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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Body camera footage records an heroic soldier aiding an injured soldier


Listen to this Meshiginar On CNN ... No One Refutes Him


Five Year old Will Teach You How To Prepare Food


IDF Soldiers Singing "ani Maamin" before Being Deployed to Gaza


"Daas Torah" Getting Ready To Commemorate The Monster Chaim Walder on his Yurzeit!


I cannot comment I'm busy puking. 

Satmar/ Neturei Karta continue to incite murderers of Jews to continue murdering Jews

This time the Satmar/Neturei Karta got a Baal Teshuva Meshiginar  to bark anti-Zionist Slogans 

Israeli "Mi Shebeirach" for the Soldiers Sung at Gerer Bar-Mitzvah


This is how the Bar Mitzvah celebration began yesterday for the son of Rabbi Chaim Eidels, a Dayan, a Chassid of Gur and community rabbi in Tel Aviv, the Bar-Mitzvah boy is  the grandson of Rabbi Aryeh Levin zt"l, nephew of the Harav Elyashiv zt"l and cousin of the Kanievsky family zt"l

Bnei Torah in Beit Shemesh Spray Cell Phone Store With Skunk Liquid and do Thousands of Shekel Damage!

זו תורה וזו שכרה

Watch | Israeli satirical show presents: The Gospel according to Berkeley


Israeli satirical television show “Eretz Nehederet” is continuing airing English-language sketches tackling the anti-Israel bias in the world as Israel fights Hamas in Gaza.

On Tuesday, the show aired a sketch which featured actor Brett Gelman, who visited Israel last week, and is known for his role in the Netflix series “Stranger Things”.

In the sketch, Gelman portrays a professor from Berkeley University who, together with two students, visits Joseph and Mary, the parents of newly born Jesus, to tell them that they are Palestinians and not Jewish.

The three insist that Jesus cannot be Jewish since, they claim, no Jews will live in the land of “Palestine” for another 1,948 years. However, in the same breath, the professor claims that Jesus will be murdered by the Jewish people who, a minute before, he had said do not even live in the land.

Previous “Eretz Nehederet” clips from the war, including ones mocking the BBC,tackling campus antisemitism in the wake of the war and mocking the UN and its anti-Israel bias, have gone viral.

Hamas kills Arab boy for approaching humanitarian aid


A Hamas police officer shot a Palestinian boy to stop him from approaching humanitarian aid in the area of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday. The boy later died of his wounds.

Clashes later broke out between Hamas terrorists and the family of the boy, Ahmed Bracha, in the area of Tel al-Sultan north of Rafah.

Crowds set fire to the Hamas police station and the family vowed revenge for his death, threatening to kill the officer and his family, Channel 12 reported.

Hamas policemen were documented attacking residents in Khan Yunis as well over the distribution of humanitarian aid.

Video has emerged in recent weeks of Gazans raiding humanitarian aid trucks before they reach their destinations, the report said, noting in many cases it’s Hamas that gets its hands on the aid.

Earlier this month, an elderly Gazan woman told Al Jazeera that Hamas redirects humanitarian aid deliveries to its tunnels for use by members of the terrorist group.

“All aid goes down [into Hamas tunnels]. The aid does not reach the nation and entire people,” she said.

The journalist from the Qatari state-owned network then tried to convince her that only a small amount of aid is coming into the Strip and that it is all being properly distributed.

The woman wagged her finger at him and said, “Everything goes to [the terrorists’] houses. They take it. They will even shoot me and do whatever they want to me—Hamas.”

Despite the evidence that humanitarian aid is reaching Hamas, Israel has failed to hold to an earlier promise that aid would stop if it did so as it does not wish to resupply its enemy.

“Israel will not prevent humanitarian assistance from Egypt as long as it is only food, water and medicine for the civilian population located in the southern Gaza Strip or (those) evacuating to there, and as long as these supplies do not reach Hamas,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said.

Neither has the United States remained firm despite pledging to stop assistance if it ended up in the hands of the terror group.

“Let me be clear, if Hamas averts or steals the assistance, it will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people and it will end,” U.S. President Joe Biden said on Oct. 18 during a solidarity trip to Israel.

“As a practical matter, it will—it will stop the international community from being able to provide this aid,” he said.

The United States has instead pressed Israel to increase the flow of humanitarian aid and Netanyahu now insists that humanitarian aid enables the war to continue, arguing at a Dec. 5 press conference:

“The war efforts are supported by the humanitarian effort…this is because we follow laws of war because we know that if there would be a collapse—diseases, pandemics and groundwater infections—it will stop the fighting.”

Mother Of Mistakenly Killed Hostage: “I Wasn’t Angry At The Soldiers For Even A Minute”


Iris Haim, the mother of hostage Yotam Haim who was tragically shot and killed by IDF troops in a case of mistaken identity in northern Gaza earlier this month, said she has no anger towards the military for the incident.

In a poignant interview with Channel 12, she shared her feelings of sorrow and shock, but not of anger.

“I was not angry for even a minute, neither was my husband. There was no anger at the IDF for even a moment. There was pain, sorrow, great pain… We were shocked,” Haim said.

Yotam Haim, along with Alon Shamriz and Samar Talalka, were mistakenly identified as threats and killed by IDF troops on December 15. The incident is currently under investigation by the IDF.

In a remarkable gesture of forgiveness, Haim recorded a message for the soldiers involved, expressing love and absolving them of blame. She recounted that she and her husband “cried together” with the soldiers during their shiva visit in the shiva. Haim described the soldiers as “sweet” young men who had thought they were confronting hostile figures, not realizing they were hostages.

The family has received numerous visits from military personnel and families of military members since the incident. Haim mentioned that she had learned about the low morale within the troops following the incident, which compelled her to release her message on December 20.

“Yotam was free, even if he did not return to Israel alive. He was free from Hamas’s captivity. In that way, he beat Hamas. It was important for me to say that to the soldiers,” she explained, highlighting a sense of victory in her son’s freedom from captivity.

“Hamas didn’t kill him — it gives us a sense of comfort.”

Last week, Mrs Haim released a public message to the soldiers.

Bereaved Father Of IDF Soldier Killed By Friendly Fire: I Want To Hug Those That Shot My Son


The family of Master Sergeant (res.) Shay Termin from Rosh Pina, who tragically lost his life last Friday during a battle in Khan Yunis, received the heart-wrenching news today that their son was a victim of friendly fire. In an emotionally charged statement responding to the news, Shay’s father, Avi Termin, stood beside an Israeli flag and addressed the soldiers involved in the incident.

In a remarkable display of compassion, Avi said that he harbors no anger towards the soldiers responsible for the tragic event. He extended support from himself and his family, acknowledging the difficult circumstances under which the incident occurred.

He also extended an invitation to the soldiers involved, expressing his family’s wish to meet with them and hug them.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Last Night in Manhattan Satmar's Neturei Karta Branch the "Yamach Shemo'nics" Led the Pro-Hamas Protest


As I keep saying Satmar and Neturei Karta have the same exact ideology and are on the same page politically. The only difference is that Satmar will not meet with the Iranians! 

Though Satmar claims that they are against the NK, don't believe it for one moment. They have done absolutely nothing to distance themselves from them. Neturei Karta's children all study in Satmar Institutions, and they intermarry. Satmar Chassidim fund them !  

New York Times runs op-ed by Hamas mayor: ‘You have no shame or dignity’

 The New York Times ran an op-ed Sunday by Hamas’ handpicked Gaza City mayor — prompting outrage on social media from Israel supporters who slammed the Gray Lady for amplifying “Jew hate.”

The essay by Yahya R. Sarraj published on Christmas Eve comes amid fury over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s social media post that denounced Israel as a violent occupying force and likened Jesus to Palestinians.

Sarraj’s op-ed — titled “I Am Gaza City’s Mayor. Our Lives and Culture Are in Rubble” — condemned Israel for “caus[ing] the deaths of more than 20,000 people” and for destroying or damaging “about half the buildings” in the Gaza Strip.

The Times’s decision to grant a platform to Sarraj, who was appointed mayor of Gaza City by Hamas in 2019 after a career in academia, sparked an immediate backlash from many on social media.

The ugly reasons this pro-Hamas NYC teacher still has a job

 Weeks after being flagged for her pro-Hamas agit-prop pushed on toddlers at PS 59 on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Siriana Abboud remains on the payroll and unpunished — because it’s next to impossible to discipline, much less fire, misbehaving New York City teachers.

And also because she has friends in high place.

Last month, The Post’s Susan Edelman broke the news of Abboud pushing an anti-Israel agenda on pre-K tots and sharing tips on indoctrinating kids online: Her site’s Allusio Academy preschool program seems to have come directly from a Hamas pre-K curriculum guide.

Her Instagram page is chock-a-block with pro-Palestinian content: skewed teach-ins on the history of Palestine, Zionism, European colonialism, and “orientalism,” plus how to help your child advocate for Palestine.

Days after Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities, she wrote on Instagram: “we stand with those still tearing down border walls,” and “we show solidarity with those still fighting to free their stolen land.”

Parents have asked the city Department of Education to investigate this teacher’s hate, but so far all that’s happened is that she’s gone on indefinite “medical leave” — an obvious sign that the DOE is simply hoping to wait out the storm.

State law makes it near-impossible to fire a bad or even dangerous teacher who has tenure: The union-inspired arbitration rules can drag out the process for years.

In one infamous case, a city teacher accused of misconduct toward his students earned over $1.7 million in salary in the course of a 20-year “rubber room” stint.

But that’s not all that’s going on here.

Abboud’s issues go back at least a year: Jewish parents and teachers at the school complained back in October 2022 when she put a crude antisemitic poster on the bulletin board outside of her classroom.

Other than having her take it down, the only official response was a single “restorative justice” session, where her colleagues could express their feelings.

Within weeks of that, the city Department of Education honored Abboud with a 2023-24 Big Apple Award, applauding her work “as a liberation-inspired educator,” who “centers children’s agency and global consciousness,” raises the “societal expectations” of young children and other woke clap-trap.

In other words, she won official acclaim for the radicalism that now has her out of the classroom, but still getting paid.

Schools Chancellor David Banks plainly hasn’t cleaned house at DOE headquarters, if he’s even tried.

No wonder alert middle- and working-class families are fleeing the DOE’s schools.



They’re out to “cancel” Christmas.

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters converged on Midtown Monday, lugging a blood-red mock Nativity scene and chanting “Christmas is canceled here.”

“Long live the intifada,” the crowd of about 500 demonstrators yelled, using the Arabic word for “rebellion” or “uprising,” as they mobbed the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree where revelers were enjoying the holiday.

“While Ur Shopping Bombs are Dropping,” read one of the signs carried by the protesters.

“No Joy In Genocide,” said another, written atop the faux Nativity scene, which was splattered in what appeared to be fake blood and which several of the demonstrators carried on their shoulders.

A few scuffles broke out in the crowd after nightfall, including outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which sent cops running through the mob.

IDF soldier ejected from Jewish seminar for calling Hamas Nazis in England

 Here is the link to the  video 


An educational seminar arranged by a Jewish organization in England and held in Birmingham displayed a video from the leftist organization Breaking the Silence.

Natan Bar Noi, who returned a few days ago from his position as a division commander in a combat unit in Gaza, was present at the event at a representative of the Zionist Union, and decided to speak his mind.

He pushed his way onto the stage and began to tell the assembly his version of the events in the video.

"While Israel is fighting a Nazi enemy, and everyday we lose our best sons, because we are fighting for human rights, they are busy with lies instead of fighting,” he accused.

“Shame on you. You should see the video of what Hamas did, and what they are doing in Gaza. They are Nazis.”

After a few seconds, ushers at the event removed him from the room forcibly.

Yehonatan Lober fell in Gaza

The Beit El Council announced on Monday evening that Elisha Yehonatan Lober of Yitzhar, son of Hagay and Tehiya Lober, fell in battle in Gaza.

"Our hearts are with the dear Lober family upon learning of the bitter news. The council's staff stands by the family and will assist in all possible ways," the council said.

Lober is a cousin of Hillel and Yagel Yaniv, who were murdered in a terrorist attack in Huwara several months ago.

The bereaved father, actor and head of the Aspaklaria theater company Hagay Lober, wrote, "Out of the great power of the entire nation of Israel and from the understanding of the great hour in which the people of Israel are destroying pure evil from the world, along with deep personal sorrow and deep pain, we announce the fall of our dear and beloved son Yehonatan Lober."

"In the name of the entire nation of Israel, we are proud of him and thank him for being a part of wiping out evil in the world and destroying our enemies. We do not have anything in our hearts against the Holy One, blessed be He, we do not have anything in our hearts against the Israeli government, we do not have anything in our hearts against the IDF and the decisions of its commanders in the field. We embrace the entire people of Israel and ask the media and everyone in our nation, please, one day of unity for the upliftment of his soul. Please do not write or broadcast anything that sows discord. Please, speak well, highlight the good in the decision makers and in our wonderful people that Yehonatan would be proud to fight for."

"Please, one day of unity and of talking about good. Yehonatan will be so happy above. May we have a complete and swift victory and the return of our beloved hostages that Yehonatan so hoped and prayed would return," added the bereaved father.

Netanyahu demanded Hezbollah be moved from the border - but caved to the US


The US and France do not support Israel's need to push the Hezbollah terror group deeper into Lebanon, Kan Reshet Bet reported.

During recent discussions of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, it became clear that in negotiations between Israel, France, and the US, the messages being sent are not in line with Israel's promise to push Hezbollah deeper into Lebanon, away from the Lebanese border with Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the members of the Committee that the goal is to create a buffer zone, until the Litani River, and that Hezbollah should be pushed to the other side of the river. Without this, residents of northern Israel will not be able to return to communities which are near the border.

According to the report, in a later discussion held by the Committee, a senior source in the Foreign Ministry admitted that although outwardly, Israel is talking about the Litani River, in negotiations with US and French negotiators Israel has said that it will accept a situation in which Hezbollah is only minimally distanced, by just a few kilometers, from the Lebanon-Israel border.

In addition, the Committee members were told that in such a case, Hezbollah's infrastructure would not be removed from the area - not even until the point where the terror group itself was removed to.

In such a case, Hezbollah's weapons storehouses, military posts, and other infrastructure will remain in place, including next to the border - something which the Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant have not mentioned in their statements about the future of northern Israel.

Fatsos Can Now get an entire Row for free on Southwest

 Southwest Airlines is being celebrated for its new policy giving those losing the battle of the bulge a full row of seats for the price of one.

Southwest says that passengers whose bodies “encroach” past the armrest of the seat they purchase are entitled to an additional seat, free of charge.

Southwest told Fox Business that passengers of the extra portly variety “have the option of purchasing just one seat and then discussing your seating needs with the Customer Service Agent at the departure gate. If it’s determined that a second (or third) seat is needed, you’ll be accommodated with a complimentary additional seat.”

The policy states, “Customers who encroach upon any part of the neighboring seat(s) may proactively purchase the needed number of seats prior to travel to ensure the additional seat(s) is available… The purchase of additional seats serves as a notification of a special seating need and allows us to adequately plan for the number of occupied seats onboard.”