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Monday, November 13, 2023

DIN"s Take on the war...


Today is November 13, and as of this writing DIN has had 129,000 "hits" this month alone according to Google Analytics, and according to Google, people stay on my page for an average of 5 minutes, which is quite an accomplishment as the average reader on any News Site spends 8 minutes.  This means that I have B"H quite a following, so I know I must be doing something right. I know people are hungry for the truth and so I try my best to make sure not to disappoint. I admit I am wrong on some issues, and I actually hope that I am wrong about many of my opinions, unfortunately most of the time this is not the case.

My readers have told me that I "think out of the box," but I don't necessarily agree, I think that all I do is write what is common sense. Today we live in times that if you have "common sense" then you are "thinking out of the box."

Be that as it may, I do have a strong opinion that I haven't heard yet heard from anyone, about why the Ribono Shel Oilom  allowed this great tragedy, Oct 7, to happen. 

I don't pretend to know as no one really knows but I do have a theory which I believe is 100% correct. 

The Koreans ..... Marching in support of Israel


Wow! Watch how Hamas put makeup on little girl so that it looks like she was injured


IDF Has Induction Ceremony For New Recruits in the Heart of Gaza


Palestinians Shut Streets of Austin TX


Palestinian demonstrators in Austin, Texas, rode horses, let of smoke flares and waved flags as they called for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, footage from the protest shows.

An estimated 10,000 people took to the streets of the Texas capital on Sunday, chanting phrases including "occupation is a crime" and "Palestine will never die." Placards held by protestors called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel and claimed that "Hamas is the excuse."

Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar Slams Neturei Karta for Marching with Murderers


In a recent drasha, Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar slammed the so-called Neturei Karta, Jews dressed up as Chassidim who go to march shoulder to shoulder with terrorists in protest against the State of Israel, claiming that they are perpetuating a shitah of those who are against the secular medinas Yisroel.

The rebbe sharply criticized the radical group, stating, “They move around the world shamelessly, supporting acts of violence. They walk with a shtreimel and bekeshe, shouting together with Israel’s enemies and murderers.

Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Disparages Jewish "Achdus" While Jewish Blood is Still Spilling on the Streets


 Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rosh Yeshiva of Telz and Lakewood Mesivta, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, and author of about 80 seforim on Shas and Tanach gave a drasha and he said at around 27 minutes, that "the whole idea of going to the Washington Rally is treif like chazer. It’s not going to help, it’s going to make it worse – and it destroys the entire purpose of why Hashem brought this tzara on klal yisrael. As it’s exactly the opposite of what Hashem wants from us."

DIN:  See photo below when American Rabbanim went to the White House during WW2 to Demonstrate. Was this also "chazir trief?" So now "achdus" is "chazir treif?"
"It's not going to help?" It's going to help us in Israel knowing that our brothers and sisters are supporting us. Hashem wants Jews to go out yes daven but also to show the US government that we are backing our brethren in Israel while the majority of goyim are protesting in behalf of the barbarians. It's very important ! "its the opposite of Hashem wants from us?"  You know that Hashem doesn't want "protests?' When did Hashem tell you that? When and where? 

"The hate of the non-Jews is unprecedented across the world and every gov’t – it’s going to become extremely dangerous outside Eretz Yisroel, (quoting
"רבי יהונתן אייבשיץ / יערות דבש  but in Eretz Yisroel we have the extra special shemirah from Hashe: 

DIN: I agree it's "going to become extremely dangerous outside Eretz Yisrael, we don't need a "yaarois Devash" to tell us that, which is precisely why the Jews must come out and protest! 

"Rachmana Latzlan, the demonstrations are counter-productive, the Arabs, Muslims and non-Jews are going to counter demonstrate, and they have much more people then us, and their malice and cruelty, it’s opening up a tremendous sakana gedolah. It’s going to antagonize all the colleges, non-Jews, and the Muslims."

DIN: The demonstrations are actually not "counter-productive" the protests for freeing the soviet Jews was actually very productive putting their plight on the first page of the New York Times. In fact R' Moshe Feinstein z"l was initially against the protest but then retracted when he saw that protests were in fact forcing the Soviet Union to allow the Jews to emigrate. 

"These rally’s should stop, and we should not go to these places. We do not belong in this places. They can incite the non-Jews around us. Chas v’shalom to think that this is what Hashem wants from us

We have to be careful and not go there. It’s not our salvation."

DIN: "they can incite?" Hellloooooow? are you even home? Do you know what's going on? A protest will "incite" 
What "protest" incited the three crusades? What "protest" incited the Spanish inquisition? What "protest" incited Chmelnitsky to murder hundreds of thousands of Jews? What "protest" made the Nazis murder 6 million Jews?"  So naive ..and you rabbi doesn't know what Hashem wants! 

Ribono Shel Oilom "Please Don't Forget US"

All the Lefties Suddenly want Gaza Totally Destroyed


Message from Satmar Rebbe's Grandchild a commander in the IDF

Frum Yeshivishe Guy Tearing Off Hostage Posters on Ocean Parkway


Watch IDF Treating Gazans in Gaza


Ilhan Omar Screaming Like a Banshee In Congress


Frum Organization Giving Some Respite To Our HOLY Chayalim of Gaza


Rabbis at woke colleges describe ‘unnerving’ antisemitism as campuses become hotbeds of hate


Haskelevich, the Chabad rabbi at UPenn, described the events on his campus since Oct. 7 as disturbing and unnerving

Rabbi Haskelvich was recently recorded in a viral video helping a student put on tefillin, or leather straps containing sections of the Torah for praying, while a group of pro-Palestinian students marched past shouting “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.”

 Thousands of rabbis gathered Sunday in Brooklyn for its famous annual Chabad event — including hundreds on the front lines at some of the wokest, rabidly antisemitic campuses in the nation.

Several rabbis who attended the photogenic event in Crown Heights and helm Jewish centers at liberal US colleges described to The Post how their campuses have been transformed into dangerous hotbeds of hate since the Hamas slaughter in Israel on Oct. 7.

180,000+ March In France Against Antisemitism


More than 180,000 people across France, including 100,000 in Paris, marched peacefully on Sunday to protest against rising antisemitism in the wake of Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, representatives of several parties on the left, conservatives and centrists of President Emmanuel Macron’s party as well as far-right leader Marine Le Pen attended Sunday’s march in the French capital amid tight security. Macron did not attend, but expressed his support for the protest and called on citizens to rise up against “the unbearable resurgence of unbridled antisemitism.”

However, the leader of the far-left France Unbowed party, Jean-Luc Melenchon, stayed away from the march, saying last week on X, formerly Twitter, that the march would be a meeting of “friends of unconditional support for the massacre” in Gaza.

The interior ministry said at least 182,000 people marched in several in French cities in response to the call launched by the leaders of the parliament’s upper and lower houses. No major incident has been reported, it said.

Paris authorities deployed 3,000 police troops along the route of the protest called by the leaders of the Senate and parliament’s lower house, the National Assembly, amid an alarming increase in anti-Jewish acts in France since the start of Israel’s war against Hamas after its Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel.

IDF Bedouin Soldiers Threaten Hamas


A video of Bedouin IDF soldiers threatening Hamas recently went viral on Israeli social media.

The Bedouin community in southern Israel suffered grievous losses in the Hamas assault on Israel, with 21 Bedouins murdered by Hamas or killed by rockets launched from Gaza. Six Bedouins were abducted to Gaza.

The video shows a Bedouin brigade with their guns ready to enter Gaza. Their commander asks them: “You’re with me? And they respond: “Until death!”

The commander then issued a message to Hamas, saying: “Twenty-seven days ago, Hamas terrorists came here and murdered babies and women – actions forbidden by religious law.”

“We’re on the way to you – to kill you one by one. Ya Hamas – prepare yourselves – remain in your tunnels – hide there like animals. We’re coming to you – to cause your mothers to cry over you.”

“You want to be a martyr? Fine by me -you’ll become a martyr through my hands. You understand?”

Israeli Troops Give Fuel To Shifa Hospital, But Hamas Blocks The Delivery [VIDEO]


The IDF said Sunday that its forces delivered 300 liters of urgently needed fuel for medical use at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, but that Hamas Health Minister Yosef Abu Rish blocked hospital officials from getting it.

The IDF published footage of troops placing the fuel at a predesignated drop spot from which hospital personnel were supposed to get the fuel. It also published audio of a call in which a Shifa Hospital official is heard saying that Abu Rish is forbidding the hospital from taking the delivery.

If you thought Hamas wants to protect Palestinian children and the elderly – including critically ill individuals – think again.

A top Hamas official previously said that the tunnels they built are only for Hamas fighters and that it’s not their responsibility to protect Gaza residents. And, as evidenced by this story, they also don’t believe it’s their responsibility to help protect the lives of their own babies in the hospitals they use to devise and launch attacks against innocent Israelis.

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