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Thursday, December 29, 2022

The anti-Bibi resistance is playing with fire

 Like the Democrats who went into the streets in their millions the weekend Donald Trump was inaugurated president in January 2017, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s foes clearly intend to act as a “resistance,” rather than a loyal opposition.

Netanyahu and his right-wing and religious coalition partners won a clear majority in the 120-seat Knesset, with 64 seats over the collection of left-wing, formerly right-wing and Arab political parties that ran Israel for the last 18 months. Yet, as is the case in the United States, politics in Israel has become a tribal culture war.

But even if everyone has become inured to a situation in which two sides view each other as not merely wrong, but enemies of decency and democracy, with Netanyahu’s new government set to be sworn in on Thursday, his opponents are playing with fire.

Ever since their defeat became apparent, the “anybody but Bibi” opposition led by interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid has been doing its best to label his successors as “dangerous, extremist and irresponsible.” Taking a page out of the Democrats’ playbook, his camp is claiming that the victors of the country’s democratic elections are intent on "destroying democracy".

New government to be sworn into office today


The new government is to be sworn into office today, the first official day of its term, almost two months after elections were held.

Prior to the official swearing-in ceremony, the Knesset will open its session at eleven o'clock on Thursday morning with a speech by Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, who will present the basic outlines of his government and list the appointments he will be making to ministerial positions. President Isaac Herzog will participate in this special session, along with Supreme Court President Justice Esther Hayut.

Following the session, the head of the Opposition, Yair Lapid, will make a speech, followed by the heads of other parties, each of whom will receive fifteen minutes to speak from the podium.

After all the speeches are concluded, a vote will be held for the position of Knesset Speaker; Likud MK Amir Ohana is expected to be appointed to this position.

Only at this point will the new government be sworn into office, with each government member swearing to serve the State of Israel. This marks the end of the special Knesset session, following which there will be a toast to the incoming Knesset Speaker in the Jerusalem Hall, with the participation of the new Prime Minister, the Knesset Speaker, ministers, Knesset members, family members, and select others who have received an invitation to this event.

The official transfer of power between premiers will take place in the Prime Minister's Office, and is expected to be a brief, business-like affair with outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid handing over power to Benjamin Netanyahu.

The festive day will conclude this evening at the President's Residence, with the traditional photograph of all members of the new government together with the President.

Noted Chicago Philanthropist Rabbi Morris Esformes Passes Away


 Rabbi Morris Esformes, a noted philanthropist from the Chicago Jewish community passed away.

Rabbi Esformes had a strong connection to the Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago, as well as numerous local institutions who relied on him for his friendship and support.

Rabbi Esformes passed away suddenly on Wednesday from a heart attack. He will be remembered for his incredible acts of Chesed and heart of gold.

He is survived by his children and grandchildren.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

He Knew That R' Nachman of Breslev Will Pull Him Out of Hell.. But So Quick?


The guy on the left tells the story of a Belzer Chusid who went to Uman, when he returned to Belz, they kicked him out of all the Belzer Moisdois, so he said that he knew "that R' Nachman would pull him out of hell, but he was amazed how quickly it happened

Libs of Tiktok’s Chaya Raichik Goes Public on Fox with Tucker Carlson


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Israel To Promote ‘Jordan Is Palestine’ Solution At UN To Foil Palestinian Diplomatic Efforts


In a move intended to promote a Saudi initiative which would foil Palestinian attempts for UN recognition, Israel is readying to submit a plan for a Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine at the UN, according to a report by the Jordan Is Palestine Committee, a group aiming to promote a territorial division between Israel and Jordan which would facilitate peace in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

The plan, issued in June 2022 on the Al-Arabiya television channel, calls for an end to the failed two-state solution being touted over the last two decades in international diplomacy. Instead, the Saudi plan, developed by Ali Shihabi, an advisor to the Saudi King-designate Mohammed Bin Salman, sees Amman as the capital of a Palestinian entity which would merge Jordan, Gaza and part of Judea and Samaria.

Terrorist behind deadly Jerusalem bombings studied at Azrieli College of Engineering was employed at Israeli factory.


His Victims

The ISIS-aligned terrorist behind a pair of deadly bombings in Jerusalem last month studied in an Israeli college and was employed by an Israeli factory at the time of the attacks.

Eslam Froukh, the 26-year-old suspect arrested on November 29th in connection with a pair of bombings at Jerusalem bus stops six days earlier, is a graduate of the Azrieli College of Engineering in Jerusalem, where he earned a B.Sc. in mechanical engineering.

A resident of the Arab village of Kafr Aqab, which lies inside of Jerusalem’s municipal boundaries, Froukh has permanent residency status and carries an Israeli identification card, though he has also resided in the Palestinian Authority-administered city of Ramallah, the Shin Bet said Tuesday morning.

Azrieli College distanced itself from Froukh in a statement to students Tuesday, and condemned last month’s attack.

“Unfortunately, one of the suspects is an alumnus of the college, who completed his studies in the mechanical engineering department a few years ago. The college strongly condemns and rejects any action or verbal violence, or behavior that is against the law, and supports security forces for their quick detection of those responsible for the attack.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Israel’s security censors cleared Froukh’s arrest for publication.

The Shin Ben internal security agency said Tuesday that Froukh is a Salafist radical and supporter of the ISIS terror organization.

Froukh is believed to have acted alone, building the bombs used in last month’s attack based on video instructions found on the internet.

Authorities apprehended Froukh at the factory in Mishor Adumim where he is currently employed.

Aryeh Schupak, a 15-year-old Canadian yeshiva student, and Tadessa Tshuma, a father of six from Pisgat Ze’ev, were both killed in the Givat Shaul bombing. More than a dozen others were injured in the attacks.

Google search engine defines 'Jew' as a verb meaning 'miserly' and 'petty.'


This is most interesting as Google is now deleting some of DIN's posts!

So it's ok for them to define a "Jew" as "miserly" and "petty" but its not ok for DIN to post what we think is ok!

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The top result for the word 'Jew' in the Google search engine is a use of the word as a verb in an antisemitic trope, the StopAntisemitism reported Tuesday.

Above all links related to the word 'Jew' is a definition which reads: "bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way."

A Google search of the word 'Jew' by Israel National News-Arutz Sheva produced the same result.

StopAntisemitism wrote on Twitter: "When one enters “jew” into the Google search engine, a grotesque antisemitic trope comes up. This is in unacceptable, Google."

2nd Chareidie Terrorist suspect who sent dumpster barreling into a mother of 11 seriously injuring her arrested


Police arrested a second suspect on Tuesday on the suspicion he pushed a dumpster down a hill, which hit Miril Dizlovsky, a 40 mother of 11, seriously injuring her, during a riot around two weeks ago.

During the riot, hundreds of haredi activists rioted in Jerusalem and sent a trash container rolling down a hill where it hit a 40-year-old woman. The mother of 11 children remains hospitalized in serious condition.

On Sunday, a 16-year-old resident of Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem was arrested on suspicion of pushing the dumpster.

The suspect was arrested by officers on the street and was taken to a police station for questioning. The police stated that they are still investigating the incident and they intend to continue working to bring all of those involved to justice.

Yesterday, the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court extended the minor's detention by eight days until next Monday.

Gary Barnett nabs former Wellington Hotel with potential plans to build up

 Towering change is in store at the northeast corner of Seventh Avenue and West 55th Street. Gary Barnett’s Extell is paying $94.4 million to buy the leasehold of the former Wellington Hotel from Richard Born’s BD Hotels, according to city Finance Department records.

The ambitious developer’s plans for the historic property one block south of Carnegie Hall were unknown. Barnett couldn’t immediately be reached.

But sources said that Extell’s move, when completed, will be just one of a complicated set of transactions with “many moving parts” that might include air rights for a much larger building than the 27-story Wellington, which has a mere 207,000 square feet on a 22,000 square-foot corner lot.

It was understood that a new hotel will likely be part of any new tower and that Born will remain a partner in the project.

We first reported that the 1902-vintage Wellington was closing in December 2021 when a demolition clause forced restaurants Molyvos and Park Cafe to close. The hotel went dark but no plans have yet been filed with the Department of Buildings.

Extell’s completed Manhattan projects include One Manhattan Square on the Lower East Side, the International Gem Tower on West 47th Street and Central Park Tower on West 57th Street.

Rabbi Druckman Escaped Death three times and Built A Generation Of Religious Zionist Torah Scholars


To fully appreciate the pivotal influence that Rabbi Chaim Druckman had on the Religious Zionist Torah world, we need only to listen to his own words at a 90th birthday celebration just a month ago in Jerusalem’s Binyanei Ha’Umah. Rabbi Chaim apologized to the thousands who came for all of their efforts (“You didn’t need to, I simply reached ninety years old,” he said modestly) and then described the world of his youth.

“I remember a situation in which a youth finishing eighth grade would throw his hat off (we didn’t go with kippot). A childhood friend of mine, a genius who became a professor, said that he thinks we are the last generation putting on Tefillin. He said that this was the reality, everyone was thinking of leaving [Torah]”

Surprisingly, Rabbi Druckman ascribed the positive changes to Bnei Akiva. “How did things change? It was Bnei Akiva. Today there are knitted kippas everywhere and everyone knows that they are the best ones.”

Charedi Soldiers Heckled By Yeshivishe Protesters At Jerusalem Memorial Ceremony: Screaming ‘Hellenists, Impure’


This would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. The irony of it all. These phony "holier than Thou" Yeshivishe amai-ratzim, yelling at our brave soldiers who chose to protect these very "tzaddikim"  "Hellenists, Impure" when it is "punkt-farkert" just the opposite, the IDF are the Chashmonim here and the protestors' are the "Yavanim" 

 Charedi soldiers celebrating the eighth night of Chanukah at a social hall in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem were accosted by a group of protesters. The protesters attempted to enter the hall and disrupt the party being held for the soldiers. They also heckled the soldiers, calling them “impure” and “hellenistic” in a reference to Jews who adopted Greek habits during the period of Greek influence prior to the Chanukah story.

The mob attempted to enter the hall and disrupt the event, but security guards and soldiers blocked the entrance. The soldiers were marking a memorial for fallen comrades Yuval Mor-Yosef and Yosef Cohen, who were murdered in a terrorist attack at Givat Assaf in the Binyamin region four years ago.

Police forces eventually dispersed the protesters. No injuries or arrests were reported.

The director of the Netzach Yehuda chareidi unit, Yossi Levi, said that “it is sad that a few extremists came to wreck the event.”

Monday, December 26, 2022

What really happened at Peninim Girls Seminary?


Rumors rumors, but what really happened?

It seems like a bunch of girls from the Peninim Seminary dressed up as Arabs and bought knives at Osher Ad Supermarket, the Israel version of Bingo, and then posted the reactions of people at the store on Tic Toc! 

Police were called and they were expelled from Seminary, and some say that they were banned from ever entering the State of Israel. 

The photo above is from the now closed Tic Toc account!

Beit Shemesh Rabbis Call for Violent Protests Against the Residents of Beit Shemesh Dalet


Bet Shemesh is a city growing very fast, and there is constant construction to make room for thousands of Israelis that need homes....

Bet Shemesh is the perfect place, its 25 minutes from Yerusalayim, great transportation, has large malls, many Yeshivos, and has plans for a Hospital in the very near future..
And there are many different neighborhoods so that everyone can find their place 

There is Bet Shemesh itself, then there is Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef, Gimmel, Gimmel Shtayim, Dalet and Hey, that caters to everyone...Yeshivash ... Chassidish, Sfardim, Mizrachists etc

Remat Bet Shemesh "Bet" is where the fanatics live ....
This group of fanatics are so extreme that a lot of them were thrown out even from Meah Shearim! 

Ramat Beit Shemesh Dalet is the largest project, and it is bigger than all of Beit Shemesh combined. 

Recently, the Chareidie parasites living in Beit Shemesh Bet have taken vans and taxis to Dalet, to scream at the residents, to spit at girls and grown women and to destroy property.They scream at people talking on their smartphones, making their lives miserable
 In addition, they deface the brand-new walls of the city with graffiti about "tznious."
All this to discourage Dati Leumi people from moving in. 

Last week, the residents who are fed up with these "roaches" dressed like people, took the law into their own hands and chased them out. The "roaches" started physically assaulting the residents and all hell broke loose. 

So, the extremists went to their "gedoilim" and they issued a "fatwa" a Kol Korah, blessing them and encouraging these sickos to keep fighting even if it leads to violence

This is not going to end well! Last week in Yerushalyim one of their teenagers hurled a flaming garbage bin down the street and a mother of 11 got hit bad and she is still in a coma. 

*בית שמש חדשות*
"מחאה נמרצ
רבני הקיצונים בקהילה החרדית במכתב חיזוק לקהילתם ומחאה כנגד התושבים*

רבני הקיצונים בעדה החרדית והקהילה הקנאית בעיר, יצאו במכתב תמיכה וחיזוק לאברכים הקיצונים בשכונת רמת בית שמש ד' ה"יוצאים בפעולות לחיזוק טוהר וקדושת המחנה ושמירת חומות הצניעות".

ומנגד מביעים 'מחאה נמרצת' כנגד התושבים אותם מכנים - "אנשי מדון ריקים ומנוערים מכל דעת תורה אשר בחרו לתת יד לשלטון, אוי להם מיום הדין".

על המכתב חתומים הרב *נתן הכהן קופשיץ*, הרב *נפתלי הערש רטנברג*, הרב *יצחק ברנדספר* ועוד, הרבנים קוראים לקיצונים להמשיך "בפעולתיכם הכבירות לקדש שם שמים ללא שום מורא ופחד".
Loose Translation:
A vigorous protest":


Extremist rabbis in the ultra-Orthodox community sent a letter of encouragement to their community which contained a protest against residents*

The extremist rabbis of the Eida Hachreidis and the fanatical community in the city, issued a letter of support and encouragement to the extremists in the neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh Dalet,


"That they should take actions to strengthen the purity and sanctity of the camp and guarding the walls of modesty."

In addition, they express a 'vigorous protest' against the residents whom they call - "people of Madon empty and devoid of all Torah knowledge who chose to lend a hand to the government, woe to them from the day of judgment".

The letter is signed by


Rabbi *Natan HaCohen Kupshitz*,


Rabbi *Naftali Arash Ratenberg*,


Rabbi *Yitzhak Brandorfer* and more,


The rabbis call on the extremists to continue "in your mighty actions to sanctify the heavens without any fear or fear."


Santa Claus Gives "Brachois"


Motti Steinmetz the Singer Breaks down in Tears Mid-Song


16-Year-Old Chareidie Terrorist Suspect Arrested In Dumpster Injury Case


Israel Police on Sunday arrested a 16-year-old in Mea Shearim suspected of being involved in overturning the dumpster that careened out of control and seriously injured a Chareidi mother during a protest almost a week and a half ago.

The teen is also suspected of being involved in setting a cell phone store in Geula on fire a few months ago. Several suspects were previously arrested in the case.

The police stated that “during the operation of the police forces of the Jerusalem District in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of the city, a suspect was arrested for setting fire to and overturning a dumpster that crushed and seriously injured Mirel Duzlovosky, a passerby who walked by during violent riots.”

“The police will continue to act against disturbers of the peace, lawbreakers, and violent criminals who harm citizens or police officers.”

Unfortunately, Duzlovosky, a mother of 11, including a baby, is still in serious condition – sedated and ventilated. The family has asked the public to continue to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Mirel bas Rochel Leah b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

Arab Influencer Mocks Ilhan Omar's "Chanuka Message"


Arab influencer Loay Alshareef highlighted anti-Semitic Dem. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s hypocrisy in a tweet in which she wished a “Happy Hanukkah to the Jewish community in Minnesota and around the world!”

“So, you’re celebrating the revolution led by Yehudah the Maccabee against the Seleucids in ancient Israel, but you question Israel’s legitimacy?” Alshareef wrote. “Good luck lol.”

Gov of Texas Sends Camal'a Harris an X-Mas Present.. 3 Bus Loads of illegals


Three buses of recent migrant families arrived from Texas near the home of Vice President Kamala Harris on Christmas Eve.

Texas authorities have not confirmed their involvement, but the bus dropoffs are in line with previous actions by border-state governors calling attention to the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

The buses that arrived late Saturday outside the vice president’s residence were carrying around 110 to 130 people, according to Tatiana Laborde, managing director of SAMU First Response, a relief agency working with the city of Washington to serve thousands of migrants who have been dropped off in recent months.

Local organizers had expected the buses to arrive Sunday but found out Saturday that the group would get to Washington early, Laborde said. The people on board included young children.

Laborde said employees had blankets ready for the people who arrived on Christmas Eve and moved them quickly onto waiting buses for a ride to an area church. A local restaurant chain donated dinner and breakfast.

Most of the arrivals were headed to other destinations and expected to remain in Washington only briefly.

Gov. Greg Abbott’s office did not respond to a request for comment Sunday morning. His office said last week that Texas has given bus rides to more than 15,000 people since April to Washington, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, both Republicans, are strong critics of President Joe Biden on his handling of the U.S.-Mexico border, where thousands of people are trying to cross daily, many to seek asylum. Officials on both sides of the border are seeking emergency help in setting up shelters and services for migrants, some of whom are sleeping on streets.

Republicans argue Biden and Harris, designated the administration’s point person on the root causes of migration, have relaxed restrictions that induced many people to leave their countries of origin. Biden has ended some policies but kept others enacted by former President Donald Trump, whose administration also grappled with spikes in border crossings and at one point separated immigrant families and children as a deterrence initiative.

“Rabbi” Who Said Kaddish for Hamas Threatens to Boycott Israeli Government


Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Husband of Randi Weingarten 
ענבי הגפן בענבי הגפן 

Israel has a new conservative government and its enemies, and by that, I mean anti-Israel leftists, couldn’t be angrier. 

Ron Kampeas at the JTA has another anti-Israel press release disguised as a news story promoting a push by anti-Israel activists to boycott members of the incoming Israeli government.

“More than 330 American rabbis, including some who occupy prominent roles in major cities, are pledging to block members of the Religious Zionist bloc in Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government from speaking at their synagogues,” Kampeas gushes.

The list largely consists of anti-Israel clergy, many, if not most of them, also members of the ‘Rabbis for Hamas”.