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Sunday, October 2, 2022

5 Towns Community Suffers Tragic Loss with the Passing of Dr. Steven Krauss at 63


Dr. Steven Krauss ,63,of blessed memory, was one of the genuine Tzaddikim of the Five Towns and a personal friend.  Dr. Krauss leaves a devastated community both in the Five Towns, among his thousands of pediatric dental patients and his beloved family of three married daughters and many grandchildren.

Dr. Krauss was known throughout the Jewish community in the entire tri-state area as perhaps the leading pediatric dentist in the nation.  Patients came from as far as Lakewood and Monsey. He was described as kind, compassionate and had the most finely honed dental skills to ensure the most painless experience children could ever have at a dentist.

Dr. Krauss, or Reb Shmuel Eliezer, excelled in the midah of Ahavas Yisroel and served as a paragon of this midah to all who knew him.  Typically, in order to ensure that children not be in a state of pain he would often open up his office at late hours at night.  He would personally call patients and or their parents after a procedure to make sure that everything was going well.

Protestors in Tehran rip down Palestine and Islamic Republic street signs


"camale" Harris Says Only Blacks will get Fema Funds in Florida


Ezra Friedlander & "Lange Rekel" Eichenstein Proudly Pose With a Jew Who Married a Shiksa


Itzhak Perlman Playes Aveenu Makleinu in White House


Chareidie Gangsters Burn Down Cellphone Store in Geulah Because They refused to cave in to Vaad to pay them monthly fees


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Teacher Chana Pinchasi Seeks a Student of hers to apologize


I did a terrible thing in the 90s and my heart still hurts. I am writing because I am looking for the student I committed a crime against.
I was a literature teacher at the 'Traditional' high school, at 'Beit-Alliance'. I had a 'class' of wonderful female students .

I was young and stupid, and I had arrogance and I was drawn to the students who were eloquent like me, and had similar quick minds. I wasn't even aware of it.

Part of the matriculation was conducted orally, with an examiner who was a teacher from another school while I was sitting in the classroom. 

On the day of the test, it was the turn of one of the smart and diligent students whose pace was slower. 
She read a poem we learned (by Trainin, I remember exactly) and made a mistake in reading and interpreting it.

I failed her in the test, I knew that she was there throughout the year in every class and she deserved a good grade because she studied seriously, with love, attentively and persistently. She knew a lot, and it was a human and understandable mistake that the excitement and stress of the test created. She deserved a big boost and nurturing (what the hell are grades anyway!) I didn't give it to her.
I remember her mother calling me, I heard the tears but I hardened my heart under the 'professional' pretext. And it was pure evil and arrogance and stupidity.
I think about her all these years and want to ask her forgiveness, and am ashamed that I forgot her name. I want you to know that she was great and I was spoiled. I caused a very unnecessary injustice to her at such a fragile age. I can't take back the pain but I want to ask for forgiveness. Even if decades have passed, I am still filled with guilt and shame and pray that she has a good life.
Social network, help me find it? It is also possible to reach me in private email

עשיתי מעשה נורא בשנות ה90 וליבי עדיין נוקף. אני כותבת כי אני מחפשת את התלמידה שפשעתי כלפיה.
הייתי מורה לספרות בתיכון 'המסורתי' כשהיה בשוק, ב'בית-אליאנס'. היתה לי 'מגמה' עם אוסף תלמידות נפלאות שתלו בי את עיניהן.
הייתי צעירה וטיפשה, והיתה בי יוהרה ונמשכתי אל התלמידות שהיו רהוטות כמוני, עם קצב מהיר. אפילו לא הייתי מודעת לזה.
חלק מהבגרות נערכה בעל-פה, עם בוחנת שהיא מורה מבית ספר אחר כשאני יושבת בכיתה. (או אולי זה היה בבחינת ה'מגן', הזיכרון מתעתע בי)
ביום המבחן, הגיע תורה של אחת התלמידות הנבונות והשקדניות שהקצב שלה היה איטי יותר. היא קראה שיר שלמדנו (של טריינין, אני זוכרת בדיוק) וטעתה בקריאה ובפרשנות שלו.
אני הכשלתי אותה במבחן. זו היתה קריאה רחוקה אבל אפשרית ובכלל זו ספרות, ואני ידעתי שהיא היתה שם לאורך השנה בכל מאודה והגיע לה ציון טוב מפני שהיא למדה ברצינות, באהבה, בקשב ובהתמדה. היא ידעה המון, וזו היתה טעות אנושית ומובנת שההתרגשות והמתח מהמבחן יצרו. היא היתה ראויה לחיזוק גדול ולטיפוח (מה זה בכלל ציונים, לכל הרוחות!) לא נתתי לה.
אני זוכרת שאמא שלה התקשרה אלי, שמעתי את הדמעות והקשחתי את ליבי בתואנה 'מקצועית'. וזה היה רוע צרוף והתנשאות וטפשות.
אני חושבת עליה כל השנים אלה ורוצה לבקש את סליחתה, ומתביישת ששכחתי את שמה. אני רוצה שתדע שהיא היתה מצויינת ואני קלקלתי. גרמתי עוול מיותר מאד בגיל שברירי כל כך. אין בכוחי להחזיר את הכאב אבל אני רוצה לבקש סליחה. גם אם חלפו עשורים, אני עדיין מלאה באשמה ובושה ומתפללת שיש לה חיים טובים.
רשת חברתית, תעזרי לי למצא אותה? אפשר גם בפרטי.
Chana Pinchasi (חנה פנחס

Berkeley Develops Jewish-Free Zones


After we published this op-ed by Kenneth Marcus, Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley School of Law, sent us a response. You can read it below, followed by a response from Marcus.

If it wasn’t so frightening, one might be able to recognize the irony in the sight of campus progressives trying so hard to signal progressive virtue that they fall victim to a deeper moral shame.

Nine different law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law, my own alma mater, have begun this new academic year by amending bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers that support Israel or Zionism. And these are not groups that represent only a small percentage of the student population. They include Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus. Berkeley Law’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist, has observed that he himself would be banned under this standard, as would 90% of his Jewish students.

It is now a century since Jewish-free zones first spread to the San Francisco Bay Area (“No Dogs. No Jews”). Nevertheless, this move seems frightening and unexpected, like a bang on the door in the night.

Lady tries to disrupt Kapparos


US Now Has an Alliance with North Korea


Ukrainians Going back to their old habits denying entry to a group of Jews and only allowing entry to non-Jews


Watchg EMS Worker Get Stabbed to Death While people Just walk by and do nothing


Lev Tahor Leaders Released By Mexican Court


 In a new development in the Lev Tahor saga, the two cult leaders who were still in custody were reportedly released Thursday by a Mexican court, signifying that the court had not verified the suspicions of human trafficking and other crimes assigned to them. The crimes carry sentences of up to 20 years in prison.

Menahem Mendel Alter and Moshe Yosef Rosner were the only two members of the cult left in custody, after the others had succeeded in escaping from custody on Wednesday night.

Lev Tahor sources confirmed that the two had been released and stressed that this proved that the entire arrest operation was a false arrest as they had not been involved in human trafficking or any other offenses. However Mexican enforcement officials told local news outlets that they had gathered evidence of such crimes and that the two would have to stand trial for them.

A Mexican official involved in the arrest said that the escape was planned meticulously. “People waited for them with cars and they fled within minutes. The official said that “we are trying to locate them and return them to custody.”

The official said that the members of the cult had caused extensive damage to the detention facility. One of the guards was injured during the escape.

A Lev Tahor source told Kikar Hashabat that “they can continue searching. We have left the country already, we planned this operation well. Regarding the damage they caused, the source said that “they can’t keep us in subhuman conditions, this was our response to the conditions of custody.”

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Teen Climate Change Hypocrite Izzy Cook rips flights to Fiji then admits to recent trip


Note to my readers: Google removed the "Live Interview" clip from my site 

A teen eco-warrior is going viral for a live radio interview in which she ripped people flying to vacation hotspots like Fiji — before admitting she’d just got back from that exact trip with her family.

Izzy Cook, 16, left NewstalkZB host Heather du Plessis-Allan laughing hysterically with her admission Friday while discussing the Greta Thunberg-inspired School Strike 4 Climate she is leading in Wellington, New Zealand.

During the chat, the teen environmentalists pushed a plan for people to have to apply to take gas-guzzling flights and only for approved events.

When her interviewer asked if people would be “allowed to go to Fiji” and if such a trip would be deemed “necessary,” the teen replied firmly: “In the current climate crisis I don’t think that that’s necessary.”

After admitting that her own last flight was “maybe a few months ago,” Cook hesitated when asked where she’d flown to.

A teen eco-warrior is going viral for a live radio interview in which she ripped people flying to vacation hotspots like Fiji — before admitting she’d just got back from that exact trip with her family.

Izzy Cook, 16, left NewstalkZB host Heather du Plessis-Allan laughing hysterically with her admission Friday while discussing the Greta Thunberg-inspired School Strike 4 Climate she is leading in Wellington, New Zealand.

During the chat, the teen environmentalists pushed a plan for people to have to apply to take gas-guzzling flights and only for approved events.

When her interviewer asked if people would be “allowed to go to Fiji” and if such a trip would be deemed “necessary,” the teen replied firmly: “In the current climate crisis I don’t think that that’s necessary.”

After admitting that her own last flight was “maybe a few months ago,” Cook hesitated when asked where she’d flown to.

The teen finally conceded that it was “pretty ironic.”

“But to be honest it’s not really a trip that I wanted to go on but I can’t really get out of it because my parents wanted to go,” she insisted.

The radio host asked if the teen was “embarrassed that your parents did that to the planet and then forced you to do it as well?”

“Of course I’m not embarrassed,” Cook said firmly.

Asked if she had “a terrible time” on her sun-kissed vacation, the teen admitted, “not really” — sparking more loud laughter from her interviewer.

“I’m sorry, mate,” du Plessis-Allan said, struggling to control her laughter enough to call the teen “such a champion” with a “brilliant future ahead” of her, and promising to have her back on the show in the future.

Clips of the exchange quickly went viral, with many replying with laughing emojis and calling it hypocrisy “at it’s finest” and “on steroids.”

“Another elitist spouting do as I say not what I do,” one person commentated, while another said: “It’s all virtue signaling from these libs.”

“She’s already like a typical politician! Hypocrite!” she said.

However, Cook’s mom was not laughing — tearing into her daughter’s interviewer in a scathing op-ed for online mag The Spinoff.

“On Friday evening, I listened in horror as my 16-year-old daughter had a phone conversation with someone who appeared to be bullying her, laughing at her, and talking over her,” Rose Cook wrote.

“As soon as she got off the call I demanded to know who the hell was speaking to my child in this way,” she said.

Cook said that although her daughter’s activism had given her “some experience with dealing with the media,” she “wasn’t prepared for Heather du Plessis-Allan.”

“Commentators like du Plessis-Allan don’t give a s–t about climate change,” she seethed, accusing the radio host of relying on “‘gotcha’ moments for point-scoring and discrediting their opponents.”

“They seem particularly keen to go after our youth, whose future is most at stake,” the defensive mom wrote.

She, too, insisted that the teen had not wanted to go and instead “wanted to stay home and study.”

“But, selfishly, I insisted, because I wanted to spend this time with her,” the mom claimed.

“Heather du Plessis-Allan became a mother this year. I hope that no-one ever speaks to her child the way she did to mine,” the mom ended her angry rebuttal.

DIN: Mrs Cook...if your daughter can't take the heat tell her to get the hell out of the kitchen!

Leftists Going Crazy and Call New Italian PM "The most far right since Mussolini"


Now watch her take apart Macron of France ! 

Ireland Soccer Team Greet Israeli Soccer Team with Palestinian Flags Then Lose to Israelis


Watch: Iranian activist recounts torture for protesting hijab


The European Union (EU) Commission expressed "sorrow" at the killing of terrorists


The European Union (EU) Commission expressed "sorrow" at the killing of terrorists Wednesday morning and called the IDF actions an "invasion."

In an official statement following the killing of the terrorists in Jenin Wednesday morning, the EU Commission in the Palestinian Authority said, "Deplored by the loss of life and alarmed by the spike in violence today in Jenin following ISF incursions with several Palestinians killed and at least 40 injured ... Violence must stop immediately."

In response, the heads of Lach Yerushalayim and the Im Tirtzu Movement slammed the Commission's statement as, "Unacceptable political audacity!"

Maor Zemach, chairman of Lach Yerushalayim, and Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, called for the expulsion of the EU ambassador to the PA territories Sven von Burgsdorff from Israel:

"This is an unimaginable political interference and the support for terrorism by an official representative from the European Union," the two said. "There is no other way to describe an expression of mourning for the deaths of terrorists!"

"We call on the Foreign Minister and the interim Prime Minister to immediately announce the expulsion of this hostile foreign agent that is only provoking the territory and supporting the terrorists!"

Chareidie Achdus Before Yom Kippur ..Aryeh Deri, Moshe Gafni no longer on speaking terms


The head of the Degel HaTorah party (a component faction of United Torah Judaism), MK Moshe Gafni, is no longer on speaking terms with Shas party head Aryeh Deri, according to a senior official in UTJ who spoke with Israel National News.

Gafni is "furious with Deri," according to the source, due to Gafni's belief that it is Deri who was behind briefings against Gafni concerning his connections with Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

UTJ is apparently also taken aback by recent boasts on the part of Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar, who is claiming that he has excellent ties to haredi politicians. "We haven't spoken with Sa'ar for over a month," the source said. "In fact, our representatives have cut off all ties to him, and are very angry with him," a statement which was independently confirmed by Israel National News.

Part of the reason for the anger felt toward Sa'ar is due to his and his fellow party member Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton's intervention in the issue of haredi education with regard to the "Belz outline" that almost caused UTJ to split, a rift that was averted at the eleventh hour and that could have proven catastrophic for the entire right-wing bloc.

"Gantz is great, but not for being given the opportunity to try to form a coalition - there's no chance he could succeed there," the source told Israel National News. "But we have good connections with his office staff on various communal issues, something that cannot be said of Gideon Sa'ar."

Asked to comment on the possibility that a party other than the Likud will succeed in forming the next government, the source insisted that whatever the outcome of the elections, the alliance between religious and traditionally minded parties would hold strong. "We will go together either into the next government or into the opposition," he said.