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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Satmar & Bobov "Arse'kanim" Panicking As Zeldin inches past Hochul in Latest Poll


Time to kick the "tuchis-lekkers" to the curb and vote Republican, don't let the Ezras' and the Eichensteins boss you around. Your vote counts, go out and vote 

Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin has edged past Democratic incumbent Kathy Hochul by decimal points and the race for governor is now a dead heat, a stunning new poll released Friday reveals.

The independent co/efficient survey of 1,056 likely voters shows Zeldin with 45.6% support and Hochul at 45.3% with the rest undecided.

The margin of error for the survey is plus or minus 3.31 percentage points.

Significantly, it’s the first poll showing Zeldin — who has run a campaign focusing on law and order amid a crime surge — running ahead or even with the Democrat governor.

A poll released by the same group in early September had Hochul leading Zeldin, the Long Island congressman, by 6 points.

“The race has been tightening over the last few weeks and it appears that it is now a dead heat. The shift has been led by predominantly white and Hispanic registered Democrats defecting to support Zeldin, the Republican candidate,” co/efficient pollster Ryan Munce said.

Republican Lee Zeldin has caught up to Democrat Kathy Hochul and the race is now a dead heat, according to a new poll.

“With a little under three weeks to go, we still expect to see measurable movement in the statewide electorate and if the trend continues, New York could have its first Republican governor since 2006.”

The same right-leaning pollster predicted GOP underdog Glenn Youngkin’s upset victory over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race last year.

A core finding in the poll was that Zeldin is beating Hochul handily among self-described independents (47%-38%) and voters not registered with either party (59%-28%) – a key block of swing voters he needs to offset the enormous Democratic Party enrollment advantage.

Zeldin said the latest poll showing him with three-tenths of a percent edge over Hochul proves he has momentum during the final stretch run to the Nov. 8 election.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher and the polls couldn’t be closer. We need every single New Yorker who is sick and tired of the attacks on our wallets, safety, kids’ education, and more to come out to vote and Save Our State,” Zeldin said.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Bereishis


Mashiv Ha'Ruach in Hollywood


Israeli elections 2022: A rundown of Israeli parties and their leaders


1. Benjamin Netanyahu – Likud

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister and now head of the opposition, will attempt to win his sixth term as premier. Even his enemies acknowledge his political gifts and strong grasp of economics. He is credited with transforming Israel’s heavily regulated economy into a capitalist, high-tech powerhouse. The most recent polls suggest that this time he will have enough Knesset seats to form a government.

In the recent string of four rapid-fire elections, his right-wing bloc has fallen short of a 61-seat Knesset majority. He came closest in the first election in April 2019 with 60 seats, a tantalizing one seat short. When, on his third try in March 2020, his bloc took 58 seats, Netanyahu entered into a power-sharing deal with Benny Gantz, leader of the center-left Blue and White Party (it fell apart after seven months). The March 2021 election led to a coalition of ideological opposites, glued together, it was widely agreed, only by their antipathy to Netanyahu.

Netanyahu’s chief weakness is his inability to maintain the loyalty of his subordinates. Perhaps his greatest nemesis is Avigdor Liberman, head of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party, once a reliable coalition partner, who started the years-long deadlock when he exited the Netanyahu-led government in 2018. Gideon Sa’ar, leader of the New Hope Party, is the latest Likud leader turned enemy. He, too, has sworn never to join with Netanyahu.

Netanyahu also faces legal troubles. He has been indicted in three corruption cases, accused of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Although the prosecution has suffered setbacks, the cases continue to be an albatross around his neck.

Netanyahu’s credentials as a true right-winger have been questioned on the right, with his votes in favor of the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005 drawing special ire.

Talented High School Singer Collapses And Dies On Stage While Performing


A gifted 17-year-old singer died suddenly late last week after collapsing on stage at an all-state choir event, the family says.

Daniel Moshi was performing Friday at the All-State Honors Show Choir for the Illinois American Choral Directors Association at Naperville North High School when he suddenly collapsed.

ABC News Reporter Writing Book On Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Vanishes After Being Raided By FBI


An award-winning ABC News investigative reporter who was working on a book about President Joe Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan has not been seen in months after his apartment was raided by the FBI reportedly in connection with having classified material on his computer.

Rolling Stone broke the story about 52-year-old James Gordon Meek, an Emmy-winning journalist, on Tuesday. Meek was also former senior counterterrorism adviser and investigator for the House Homeland Security Committee.

Biden's Dummy Can Speak but Cannot Think


Jonathan Pollard Marries Rivka Abrahams-Donin

Jonathan Pollard, who spent decades in prison before immigrating to Jerusalem at the end of 2020, married for the third time Thursday evening.

Pollard, 68, lost his wife Esther nine months ago to cancer. He divorced his first wife, Anne, in the 1980s, after she was released from prison.

Anne served three years in connection with his spying on behalf of Israel.

Pollard has no children.

His new bride, Rivka Abrahams-Donin, a member of Israel’s Chabad hasidic movement, was widowed and is the mother of seven.

“It is so inspiring to get married here in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people,” Pollard said, Israel National News reported. “I am so excited, and I want to thank the whole Jewish people for celebrating with us.”

“I’ve conducted many weddings, but I cannot remember any time when I was quite as touched as now,” said Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and former Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar, according to INN.

“All of us, the Jewish people, owe Jonathan so very much, and perhaps one day we will know just how much he sacrificed – not for a single moment only but for decades of travails behind bars,” he added.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Iranian athlete who competed without hijab and "went missing" is alive and well

New details about firefight which killed Shuafat terrorist


Udai Tamimi, the terrorist who carried out the shooting at the Shuafat Checkpoint in which Sgt. Noa Lazar was murdered, was killed in a firefight on Wednesday, after opening fire on security guards at the entrance to Ma'aleh Adumim. A security guard in his 20s was lightly wounded in the hand during the incident.

Ynet's Gil Tamari shared new details about developments that lead to the terrorist's death. At 8:00 PM a resident who was leaving the Ma'aleh Adumim in his car noticed a suspicious individual walking towards the checkpoint at the city's entrance. The resident immediately made a U-turn and reported the suspicious man to the security guards. The guards immediately went into standby, knowing that at any moment the suspect may try to harm them.

The terrorist indeed opened fire on the guards and began closing in on the checkpoint through the nearby bushes and trees. When he was three meters away from the checkpoint, the terrorist attempted to hit the guards. One of the guards reacted quickly and shot the terrorist who fell to the ground.

Another guard attempted to shoot with his rifle but it jammed after a bullet hit the magazine. He pulled out his pistol and began shooting at the terrorist. The terrorist continued to return fire even after he was injured and lying on the floor. The guards continued shooting until the terrorist was neutralized and his weapon was moved away from him.

Troops that arrived at the scene found a homemade hand grenade on the terrorist's person.

Why The Left Can’t Stop Trying To Link Trump To Anti-Semitism


(JNS/Jonathan S. Tobin) – You would think they would have figured out by now that they’re playing his game. It’s been more than seven years since Donald Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower to begin living full-time in the minds of his many detractors.

Yet, in all that time, his political opponents and their allies in the mainstream media and organized Jewish world still leap to take the bait every time he says or posts anything on social media.

But the reason that his recent comment on U.S. Jews and Israel was seized upon by Democrats and liberals had little to do with its intrinsic importance or with the dubious notion that they were taking a stand against anti-Semitism. Their motivation was purely political.

The left in general, and the Jewish left in particular, is addicted to trying to link Trump to anti-Semitism because they think it is a useful issue for them. This is truer now more than ever.

Source the Water in the Mikvah of the Ari Hakodosh Discovered Under House In Town’s Old City


600 years ago, the Mamluks, slave soldiers who conquered the land of Israel from the Muslims, made Tzfat their capital and invested in an elaborate water system which includes a subterranean passage hundreds of meters long and tens of cisterns to descend and draw water from the pure water source.

During the course of a renovation of his childhood home in the old city of Tzfat, Naftali Orbach stumbled upon this water system and was amazed to discover that it leads to the famous Mikve of the Ari, meaning that this is the source which provided the water for the Ari’s Mikve further down the hill. Naftali invited Professor Yaron Shivtiel of the Tzfat Academic college to descend the narrow 10-meter cistern to the source and Shivtiel ascertained that the water was indeed the same water type, since samples of the water had exactly the same minerals and content as that in the Mikve of the Ari, who lived in Tzfat nearly 500 years ago.

Kan 11’s news correspondent Rubi Hammerschlag descended into the passage and brought back documentation of the remarkable subterranean tunnel.

Ethan Klein says he hopes Ben Shapiro ‘gets gassed first’ if there’s another Holocaust


 In a disgraceful video, controversial leftist YouTuber Ethan Klein, a Jew, said that he hopes, if there’s another Holocaust, Ben Shapiro “gets gassed first.”

The clip, shared on Twitter, shows Klein saying “I was just gonna say if there’s another Holocaust and people start this I just say if we start rounding up the Jews again, I hope Ben gets gassed first.”

Klein is a radical extremist who has made hateful comments in the past. He once called for the bombing of an NRA conference, and also deleted interviews he’d conducted with conservative Jordan Peterson, who recently joined Shapiro’s Daily Wire.

“Years ago I interviewed Jordan Peterson before I was very familiar with his politics,” Klein said, “he was an interesting guest who I enjoyed sitting with. But, especially now, I can see he’s a dangerous gateway to the alt-right, transphobia, and covid misinfo. I removed both interviews today.”

Klein and his wife host podcasts with millions of subscribers and followers on social media.

As of now, there is no indication that Youtube, Twitter, or any other social media platform plans to ban or suspend Klein over his vicious hateful comments.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Lee Zeldin has real shot to defeat Kathy Hochul in modern David vs. Goliath showdown

 In politics, as in sports, underdogs are often the most interesting people. Modest except in ambition, they take nothing for granted while daring to dream that anything is possible.

Lee Zeldin is one of those people. Until recently, he was relatively unknown outside his Long Island congressional district, but he’s now on the cusp of playing David to Gov. Hochul’s Goliath.

A series of surveys in recent weeks has showed the race tightening, and a big jolt came Tuesday when the Quinnipiac poll put him behind by just four points.

Now there can be no doubt — the race is a toss-up.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

UPDATE! Iranians Force Athlete Who Defied Hijab to Fly Back to Iran to Transfer Her to Notorious Evin Prison


Iranian Athlete Competes in Seoul Without Hijab goes missing


Trump 100% Correct but the Dummy Running the ADL Johnathan Greenblatt Doesn't Like It One Bit


Palestinian Doctor Shoots at Jews .. IDF Sends him to the Virgins


Only in Israel


Biden: "My younger sister used to be 3 years younger than me. Now, she's 23 years younger"