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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Chabad Rabbi Tells Disturbing Fact to Harvard President "Gay in drerd"


Harvard’s Chabad emissary, Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi shared a very disturbing fact during the Menorah lighting on campus and in the presence of university’s president Dr. Claudine Gay on Wednesday.

Standing by a large menorah at Harvard’s Widener Library, Rabbi Zarchi delivered a passionate speech criticizing the university’s stance on antisemitism on Wednesday night, Gabby Deutch reported for JewishInsider.com.

Speaking in front of Harvard President Claudine Gay, Rabbi Zarchi emphasized the difficulties faced by Jewish students, citing a climate of fear and security concerns, especially after hosting a footage screening of the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel that drew criticism.

Rabbi Zarchi also disclosed a disheartening aspect: Harvard’s demand that he remove the menorah at night due to fears of vandalism, despite its religious and historical significance.

“You know what happens to the menorah? After everyone leaves the Yard, we’re gonna pack it up. We have to hide it somewhere,” Rabbi Zarchi said. Harvard “would not allow us to leave the menorah here overnight, because there’s fear that it’ll be vandalized.”

This removal symbolized a lack of acceptance or safety for Jewish symbols on campus. He called for a transformative shift, advocating for a campus where such symbols can be openly displayed without fear of reprisal.

During his speech, President Gay, accompanied by her husband, listened without making any public comments. She has been heavily criticized for refusing to tell a congressional hearing that calling for the genocide of Jews was against Harvard policy.

However, she participated in the ceremonial lighting of the menorah’s shamash, which marks the seventh night of Chanukah.

Rabbi Zarchi urged her to take a more vocal stance against antisemitism, encouraging active support for the Jewish community on campus.

This report first appeared on the COLlive.com website.

Biden Giving Palestinians License To Kill Settlers by Suspending Sale of 20K Rifles


The Biden administration is once again holding up licenses for selling more than 20,000 US-made M16 rifles to Israel on the charge that they would be distributed to “violent extremist” settlers, Axios reported Wednesday night.

The decision to withhold the sale came after Israel had already guaranteed back on November 6 that none of these weapons would go to the settlers, violent or otherwise. Ravid cited US officials who told him that after the deal had been approved, the State Department decided to “slow-walk the process,” demanding a new review of the licenses. Ravid claims that this renewed concern was the handiwork of a sworn enemy of the Jewish settlement enterprise, Central Command Commander General Yehuda Fox.

Let’s unpack.

10 IDF troops killed by Hamas in Gaza fighting — highest single-day loss of life since October


Israeli forces suffered their worst single-day losses in over a month during a bloody Hamas ambush — which also claimed the life of the highest ranking officer killed since fighting broke out, officials announced Wednesday.

A total of 10 Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers were killed in Gaza in the past 24 hours, including 44-year-old Col. Itzhak Ben Basat, according to the Times of Israel.

Many of the troops were killed in Gaza City’s Shejaia district, when they were surprised by Hamas terrorists while trying to rescue another group of soldiers, according to Reuters.

It was the worst single-day loss the IDF had since October 31, when 15 troops were killed.

Hamas proudly flaunted news of the casualties, claiming they demonstrated Israel’s inability to bring Gaza to its knees.

“The longer you stay there, the greater the bill of your deaths and losses will be, and you will emerge from it carrying the tail of disappointment and loss, God willing,” the terrorist organization said.

Heavy fighting continued throughout the day in both north and southern Gaza.

Bombing runs were flown by Israeli warplanes across the length of the territory, while winter rains created wet fighting conditions for troops on the ground.

Israeli Ambassador Rips Two-State Solution In Heated Interview Exchange


In an interview with Sky News, Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s Ambassador to the UK, rejected outright the concept of a two-state solution to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict that long preceded the current war with Hamas.

“The answer is absolutely no,” Hotovely said.

“The reason the Oslo Accords failed is because the Palestinians never wanted to have a state next to Israel – they want a state from the river to the sea.”

“So the two-state solution is dead?” the interviewer asked.

“Why are you obsessed with a formula that never worked, that created these radical people on the other side. Why are you obsessed with that?” Hotovely shot back.

This statement comes amid discussions by US officials about the involvement of a “reformed” and “revitalized” Palestinian Authority in the governance of Gaza when the ongoing conflict concludes.

Philanthropic Foundations Including Jewish Ones Such as Levi Strauss, Schwab & Weingart Provided Millions in Funding to Cair


Ryan Mauro, an investigative researcher for the Capital Research Center, has written a report documenting the 20 top philanthropic funders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the organization whose co-founder and executive director, Nihad Awad, declared himself “happy” upon learning of the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks in Israel.

Those attacks led to the murders of 1,200 people, with thousands wounded and as many as 240 men, women and children taken hostage into the Gaza Strip, where about half remain.

The top three groups provided more than $1 million apiece: American Online Giving Foundation ($1,637,087), Silicon Valley Community Foundation ($1,499,447) and Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund ($1,474,868).

Six groups provided the self-described Muslim civil-rights and advocacy group, which has been charged with antisemitic rhetoric and actions over the years, with $500,000 or more: California Endowment, ($785,604), Schwab Charitable Fund ($782,178), California Community Foundation ($781,065), Sierra Health Foundation ($637,558), Tides Foundation ($631,300), Weingart Foundation ($602,950) and K. Kellogg Foundation ($500,000).

The remaining 10 organizations each provided more than $300,000. These include the San Francisco Foundation ($494,000); Network for Good ($489,800); MarJac Foundation, which Mauro describes as a group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood ($450,000); Charities Aid Foundation ($406,000); California Wellness Foundation ($350,000); Movement Voter Project ($348,240); Columbus Foundation ($336,250); American Endowment Foundation ($315,600); Levi Strauss Foundation ($310,000); and the Orange County Community Federation ($301,255).

“Now should be a time of reckoning for left-wing philanthropy,” wrote Mauro. “Hamas’s attacks on Israel and the crisis of anti-Semitism should compel a reconsideration of funding to any entity that foments Jew-hatred or advocates for terrorist organizations and their causes.”

Hamas Used Poisonous Gas To Kill Nahal Oz Soldiers


An investigation into the nature of the deaths of IDF observer corps soldiers serving on the Nahal Oz base on October 7 has revealed that they were killed by a toxic gas that caused suffocation and loss of consciousness within a few minutes of exposure.

According to a report published by Channel 12, the main findings of the investigation indicated that an unspecified but toxic flammable substance was apparently thrown through the entrance of the building which housed the soldiers’ command center. One of the soldiers at the entrance to the building attempted to extinguish the flames but was unsuccessful and the fire continued to spread.

“They set fire to materials that ignited and spread, which contained toxic gases that could cause suffocation in a few minutes or even less than that,” Channel 12 quoted the officer delivering the report as saying. The reporter added that the estimated time of a few minutes was an optimistic one.

As the fire continued to spread, the smoke began to enter the command center, where 22 people, including many of the observer corps soldiers, were hiding. In an attempt to ward off the smoke, the soldiers soaked some paper towels with water to fill the gap under the door but it didn’t work and the effects of the gas began to take hold.

“The soldiers began to leave the room and search for an exit. They were coughing and some couldn’t breathe,” the IDF officer told Channel 12. “Some told us that they felt they were stepping on some people, they tried to pick them up, and with the rest of their strength tried to call to them. They were simply surviving and trying to figure out how to get themselves out of there.”

When they reached the emergency exit, however, the soldiers realized that the door was on fire, and there was no way of opening it or even getting close to it. Those who were still able continued to search for an exit and eventually reached the bathrooms, where a small window led to the outside.

One of the officers climbed up to the window and smashed it, allowing him, five other officers and one surveillance soldier to escape the toxic inferno. The other fifteen soldiers in the command center died  apparently asphyxiated by the noxious fumes. Six other soldiers from the base were taken hostage.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Jewish men dance with a fire extinguisher in video poking fun at anti-Semitic Polish MP Grzegorz Braun who put out Hanukkah candles


A Polish politician who angrily sprayed a fire extinguisher to put out Hanukkah candles inside Poland's parliament building yesterday has been ruthlessly mocked by the Jewish community in the city of Lodz.

In a video clip shared on social media, a group of Jewish men in high spirits are seen holding a fire extinguisher aloft and passing it to one another as they danced, laughing and poking fun at Grzegorz Braun's stunt yesterday. 

The atmosphere was jovial, with onlookers clapping and moving along to traditional Jewish music, before one participant feigned outrage and jokingly enacted throwing the fire extinguisher at the camera. 

The footage has racked up hundreds of thousands of views amid the outcry at Braun, who has been widely criticized for the anti-Semitic act after he described the Hanukkah as 'satanic' and said he was restoring 'normality' by extinguishing the candles. 

The right-wing, pro-Russian member of Poland's Confederation party was thrown out of Poland's Sejm after ripping the red extinguisher from the wall of the government building and blasting the menorah, filling the air with a lingering haze.

But supporters of the lawmaker leapt to his defence, with an online fundraiser drumming up more than £14,000 after the MP was docked six months of salary, plus another three months of half salary, for his actions. 

A lawyer representing Braun who organized the fundraising drive posted on Twitter: 'The Sejm should only use Polish symbols and it is not a place of religious worship.

Company that won a no-bid contract to feed NYC's migrants trashed 70,000 meals - worth $776,000 - in just one month


 Meal provided by DocGo seen above

A company awarded a no-bid contract to care for and feed New York City's migrants trashed as many as 70,000 uneaten meals worth $776,000 in just one month, per a new report.

DocGo, a medical services company, was given the $432 million deal to care for about 4,000 migrants in the city's care upstate - but has been accused of wasting taxpayer money as mayor Eric Adams was forced to slash billions from city services to fund the crisis. 

From October 22 to November 10, the company threw out over 70,000 meals, marking them as 'wasted' in internal documents reviewed by The New York Times. The trashed food cost taxpayers about $776,000. As the Times notes, at this rate wasted food would cost the city $1million a month. 

Final Letter of Major Ben Zussman States: "If I fall into captivity, dead or alive. I will not allow a single soldier or citizen to be harmed because of some bargaining made for my releas


“I am writing this letter to you as I am heading to the base. If you are reading it, something must have happened to me. You know me, so no one could be happier than me right now. It was no coincidence that I was on the verge of fulfilling my dream. I am happy and grateful for the privilege I will have to defend our beautiful land and the people of Israel.

In case something happens to me, I don’t permit you to sink in to sadness. I’ve had the privilege of fulfilling my dream and destiny and you can be certain that I am looking down on you with a huge smile. I will probably sit next to grandpa and catch up on what we’ve missed, each of us will share our experiences and what’s changed between the wars. Maybe we’ll also talk a little politics, and l’ll ask him what he thinks.

If God forbid you are sitting shiva (the week of mourning), transform it into a week of friends, family and fun. There should be good food, meat of course, beer, soft drinks, nuts, and of course mom’s cookies. Tell jokes, share stories and you’ll get to meet all the rest of my friends that you haven’t yet met. You know? I envy you. I would want to sit there and see everyone.

Another matter that is very, very important. If God forbid, I fall into captivity, dead or alive. I will not allow a single soldier or citizen to be harmed because of some bargaining made for my release. I don’t allow you to conduct a campaign or struggle or anything of the sort. I am not willing to have terrorists released for me. In no way, shape or form. Don’t misconstrue my words please.

I’ll say it again, I left the house without even being called up to reserve duty. I am filled with pride and a sense of purpose and I always said that if I have to die, I wish it would be in defense of others and the State. ‘Jerusalem, I have placed guards, that one day will come and I will be one of them.”

Unfortunately there are no more babies To wash!!!


UN Hypocrites


‘Those who show compassion to the evil, end up being evil to the compassionate.”


by Hillel Fuld 

I have to say something I’ve been thinking about since the beginning of this war, and even before.
This is not aimed at our enemies or even at the supporters of our enemies. This isn’t even aimed at people on the fence.
This is aimed at us. This is for the people who are on the right side of history, those who side with Israel.
I get it. You’re compassionate. We are a compassionate people. It’s beautiful.
Except when it’s not beautiful.
‘Those who show compassion to the evil, end up being evil to the compassionate.”
Listen, I am a marketer, I get it. I understand that optics matter. I realize that perception is reality.
All that being said, please remember what we’re doing here, why we are fighting this war.
We are not fighting this war so the world will love us. I mean, diplomatic and financial support are nice, don’t get me wrong, but they are NOT our top priority.
We need to, first and foremost, worry about our own military objectives. And when public perception and our own interests contradict each other, we need to make sure we don’t forget why we’re doing what we’re doing.
For example, if hundreds of Hamas terrorists surrender and we have to strip them down to their underwear not for our own fun, but because we need to make sure they are not carrying explosives, I’m sorry that some people find that offensive because “They’re human beings and deserve to be treated as such”, but our safety comes first.
Besides, it’s about time our people had a reason to smile and Hamas had a reason to feel shame.
It doesn’t make us immoral if we want a cruel enemy who did what Hamas did to pay for their crimes. That is the epitome of morality.
So I get it, it’s against our nature to be violent and aggressive. But sometimes, we need to speak our enemy’s language. Sometimes we need to exit our national comfort zone and do what is needed to ensure our safety and our victory.
Almost every time I post something about Hamas leaders being assassinated, I get someone, generally someone with a Jewish name, telling me that I shouldn’t be happy about our enemy being killed.
“That’s not what we’re about.”
Literally after I posted that Chabad had set up shop in Gaza and how beautiful it was to see, I get a message from a nice Jewish man telling me that my post disgusted him.
Enough already with the compassion for the most evil people the world has seen in a very very long time.
Take that compassion and save it for our hostages, our soldiers, the families of the fallen heroes, and not for savage terrorists.
Feeling compassion for Hamas is not morality, it’s literally the opposite.
Not that I need to prove that point or anything but let’s not forget where morality came from. How does the world know it’s immoral to murder? From the Torah.
And again, the Torah is the epitome of compassion, but several times in the Torah, there is a commandment of eliminating the evil from amongst you.
So please, try to apply your compassion where it belongs instead of worrying so much about Hamas’ feelings or how something is going to look in the media.
If this war hasn’t taught you that no matter what we do, the media will spin it against us, nothing will.
So since the media will spin it anyway and since Hamas has clearly shown that compassion for them just brings more death, enough already.
Focus your energy on helping us win this war in any way you can and stop with the misplaced compassion.
I’m sure you can imagine how exhausting it is for me to spend my days trying to spread positivity and constantly getting called out by our own for celebrating our wins.
And while we’re on the topic…
There are some people who simply don’t know how to accept wins. It’s like people who can’t take compliments.
Hundreds of terrorists surrendered yesterday. A huge win!
And my comments were full of people saying, “What are we gonna do with them now? We have no room in our prisons!”
Then there were the people who said “This is tragic. They should be dead, not captured!”
Then there was the “This is a trap. Don’t be so happy.”
And on and on and on!
It is beyond exhausting.
Why can’t people just celebrate instead of constantly looking for things to complain about?
Anyway, we all need to pay attention to our perspective and make sure we don’t confuse morality with immorality.
Eliminating evil from this world and celebrating it does not make us barbaric or evil.
Just like we mourn our tragic losses, we need to celebrate our heroic wins!
I will never not smile at seeing savage terrorists who paraded Jewish women around in their pickup truck, sit stripped down in an IDF vehicle after having surrendered like a bunch of cowardly insects.
Sorry, not sorry. 🤷‍♂️✡️🇮🇱💪

High Schooler marked incorrect on quiz for saying only women can get pregnant

Chief Sealth International High School

 A Seattle high schooler was marked incorrect on a history quiz when he stated that only women can get pregnant, according to a report.

The 10th-grade student at Chief Sealth International High School reportedly failed the true-false quiz titled “Understanding Gender vs. Sex” in his Ethnic Studies World History class, his mother told the conservative radio show The Jason Rantz Show Sunday.

The student labeled two statements “true” — The first that “All men have penises” and the second that “Only women can get pregnant.” He was marked incorrect for both and failed the “knowledge check” quiz as a result, said his mother, who asked to be anonymous so that her son doesn’t get penalized.

“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,” she told the KTTH radio show.

Other questions on the quiz — which was administered about two weeks ago — asked students about pronoun usage and gender as a construct, according to the talk show.

The mom who said she felt “frustration and anger” over the quiz also said her son, who is white, is often berated by teachers at the school who have reportedly accused him of being racist and “a product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything,” according to the Rantz show.

Seattle Public Schools said the quiz was meant to promote inclusion and was in line with lessons taught in the Ethnic Studies class. A course description states that students would be “investigating… the global economy, society, and culture.”

“[Seattle Public Schools] remains committed to fostering inclusive environments that encourage the exploration of contemporary issues, particularly the examination of power systems such as racism and patriarchy,” a spokesperson for the district told The Post in a statement. “This dedication extends to providing a space for thoughtful exploration and dialogue on these issues.”

The district also noted the failing quiz grade will not affect the student’s overall grade in the class.

The student’s mother said her son was expressing his own beliefs with his quiz answers.

She told the Rantz show she is “proud of him because he refused to answer against his beliefs (which are medically and scientifically accurate, or at least used to be).”

Israeli intelligence reckoning could bring down many in the country’s elite

 One of the biggest challenges confronting Israel is to assess honestly how many soldiers, intelligence officials and established security procedures failed before Oct. 7.

Answering that question properly could well change radically how Jerusalem deals with Gaza and the West Bank. It could easily superannuate a significant slice of Israel’s military, security and intelligence elite.

The easy parts to answer will surely be technical — the most salient may be: How did Hamas maintain sufficient communication and training discipline to outsmart Israel’s eavesdropping and photographic surveillance of Gaza? 

The more difficult: Why didn’t Israel’s security and intelligence services — and those of the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and Egypt — provide some warning about the coming onslaught?

Technical intelligence — especially the decryption of encrypted sensitive communications — is usually the most valuable information one can access against one’s enemy. 

Harvard covered up a secret plagiarism probe into president Claudine Gay during antisemitism storm


Harvard University covered up a high-level investigation into whether its controversial president was a plagiarist — and used an expensive law firm to threaten The Post over our own probe.

The college announced Tuesday morning that it had investigated Claudine Gay over whether some of her academic work was plagiarized and had cleared her of breaching the college’s “standards for research misconduct.”

Instead, it said that she would request four corrections in two publications to insert citations and quotation marks that were originally “omitted.”

But The Post can disclose that Harvard spent weeks failing to come clean about Gay being under investigation — staying quiet even when she was hauled in front of Congress for disastrous testimony on how the Ivy League college is dealing with antisemitism on campus.

Harvard only disclosed the investigation when the university’s governing body, Harvard Corporation, said it unanimously stood behind her despite a firestorm of criticism for her evidence to Congress.

US Vice President's husband 'invents' a New Pshat in the Hanukkah story ... "The Jews Hid for 8 Days"


Douglas Emhoff, husband of US Vice President Kamala Harris, posted a photo of him lighting Hanukkah candles together with his wife, with a post about the story of Hanukkah and the heroism of the Maccabees, but many users posted comments criticizing that, "this is not the real story of Hanukkah."

Following the criticism, Emhoff, who is Jewish, deleted the post. 

"The story of Hanukkah and the story of the Jewish people has always been one of hope and resilience. In the Hanukkah story, the Jewish people were forced into hiding," he wrote. "No one thought they would survive or that the few drops of oil they had would last. But they survived and the oil kept burning."

"During those eight days in hiding, they recited their prayers and continued their traditions, that’s why Hanukkah means dedication. It was during those dark nights that the Maccabees dedicated themselves to maintaining hope and faith in the oil, each other, and their Judaism, In these dark times, I think of that story."

However, shortly after the publication, many users began criticizing Emhoff, claiming that the details are not accurate and that it is not the true story of Hanukkah. 

The Israel Heritage Foundation published a tweet in which they wrote, "Disgraceful! No one in the US should ever need to hide their identity! Sorry, this is not what we expected from you! Every Jew in the USA will always be able to expose their identity."

A user named Talia Katz added in a tweet, "That's ... not the Hanukkah story." A user named Jack Posobiec added, "Doug Emhoff deleted this, which is not the story of Hanukkah, the Maccabean Revolt depicted in the Bible."

Jason Bedrick of The Heritage Foundation also criticized, "I’m really hoping the second gentleman left this to some hapless and uneducated intern who couldn’t be bothered to even check Wikipedia. Eight days of hiding? Yikes, man," he wrote.

Turkey Lobbyist Ezra the Kapo Gives "divrei Chizzuk" To Hunter Biden


Chassidic lobbyist Ezra Friedlander shared divrei “chizuk” with Hunter Biden, allegedly one of the most corrupt presidential sons in U.S. history, and tweeted about their conversation.

Mr. Friedlander, a well-connected person who has had many memorable encounters with politicians, posted a picture of himself mingling with Hunter Biden, the renowned artist and former board member of a Ukrainian energy company, at the White House Chanukah event, saying, “Had a very good conversation with Hunter Biden at White House Chanukah Reception.”

 Ezra commented that he and the younger Biden, who was indicted last week on serious tax charges, shared words of Chizuk.

He said, “I basically gave Hunter chizuk from one human being to another. Did not discuss any details about his legal troubles.”

He added, “I actually found Hunter to be very friendly, down to (sic) warm and quite charming. Having a civil and polite conversation at the Chanukah Reception shouldn’t raise eyebrows.”

Friedlander also bumped into National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, who has been a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jews. He rightfully heaped enormous praise on Kirby, and posted a video of the exchange.

Freidlander is no stranger to close encounters with controversial figures. In April, he came under fire after posting a photo of himself with antisemites Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

He then defended his encounter, tweeting:
 “Was invited by a guest of @RepAndreCarson as a plus one to the Muslim Congressional staffer Iftar in the US Capitol where I utilized the opportunity to lay the foundation for future communication w @Ilhan and @RepRashida. As easier as it would be to not engage in conversation, I believe to my core that not communicating is even more risky. Had no idea what to expect when I entered the room but the reception could not have been warmer and hopefully can lead to mutual understanding somewhere down the road even if it’s a remote possibility.”