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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Yale campus newspaper censors pro-Israel writer’s column on Hamas beheading men, raping women


Sahar Tartak, a sophomore at Yale University, wrote a column for campus newspaper Yale Daily News which was censored.

Yale’s campus newspaper is being criticized for censoring a pro-Israel columnist by removing what it called “unsubstantiated claims that Hamas raped women and beheaded men.”

The Yale Daily News last week cut out the reference from an Oct. 12 column by sophomore Sahar Tartak titled “Is Yalies4Palestine a hate group?”

“I’m still collecting my thoughts on the YDN’s egregious correction,” Tartak, editor in chief of rival campus newspaper Yale Free Press, wrote on her X social media account on Monday.

She reposted a comment by a Yale professor, Nicholas Christakis, who asked: “Are the hostage-taking, murder of children in their beds, burning of people alive, and parading of nude captive women in the street also ‘unsubstantiated’?”

Tartak, from Great Neck, LI, penned the column five days after the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre that slaughtered more than 1,400 Israelis.Tartak condemned Yalies4Palestine, a student group which posted messages on Instagram blaming Israel for the atrocities.

Another social media post by Yalies4Palestine called on “the Yale community to celebrate the resistance’s success,” according to Tartak.

The group went on to express “full support of the Palestinian people’s right to resist colonization and return to their land” while dismissing “nonviolent acts of resistance” as ineffective. 

“This language should terrify you,” Tartak wrote.

He Survived The Holocaust Only To Be Murdered On October 7th


Moshe Ridler, H’yd, a 91-year-old Holocaust survivor, was murdered by Hamas terrorists at Kibbutz Holit on October 7th along with his caregiver, Pietro Bosco from Moldova.

Ridler, z’l, born in Romania in 1931, was nine years old when World War II began, Ynet reported.

His grandson Mashav Ridler told Ynet: “They took him with his mother and sister to a camp in Transnistria. His father and older sister were sent to a labor camp. His mother and sister died from typhus inside the camp, and at the age of 11, he managed to escape the camp with a group of other boys.”

“He told us he never stopped running, and what he remembers is waking up with a family in a small town in Ukraine and living with them during the war,” he added. “He became a shepherd and helped them with their farm work. When he heard that Jews were returning to the town and the war had ended, he was sitting on the steps of the shul and suddenly his father appeared in front of him. He was certain his father was dead. Later, he also reunited with his older sister.”

Ridler, z’l, who moved to the kibbutz five years ago to be closer to his family, was the oldest man on the kibbutz.

ADL the Radical Leftie Cowards backdown after being threatened with massive Lawsuit from Chaya Raichik


After much pressure, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has finally removed Chaya Raichik and her Libs of TikTok account from its “Glossary of Extremism.”

In response, Raichik tweeted, “BREAKING: The ADL finally caved after immense pressure and threats of legal action and REMOVED my name from their Glossary of Extremism!”

She added, “Just goes to show that the ADL knows I’m not a violent extremist. The decision to put me on their ‘Glossary of Extremism’ was all political theater. They’re a propaganda tool of the radical Left and they went too far with this.”

In a March blogpost on the ADL site entitled “At CPAC 2023, Anti-Transgender Hate Took Center Stage”, the featured headline image was Ms. Raichik.

Rockland County Top Elected Official Caught Ripping Down Posters of Hamas Hostages!

 The top elected official in the village of Nyack, in southern Rockland County, has been criticized for ripping down posters of Hamas hostages.

Below is a statement from NYS Senator Bill Weber of Rockland, regarding the incident:

“I am extremely troubled by the reported recent egregious actions of Andy Stewart, the Village Administrator of Nyack, and former three-term Orangetown Supervisor.

A national Jewish organization, Stop Antisemitism, has published a photo of Mr. Stewart, with a pile of signs he tore down of civilian hostages, some of whom are American, taken by Hamas on October 7th.

This disturbing behavior goes against the principles of tolerance, respect, and empathy that we, as a society, should uphold.

Similar activity has taken place in other locations across the United States. It is especially disturbing to see it taking place here in Rockland County.

I am calling for a thorough investigation into this documented incident and consequences for these actions.”

Remember when Palestinians Celebrated the murder of 3,000 Americans in the Twin towers?

 Important to Share this on Social Media. 

This was not Hamas! These were Palestinians living in Jerusalem! 

Bobover Yeshiva 48 Sued For Allowing a Goy Who Worked in Kitchen to Rape a Bochur


Old man saves the day!


Monday, October 30, 2023

IDF Frees Hostage Held in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security agency say a soldier captured by the Hamas terror group has been rescued from the Gaza Strip in an overnight operation.

In a joint statement, the IDF and Shin Bet say Cpl. Ori Megidish is in good condition, and has met with her family.

The IDF says Megidish was rescued during a ground operation overnight, but no further details are given.

Megidish was an observation soldier, taken hostage by Hamas when terrorists stormed the Nahal Oz base on October 7.

The Song of Kedusshin


Shani Louk seen paraded by terrorists in Gaza, confirmed dead ..


Shani Louk, 22, a German-Israeli woman who was seen being taken to the Gaza Strip during Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, has been confirmed dead, her family said Monday.“Unfortunately we received the news yesterday that my daughter is no longer alive,” Louk’s mother Ricarda told the German outlet RTL.

Louk had been at a rave party near the Gaza border where terrorists mowed down attendees with gunfire and grenades, killing some 260 people during their October 7 onslaught.


Her family was informed of her death overnight.

A Must Watch! What Achdus Can DO!


Tzaddikim Want to Know Why Gazans Are "Zoiche" to have "Techiyas Hameisim" and Not US?


This Video below from CNN yet CNN Reporter isn't fazed that a dead body moves his head

"ISIS times 1,000" Says Navy Seal Congressman after visit to Israel slaughter sites


A former Navy Seal and combat medic-turned-congressman says the aftermath of Hamas’ slaughter of Israeli civilians Oct. 7 was the most horrific and barbaric sight he ever encountered.

“This is ISIS times 1,000,” Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.), who toured Israel last week, told The Post, referring to the jihadists known for beheading hostages.

“I can speak with authority. I’ve done multiple combat tours. People were slaughtered at a level not seen since the Holocaust,” he said of the attack on Israel, which killed at least 1,400 people, many civilians.

“These Hamas terrorists — these savages, these beasts — they specifically targeted children. They were told to cut people’s arms and legs off …It’s gut wrenching,” Van Orden said. “People are trying to legitimize this.”

Van Orden served 26 years in the Navy, 22 of those as a Navy Seal that included five combat deployments.

Biden is upping the odds that Israel will lose


Post Editorial Board

 Israel as the IDF moves to eliminate Hamas, the Biden administration is sticking to its pre-Oct. 7 approach to the Middle East — and so effectively working toward Israel’s defeat.

For starters, the Biden team still refuses to admit that Iran is pulling the strings of what Tehran calls the “Axis of Resistance”: Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon and other Iranian proxies across the region.

This, when both The Wall Street Journal and New York Times have reported what US intelligence must also know: Top Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps officers helped plan the Oct. 7 attacks and coordinate followup strategies for the entire “Axis.”

That is: Most of the civilian government in Tehran may have been out of the loop — but that’s not who rules the country.

The IRGC reports directly to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who without question gave the green light.

The Bidenites’ willful denial isn’t just a public-relations move: They’re still plainly worried about “provoking” Iran, imagining they can somehow get past this current crisis so they can get back to appeasing the mullahs.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan even admits that they’re not breaking with the approach that he’d bragged (just days before Hamas’ attacks) had “de-escalated crises in Gaza” and made the region “quieter than it has been for decades.”

Witness the beyond-minimal US response after Iran’s proxies have attacked US bases at least 20 times since Oct. 7: We’ve answered only with pinprick bombing designed to damage IRGC property and not take lives.

The president can issue all the “Don’t” threats he likes; Tehran and its “axis” will look at his actions and see that he’s ruled by fear.

Even sending in the Ford aircraft-carrier-battle-group off Lebanon’s coast looks like a bluff: Asked on his flight home from Israel if he’d promised US forces would intervene if Hezbollah goes all-in, Biden answered: “Not true. I’ve never said it.”

The prez also keeps saying how he’s urged Israel to “respect the laws of war”; Sullivan on Sunday again stressed the IDF’s “responsibility to distinguish between terrorists and innocent civilians and to protect the lives of innocent civilians as they conduct this military operation.”

Israel has never done otherwise — it’s even now warning Gazans to evacuate a hospital that Hamas as built a huge base beneath, in brazen defiance of the laws of war, because those same laws say the IDF has every right to destroy that base, with Hamas responsible for all civilian casualties.

So all the Biden-Sullivan rhetoric amounts to a warning to Israel that they’ll hold it responsible for the results of Hamas’ war crimes: Washington will jump ship in the face of major Palestinian civilian deaths — i.e., anything on the scale that US allies inflicted in taking out ISIS.

Not to mention Biden’s calls for Israel to put off any full-on Gaza invasion until many more hostages are released, and his warnings that occupying Gaza would be a “big mistake.”

The president pretends he’s only offering Israel advice, but the implicit threat is blatant.

In reality, he’s giving our ally, amid its worst crisis in decades, an offer it can’t refuse.

Maybe Biden is only focused on what the progressive fringe believes: The top House prog, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) claims, “The American people are actually quite far away from where the president . . .  has been on Israel and Gaza” — because he’s supporting Israel too much.

That’s utter nonsense: The pro-Hamas marchers are a tiny minority; the vast majority of Americans overwhelming support Israel in its time of need.

Even the liberals and moderates who worry about the consequences of an all-out IDF drive through Gaa understand that Israel must destroy Hamas after what it’s done, lest it do it again.

But Biden is tying Israel’s arms behind its back, increasing the odds that Hamas will get away with its atrocities.


Neturei Karta Hamas Guy Recognized While Schnorring in Israel and Chased on the Street


A terrorist-loving Neturei Karta Hamas terrorist dressed as a Jew who went to Antwerp, Belgium, to ostensibly collect money for his family in Israel found himself unceremoniously tossed out of an apartment building by an actual Jew who was, correctly, furious at him.

As can seen in the video below, when the pro-Hamas Jew-in-name-only knocks on a door asking for a donation, he is asked, “Who is your family? Hamas?”

He goes on to tell the “meshulach” that “everyone” in the Jewish community knows exactly who he is, and that he should get out of their city. He then chases the man out of the building, hurling venom at the rasha who supports baby killers.

New York Times Reports that Hamas Has "Plenty of fuel"

The New York Times reports that Hamas has, in its tunnels, 'hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine'.

Arab and Western officials say Israeli claims that Hamas is stockpiling food, fuel and other supplies have merit, The New York Times reported on Friday. This, as Gaza’s 2 million population is left “scraping by with what little food and water they scrounge up.”

Hamas has been building dozens of miles of tunnels under the Gaza Strip and filling them with supplies needed for a long fight, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to compromise intelligence sources.

Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel, ammunition, explosives, food, water and medicine, they said.

One senior Lebanese official said Hamas has enough stockpiled to fight for three to four months without resupply.

“Yet with Gazans facing a humanitarian catastrophe, Hamas’s stockpiles raise questions about what responsibility, if any, it has to the civilian population,” the Times reported.

Israel has said that Hamas bears responsibility for the Gaza population, and has rejected calls that it must allow fuel to enter the Strip.

“Hospitals warning that they’re running out of fuel is a serious matter, and should be addressed by the governing entity of the Gaza Strip: Hamas. They have fuel, enough to pump water and provide essential electricity for hospitals. Priorities,” tweeted IDF Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, an Israeli military spokesman, on Oct. 26.

Similarly, when the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) posted on social media that without fuel it will be forced to halve its operations in the Gaza Strip as of Oct. 25, the Israel Defense Forces responded to the post with an aerial photograph that showed 12 large white vats lined up in two rows.

“These fuel tanks are inside Gaza. They contain more than 500,000 liters of fuel,” the IDF posted. “Ask Hamas if you can have some.”

Samir Ghattas, an Egyptian strategic analyst who studies the Gaza Strip, said it was unlikely Hamas would share its resources, telling the Times, “The Hamas movement cares only about the Hamas movement. The public of Gaza mean absolutely nothing for Hamas.”

Cornell Jewish Students on Lockdown after Receiving Credible Death Treats

Jewish students at Cornell University in the United States were exposed to violent death threats on the university’s discussion forum; many of the messages called for sexual violence against the Jewish women. One such message has led to a police presence on the campus, as a currently-unknown forum user has threatened to "shoot up" the building containing Jewish resources. 

“if you see a jewish ‘person’ on campus, follow them home and slit their throats. rats need to be elimination from cornell” [SIC] one message on the forum read.

Another post said “the genocidal fascist zionist regime will be destroyed. rape and kill all the jew women, before they birth more jewish hitlers. jews are excrement on the face of the earth. no jew civilian is innocent of genocide” [SIC].

In another concerning post to the forum, one user wrote they were “gonna shoot up 104 west”, which is where the kosher dining hall is located. The message also read “allahu akbar! from the river to the sea, palestine will be free! glory to hamas! liberation by any means necessary!” [SIC]