all the bodies and findings. I see a connection between femininity, birth, resilience, and planting – to be strong and not give up, we are here to stay.”

Brigadier General Moran Tadger said: “Israeli police officers stood on the Black Saturday as a wall. 59 officers are no longer with us. I knew it was the moment to give my all. Grenade after grenade, RPG gunfire still echoing in my ears, I guarded the city of Ofakim. Here’s hoping we will know days of peace and security in our land.”

Tali Haddad said: “My son Itamar went out and fought because he knew that it was the goal to protect his home and his land, Israel. He took his weapon and went out to the sounds of gunfire. He went out with the weapon, and I followed him. He’s my son after all. We heard a big battle and saw a procession of terrorists marching. I saw wounded and dead, and I decided to run, bring the car from home, and evacuate the wounded. The first casualty was my Itamar. I took him and told him: Mom is not coming with you to the hospital, I’m going back to pick up more wounded, and you will be a hero. That’s how I collected 12 more casualties. Itamar took four bullets, but he got off the stretcher. Am Yisrael Chai.”

Terror from Chareidie Extremists in Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef Out of Control, With Rabbis Silent

*Beit Shemesh News*

Terror in RBS A: extremists set fire to the cellular store, causing great damage to the nearby residential buildings and stores

In the very early hours of Sunday morning, extremists committed arson in the RBS A Mercaz against the cellular store they've been continuously vandalizing.
The cellular store was completely destroyed, and nearby stores sustained heavy damage, as well. Residents of the building had to clear out and the fire department was called.

Many stores did not open their doors yesterday due to the damage, not to mention the awful smell and smoke that stuck to the area.

The police have detained a 15-year-old suspect and the investigation continues.

The Likud faction, Deputy Mayor *Rena Hollander* and mayoral candidate *Shmuel Greenberg* have strongly condemned the arson.

 *Beit Shemesh News*

The arson is not nearly the first event of its kind. The extremists have been terrorizing the neighborhoods for years, and we can recall dozens of incidents only from the past year:

*Two weeks of demonstrations in RBS B -* December 2022-January 2023. Due to an arrest, dozens of protests take place in RBS B, including blocking the central traffic routes.

*Demonstrations against an RBS A resident -* January-February. Extremists protest against a resident of RBS A that was connected to the IDF. During one such protest, a resident is attacked and breaks his leg.

*Attacking a police car -* March. A police car that came to pick up a lost child in RBS B is brutally attacked.

*Protesting against a store -* April. Demonstrations take place against Challat HaBayit after the store didn't give in to their demands.

*Flag marches and demonstrations -* April. The extremists challenge the flags put up in RBS D, remove them and cause several tumultuous days in the neighborhood.

*Basketball court vandalism -* June. Extremists destroy a basketball court in RBS D.

*Disrupting activities in RBS H -* July. Extremists demonstrate against activities held for children by the Iriya in Neve Shamir.

*Violent protest -* August. The extremists try to prevent an autopsy on a woman who died in her home and vandalize several police cars.

*Assault in RBS B -* August. Extremists demonstrate against a tour of schools in RBS B and vandalize the Mayor's vehicle.

*Arson -* December-January. After many protests against the cellular store in RBS A, two extremists break in and vandalize it, and two weeks later, the store is completely incinerated.