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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Israel fumes as UNESCO weighs designating ancient Yericho as Palestinian heritage site

 Israel harshly criticized the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization this week for plans to designate the ancient city of Jericho as a Palestinian World Heritage site.

Ancient Jericho is one of 53 natural and cultural sites the World Heritage Committee will be voting to include on its list when it convenes in Saudi Arabia in two weeks.

MK Dan Illouz (Likud) blasted the decision, saying "Jericho is first and foremost a city of biblical significance."

 Jericho was the crossing point of the Israelites into the Land of Israel after wandering in the desert for forty years following the Exodus from Egypt.

Illouz called on President of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay to deny the Palestinian Authority's request for the recognition that is "archaeological false."

"This is not only an insult to Jews, but also an insult to Christians around the world who admire the site for its biblical history," Illouz wrote in a letter to Azoulay.

"The Palestinian Authority is systematically working to erase all ties of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. This is evident on the Temple Mount, where valuable archaeological findings were destroyed, as well as throughout Judea and Samaria, where acts of vandalism and deliberate destruction of biblical evidence frequently occur. It is our duty to stop this and insist on our right to our country against enemies at home and abroad," the letter said.

Ishay Ribo’s Madison Square Garden Debut Makes History


Ishay Ribo became the first Israeli artist and the first orthodox Jew to headline a concert at New York’s renowned Madison Square Garden arena on Sunday, September 3, in what became a historic evening of heartfelt songs that united thousands.

A packed Madison Square Garden arena waited with bated breath as Israeli singer Ishay Ribo ascended the colossal stage at New York City’s premier entertainment venue on Sunday evening. Hours later, when his final song dissolved into thunderous applause, the electrified emotions coursing through the audience bore witness to an unforgettable evening of Jewish unity and inspiration.

Coming just twelve days ahead of Rosh Hashanah, Ribo’s performance immersed those present in the moving melodies of Elul. “We’re bridging worlds tonight,” Ribo said of the concert’s theme. “These are songs I grew up on in the synagogue and in my parents’ home; I never imagined a day when thousands would sing those songs here in Madison Square Garden.” 

Ribo’s Madison Square Garden debut—partnered with Bnei Akiva of the United States and Canada—reflected the diversity and unity of today’s Jewish world. Jews wearing jeans danced alongside those wearing black hats, and Chassidic, secular, Sephardic, and modern orthodox Jews sang along to a heartfelt repertoire of traditional Mizrachi tunes, modern Israeli rock, Chassidic niggunim, and original pop songs.

Secular Israeli rock star Amir Dadon—performing in the United States for the first time—joined Ribo on stage for a stirring performance of Ribo’s hit song Nafshi, and other classic hits, alongside Israeli popular star Akiva.

Midway through the concert, the music cut short. “I am honored by the presence of an artist who has been a personal inspiration and mentor,” Ribo said. “I stand before him as a student before his teacher,” he added before inviting Chassidic singer Avraham Fried to the stage. Surprised to find himself on the big screens, Fried made his way to the stage amidst uproarious cheering from the audience. United on stage, the two performed an emotional rendition of Avinu Malkeinu in honor of the concert’s auspicious date: the birthday of the Baal Shem Tov and the Baal HaTanya on 18 Elul.

For all those present, the event’s immense scale evoked powerful emotions. “A venue of this scale once seemed unachievable for Jewish music,” Ribo said. “But the world is changing today. There are challenges, but as artists, we’re here to bring light and create togetherness.”

To view Bnei Akiva’s extraordinary offer to concert-goers considering aliyah, including a year of free groceries and a private concert with Ishay Ribo, visit bneiakiva.org/welcomehome.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Hebrew ‘Symbolizes Far-right Israeli Militarism’: New York Times

 The New York Times published an op-ed on Saturday in which the author described Hebrew as a symbol of “far-right Israeli militarism,” smearing an entire language and the people who speak it.

The op-ed is not itself antisemitic. It is titled “Yiddish Is Having a Moment,” and is written by Ilan Stavans, a professor at Amherst who describes himself as having been born and raised in the Mexican Jewish community.

Still, the sweeping portrayal of Hebrew — the language of the Bible, revived over a century ago in a modern context — as the language of extremists suggests a deep prejudice, whose source may be decades-old sectarian splits in the Jewish community.

Study shows single Frum Jews sidelined

 A new study by the Orthodox Union (OU), the umbrella organization for Orthodox Jews in America, reveals that one-third of Orthodox single men and 45% of Orthodox single women feel "ostracized " and "dismissed" by their community for being single.

Although most of them feel that people in their synagogue are friendly towards them, 30% of single men and 55% of single women said that they aren’t invited to community events because of their single status.

Some 80% of them said this negative attitude towards unmarried individuals is one of the central issues facing the community today, alongside acute problems such as unethical behavior among religious leaders, antisemitism, and the cost of living required to facilitate a Jewish lifestyle.

US Will Regulate Nursing Home Staffing For First Time ... Nursing Home Owners Not Happy

 The federal government will, for the first time, dictate staffing levels at nursing homes, the Biden administration said Friday, responding to systemic problems bared by mass COVID-19 deaths.

While such regulation has been sought for decades by allies of older adults and those with disabilities, the proposed threshold is far lower than many advocates had hoped. It also immediately drew ire from the nursing home industry, which said it amounted to a mandate that couldn’t be met.

With criticism expected, a promise made with fanfare in President Joe Biden’s 2022 State of the Union speech had its details revealed as many Americans turned away from the news for a holiday weekend.

“Establishing minimum staffing standards for nursing homes will improve resident safety,” Health Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. “When facilities are understaffed, residents suffer.”

The American Health Care Association, which lobbies for care facilities, called the proposal “unfathomable,” saying it will worsen existing problems and cost homes billions of dollars.

Rabbi Yair Hoffman to Rabbi Hecht: “It’s Not a Cult, Rabbi Hecht. You Blew It.”


It was a heated exchange on the Zev Brenner Show.  The debate was  between a self-proclaimed cult-buster, Rabbi Shea Hecht, and Rabbi Yair Hoffman.  

Rabbi Hoffman took Rabbi Hecht to task for claiming that one of the top Yeshivos for bochurim returning from Eretz Yisroel is actually a cult.  He further took him to task for saying, “If we are right, then we have closed down a Yeshiva and the bochurim need a new place.  But if we are right, Hashem Yerachem! That is Gilui Arayos, incest, Shfichas Damim and AVodah Zarah!”  Rabbi Yair Hoffman stated that Rabbi Hecht’s claims are completely unfounded and constitute complete lashon Harah against a Talmid Chochom and Tzaddik who had built an extraordinary Yeshiva, Kollel and community in Great Neck, New York – Rabbi Eitan Rubin shlita.  Rabbi Hecht countered Rabbi Hoffman and asked how dare Rabbi Hoffman equate his claims with the famous forgery of the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?”

After the mothers of the Talmidim called in, however, it was “game over.”  Numerous viewers remarked that the attackers of the Yeshiva suffered an unmitigated disaster.  “Rabbi Rubin was completely vindicated,” remarked a Monsey couple. “Rabbi Hecht couldn’t even respond to their sharp upbraiding of the cult-busting Rabbi. 

Rabbi Tzvi Gluck, founder and director of Amudim, carefully explained how none of his investigations and the formidable team he put together, found anything remotely resembling the narrative of those attacking the Yeshiva.

Philanthropist George Rohr called in and informed Rabbi Hecht that he has known Rabbi Rubin since his childhood and warned him to triple-check everything because Rabbi Rubin is an earnest and talented mechanech.  Rabbi Yair Hoffman noted that Rabbi Hecht never met Rabbi Rubin, nor did he ever visit the Yeshiva.  Four parents called in denying Rabbi Hecht’s assertions and singing the praises of Rabbi Rubin.  They explained that Rabbi Rubin was the furthest thing from a cult leader.  The Chabad shliach in Great Neck called in as well and explained that Rabbi Rubin allowed the Talmidim of the Yeshiva to attend a Tanya shiur in the Chabad Rabbi’s home.  Rabbi Hecht harshly rebuked the Great Neck Chabad Rabbi for not responding to his inquiries previously.  Toward the end, even Rabbi Hecht admitted that the products of the Yeshiva were model Torah scholars and exhibited the finest Midos.

Sadegera Rebbetzin Writes Letter to the Rabbis that Signed a Kol Korah Against Her

Last week, we posted an article how a bunch of rabbanim signed a Kol Korah against the widow of the late Sadigera Rebbe, chastising her for bringing her twerp son to secular court. 

These same rabbanim said not a word when the twerp took his mother to secular court to evict her from his late father's apartment, even though there was clear instructions that she could live there for the rest of her life.

In her letter she says that after reading the Kol Korah against her, she now understands why the Torah says that Hashem himself will protect the widow, since the rabbanim will not!

She also mentions the fact that these rabbanim were silent when the twerp took to her to secular court.

Goyim in Jackson Township Hire Private Investigator to Spy On Jewish Homes Over Shabbos


In a stunning incident that comes less than a week after the approval of Jackson Township’s deal to settle the New Jersey Attorney General’s lawsuit over anti-Orthodox Jewish discrimination, a group of Jackson residents hired a private investigator to stake out a home where Orthodox Jewish worshippers were legally holding prayers, Lakewood Alerts reported.

The disturbing scene unfolded this past Shabbos, September 2nd, at a home in the S. New Prospect area of Jackson. The private investigator – identified by Lakewood Alerts as Rich Coombs of Lemieux & Associates – sat in a vehicle outside the home for hours, snapping photos of worshippers entering and exiting the residence.

Lakewood Alerts has conclusively confirmed that the private investigator was hired by local residents, and was not employed by Jackson Township, which was accused of spying on homes where legal worshipping was taking place in the lawsuit it has just settled.

The incident is incredibly shocking, as it comes on the heels of Jackson Township settling with both the federal Justice Department and the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office over similar allegations.

Additionally, this weekend’s spying is particularly troubling as it comes against the backdrop of a worrying increase in anti-Semitic attacks in New Jersey and across the country. Aside from the patently hateful act of spying on a religious gathering, this incident served only to increase fear and concerns for their safety among Jackson’s Orthodox Jewish population.

It will be interesting to see whether this revelation will spark a new investigation by the New Jersey Attorney General into anti-Orthodox Jewish hate that is clearly still rampant in Jackson Township.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Inside the town that banned kids from having mobile phones – the results were astounding

 Startling recent figures from communications regulator Ofcom, show that 20 per cent of kids have a smartphone by the age of three, and that rises to 55 per cent between the ages of eight to 11.

But the residents of one seaside town in Ireland have decided they do not want their little ones to spend their most formative years peering into a tiny LCD screen.

The entire parent population of Greystones in County Wicklow got together to agree not to buy smartphones for their kids until they were in secondary school.

All eight primary schools in the town, 15 miles south of Dublin, had already stopped pupils from bringing the electronic devices into the learning environment.

But the school parent associations then went further by initiating a voluntary ban among themselves.

Historical And Halachic Evidence Shows Women Were Given Gelilah


DIN: Turns out that the Chareidie press is citing multiple sources and instances where gedoilei poskim have absolutely zero issues with women doing gelilah.

 A reader "RCK" from Beitar Illit, sent me a PDF where one can clearly see that there is a Spinka Minhag to be "mechbeid" a lady with gelila! The previous Satmar Rebbe, the Beirach Moshe, wrote a Sefer Torah in honor of his late daughter, and instructed his chassidim to have a woman do gelila, and said that this was a minhag in Sighet, to give gelilah to women who have problems conceiving. 

I believe that Rab Shternbuch wrote his psak too soon, without having the facts and having missed a Nitei Gavreal that permits it with conditions. 

My issue is not that Rav Shternbuch prohibits this, but his tone, prohibiting it, stating that people "should distance themselves from people practicing this." 

There were local rabbanim there who permitted it, and it was not Rav Shternbuch's place to rule against them. 

In the wake of the incident in which a woman did Gelilah during the course of a Hachnasas Sefer Torah and the strong protest by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch against the practise, historian and researcher Yisrael Shapira revealed a number of previous occasions in which such a custom was approved by prominent rabbis.

Shapia, who writes for the Kikar Hashabat site, revealed that nearly 200 years ago, when Moses Montifiore and his wife Judith visited Tzfat after the 1837 earthquake, Rabbi Avrohom Dov Avritch, the Bas Ayin gave Judith significant honor. On the eve of Shavuos they were invited to a Hachnasas Sefer and a special place was prepared for Judith, as she later wrote in her memoirs. (Otzar Masaos Eretz Yisrael p.558).  During the Hachnasas Sefer, Judith was given the honor of standing right behind the Bas Ayin and carrying a wax torch, “And they brought me under the chupah behind the esteemed rabbi carrying the sefer and everyone was crowded behind us singing dancing and clapping.” She added “I was so happy and delighted to see this holy joy.”

Judith even revealed in her memoirs her concern that the torch “might ignite the chupah, or I might drip wax over the white silk clothes that the honorable R. Avraham Dov wore.” (She actually represented her husband at the occasion as he was sick at the time.)

A week later, the Montifiores travelled to Tiberias and davened shacharis with the Bas Ayin. Judith described the atmosphere at the Bas Ayin’s shul: “There was a large group of the wise men of the town. I was honored to decorate the Sefer Torah and all those who came to read blessed us and inquired of our welfare.” The Montifiores were even invited to have breakfast with the Bas Ayin.

During the previous week Judith reported a similar honor from “The Chacham Mizrachi”, who was the Sefardi rabbi in Tzfat. When the Montifiores visited his shul “Montifiore was given Hagbahah (raising the Torah scroll) and I was honored to decorate the Sefer.”

After this historical evidence, Shapira also brings a modern-day posek, Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner, who in his Nitei Gavriel cites halachic sources that women did perform Gelilah. For example, it was the custom in Zeewald, Holland that a girl from the women’s section did gelilah and this was approved by Rabbi Shmuel Hirsch.

Moreover Rabbi Tzinner quotes the grandson of the Berech Moshe of Satmar who said that when doing hachnasas sefer Torah a childless couple should be honored with the husband doing Hagbahah and the wife Gelilah as this could be a segulah (merit) for having children.

Moreover similar testimonies of women doing Gelilah were presented by members of the Spinka chasidim, as well as Rabbi Chaim Falagi in his Sefer Chaim, the Tiferes Aryeh and others.

The Nitei Gavriel concludes that women would be permitted to do Gelilah if they are 1) not Niddah 2) dressed modestly 3) doing it in front of close family and friends.


Friday, September 1, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ki Tavo


Uh Oh! Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump Defense in Georgia Case ... Is The Georgia Case Collapsing???


Testimony this week in federal court by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger reportedly contradicted claims that former President Donald Trump insisted he violate his oath of office by fabricating enough votes to win the state.

As Breitbart News has long noted, the media have misrepresented the January 2021 phone call between Trump and Raffensperger, quoting Trump as telling Raffensperger that he should “find” the votes necessary for him to win. In fact, Trump said “I just want to find” the votes, referring to his own state of mind. Moreover, the context was that Trump believed he actually had won the state of Georgia, and the votes simply had not been properly counted yet.

Rabbi Sternbuch Slams Gelilah By Woman During Torah Dedication: ‘Let Us Disassociate From Them’


DIN: This is very interesting. Rav Elimelech Kornfeld, the respected rav of the Gra Shul in RBSA said there was absolutely nothing wrong with this "as there is no prohibition in the entire Shulchan Aruch."

 I myself have attended hundreds of Hachnasas Sefer Torahs and I have witnessed in Brooklyn at least 6 times where the lady did "Gelilah". In all those cases, the Hachanassas Sefer Torah ceremonies were in Chassidishe circles! 

In fact the commentaries on the Shulchan Aruch question whether a woman can get an Aliyah, and the halachic conclusion is that one should not give a woman an Aliyah because it is not "Kavod hatzibbur" but that discussion is all about an Aliya, I doubt "gelilah" would fall into this category of "kavod hatzibbur," and this was not during davening, this was a private ceremony.

For those who say that one should not question Rav Shternbach, well why don't you address Satmar who pelted Rav Shernbuch with eggs and stones when he visited Williamsburg for a simcha, four years ago.? Why don't you guys question the Eida Hachreidies themselves whose majority do not accept or recognize him as the Gaavad, and insult him on a daily basis?

I think that with all due respect to Rav Shernbuch, he should have said that he is opposed but will defer to the local Rav who permitted it! But to say that people should "disassociate from them and it will be good for us and for our children," is a far stretch and something that a rav should never say! 

"Disassociate?" is this going to foster Ahavas Yisrael? I think not! 

The Head of the Rabbinical Court of the Eida Haharedis (Jerusalem charedi Council), Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, sharply condemned the synagogue officials at a Lithuanian shul in Ramat Beit Shemesh who honored a woman with “Gelilah,” the ceremonial wrapping of a Torah scroll.

The incident took place during a Torah dedication ceremony at a synagogue in Ramat Bet Shemesh Daled. A video that was posted to social media this week shows the woman, who apparently is involved in the donation of the new Torah scroll, closing and dressing the Torah scroll in the sanctuary as men surround her.

The synagogue officials claim they received a dispensation from one of the local rabbis, but the rabbi ( the liar) denied the claim.

Rabbi Sternbuch voiced his opposition and even referred to the modern-charedi community as “a community with charedi roots,” hinting that a charedi community would not have permitted such an incident to occur.

“Every heart here trembled when we heard that a community with charedi roots sank so low and honored a woman with Gelilah, and published that it had raised the honor of the Torah and the honor of the charedi woman,” he wrote.

He ended his words with a harsh statement: “Brothers of the house of Israel, we will disassociate from them, and it will be good for us and for our children.”

Thursday, August 31, 2023

State Senator Kristan Gonzalez the co-sponsor of an anti-semitic bill Runs Like a Poisoned Rat when confronted


Following a Town Hall meeting in Queens Tuesday, discussing the antisemitic “Not on Our Dime Act” being sponsored in the NY state legislature, Hamodia reporter Reuvain Borchardt attempted to ask NY State Senator Kristen Gonzalez some basic about the bill, which she is cosponsoring.

“Which parts of Israel do you consider to be unoccupied?” he asked

Gonzalez first stammered and then said she would prefer to remain “off the record”. Borchardt replied, “You already said that I could ask you a question. Did you only decide to go off the record after you heard my question?”

Gonzalez dodged the question and muttered a pretty incoherent response, while she was busy scurrying away from Borchardt, refusing to stop or even turn to face him.

She made zero effort to defend her position, and in fact, did not seem to have an understanding of the bill that she herself is sponsoring.

The antisemitic “Not on Our dime” bill claims it “would prevent NY-registered charities from funding illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine.”

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Hamodia Newspaper Forced By Court Order To Publish Engagement Of R. Shaul’s Chassidim

DIN: This news story is an example of why we are losing our youth by the tens of thousands. Is this Torah? Is this spiritual leadership? Is this the education that we wish to give our children? 
Shame on Hamodia! Shame on the Gerer Community!

 In an unusual incident which silhouetted the chasm between the two opposing factions in the Gur chasidus, the Hamodia newspaper was forced by court order to publish an engagement announcement for a member of Rabbi Shaul’s faction – and made no secret of the fact.

As is customary, the Hamodia newspaper announces all the new engagements on its front page, including the name of the choson and kallah and their place of study. However due to the current rift within the chasidus, the newspaper refrains from publishing the engagements from Rav Shaul’s community, even when they involve families who have members in both camps.

Last week, R’ Shlomo Elbaum’s son got engaged. R’ Shlomo is a lawyer and has represented R’ Shaul’s faction in numerous legal proceedings they have had with Gur. R’ Shlomo submitted an engagement ad which predictably was refused by Hamodia but he then decided to go to court to try and force the newspaper to publish his announcement.

The newspaper claimed in its defense that it cannot publish the place of study for students from R’ Shaul’s community as it is called “Penei Menachem” and this is an insult to the mainstream yeshiva which has the same name.

The court agreed that the yeshiva’s name should not be published and instead the yeshiva’s address should be placed in the ad. Thus, the Choson was described as studying in “The yeshiva at 2 Ohr Elchonon street.” Hamodia wished to stress that they had been forced to publish the announcement against their wishes and therefore added an addendum :’This announcement was placed and worded by the courts,” in a reference to the court decision.

Muslims Will Now Wake Us Up for Davening in New York City

 The Muslim call to prayer will ring out more freely in New York City under guidelines announced Tuesday by Mayor Eric Adams, which he said should foster a spirit of inclusivity.

Under the new rules, Adams said, mosques will not need a special permit to publicly broadcast the Islamic call to prayer, or adhan, on Fridays and at sundown during the holy month of Ramadan. Friday is the traditional Islamic holy day, and Muslims break their fast at sunset during Ramadan.

The police department’s community affairs bureau will work with mosques to communicate the new guidelines and ensure that devices used to broadcast the adhan are set to appropriate decibel levels, Adams said.

“For too long, there has been a feeling that our communities were not allowed to amplify their calls to prayer,” Adams said. “Today, we are cutting red tape and saying clearly that mosques and houses of worship are free to amplify their call to prayer on Fridays and during Ramadan without a permit necessary.”

Flanked by Muslim leaders at a City Hall news conference, Adams said Muslim New Yorkers “will not live in the shadows of the American dream while I am the mayor of the city of New York.”

The adhan is a familiar sound in majority-Muslim countries but is heard less frequently in the United States.

Officials in Minneapolis made news last year when they moved to allow mosques to broadcast the adhan publicly.

The adhan declares that God is great and proclaims the Prophet Muhammad as his messenger. It exhorts men — women are not required — to go to the closest mosque five times a day for prayer, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Somaia Ferozi, principal of the Ideal Islamic School in Queens, said New York City’s new rules send a positive message to her students.

“Our children are reminded of who they are when they hear the adhan,” said Ferozi, who attended Adams’ news conference. “Having that echo in a New York City neighborhood will make them feel part of a community that acknowledges them.”

Adams, a Democrat, enjoys close relationships with faith leaders from various traditions and has promoted the role of religion in public life.

He has at times alarmed civil libertarians by saying he doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state.

“State is the body. Church is the heart,” Adams said at an interfaith breakfast earlier this year. “You take the heart out of the body, the body dies.”

A spokesperson for the mayor said at the time that Adams merely meant that faith guides his actions.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Evacuated After Chareidi Hooligans Smash Her Car


 Beit Shemesh Mayor Aliza Bloch was evacuated from a building in the Ramat Beit Shemesh B neighborhood on Tuesday night, where she had arrived to inaugurate a new school of the Vizhnitz Hasidic movement.

Several extremists from the nearby neighborhood smashed Bloch’s car and punctured its tires. They then gathered outside the building and burned trash cans. The extremists also damaged new furniture designated for the Vizhnitz school.

After about an hour, police forces arrived at the scene, dispersed the rioters and rescued the mayor via a back exit from the building.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Biden to Netanyahu "go to Hell" While Planning to Roll Out Red Carpet for Lapid Next Week


Biden Administration officials are planning to roll out the red carpet next week when Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid, chair of the center-left Yesh Atid party, arrives in Washington DC.

Lapid is set to meet with senior Biden Administration officials at the White House and State Department, according to Axios journalist Barak Ravid, who reported that Lapid is also scheduled to meet with lawmakers in the US House of Representatives and the Senate.

In short, all the Washington power brokers on the left side of the aisle.

One of the issues on the agenda is the effort to achieve a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh is demanding US assistance in building a civilian nuclear reactor that would include uranium enrichment, in exchange for joining the expanding Middle Eastern circle of peace within the framework of the Abraham Accords.

Lapid – who has expressed his public opposition to such a move – has no authority to approve or nix such a deal and does not have enough mandates in the Knesset to vote down any decision made by the current government.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still being snubbed by the leftist Biden Administration, which strongly opposed the ascension of Israel’s right-wing government.

Israel’s prime minister has still not been invited by President Joe Biden for a visit at the White House since taking office in December 2022 for his sixth term as leader of the Jewish State.

According to a report by Ravid last week published by Walla! News, talks are taking place between the Prime Minister’s Office and the White House to determine a date for such a meeting.

Chareidie Orgnization to Minister Porush Who Wants The Sex Maniac Berland to be Admitted To Uman "Your rotten despicable actions"

 The Charedi Magen Israel organization published a letter of protest against Minister Porush and demanded an apology from the Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Jewish Heritage (United Torah Judaism) who tried to cancel Eliezer Berland's entry ban to Ukraine, before the Tishrei High Holidays, so that he could travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah [the Jewish New Year].

"We were shocked to read that by virtue of your position as a minister in the government of Israel, representing all the citizens of Israel, you chose to invest resources and efforts in submitting official requests on behalf of the State of Israel, to help the convicted sex offender, Eliezer Berland, enter Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah," the letter reads.

They also added: "We protest your rotten, devastating and despicable use of the name of millions of citizens, who denounce Berland's intolerable actions. The heritage of Israel and Jerusalem will certainly not be glorified through such behavior."

Smotrich To US: “Unparalleled Hypocrisy, Don’t Preach To Us About Human Rights”


Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich on Monday excoriated the Biden administration, accusing them of “unparalleled hypocrisy” for the State Department’s recent criticism of how Israel protects its citizens against Arab terror in Yehudah and Shomron.

Smotrich’s remarks came in the wake of the State Department’s condemnation of comments by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir following the murder of Batsheva Nigri, H’yd, near Chevron. Ben-Gvir said on a Channel 12 News panel last week: “My right and that of my wife and my children to travel on the roads of Yehudah and Shomron is more important than freedom of movement for Arabs.” Addressing an Arab-Israeli journalist on the panel, he added: “Sorry Mohammad. That’s the reality, the truth. My right to life takes precedence over freedom of movement.”

Not surprisingly, Israeli leftists pounced on his comments as “racist,” implying that Israelis should allow themselves to be killed rather than place any limitations on the “innocent until proven guilty” Palestinians.

The State Department lost no time in joining the bandwagon, issuing a condemnatory statement against Ben-Gvir. “We strongly condemn Minister Ben-Gvir’s inflammatory comments on the freedom of movement of Palestinian residents of the West Bank,” the statement said. “We condemn all racist rhetoric; as such messages are particularly damaging when amplified by those in leadership positions and are incongruent with advancing respect for human rights for all.”

Smotrich responded by saying: “Anyone who attacks us in the world is hypocritical. There’s no nation that has waged a battle of survival against murderous terror for decades in a cleaner and more cautious way than the Jewish nation. I won’t mention the Americans and how they operated in Afghanistan and Iraq. They shouldn’t preach to us about human rights, not to the IDF nor to us on a state level. That is unparalleled hypocrisy. There’s no nation more moral than Israel and no army more moral than the IDF.”