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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

EX- Ambassador Danny Ayalon Dumb Stupid Comment "Netanyahu’s ‘Embarrassing’ Musk Visit Is ‘Stab In The Eye’ Of Biden"

DIN: The left are so off the mark that practically everything that comes out of their filthy ignorant mouths is stupid and morally corrupt!

Yes, the Musk visit was intentionally made to stab the demented lunatic, Biden in the back.  Biden is the one that didn't invite Netanyahu to the white house on purpose, instead the "Nursing Home Inmate" invited the pajama schnorring Zelenski and the Vietnamese PM. 

This Netanyahu-Musk visit was a brilliant move, and the proof of the pudding is that the leftist roaches are coming out. 

In the wake of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s initial meeting in the US with Tesla founder Elon Musk, former deputy foreign minister and former ambassador to the US Danny Ayalon sharply criticized Netanyahu on Israeli radio.

Ayalon said that “This is not a regular visit, this is an embarrassing visit. Embarrassing for the prime minister, who has to travel all this way to meet a businessman. Normally it is businessmen who come to visit the prime minister.

“Secondly, he contradicted himself. He comes to Musk, this is the best opportunity to explain Israel, so why does he instead explain himself politically? Its very embarrassing. He said that ‘I have a majority to pass any law I want’ and that itself explains why he needs the supervision of the courts.

“You know what will reverberate the most in Washington? When he called Musk the ‘unofficial president of the US’. That was a slap in the face, a stab in the eye of Biden. This is not the Netanyahu I know, this is a loss of control, spinning out. He is also sending strange messages which are later reworded by the Likud. Maybe he intends to confuse everyone, I don’t know but it looks bad and doesn’t serve Israel, “Ayalon added.

With reference to the expected meeting with Biden at the UN general assembly, Ayalon said that “For the Americans, this meeting is almost pointless. One of the reasons the Americans give for why Biden hasn’t met Netanyahu up to now is because he says Netanyahu’s lost control. We see that Netanyahu doesn’t intervene when[his coalition] humiliates the US. Everything Netanyahu does is in accordance with what he is told in the cabinet.

“Biden is also not at his best but he’s still focused. I think that Biden just because he is a true lover of Israel,  he calls himself Zionist, that is why he can allow himself to behave to Netanyahu as he has. Obama wouldn’t have dared to do this because Obama was suspected of being hostile to Israel.

“What else is a problem? For Israel, when the meeting is in New York, the attention of the president is not on the meetings. He has 50 meetings there. Instead of talking about Iran, Hezbollah and maybe Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu will hear a lecture on what is a Western-style liberal democracy,” Ayalon added.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Mother lost all her limbs from bacterial infection after eating undercooked tilapia


  • Laura Barajas got a bacterial infection from eating undercooked tilapia.

  • Barajas had to have all her limbs amputated because of the infection.

  • The CDC warns Vibrio vulnificus infections are rising due to warming waters.

A mother in California had to have all of her limbs amputated after eating a piece of undercooked tilapia.

Laura Barajas, 40, purchased the fish from a local market in San Jose last month which she cooked and ate on her own at home, her friend Anna Messina wrote in a GoFundMe campaign.

Barajas spent more than a month in the hospital fighting an infection of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria before having all of her limbs removed on Wednesday, according to Messina.

"We kindly request that you find it in your hearts to support this beautiful family during this incredibly challenging time," Messina wrote. "What has happened to them could happen to any of us, and together, we can make a meaningful difference."

On September 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory, warning of an increase in Vibrio vulnificus bacterial infections in the United States due to increasing water tempuratures.

Vibrio vulnificus is a bacteria that thrives in warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico, according to the CDC. Vibrio bacteria are known to cause around 80,000 illnesses in the United States each year, according to the agency.

In Galveston, Texas, a man died over Labor Day Weekend after eating oysters contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus on August 29, according to FOX 26 in Houston.

Signs of a Vibrio vulnificus infection are watery diarrhea, stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting, and fever, the CDC says. An infected wound may display redness, pain, swelling, warmth, discoloration, and discharge, according to the department.

The CDC says the most common cause of Vibrio infections is eating undercooked or raw oysters and shellfish.

"Don't eat raw or undercooked oysters or other shellfish. Cook them before eating," the CDC recommends. "Always wash your hands with soap and water after handing raw shellfish."

The CDC also recommends staying out of salt water if you have an open wound to avoid Vibrio infection.

Read the original article on Insider

Watch the Complete Enhanced "1922 Chafetz Chayim" Clip at the Knesia Gedoilia

Ambulance Stuck 10 Min in Traffic Because of "Peleg Protestors"

Schumer Quietly Changes the Dress Code in the House to Accommodate the Crazy Fetterman

 Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has axed the dress code that requires legislators to wear professional attire on the Senate floor months after Sen. John Fetterman was slammed for wearing a hoodie.

Schumer (D-NY) quietly directed the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms to stop enforcing the dress code that mandates male senators wear a jacket and tie and female senators a dress or other businesswear on the floor, Axios reported Sunday.

The change in policy comes after Fetterman (D-PA) was bashed by conservatives for donning a hoodie, gym shorts and sneakers to the chamber. Many called his casual fashion choices disrespectful.

“John Fetterman’s attire in the Senate perfectly summarizes Democrats lack of respect for Americans and our institutions,” tweeted conservative comedian Tim Young.

The 6-foot-8-inch tall Democrat often swapped a suit and tie for the informal duds when he returned to Washington following a six-week stint at Walter Reed National Medical Center, where he was treated for clinical depression.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Lipa "ochilu"


R' Shlomo Carlebach "Meloch Kol Haolom"


Biden to Meet the "Pajama Wearing Schnorrer" Zelensky


US President Joe Biden plans to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy next week around the United Nations General Assembly meetings, multiple officials familiar with the plans told CNN on Thursday.

It remains unclear whether the meeting would occur in New York or later in the week at the White House. One source familiar with the matter told CNN that Zelenskyy is expected to travel to Washington, DC, after his stop in New York.

Biden and Zelenskyy are both scheduled to address the General Assembly on Tuesday.

The Ukrainian President is planning to use an in-person appearance at the annual meeting to appeal for more support for Ukraine as it continues to wage a counteroffensive against Russia.

Biden last met Zelenskyy in-person on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Lithuania in July. Before that, they spoke in May at the G7 summit in Japan.

Zelenskyy last traveled to the United States in December, where he met Biden face-to-face in the White House and also gave a special address to Congress.

A spokesman for the US National Security Council declined to comment on the reported meeting.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Zelensky in Kyiv last week as part of a trip aimed in part at aligning the US and Ukraine ahead of the diplomatic gathering. The top US diplomat told the Ukrainian President that the US is “determined to continue to walk side-by-side” with Ukraine.

Armed Robbers Rob Diners Inside Kosher Miami Beach Restaurant


Three masked individuals brazenly entered a popular kosher Miami Beach steakhouse on Tuesday night, holding several diners at knifepoint before making off with their belongings.

The audacious robbery unfolded at the Grill House, a popular kosher steakhouse located at the intersection of 41st Street and Alton Road. Surveillance footage captured the criminals loitering outside the restaurant before entering. Once inside, they confronted three patrons who were savoring their meals, brandishing knives and demanding their valuables.

Startling images from the surveillance cameras show the culprits menacingly brandishing their weapons as they absconded with their victims’ property.

Local law enforcement in Miami Beach immediately sprang into action, mobilizing efforts to track down leads in the investigation.

“This is a closely-knit Jewish community, and patrons here have a genuine affection for the delectable cuisine,” Jesse Elkouby, an employee at the Grill House, told local media.

Authorities are now investigating the possibility that the assailants might have trailed the victims into the restaurant.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

'A Holocaust is preferable to recruiting yeshiva students:' Peleg Posters

 DIN: This idea that "a Holocaust is preferable to being drafted in the IDF" is not new, extremist "gedoilim" said this when the Jewish State was established in 1948. 

It is interesting to note that this statement did not come from any "gadol" that experienced the Holocaust, it did not come from any "gadol" who had his wife murdered or his children shot or gassed. 

Is it a wonder that just 75 years later, teenagers who supposedly learn the Torah all day, and shokel and shokel by davening would have hundreds of posters stating that "a Holocaust is preferable" than protecting their families in the IDF?

Do they even know what happened in the Holocaust? There is presently absolutely no Holocaust curriculum taught in any of the Chareidie Moisdois , and they are prohibited from visiting Yad Veshem! The Kloizenberger Rebbe Z"L used to say that the Holocaust was the worst tragedy to have befallen the Jewish people in its entire history, and added, that it was worse than the destruction of both Bais Hamikdashs' the Crusades and all the pogroms. 

I'll bet that every single one of those 6 million martyrs would have preferred joining the IDF than having their limbs chopped off while still alive by the Ukrainian murderers. I'll bet that the women who watched their babies torn from their arms and thrown into the pits to be buried alive, would have preferred their husbands joining the IDF!

So far, not one "gadol" has said anything about this disgusting vile public display by "Bnei-Torah!" 

Is it any wonder that with this mentality sanctioned by their Roshei Yeshivos, that hundreds of thousands are opting out of Yiddishkeit. 

Hundreds of Chareidim staged protests across Jerusalem and Bnei Brak on Wednesday after a call to demonstrate was put out by the extremist Jerusalem Faction, stopping traffic on major roads following the arrest of a young ultra-Orthodox man after he failed to show up to his call-up on Tuesday. 

The protests come at a tense time amid the dialogue surrounding the draft law, with a new version of it, The Conscription Law, sparking controversy within the government, with ultra-Orthodox parties threatening to dissolve the coalition if it is not passed immediately following the Knesset’s summer break, scheduled to end after the High Holy Days in October.

In Jerusalem, protesters held up numerous signs at the demonstration. One read “A Holocaust is preferable to recruiting yeshiva students.” 

Shimon Gozlan Who Sparked The Peleg Crazies to Protest Sentenced To 68-Day Term In IDF Jail For Desertion

 Shimon Gozlan, a student at the Ponovezh yeshiva who was arrested for desertion and whose arrest sparked stormy demonstrations by the Jerusalem Faction in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak Wednesday, was sentenced to 68 days in a military jail. The sentence will be implemented after the festival period.

Gozlan (23) was arrested during a routine check in the north which revealed that he was a deserter who had not shown up at the enlistment bureau for deferment of army service.

The “Committee for Saving the Torah World” affiliated with the Jerusalem Faction will meet at the home of Rabbi Asher Deutsch to determine whether to renew the demonstrations in the wake of the jail sentence.

On Wednesday, the demonstrators blocked major intersections in Jerusalem and on road 4 near Bnei Brak at 4:30 PM, causing huge traffic snarls and disruptions. Some demonstrators crawled under a police water cannon truck in order to prevent it from moving. After 3 hours of protests, the demonstrators dispersed by themselves and the roads were reopened. Police arrested two of the demonstrators during the protest.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Flight Crew Gives Uman Goers A Lesson on being "Lebedik"


Biden has a secret, illegal deal with Iran that gives mullahs everything they want

In the latest phase of an unacknowledged and unlawful nuclear deal between the United States and Iran, President Joe Biden this week formally approved giving the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism another $6 billion — ostensibly for the release of five Americans held hostage in Tehran.

But in bypassing Congress to avoid a political fight he knows he’d lose, Biden is not only guaranteeing more hostage-taking of American citizens, he’s also subsidizing Iran’s terrorism, military support for Russia, nuclear-weapons capabilities and repression of Iranian women. 

In May, a top White House official visited Oman to pass a message to Tehran: Washington wants to broker a nuclear deal in secret.

Biden would lift sanctions restrictions on Iranian funds held outside its borders, and in exchange Iran would slow its steady march toward a nuclear-weapons threshold.  

Iran would be free to continue hunting former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Adviser John Bolton, former Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook and other Americans.

Tehran could keep directing attacks against Israel through its Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror proxies.

The mullahs could keep providing armed drones to Vladimir Putin for use against the Ukrainian people.

Previously unreleased footage shows Rabbi Carlebach roaming Jerusalem with his guitar during the Yom Kippur War.


The late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and contemporary singer Eli Levin "joined together" in a new music video titled "Ani Maamin", transporting viewers to the streets of Jerusalem where the eternal promise of redemption hovers tantalizingly in the air.

Released 50 years after the surprise Yom Kippur attack on Israel, Ani Maamin, the video, directed by Daniel Finkelman, shows footage of Rabbi Carlebach roaming Jerusalem with his guitar during the 19-day-long war.

The song features previously unreleased vocals of Carlebach blended in an updated arrangement with Levin, who retraces Carlebach’s steps in the video.

Ani Maamin was composed by Cecelia Margules, one of several songs written by the songster that were recorded by Carlebach. Being able to introduce Carlebach’s music and his incredible love for every Jew to a new generation is particularly meaningful to Margules, as is being able to convey the heightened emotion that engulfed Jews worldwide as Israel was attacked on the holiest day of the year.

A SparksNext production directed by Daniel Finkelman, Ani Maamin was co-directed by Aharon Orian and arranged by Doni Gross.

Peleg Hooligans Threaten Massive Protests Because a IDF Chareidie Deserted and was Arrested

A student at the Ponovitz yeshiva was arrested overnight after he was found to be AWOL from the IDF.

In response, leading members of the extreme anti-zionist "Jerusalem Faction" are threatening to initiate massive street protests as they have done in the past when yeshiva students were arrested.

The movement released a statement saying, "Tonight, a prisoner of the Torah world, the student of the Ponovitz yeshiva, Shimon Gozlan (23), for the crime of learning Torah following a routine inspection by the police, it was found that he is AWOL after he did not report to the recruiting center."

In their statement, they said they would confer with the spiritual leaders ahead of further steps. "Due to the criminal arrest, the rabbis of the 'Committee for the Preservation of the Torah World' will meet at the home of our rabbi, the yeshiva dean Rabbi Asher Deutch, and make a decision on the character of the great campaign before us."

The Committee for the Preservation of the Torah World stated: "The Torah world will come out en masse to protest and to call out for the souls of the boys of Israel who rot in the horrible framework of the military as a result of the evil draft law. As our rabbi, Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach OBM instructed us: 'To shake the world for the arrests of the prisoners of Torah who do not report to the recruitment centers.

The haredi community will fight with determination against the dark draft laws, which are clearly aimed at pulling yeshiva students out of the halls of Torah, and were forbidden by all Torah scholars over the past generations. We will continue in our masses to refrain from reporting to the recruitment centers as part of our non-bending fight against the draconian draft law, which was shamefully brought by the haredi representatives in the Knesset."


Israeli Football Team Refused To Play On Shabbos, Goes On To Win European Championship Anyway


Israel’s under-17 flag football team secured gold in the Flag Football European Youth Championships held in Italy – despite, or perhaps due to, losing points for refusing to play on Shabbos.

Comprising mostly frum youth players, the fledgling team faced a daunting setback that threatened their playoff position when they forfeited a match against Serbia, scheduled to take place on Shabbos. Serbia was awarded a default win with a score of 35-0.

“We weren’t entirely sure we were going to make it. Throughout Shabbos, I was just davening really hard, praying that we make it. When we actually made the playoffs, I was like, ‘Great, we’re gonna take this thing,’ because so much went right leading up to this event, we just couldn’t fail here,” said team member Nate Fried.

Despite the initial setback, the team’s impressive performance in the tournament’s first game allowed them to qualify for the playoffs. Subsequently, they advanced to the finals, setting up a highly anticipated rematch against Serbia. In the final showdown, Israel emerged victorious with score of 34-13.

The triumph was particularly meaningful for Fried and his teammates, who had made respectful efforts to request a change in the game’s timing to accommodate their Shabbos observance. The team, formed just a month before the competition, underwent rigorous training at Kraft Family Field in Yerushalayim under the guidance of Gideon Reiz and Dani Eastman, both senior players for the Israeli men’s national team.

Although this marked the second year of the International Federation of American Football’s under-17 championship, it was Israel’s debut in the competition.

Litvak gedoilim in Civil War

 In a dramatic political development within the Lithuanian charedi party of Degel Hatorah, the two most prominent members of the Council of Torah Sages are split over whether the party must maintain its agreements from previous elections.

The issue at hand is the local elections due to take place next month in Israel. The city of Elad is currently headed by Yisrael Porush, who was elected in 2018 and has proven an able mayor. However an agreement was signed with Shas that their candidate for the charedi town would be elected in the current elections. Despite this, Degel Hatorah announced last week that they would be supporting the current mayor Yisrael Porush, angering Shas leaders including Aryeh Deri.

Deri spoke last week at a rally for Sephardi candidate Yehuda Butbul, stating that “There was a clear agreement signed with the gedolim. Violating this agreement is a dangerous precedent which could have ramifications in the future. Its a Chilul Hashem and I don’t want to use harsher words.”

In a sharp letter from Rabbi Dov Landau published Tuesday in Yated Neeman, he responded to Deri by stating that “Knowing the needs of Elad for many years, I have come to the conclusion that the matter of who heads the city does not belong to any party. It is solely a matter of what is best for Judaism and education and maintaining the Torah and its mitzvos.

“Therefore all of the agreements signed between parties have no value and do not obligate anyone. Those who condition the matter on various communities and parties are doing great harm to the Torah and Judaism.”

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

FDA rules TODAY that ingredient in Benadryl Tylenol and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves doesn't work

 A medicine used by millions of Americans for a stuffy nose does not work, a Food and Drug Administration panel ruled today.

Phenylephrine is the most common active compound in over-the-counter drugs like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe Day & Night.

But an FDA panel said after a two-day review that the oral decongestant ‘is not effective’ at standard or even high doses compared to a placebo.

Their ruling is not binding but strongly suggests the agency could soon heed their advice and pull its approval, forcing companies to pull or reformulate their products. 

The ingredient is protected under the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective (GRASE) designation, but a reversal of its approval could mean manufacturers including Bayer and Johnson and Johnson might need to reformulate.

Phenylephrine is everywhere, so much so that nearly every nasal decongestant on pharmacy shelves contains it.

Drugs that contain it generated almost $1.8 billion in sales last year, according to data presented Monday by FDA officials. 

A unanimous vote by the 16-member Nonprescription Drug Advisory panel could issue a major blow to the industry.

Today's ruling only applies to oral formulations of phenylephrine.

If the agency decides to pull oral phenylephrine's GRASE designation, major manufacturers of drugs like Sudafed PE and Benadryl may be forced to reformulate them.

Yes! That's what we need..... More Guns!


Martin Indyk the Leftist Stooge is Disappointed by "his personal friend "Abbas