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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

She Just Made Us All Dumber


Kamala Harris Takes Us All for Fools


Chassidim Recruit Yaakov Shapiro an Israel Hating Liar as Their Spokesman in Albany Because he is the only one who can speak English


 Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro has an Israel-Hating website called "Torah True Jews" which is neither "torah" nor "true"! It is dripping with such hate against Gedoilei Hador who don't or didn't agree with his anti-Zionist stance, that he must have taken it out of Der Shturmer. 

He wrote a book "The Empty Wagon" which has haskamos from rabbanim that couldn't even read English and is filled with half-truths and whole lies. 

This is the guy that they appointed as the "spokesman" for the Chassidim in Albany fighting the new curriculum imposed on yeshivois! They appointed him because apparently, he is the only guy who can speak the language.

Below are excerpts from an article written in 2018 by Rabbi Yair Hoffman reviewing his disgusting book.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Shul in New York removes smoked salmon from kiddush citing 'environmental concerns'


A New York synagogue has announced it will no longer offer smoked salmon at its weekly kiddush lunches.

The Upper West Side synagogue, B’nai Jeshurun, is removing the beloved fish due to environmental concerns, Rabbi Shuli Passow, the director of community engagement, said.

Rabbi Passow posted an article on the synagogue’s website listing all the changes to Kiddush for the community.

This included telling members of the shul, whose individual membership dues range from $500 to $5000 depending on income, that the popular Ashkenazi delicacy will be “eliminated from the menu so we can do our part to reduce the environmental impact of pollution and overfishing”.

She added: “We know that for some this is a heretical move. We are here to support you as you process this change.”

Rabbi Passow also declared a war on waste. “The amount of food ordered each week will be monitored and adjusted to ensure that the meal is abundant but not wasteful.”

She urged members to “think about the amount of food you actually eat at Kiddush, and fill your plate accordingly”.

In addition, she said, “starting in a few weeks, leftover food will be picked up by Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, a food rescue organisation, and donated to those in need.”

Her online article The Return of the Community Kiddush, highlighted the relaunch of the post-services tradition, which was halted during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the piece, Rabbi Passow also explained that, following consultation with synagogue members, other changes are planned, including smaller tables and chairs for younger people and ending the meal with a “song of gratitude.”

The rabbi wrote: “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were forced to pause our communal meals - a central part of how we celebrate Shabbat. Painful as it was, this interruption was an opportunity to reimagine these gatherings.

“As we began to bring back kiddush - first with snacks on the 88th Street sidewalk, then with boxed lunches on the terrace, and most recently back on the sidewalk with light fare - we informally asked everyone for their thoughts on the various adaptations. In addition, we held twenty individual conversations, and offered ways for our community to share their thoughts through several technological platforms."

After outcry on social media from some Jews online, the synagogue issued another statement, softening their stance on salmon.

In a piece published earlier today the synagogue said:" The removal of lox from our standard Kiddush menu has led to several misunderstandings we wish to clarify.

"First, we inaccurately stated that consuming lox contributes to the overfishing of salmon. Most lox is, in fact, made from farmed Atlantic salmon. We thank those who brought this error to our attention, giving us the opportunity to correct our mistake.

"Second, some felt that we implied that eating lox is immoral or that BJ is completely boycotting lox or lox providers. These could not be farther from the truth. Moreover, should anyone sponsoring Kiddush wish to include lox in the menu, they are welcome to do so."

Charedi women not afraid to step outside the box — and onto the screen

(from left): Simi Hershkop, Ofra Shimoni, Nana Halperin, Esti Socolovski and Yael Silverman.


Most of Simi Hershkop’s family has no idea she is starring in a new Israeli TV series.

Neither her father nor her 11 siblings use social media or have access to the internet. And due to their strained relations, she did not tell them about the cameras that have been following her around for months as part of a new HOT docu-reality show about Haredi women.

“They don’t really have any internet access. Maybe some of them know, some of them don’t, but we haven’t spoken about it,” Hershkop, 27, told The Times of Israel last week. “I think most of them probably don’t know; they’re not part of that world. And we’re not so in touch… They had a hard time with the path I chose and I fully respect that.”

Her path keeps her firmly inside the Haredi world, wearing a wig and modest clothes, sending her son to an ultra-Orthodox school and of course observing Shabbat and keeping kosher.

But Hershkop – one of the five women starring in “Bnot Brak,” a new HOT series premiering Sunday evening – is not only the proud owner of a smartphone, but she also runs the popular DosCelebs Instagram account, which highlights the intersection of religion and pop culture to its more than 70,000 followers.

Rare quarter-shekel coin handed over to State of Israel


The other side of the coin, featuring plants with the letter "daled" in the middle, signifying the fourth year of the revolt, in which the coin was minted.

Following a transcontinental intelligence operation by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and the Antiquities Trafficking Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney’s office in New York, on Monday the US returned to Israel an extremely rare coin, the fourth of its kind known in the world, which was stolen and smuggled out of Israel years ago. It is a quarter-shekel coin made of silver, from the fourth year of the Jewish Great Revolt (66-73 CE).

The ceremony took place Monday at the office of the Manhattan District Attorney, in the presence of the director of the Israel Antiquities Authority Eli Eskozido, Consul General of Israel in New York Asaf Zamir, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and Homeland Security Deputy Special Agent in Charge Mike Alfoso.

Nope! This wasn't January 6


Chassidishe Guy tells Arab "I want the land to be returned to Palestinians."

 So why don't you start with your house? Give back your home and then I will know you are serious.

This video is being distributed by Arabs..

Ezra Friedlander's Nadler Wants to force Yeshivos to Teach Public Curriculum ... DanielGoldman another Chareidie Favorite Also on Board to force Yeshivois


What is it with the askanim that are always on the wrong side of history? 

Ezra Friedlander who was on Nadler's payroll wrote an op-ed defending the Iran Deal. Both Satmar Brothers defended the Iran Deal. Even though they are feuding they have achdus to support their "girlfriend" Hochul. They also endorsed San Goldman. I "bolded" the relevant sentences in the article below.

Top New York officials voiced grave concerns about the quality of education in Hasidic Jewish private schools on Monday, a day after The New York Times revealed that many of the schools taught only rudimentary English and math and virtually no science or history 

Two Democratic congressmen — Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Hakeem Jeffries, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus — said they had serious concerns, with Mr. Nadler saying it was clear that some of the Hasidic schools were “utterly failing.”

“It is a paramount duty of government to make sure that all children — whether it’s those educated in parochial, private or public schools — are provided a quality education,” said Mr. Nadler, the senior Jewish member of the House, whose current district encompasses a major Hasidic neighborhood. “It is our duty to all New York students to ensure that the law is enforced.”

Mr. Jeffries, who represents parts of central Brooklyn, called for “a rigorous inquiry in order to make sure that the health and well-being of all children is protected.”

Daniel Goldman, who recently won a contested Democratic primary for a new congressional seat that includes Hasidic areas in Brooklyn, said he hoped the schools would work to comply with the law, adding that the Times report “paints a damning picture of an inadequate secular education that does not comply with state law.”

Lee Zeldin Defends Yeshivas, Opposes Secular Education Guidelines Yet all moisdois endorse Hochol


At a press conference Monday in Manhattan, Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin defended yeshivas against the state’s proposal to invade and revamp curriculums.

Zeldin also blasted Governor Hochul for refusing to take a position on the issue. Dov Hikind joined the rally, and supporters in the background held signs that said “Democrats for Zeldin.”

Yitzchok Biton, killed riding an electric scooter


A tragedy occurred in Israel early Monday morning when Yitzchak Biton, z’l, was killed after being hit by a car while riding an electric scooter in Afula.

The niftar, only 25, left behind a wife and two small children, the younger one only a month old.

Yitzchak, z’l, who grew up in Akko, was the grandson of Hatzaddik Hamekubal Reb Avraham Biton, z’tl. As a bochur, he learned under HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Abba Shaul, z’tl in Yeshivah Ohr Tzion in Yerushalayim.

Yitzchak, z’l, who had recently moved to Afula with his family, worked as a mashgiach kashrus in Haifa for his parnassah and was makpid likvoa itim l’Torah every day. Before moving to Afula, he worked as a volunteer in a Talmud Torah in Akko and prior to that, volunteered in Netivot.

He was buried on Monday afternoon in Akko.

Sadly, there have been numerous injuries and deaths in Israel caused by electric scooters in recent times, including an incident on Sunday night in Bat Yam, when a man riding an electric scooter suffered a serious head injury in an accident. Several months ago, HaGaon HaRav Bentzion Mutzafi, a leading Sefardic Posek in Eretz Yisroel, called electric scooters “horrible killing devices.”

BREAKTHROUGH: Degel HaTorah Caves and will Allow Belz Moisdois to Join Chinuch Atzmai


I personally believe that immediately after the elections, they will be back to bickering and fighting. This is just a ploy to make sure they pass the threshold for seats in the Knesset.  

After weeks of uncertainty regarding the future of the partnership between Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisrael, a breakthrough was reached on Monday, paving the way to a joint run.

The dispute in question was the plan of the Belzer chassidus to sign an agreement with the government that will provide their Talmudei Torah with funding in accordance with the number of hours they spend teaching secular subjects. HaRav HaGaon Gershon Edelstein, who is adamantly opposed to any government intervention into Chareidi chinuch, would not agree to partner with Belz if they implemented the Education Ministry’s plan.

Monday, September 12, 2022



שומו שמים- והיתם קדושים- צניעות וכשרות— 

Reb Ahron Kotler, Z" L said-The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly & unequivocally, Even if the public doesn't like the sound of it

.במקום שיש חילול השם, אין חולקין כבוד לרב

The Chofetz Chaim & the Rambam,

 בדיני שמים מכלימין אותו ברבים

Rav Breuer, Z”l said regarding Kashrus w/Chumras and hidurim, you have no kashrus & no chumras & no hidurim.

It is brought to you by Yudel Shain of the Kosher Consumers Union, a non-profit 501 © 3 Organization.

Because of the recent Kashrus catastrophes and the ימים נוראים, The kosher consumer is the only one who can correct the situation; therefore, you are not a שוגג anymore.

KCL standards- All of their Sushi places are run strictly by Asian גויים, and they bring their non-kosher fish, clam & other treif sauces with wine. So Frum people can quickly learn the Art of Sushi. Unfortunately, only one store now has a mashgiach. 

All of their Nori wraps are infested & are "impossible to check."

As soon as I gave up the hashgocha on the Manalapan Chinese restaurant 15 years ago for kashrus reasons, the KCL said for the past 15 years, "it's a recommended restaurant" עפרא לפומיה. So, of course, now they will lie about it.

All of the רבנים וראשי ישיבה who back the KCL are שותפים to the Treifos that the אדירי התורה  ותשב"ר are eating.

SOME KCL INCIDENTS - Treif cheeses, Bishul Akum, בשר שנתעלם, non-kosher meat & poultry, חלב עכו"ם big timeחילול שבת by their affairs, milchig Danishes w/ cholent, drunk Mashgichim, smoking on Shabbos & no Mashgiach at all, גוים have keys to the places & the Kashrus sealing  tape are in the גויים car, Non-מבושל wine at their affairs handled by גויים, there are many, many more episodes.

The KCL Mafia only wants the protection money, and they terrorize establishments that don't want them. If I publicize a serious KCL kashrus issue in a publication, the KCL terrorizes those publications . The food establishments are aware that KCL is a scam and deceiving the consumers. They treat our אדירי התורה ותשב"ר as "secular Chareidim" R" L

ר' שלמה זלמן אורבך said people who follow my guidelines in kashrus would not have to worry about "Off The Derech" children.

The Solution-

OU takes over all of the Food Service in Lakewood, with Bnei-Torah standards. Currently, there is a sizeable tri-State caterer only under the OU, and every moisid and others are comfortable eating there.

All food service establishments should STOP immediately paying the "protection money" to the KCL.

Obviously, the KCL would not allow a בעל שמחה to bring in their qualified Mashgiach. Every בעל שמחה must have its qualified Mashgiach from the beginning of the preparation and cooking. The KCL is afraid that the host's Mashgiach will realize that the KCL is a scam, fraud, and façade. So, they have to protect their piggy bank. 

Till after יום כיפור Eat at home and come to the שמחת חתן וכלה

The KCL is beyond repair; it must be shut down immediately, and there is no hashgocha on those establishments until the OU gets its people in place. 

Those that relied on KCL, Star-K, & Tartikuv can still rely comfortably on the OK.

Donations are welcome- kosher consumers union, Inc 1140 Forest Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701- 732-363-7979. We take credit cards, PayPal, checks, and Zell only if you don't need tax exemption-

כתיבה וחתימה טובה                    

The New York Times Article in Yiddish


די חסידישע געמיינדע אין ניו יארק פירט שוין לאנגע יארן איינע פון די גרעסטע פּריוואטע מוסדות אין ניו יארק אויף אירע אייגענע באדינגונגען, זיך קעגנשטעלנדיג סיי וועלכע דרויסנדיגע איבערזיכט אויף  די לימודי חול וואס אירע תלמידים לערנעלן.
אבער אין 2019, האט דער מוסד "תלמוד תורה תורה ויראה דרבינו יואל מ’סאטמאר" (מהר"א) מסכים געווען צו געבן שטאטישע סטאנדארדיזירטע טעסטס אין ליינען און אין רעכענען (מאטעמאטיק) פאר 
מער ווי 1,000 תלמידים.  יעדער איינציגסטער תלמיד איז דורכגעפאלן

ענליכע ציפּעדיגע רעזולטאטן האבן תלמידים געהאט אין ארום 10 אנדערע חסידישע חדרים יענעם יאר. אונטער געווענליכע אומשטענדן וואלטן אזעלכע רעזולטאטן אנגעדייט אויף אן עדיוקעשאן סיסטעם וואס געפינט זיך אין א קריזיס. אבער אין דער צייט וואס אנדערע שולעס פּלאגן זיך אפשר צוליב א מאנגל אין געלט אדער אן אומטויגליכע אדמיניסטראציע, איז דער מצב אין די חסידישע מוסדות אנדערש. זייער דורכפאל איז בכוונה.

די פירער פון דער חסידישער געמיינדע אין ניו יארק האבן אוועקגעשטעלט אסאך פּריוואטע מוסדות צו לערנען מיט קינדער וועגן אידישע הלכה, תפילה און מסורה – און זיי האלטן אפּגעזונדערט פון דער סעקולערער וועלט. בשעת מ’לערנט ווייניג ענגליש און רעכענען, און כמעט גארנישט קיין סייענס אדער היסטאריע, לערנט מען און חזר’ט מען מיט די קינדער אן אויפהער, טיילמאל שטרענג און ברוטאל, די שיעורים פון לימודי קודש, וועלכע ווערן געגעבן אין אידיש, במשך די שעות פון טאג.
דער רעזולטאט, ווי א "ניו יארק טיימס" אויספארשונג האט געפונען, איז אז דורות פון קינדער זענען סיסטעמאטיש בארויבט געווארן פון אן עלעמענטארן עדיוקעשאן, זיי פארכאפּנדיג אין א ציקל פון ארבעטסלאזיגקייט און פינאנציעלע אפהענגיגקייט.
זייענדיג צעטיילט צווישן אינגלעך און מיידלעך, פאלט דער חסידישער סיסטעם דאס מערסטע דורך אין זיינע איבער 100 חדרים פאר אינגלעך. אויסגעשפּרייט איבער ברוקלין און האדסאן וואלי, געבן די מוסדות ארויס טויזנטער תלמידים יאר נאך יאר וועלכע זענען נישט צוגעגרייט געווארן וויאזוי זיך אומצוגיין אין דער דרויסנדיגער וועלט. דאס העלפט ארויפטרייבן די ארעמקייט ראטעס אין חסידישע געגנטער צו זיין פון די העכסטע אין ניו יארק.
דער מהלך פון די מוסדות שיינט צו זיין א פארלעצונג פון די שטאטישע געזעצן וועלכע פאדערן א צופרידנשטעלנדן עדיוקעשאן. טראץ דעם, האט דער טיימס געפונען, האבן חסידישע חדרים געפונען וועגן צו געניסן פון אומגעהויער גרויסע סומעס פון רעגירונג-געלטער, באקומענדיג מער ווי א ביליאן דאלאר בלויז אין די לעצטע פיר יאר.

Sarit Hadar Israeli singer star refuses to perform on Shabbat


When Israeli pop singer Sarit Hadad was asked by an Instagram follower if she would agree to perform on Shabbat for a million dollars, she gave a clear, straightforward answer:

"Not even for a million dollars, no way! Shabbat is the greatest gift that our nation ever got. The Kiddush, the blessings, dinner at the table. At the end of every long week, my strength for the upcoming week comes from quality time with my family."

The singer is currently launching her 24th album, and this time she's especially excited. "After a long time of putting out singles, a new album is out. This time I went on a journey and I dove into the world of writing and composing, together with amazing artists and producers, and together we created a new album," she said.

"Throughout my career, I wrote and composed here and there, but this is the first time that I'm fully involved in the creation of the whole album, I'm writing this and I'm excited like a little girl," Hadad admitted.

Democrat Las Vegas official who killed a reporter will remain in office and get paid


An elected official who allegedly murdered an investigative reporter in Las Vegas will remain in office for months and still get paid while he sits in prison.

Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles was denied bail last week after he was charged in the stabbing death of Jeff German, a Las Vegas Review-Journal journalist who had been probing Telles’ alleged misconduct in office.

But as he waits behind bars, a county leader said Telles will keep getting paid.

“For now, he’s still an elected officer and he’ll get paid while he’s in jail,” Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom told WSAV on Friday.

Segerblom said that voters have the option to recall Telles, who lost a Democratic primary in June. But 100,000 signatures are required to put the ballot initiative forward.

There is also the possibility that Telles could resign.

“We can take the scope of work away from him, but as far as him having the title and getting the salary, it is that way, because the voters picked him,” Segerblom told the television station.

Telles is reportedly paid $130,000 annually.

County officials have stressed they have already taken some action against Telles, including prohibiting him from all Clark County facilities. The county also said it told his staff to no longer report to him a couple of months ago, which will continue until a new administrator starts following the November election, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

“The Public Administrator is an elected position and the County is reviewing its options under the law regarding Robert Telles’ current status as the Public Administrator,” the county said Thursday.

The public administrator secures property of the deceased while loved ones or an executor is found, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported. The office also handles the estate of a deceased person when families can’t, the newspaper said.

German, who reported on political corruption and government wrongdoing for decades, was fatally stabbed outside his home by Telles on Sept. 2 during a confrontation, Las Vegas police allege. His body was found a day later.

A Las Vegas police captain said Telles, 45, was upset to learn German, 69, was looking into further alleged misdeeds by the Democrat leading up to the murder.

German already reported on an alleged affair between Telles and a female worker in his office, though both denied it, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

When Arabs Celebrated the 911 Murders


3 Lev Tahor Members Sentenced To Prison This Week


Malka Brothers 

Three Lev Tahor members were sentenced to prison this week for their roles in the kidnapping of children in 2018.

“This was a horrific, horrendous, crime that was committed,” Judge Nelson Roman said on Friday during the sentencing of one of the defendants, Mordechai Malka.

Prior to the sentencing, Malka apologized for his role in the kidnapping but the judge dismissed his remarks, noting his lack of remorse during the trial itself, and sentenced him to 57 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release.

Earlier last week, the judge sentenced Matisyahu Moshe Malka (Mordechai’s brother) and Yaakov Rosner for their roles in the kidnapping. Rosner also expressed remorse for his role in the kidnapping as well as his newfound enlightenment about the cult’s toxicity. His words were apparently perceived as sincere by the judge who released Rosner on account of the time he has served since March 2021.

In contrast, Malka was sentenced to 66 months in prison.

Mordechai Malka’s brothers-in-law, the Weingarten brothers, will be facing trial in the near future. Two of them have already been extradited to the United States from Guatemala in order to face trial.

“I feel bad though,” said Lev Tahor survivor Mendy Levy, who escaped the cult several years ago. “Because Mordechai Malka was not really a bad guy. He was just forced to do what he did by the Weingartens, Nachman Helbrans, and Mayer Rosner.”

Some Smart US Chasidim, look to the New York Times article as a wake-up call


I was very sad to read the shocking New York Times article about their investigation into some of New York’s Hasidic schools. We can see that, in their desperate desire to protect the traditions of the past, some community leaders and school directors are really jeopardizing their future.

I am currently visiting New York from Israel to speak at a conference organized by the Jerusalem Post. Prior to the publication of this painful article, I had already met with a group of Hasidim from Brooklyn. They were very worried about the poor education that their sons are receiving. They are desperate to break out of the system, but afraid of being punished by their community.

We are fortunate in Israel that we have checks and balances, such as government inspection of Haredi schools. All of the Netzach schools in the educational network I founded are open for inspection by the Israeli Ministry of Education, which ensures that we deliver the education that we promise to parents.

Mixed Reactions from Community to New York Times Article on Chassidishe Yeshivois


 7 hours ago

Instead of all the “Askanim” tweeting and going on the offensive. Go on the DEFENSIVE and endorse out loud Lee Zeldin for governor. I’m not interested in anyone’s tweet and press releases. Tomorrow’s front page of any orthodox paper should be an endorsement for Lee Zeldin. We Yidden have the ability to elect Zeldin if we are united as one. Chasidish, Litvish, Yeshuvash, we can all do it together…

 9 hours ago

Oh please. The New York Times doesn’t hate or like chasidim. The reporters followed the story which received attention when former yeshiva boys went public with their lack of education.

If the samar schools feel the were maligned, they can sue for libel but that would mean exposing their curriculum to public scrutiny.

My daughter goes to bais yaakov and the teachers are terrified because they’ve been told that this sorry will effect them. It won’t, they get an excellent secular education. This is about exclusively Yiddish speaking schools that provide no secular education beyond some arithmetic.

Even yeshivish places like chaim Berlin will be fine. The government isn’t looking for prep school level standards, just basic instruction.

Also, for the people pointing put that many chasidim succeed, that’s like saying all kids should focus on basketball in lieu of studies because a few make the nba.





 6 hours ago

I am very conflicted by this. On the one hand the Chillul Hashem and giving gasoline to anti semites is terrible. On the other hand, this is shedding light on a very important topic that will otherwise go ignored and will continue doing more damage to our children.
Think how much awareness there has been in the frum community since the revelations in the secular media regarding Chaim Walder. Although deeply shameful, many communities and institutions have taken concrete steps in protecting children since then.
So too here, I’m hoping that although it’s shameful to have our dirty laundry out in the public. Perhaps. we can look at the problem of poverty due to lack of education with fresh eyes and think creatively how to resolve this. Adequate secular education is not in conflict with Torah values. Our children deserve better.