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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Tom Nides the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Says That He Learns about Israel from Reading the Anti-Sematic Haaretz! " I read Haaretz in English every day."


"Yes, of course I read Haaretz every day" - 

This is what Tom Nides, the US ambassador to Israel, told Yitzchok Hildsheimer, a reporter of the Hebrew publication "Matzav Ha'Ruach" this week in a brief interview after Nides appeared at the opening of the Conference of Presidents of the Leaders of Major Jewish Organizations in the United States.

"Is it the English edition of the newspaper?"Hildsheimer asked, and the answer was yes.

Reading Haaretz is like reading Der Shurmer, it is an anti-semetic newspaper trying to destroy the State of Israel article by article. If he is reading these lies on daily or weekly basis, Haaretz is influencing the ambassador's views and assessments, assessments that he conveys to the administration in Washington. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Terumah


Limiting salt could be deadly for heart failure patients: study ... ok Guys Bring out the Herring


Talk about throwing salt in the wound.

People suffering from heart failure — a condition that affects 6 million American adults — who restrict their sodium intake may be increasing their risk of death, according to a new study presented Thursday.

Consuming too much salt has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, leading the Food and Drug Administration to advise Americans to eat no more than 2.3 grams of sodium per day. A US adult typically consumes 3.4 grams daily.

Researchers at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska, have found that too little dietary sodium can actually put heart failure sufferers at greater risk — great news for those patients who want to salt up their food.

“Our findings showed that restricting dietary sodium to less than the usual recommendation was counterproductive in the management of heart failure,” Dr. Anirudh Palicherla, the study’s lead author and an internal medicine resident at the university, said in a statement.

Researchers analyzed nine randomized controlled trials that occurred between 2008 and 2022 — save for one that was published in 1991 — along with sodium intake data and information about patient deaths and hospitalizations.

In total, nearly 3,500 heart failure patients were included in the study, which was presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session with the World Congress of Cardiology.

The scientists determined that patients whose sodium intake fell below 2.5 grams per day were 80% more likely to die than those who consumed more, leading researchers to believe over-restricting has no benefits for these patients.

But researchers caution the study’s findings don’t warrant a salt free-for-all.

“Limiting sodium is still the way to go to help manage heart failure, but the amount of restriction has been up for debate,” Palicherla added. “This study shows that the focus should be on establishing a safe level of sodium consumption instead of overly restricting sodium.”

Their conclusions do, however, support previous claims that salt is not the enemy.

Dr. James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular researcher and author of “The Salt Fix,” previously told The Post that adults could actually consume 6 grams of salt a day without adverse health effects.

“We’re starting to understand that we probably had it wrong about salt 40 years ago,” he said in 2017, arguing that, actually, salt is the “gateway to eating healthy.”

A 2016 study drew similar conclusions. NYC researchers said they found no definitive proof that cutting salt intake reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes — that is, for people in perfect health. But the NYC Health Department begged to differ, arguing that salt limitations and advisories have conclusive evidence to back them up.

In 2021, the FDA called on the food industry to reduce the amount of sodium in their products, hoping it would slash the number of heart-related fatalities. As it stands, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, with 695,547 lives claimed in 2021 alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Experts recommend limiting sodium intake by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed, boxed and canned foods.

Pro BDS/Anti-Israel Guy Changes His mind After Visiting Israel


South African university student Klaas Mokgomole had just landed at Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv after a nine-hour flight from Johannesburg and desperately needed a bathroom.

Approaching an airline official – hoping he understood English – Mokgomole asked him: “Can you please show me to the blacks-only restroom?”

Shocked by his question, the official responded that there was certainly no such bathroom in the airport but pointed the way to the nearest men’s bathroom.

Now it was Mokgomole’s turn to be shocked. He proceeded to enter the bathroom and saw the evidence with his own eyes. Contrary to what he had been told in South Africa, Jews and Arabs were using the same bathroom and no one objected when he – with his black skin – walked in.

Mokgomole spoke about that mo

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Georgia grand jury forewoman who said it would have been 'awesome' to subpoena Trump is a 'WITCH'

Unfortunately, our system of government allows anyone to vote or serve on a jury regardless of their mental capacity to do either. Its no wonder we are so dysfunctional in many ways.

And just think about this for a moment: the jury pool voted HER as their leader! 
How on earth did she ever get through the jury selection process?

The Georgia grand jury forewoman who laughed about bringing down the former president has a wacky Pinterest page with collections of pinned magic spells and all things witchy. 

Emily Kohrs, 30, has been on a bizarre media tour that is already causing headaches for prosecutors after she giggled during a televised interview with MSNBC when she said she 'kind of wanted' to subpoena Trump just to get the chance to swear him in. 

Many of Kohrs social media accounts have been deleted, but her Pinterest page remains with several collections of pins dedicated to Wicca and Witchcraft. 

Fulton County DA Fani Willis has been probing conduct related the effort by Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 elections. The former president called the 'ridiculous' case a 'strictly political continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time.' 

In just one of her multiple interviews about a usually shrouded process, Kohrs told MSNBC why she personally wanted to hear from Trump.

'I wanted to hear from the former president, but honestly, I wanted to subpoena the former president because I got to swear everybody in,' she said. 

'And so I thought it would be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump, of me looking at him and be like, 'Do you solemnly swear,' and me getting to swear him in,' she continued.

She said she 'kind of just thought that would be an awesome moment,' smiling slyly. 

Kohrs lives in Georgia and has previously been employed as a scheduling coordinator at Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting LLC, according to her LinkedIn page and at JOANN Fabrics, according to her Facebook page, which shows the 30-year-old in photos dating back for years with her family and friends. 

Her Pinterest page has several collections of pinned posts dedicated to magic, casting spells, herbalist, and sacred science. 

Some of the pins give instructions for magic spells and casting circles, while others lists herbs and other supplies needed for the spells. 

As her media tour continues, there have been concerns that it could jeopardize any potential indictments against Trump and his MAGA allies. 

Former federal prosecutor Elie Hoing told Anderson Cooper Kohr's interviews were a 'horrible idea' and a 'nightmare' for prosecutors.

'Mark my words, Donald Trump's team is going to make a motion if there's an indictment to dismiss that indictment based on grand jury impropriety', he added.

'She's not supposed to be talking about anything, really.'

Lawyers to witnesses who have appeared before the grand jury, which gets to recommend charges, are already preparing to move to try to quash any indictments, based on her public statements.

Kohrs also gave comments to CNN about the nature of indictments that could be coming.

'Can you imagine doing this for eight months and not coming out with a whole list' of recommended indictments, Kohrs told CNN. 'It's not a short list. It's not.'

'There may be some names on that list that you wouldn't expect. But the big name that everyone keeps asking me about – I don't think you will be shocked,' she said – in comments that appeared to point to a possible indictment of Trump himself.

She also said in a later interview to the network that indictments could surpass a dozen.

'I believe so. That's probably a good assumption,' she said.

Trump posted Wednesday calling the case 'ridiculous' case he called a 'strictly political continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time.'

'Now you have an extremely energetic young woman, the (get this!) 'foreperson' of the Racist D.A.'s Special Grand Jury, going around and doing a Media Tour revealing, incredibly, the Grand Jury's inner workings & thoughts. This is not JUSTICE, this is an illegal Kangaroo Court. Atlanta is leading the Nation in Murder and other Violent Crimes. All I did is make TWO PERFECT PHONE CALLS!!!'

That was a reference to his call to the top state election official stating, 'I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,' amid a recount and fight over the election results in a state that went for Joe Biden.

He has also used the term to apply to his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky seeking an investigation of Hunter Biden. It was part of his first Senate impeachment.

Former assistant U.S. attorney Elie Honig, speaking of the media tour on CNN, called it 'a prosecutor's nightmare.' He said it was a 'horrible idea' and speculated prosecutors are 'wincing.'

The TV hits came after Kohrs said 'one or more witnesses' will be indicted as first reported by the New York Times

'It is not a short list,' the forewoman, Emily Kohrs said, adding that the jury had appended eight pages of legal code 'that we cited at various points in the report.'

Following last week's release of portion of the report, there are still seven sections that remain sealed with indictment recommendations, according to Kohrs.

Those sections are silent on key details, including who the panel believes committed perjury and what other specific charges should be pursued. But it marks the first time the grand jurors' recommendations for criminal charges tied to the case have been made public. And it's a reminder of the intensifying legal challenges facing the former president as he ramps up his third White House bid amid multiple legal investigations.

Trump is also under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for holding classified documents at his Florida estate.

R' Avigdar Miller Tells College Grad That She is "TOO DEAD TO BE SORRY"

 Q: How do I answer my cousin who says she went to an Ivy League college and wasn't affected? 

She says she’s not sorry she went because it had no effect on her.

 A: There was a man who ridiculed the speed laws; he was always speeding in his car and he was warned that he’ll be sorry someday. And now he's in the morgue. He ended up against a lamppost and now he's dead. 

Now this man is not sorry for speeding. He can’t be sorry because he's dead. Now, if he wouldn’t die, if he’d just be crippled, then he would be sorry; but when he's dead he can't be sorry.

That girl who went to college is not sorry because she’s dead. She lost her mind. She became educated which is equivalent to having an operation – your brain is removed from you. Now, it could be your cousin never had any brain in the first place. that's also possible.

 Whatever she had however was replaced by an artificial set of ideas. And today it’s a dangerous set of ideas what they teach in college today. Marxism and humanism. They teach them to be blind to the wonders of nature. When you learn biology, it’s especially planned that you should not see the plan and purpose. And therefore, if your cousin tells you she went to college and wasn't affected, you can tell her it’s because she’s already in the morgue. 

TAPE # 482 (December 1983

MSNBC Andrea Mitchell's Blatant Lie Against DeSantis and Her Half/Assed Apology


MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell found herself cornered and forced to apologize after she baselessly claimed that Gov. Ron DeSantis doesn’t want the history of slavery being taught in Florida classrooms.

During an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris last Friday, Mitchell asked why DeSantis didn’t “slavery or the aftermath of slavery” to be taught. The vice president of course didn’t correct her.

“Let me ask you, what does Governor Ron DeSantis not know about Black history and the Black experience when he says that slavery and the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren?” Mitchell asked.

DeSantis’ communications team responded by letting NBC and MSNBC know that they will not make themselves available for any media appearances until Mitchell apologizes for her “blatant lie.”

So, she did, though Mitchell still made her political allegiances clear in her non-apology apology.

“In my interview last Friday with Vice President Harris, I was imprecise in summarizing Governor DeSantis’ position about teaching slavery in schools. Governor DeSantis is not opposed to teaching the fact of slavery in schools, but he has opposed the teaching of an African American studies curriculum as well as the use of some authors and source materials that historians and teachers say makes it all but impossible for students to understand the broader historic and political context behind slavery and its aftermath in the years since,” Mitchell said on her show.

Barcelona "Klavta" Cuts ties with Israel but partners with Iran, China and Cuba


The mayor of Barcelona has severed her city's ties with Israel, accusing the Jewish state of "the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people". Ada Colau's decision puts an end to the 25-year twinning with Tel Aviv.

First there was the decision of the third largest city in the country, Valencia, to embrace the boycott of Israel by proclaiming itself an "Apartheid-Free Zone". The leader of the ruling Podemos party, Pablo Iglesias, called the Jewish State a "criminal and illegal country".

Then the city of Oviedo, capital of Asturias, canceled the concert of the Israeli Netanya Symphony Orchestra, citing "political reasons".

The Cadiz City Council had already canceled an Israeli film festival.

And in Benicassim, near Barcelona, the Jewish musician and reggae star Matthew Paul Miller, aka "Matisyahu", had refused to comply with the request of the music festival management who had tried to force him to produce a video or a written statement in which the singer was supposed to support an Arab-Palestinian state. His performance has been cancelled.

Then there is the first European autonomous region to officially boycott Israel. This is Navarre, where all the Spanish parties except the Popolari voted for the motion inviting Spain to "suspend its ties with Israel".

And the city of Pamplona has declared Israeli officials personae non gratae.

But in the meantime, the mayor of Madrid immediately offered to sign the twinning agreement with Tel Aviv. José Luis Martínez-Almeida, conservative mayor of the Spanish capital, rightly accused his Barcelona colleague of anti-Semitism.

The decision was also contested by El País, the Spanish left-wing newspaper, which writes: “A wrong decision by Ada Colau. In addition to fueling polarization by breaking the twinning with Tel Aviv, what the mayor of Barcelona has ruined is an agreement that also includes Gaza and its inhabitants. We are waiting for Ms. Colau to suspend the various agreements between the city of Barcelona and the cities of countries whose regimes violate human rights on a large scale. For example Shanghai or Shenzen, or the beautiful Isfahan”, in Iran.

El Mundo tells us more: “Barcelona is twinned with Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, an Islamist theocracy. With St. Petersburg and Istanbul. Also, with Havana, Ho Chi Min City and Shanghai”.

All liberals, except Israel, in the wonderful wokeworld.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's torn pants to be auctioned starting at $3,200


A pair of pants coming up for auction are being described as “holy” — and not just because they’re a little torn.

Rather, the pants once belonged to the late Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, an Israeli haredi Orthodox leader considered by his followers to be the leading Jewish authority of his generation. Kanievsky died last year at age 94, and now anyone can be the owner of his trousers – provided they can afford them. The starting bid is $3,200.

The bidding at the Prime Judaica auction house in the heavily haredi New Jersey city of Lakewood begins March 1. The item is listed in Hebrew as “Holy pants from the Prince of Torah, our leader Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky.”

Included on the auction house page is a letter written and signed by Gedalyahu Konigsberg, who identifies himself as a grandson of, and former aide to, Chaim Kanievsky.

“I, the undersigned, testify that these black pants… of the Shai Shaul company, with a rip on the bottom, were worn by my elder, the esteemed Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, of blessed righteous memory, for a long period of time,” reads the letter signed by Konigsberg. “I merited to see him wearing this with my own eyes.”

On the website of an online retailer, Shai Shaul pants run from roughly $13.50 to $16.25.

Letters and legal rulings written by Kanievsky have gone to auction for hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars and started going up for sale during his lifetime.

Three family members killed in Kiryas Joel housefire


Kalman Goldstein, his wife, and his seven-year-old daughter

DIN'S Comment: "????"

A fire overnight claimed the lives of three family members in the Hasidic town of Kiryas Joel in New York.

According to Kikar Hashabbat, Kalman Goldstein, his wife, and his seven-year-old daughter were killed after a fire broke out in their home as they slept overnight Wednesday.

Local firefighters worked for a long time to gain control of the blaze, and authorities are currently investigating its cause.

Kiryas Joel, officially named Palm Tree, is a town in Orange County, New York, about an hour north of New York City. The overwhelming majority of the town's residents belong to the Satmar Hassidic sect.

Desperate NYC merchants turn to K-9 units to sniff out shoplifters


Shoplifting has become so rampant that one of the Big Apple’s busiest commercial districts is turning to “man’s best friend” to sniff out thieves, The Post has learned.

The 34th Street Partnership — the trade group serving the neighborhood that includes Macy’s Herald Square, Penn Station and Madison Square Garden — is trying to take a bite out of crime by contracting with a firm that provides K-9 units.

The dogged pursuit was launched this month at the CVS at Eighth Avenue and West 34th Street in the heart of the district that has been plagued with thefts.

 “We’ve had a lot of complaints. A lot of shoplifting occurs in drugstores,” said Kevin Ward, the vice president of security for the 34th Street Partnership.

“We’re trying to address the issue.”

The program — which the trade group says costs in the “low-five figures monthly” — was a necessary investment amid a flood of shoplifting complaints and lax enforcement tied to the state’s soft-of-crime laws, according to Ward.

Clinton aide with Epstein ties ruled as a suicide Despite him Being found tied to tree and despite no gun at scene


The mysterious death of an aide to President Bill Clinton with ties to Jeffrey Epstein has been officially ruled a suicide – despite there being no sign of a weapon near the body.

Mark Middleton, 59, who served in the Clinton White House in the 1990s, was found dead on Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas on May 2, 2022, the Daily Mail reported.

Almost one year after Middleton’s death, a police report obtained by the outlet this week revealed that the Little Rock businessman was discovered with a gunshot wound to the chest and an extension cord tying his neck to a tree.

“I could see the male was obviously deceased,” Deputy Jeremy Lawson of the Perry County Sheriff’s Department wrote of his arrival at the grisly scene.

Hashem Sends His Goyim to Send Jews from Orlando a Message "Go Back to Israel!"


Arab Say : “They Paid Me NIS 300 To Protest Outside The Knesset”


Thousands of Israelis protested against the judicial reform and the “end of democracy” outside the Knesset on Monday night.

However, various videos published on social media of protestors being interviewed showed that many of them had no idea of what the judicial reform entails. One teenage protester told Kan News that the laws dictate that “the government will decide who’s in the Knesset and whoever opposes the laws they propose will go to jail.”

Additionally, a video posted by Chareidi journalist Ariel Elharar showed that not all the participants in the protest were even “authentic” protesters.

Elharar wrote: “Yesterday at the offices of Refuah and Simcha [a chessed organization] in Jerusalem, the Arab janitor didn’t show up. When one of the employees asked him today why he didn’t come yesterday, he replied that he received NIS 300 to participate in the left-wing protest in front of the Knesset and shout: ‘We don’t want Netanyahu, we don’t want Ben-Gvir.'”

Someone responded to the post by commenting: “I was offered NIS 400 to go to the protest. Someone in Ra’anana asked me and someone else if we were going to the protest. I said ‘no’ and he said ‘come for NIS 400’ but I said ‘no.’ The guy next to me continued talking to him.”

The New Israel Fund, a US-based left-wing NGO, has admitted to financially backing anti-Netanyahu protests in Israel.

Video Shows Alligator Lunging At Woman And Her Dog In Florida


Terrifying video air by Inside Edtion, shows the moments before an alligator attacks an unsuspecting 85-year-old grandmother walking her dog by a lake.

Authorities say the woman, identified as Gloria Serge, “was walking her small dog along a retention pond in her community” when the alligator “pulled her into the water after attempting to take her dog,”

The horrifying drama occurred at a retirement community in Fort Pierce, Florida.

The victim’s frantic neighbor can be heard on a 911 call as the gator dragged Gloria Serge underwater.

The 11 feet-long gator was later captured and euthanized.

Jew-Haters Spew Vicious Rhetoric and Distribute Fliers Outside Broadway Show (VIDEO)


  On Tuesday, vicious Neo-Nazi antisemites protested outside the Broadway revival of Parade—a musical about the true story of the false conviction and horrific murder of a Jewish man named Leo Frank HY”D in 1915.

The members of the “National Socialist Movement” shouted at patrons, carried signs with hateful rhetoric, and attempted to distribute hate-filled fliers to people in line for the show.

It was particularly gruesome considering that the musical is an indictment against antisemitism in its most despicable form.

The show depicts the life and tragic death of Mr. Frank, a Jewish factory manager in Georgia in the early 20th century. He was falsely convicted of murdering 13-year-old factory worker Mary Phagan and sentenced to life in prison. But Mr. Frank was subsequently lynched by an angry white mob.

After his death, it was revealed that Ms. Phagan was actually murdered by Jim Conley, another factory worker. Mr. Frank has been exonerated, and the ADL was founded in response to his tragic murder.

The far-right white supremacist group falsely and baselessly accused Mr. Frank of being guilty, in addition to other crimes.

Anti-semitic Hate Group, Shout Slurs Against Jews in Orlando


 A disgusting and disturbing video surfaced Wednesday on social media where Jon Minadeo leader of the anti-semitic hate group “Goyim defense league”, is seen harassing Jews in front of the Chabad house in Orlando at 7347 W Sand Lake Road.

The incident happened this past Friday where several members, and its leader of the GDL, stood in front of the Chabad house shouting “go Back to Israel” and “you belong in the oven”.

The Goyim Defense League is a loose network of individuals connected by their virulent antisemitism. The group includes five or six primary organizers/public figures, dozens of supporters and thousands of online followers.

GDL attracts a range of anti-Semites and white supremacists who are motivated and united by their hatred of Jews.

Antisemites Will Have a National “Day of Hate” Against Jews this Shabbos Around Country & Especially in Florida


 A “Day of Hate” is being planned for this Shabbos by a group of Neo-Nazi antisemites. It was first reported by the Chicago Police Department to its local Jewish community, and now authorities in New York and Florida are warning their Jewish communities to be vigilant.

Last month, an anti-Semitic group based in Iowa designated Feb. 25 as a “day of hate,” and other white supremacist and hate groups have since said they plan to participate, according to David Goldenberg, the Midwest regional director of the Anti-Defamation League. One of the organizations behind the plot if the Goyim Defense League (GDL).

Chicago police have been urging Jewish communities to be extra vigilant. “At this time, there is no actionable intelligence,” the department said in a statement. “We continue to actively monitor the situation.”

The NYPD has now also released a similar notice to the Chicago PD, warning New York Jewish communities to be extremely vigilant and report any suspicious activity.

In addition, the O-U has sent a message to its network of shuls, encouraging them to be vigilant and stay in contact with local law enforcement to request enhanced security. They said they have been in contact with the DHS and FBI about the threats.

Video Footage Hours Before Schwartz Killed In Miami Beach


 A TV station in Florida is airing exclusive footage they have obtained, were it shows an orthodox Jewish man hours before he was found dead in his car in North Miami beach, in a lot at the Wendy’s at 25 NE 167 St., just west of Interstate 95.

Local 10 TV News reported that, the surveillance video that surfaced Wednesday, showing the last time Hershy Schwartz, 40, was seen alive.

Schwartz, was looking at his phone, in his car, shortly before 3:10 a.m., on Feb. 19. He appeared to be searching for something before he got out of his car and returned at about 4:30 a.m.

Detectives suspect a robber later shot him three times and dragged him out of his car, according to relatives.

Police are tight-lipped and have only said, they have good leads.

Anyone with Information on Daniel Dresdner the Social Worker that loved to Beat Up Chassidishe Women

Please contact

 Asher Stockler


The USA Today Network New York