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Monday, September 12, 2022

Chassidishe Chickens Came Home to Roost and Chassidim Don't Like it One Bit


by Rationalist Judaism Blog 

It's finally happened. 

For decades, the Chassidic community in the New York area has avoided teaching its children secular studies, or even the English language. Moreover, they've managed to secure a vast amount of public funding for this, through a combination of political power and cunning finagling. Along the way, countless young chassidim have been doomed to poverty, with many of them bitterly disillusioned by the chassidic lifestyle and some of them leaving it with a well-earned grudge.

The inevitable has now happened. The New York Times has published a seminal report on the situation, bitingly titled "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money." They even published it in Yiddish translation!

Now, in the past I've had harsh words for the New York Times, with its grossly incompetent and false articles about Israel. But this article is meticulously researched. The journalists reviewed thousands of pages of public records, translated dozens of Yiddish documents, and interviewed more than 275 people, including current and former students, teachers, administrators and regulators. (Many of the school principals from whom they sought comment refused to be interviewed, and the Times went to the extent of sending them a pre-publication preview of the article, to get their response.)

Furthermore, anyone who is familiar with the chassidic community, either in New York or England or Israel, knows that it's all true.

Unfortunately, it feeds into the worst antisemitic stereotypes. From time immemorial, the antisemitic caricature of the Jew has been as a cunning thief. But who should be blamed for the antisemitism that could result as a result of this stereotype being reinforced?

Sunday, September 11, 2022

For the first time ever: Female get refuser imprisoned


For the first time in the history of the Chief Rabbinic Court of the State of Israel, its President has authorized the imprisonment of a female get refuser, a woman who refuses to accept a religious divorce from her estranged husband and has thus been preventing him from remarrying for four years.

On Sunday morning, the woman was arrested by Israeli police officers after being apprehended in her own home. The officers were forced to break into the home in order to carry out the arrest.

Prior to the arrest, the Agunot Department (dealing with the issue of 'chained' spouses, those who are unable to remarry owing to their estranged spouses' refusal to grant or accept a religious divorce) had been tracking the woman via a private detective who located her in another location, behaving suspiciously, walking down narrow alleyways and then doubling back, apparently in order to avoid being followed.

Chareidie Ladies Now putting on "shaitlach" on their Toes


I sure hope that these "Toe Shaitlach" aren't from India or made from "lace" because that would present an entire other problem.

What's next?

"hand shaitlach?" 

Notice the ad states: "No texting" they don't want you to order thru your smartphone, chas ve'shaolom!

Amazon sends Chabad preschool hundreds of toys it didn’t order


It’s Hanukkah in the summer. 

A preschool at a Yorkville Chabad center has received an endless deluge of cardboard Amazon boxes containing pricey puzzles and water slides — despite no one on staff ordering the toys.  

The mystery presents first arrived at Alef Bet Preschool on East 92nd Street every couple of days in June, and over the coming months, the volume and size of the gifts ramped up. By August, deliverymen were dropping off several 27-pound boxes daily each holding at least 50 puzzles or a few water slides decorated with the American flag. The preschool estimated that it received maybe 1,000 items altogether.

“I came in here one morning and there were like 30 boxes,” said Deborah Landesman, assistant director. “That’s when the rabbi wrote to us, ‘Who ordered slides?’” 

Jerry Nadler has become a serial napper in Congress


When the country’s House Democratic committee chairs gathered for a regular Zoom check-in earlier this year — one of the leaders was asleep at the wheel.

As the nation’s most powerful elected officials planned, strategized and informed their colleagues about what they were up to, Rep. Jerry Nadler — chairman of the House Judiciary Committee — napped.

“He was Rock-A-Bye Baby. The meetings are usually half an hour and he was out for about 15 minutes,” a Democratic Hill staffer who was on the call told The Post.

The aide said nobody bothered to wake the sleeping giant, and things hummed along without him.

“It’s just a known thing,” the aide said of Nadler’s serial snoozing.

New York Times Will Post Anti-Chareidie Article ...Chareidim Attack but are quiet when NYT Attacks Israel


 I find this situation very interesting. 

For years the New York Slimes has been defaming the State of Israel, hiring writers who are self-hating Jews, such as Thomas Friedman and Peter Beinart. These articles drip with pure hate, lies and total fabrications reeking with pure unadulterated antisemitism.

What was the reaction of the Chareidie world? Crickets! Zero, Nada and gurnisht!

Why? Because if it's not about Chareidim they could care less, even if those hateful articles are about their brothers and sisters living in Eretz Yisrael, if it doesn't affect them directly, they don't care. Now that "the Slimes" is going to publish a hit piece against them, they are suddenly up in arms. 

And now about the "hit piece"

I am not in favor of government regulations in the curriculum of private schools, period. And I am not a fan of Naftali Moster, the former Belzer Chusid who founded Yaffed, the organization that advocates that Chasidic Yeshivas be given a secular education. 

Naftali's father has a collage education, and his mother was a graduate of Yeshiva of Brooklyn, not the typical Chareidie Bais Yaakov. They chose to put Naftali in a chassidishe school, knowing full well that the yeshiva would not teach Naftali any secular subjects. His rants should be directed at his very own parents. 

Having said that, I think that all yeshivos should be teaching English, Math, Biology and yes, History. 

When i grew up, practically all chassidishe yeshivos thought secular subjects. When the Bobover Rebbe, R' Shlomo z"l decided not to have secular subjects taught in High School, or Mesivta, there was a mass exodus of students from Bobov and most of those students went to Torah Vodaas. In fact, the rebbe's own future son in law, the Bobover Dayan, R' Tauber went to Torah Vodaas for High School. 

You ask, but why teach "history?"

Because all Chassidishe Yeshivos already teach history. I'll give you an example, I was talking to a Tosher Chusid, a teenager and I mentioned that I saw the Tosher Rebbe when he came to Crown Heights. Before I could tell him anything else, he told me the exact year the Tosher visited Crown Heights and how long he stayed there for and in whose home, he was at... He then rattled off all the different dates that the rebbe visited Boro-Park, Williamsburg and Israel. I was amazed and asked him how he knew all that, and he told me matter-of-factly that it is taught in yeshiva as a subject. The same thing is in Skver, every teenager knows all the dates of when the Skverer Rebbe visited and which countries he visited. This is part of the Chassidishe curriculum.

 Since they are already teaching "history" it wouldn't hurt to add some history of the country that hosts them. 

I find it baffling that the American Chassidishe leaders are upset at the Yeshivos and Belz in particular that take government funds in exchange for teaching Math and English. But these same Chareidie leaders take millions of dollars of Federal, State and City funds, for their moisdois.

Well, now this "blood" money is going to take a big bite into their derrières, because the US will not give them money anymore for nothing in return. 

It didn't have to come to this, if they would only have continued teaching Math, English, Bio etc., no one would have bothered them. I learned in Chareidie Yeshivas for Elementary and High School, and these subjects were taught without any problems and that generation produced talmeide chachamim, poiskim, Roshei Yeshivois etc.

Yes, today, parents are worried that the State would be requiring them to teach LGBT stuff, but as I read the specifics of the regulations, it states explicitly that they won't be required to teach any subject except for the core subjects. 

The "ASS'kanim" claim that Chareidim do well financially without any secular education, while that may be true for "yechidim" a couple of them, the vast majority would starve to death were it not for food stamps, Medicaid and other benefits. According to the last census, New Square, and Kiryat Yoel have the largest population living in poverty. Just walk into any shul during davening and you will hear genuine sob stories of heimishe people living in abject poverty. It's also true that now that the Biden economy is in utter ruin, most Americans are having a hard time managing financially, but at least they have a fighting chance having a basic education, and Im not talking about a college education, I'm talking about basic English and Arithmetic. 

Ukraine Warns: “Russia Will Purposely Direct Missiles At Uman On Rosh Hashanah”


Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, told Israel’s Kan News that “Russia will deliberately fire missiles at Uman on Rosh Hashanah.”

In an interview with Kan on Friday, Podolyak said that the Russian army will deliberately fire missiles at Uman when Jews are gathered there and therefore he doesn’t recommend that anyone travel to the area for Rosh Hashanah.

“We have no doubt that some chassidim will make efforts to reach Uman on foot,” he said. “We understand that they won’t listen to our warnings that there is a danger of rockets being fired at Uman,” adding that there is a chance that Russia “will purposely do this to create global repercussions.”

Podolyak added that Ukrainian security forces will try to ensure the welfare of mispallelim but it’s impossible to provide 100% protection. “We’re warning people but those who come are responsible for their own lives. We’re a free country, we can’t prevent people from coming to Uman. We’ll try to actively intervene to maintain basic security so that if there is missile fire, people can find shelter.”

Last week, the Ukrainian security forces carried out intensive training drills in preparation for the arrival of Jews to Uman.

All for snatching an Iphone


US Killed 326 Journalists in its war on Terror, But Wants Israel to "change its rules of Engagement"


Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sotomayor Rules Yeshiva U Can Disregard NYS Court Ruling on LGBTQ Student Club


Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor ruled Friday (Sept. 9) that Yeshiva University can continue to live out its religious mission without threat of government interference.

Sotomayor, who has jurisdiction over the lower court, wrote in her order that “the injunction of the New York trial court, case No. 154010/2021, is hereby stayed pending further order of the undersigned or of the Court.”

Unless Sotomayor rules otherwise in a future order – or the Supreme Court decides to take up the case – her ruling means that Yeshiva University can disregard a state court ruling ordering the school to recognize an LGBTQ student club.

Satmar Friedman Brothers attend Trump Rally With Shtrimlach


In the words of Rabbi Sacks: 'The Queen has spoken gently to the better angels of our nature.'


Dear Friends,
On the sad passing of Her Majesty The Queen, we are sharing below an articles on which Rabbi Sacks paid tribute to her lifelong service to the country.

Reporter asks KariLake if she will be Trump’s VP, gets absolutely destroyed

Friday, September 9, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ki Seitza


Crazy Poles Want WWII Reparations From Germany- For Jews Murdered By Poles ...Germany tells them to fly a kite!


On the 83rd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, Poland last week issued a $1.3 trillion claim of damages from Germany for its occupation of Poland during the war. The Polish claim included demands for compensation for crimes committed by Poles against their Jewish neighbors without German involvement. Germany rejected the claims, stating that reparations had already been paid in the past for war losses.

A three-volume report written by a Polish parliamentary committee was published, entitled “Report on Losses Suffered by Poland as a Result of German Aggression and Occupation during World War II 1939–1945.”

The report details demographic, material, economic and cultural damage incurred by Poland between 1939 and 1945, the years of Germany’s occupation of the country, and estimates the cost at $1.3 trillion. The sum is based, among other things, on the fact that 5.2 million Poles, about 3 million of them Jewish, were murdered and killed during this time by Germans. The Poles are demanding 76 percent of the total amount for loss of human life.

The report however glosses over the fact that a percentage of the Jews killed were murdered by their Polish neighbors without the involvement of Germans. Canadian-Jewish historian of Polish origin, Prof. Jan Grabowski, discovered this when reading the third volume of the report, which includes a list of 9,292 places where Germans committed atrocities against Poles in occupied Poland between 1939 and 1945. According to the report, the list is intended to “commemorate the Polish citizens who were killed by Nazi Germany in World War II.”

One of the sites listed in the report is Jedwabne, where 1,650 Jews were listed as murdered. However hundreds of these Jews were murdered in a Polish pogrom in 1941, which is well documented based on historical research of archives as well as eyewitness accounts.

Prof. Grabowski was surprised to find the victims of Jedwabne in a report meant to deal with German crimes against the Poles in World War II. Writing on Facebook, Grabowski said he was “dismayed” that the “Polish authorities would actually ask the Germans for compensation” for the Jews murdered by Poles in 1941. “To say that the whole situation is grotesque is to say nothing at all,” he wrote. “It’s unbelievable. If you thought you knew the history of the Holocaust, you were wrong! It is being re-written right now, in Poland, as we speak,” Grabowski wrote on Facebook.

“What kind of restitution does Poland want from the Germans for 200,000 Jews murdered by the Poles or with Polish participation?” he asked in Polish on Twitter, drawing angry responses from Poles.

Grabowski, who lives and teaches in Canada, is a prominent Holocaust historian who focuses on Polish involvement in the persecution and murder of Jews in the Holocaust.

Grabowski’s book, “Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland” was published in Hebrew a few years ago. A book that he co-edited, “Night Without End” was recently published in English. Both works comprehensively document crimes committed by Poles against Jews. According to Grabowski’s estimates, which have sparked harsh debate in Poland, where he has been denounced as an “enemy of the people,” 200,000 Jews were murdered with the help of Poles or by Poles during World War II.

Reb Yanky (Jack) Meyer Founder of Misaskim and Leading Askan Dies at 58


Yanky suffered from a terrible illness in recent months and his condition severely deteriorated in the weeks prior to his tragic petirah.

Yanky was an incredible human being, a person whose magnanimity and selflessness may never truly be understood, and someone whose relentless drive to help others deprived him of every basic worldly pleasure. He was simply too busy devoting his life to helping console those in pain and providing support to anyone he could possibly help, to enjoy even a single night of uninterrupted sleep.

Yanky was a devoted member of Boro Park Hatzolah for around 35 years, a position in which he was fondly known as “B-41.” He also volunteered for Tomchei Shabbos of Boro Park, spending each Thursday night delivering food to dozens of families who didn’t have the means to buy what they needed.

Yanky was a chaplain in multiple law enforcement agencies, including the Port Authority Police, NJ Transit Police, the Office of the Medical Examiner of NYC, the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, and was a senior NYPD Clergy Liaison, as well.

Yanky was trusted by all, including every NYC mayor and NYPD commissioner since the days of Rudy Giuliani, as well as high-ranking officials in the NYPD, FDNY, and many other agencies. In a world often in turmoil, Yanky was a voice of reason, calm, and respect, and all admired him for that.

Yanky used his vast connections and contacts to prevent thousands of autopsies over the years and assist in bringing Jews to Kevuras Yisroel in a timely manner. In times of tragedy, Yanky z”l was always leading the restoration of stability, and he had a unique knack for informing families of the sudden loss of a loved one with care and sensitivity, somehow managing to provide a measure of comfort even when people were in their deepest pain.

Chinese Restaurant Owner Duped Mashgichim and Admitted to Feeding Customers Treif


A new statement from the OK hashgacha says that the proprietor of Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan intentionally sold treif to his customers. Just a few days ago, we reported that OK Kosher has pulled their certification of Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan, NJ, after damning video emerged of the eatery’s proprietor buying treif meat and chickens at a nearby wholesale store.

OK Kosher has completed an extensive investigation into the events at Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan, New Jersey. Kosher Chinese Express intentionally violated its obligation to the kosher consumer despite OK Kosher’s having assigned multiple Mashgichim Temidim to this restaurant.

These Mashgichim Temidim were the only people who had keys to the restaurant, refrigerators, and freezers.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Queen Elizabeth’s long, complex relationship with the British Jewish community


Queen Elizabeth II, who sat on the throne for 70 years until her death on Thursday, enjoyed a long and warm relationship with the British Jewish community, from her ascension to the throne in 1952 through her final years.

In May 1952, just several months after the death of her father, King George VI, the queen met with the British chief rabbi and leaders of the British Jewish community. A month later, Jewish officials – as well as the Israeli ambassador – were present at her official coronation at Westminster Abbey.

Marking her platinum jubilee in June, Marie van der Zyl, the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews umbrella group, wrote that Queen Elizabeth has “been a rock for the nation” and has cultivated “a long history of involvement with the Jewish community.”

On the same occasion, British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis praised the queen’s “70 glorious years of leadership” and lauded “her humility, her sense of duty, the service that she gives to the nation [and] her selflessness.”

Queen Elizabeth II Dead at 96 Prince Charles Now King of England


God save the Queen — but long live the king.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday has immediately made her eldest son, Charles, the head of the British monarchy.

Centuries-old accession protocol states that the “new Sovereign succeeds to the throne as soon as his or her predecessor dies,” the royal family’s website states.

He will be known as King Charles III.

However, while Charles, 73, is the rightful heir to the throne and new king, the Act of Settlement from 1701 still gives the British government the responsibility of formally recognizing the change in leadership.

As such, an Accession Council will be convened as soon as possible to meet at St. James’ Palace to officially declare Charles the new monarch.

It usually meets within 24 hours and “as soon as practicable after the death,” the council noted, with invitations sent to representatives of remaining Commonwealth countries.

“Operation London Bridge,” the meticulous plan to deal with the Queen’s death that has been rehearsed and updated since the 1960s, calls for the council to meet at 10 a.m. Fridayaccording to documents obtained by Politico.

Charles will not attend the first meeting, in which the council’s president formally announces both the Queen’s death as well as the Accession Proclamation declaring Charles the new sovereign. It is historically followed by the firing of guns at Hyde Park and the Tower of London.

Charles only then attends a second part of the formality, traditionally starting with a personal declaration about the predecessor’s death, before making a declaration and oath as head of the monarchy.

Charles will then travel to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to proclaim the accession in the following days in those British countries, too.

His formal coronation will — as per tradition — be delayed for several months to allow for “a period of mourning” as well as “the enormous amount of preparation required” to organize it, the royal family says.

The ceremony “has remained essentially the same” for “over a thousand years,” including for the last 900 being held at Westminster Abbey. It is conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the spiritual leader of the Church of England, as it has been since 1066, the royals note.

It is there that he will be “anointed, blessed and consecrated” while seated in King Edward’s chair — from 1300 — and finally crowned.

Moisdois Have Egg on Their Faces After Their "girlfriend" Hochul Readies to Impose Regulations on Yeshivois


This "klavta" is the "darling" of the feuding Satmar Rebbe Brothers. She is the "darling" of all the "ASS'kanim Capos." who endorsed this yente! 

The Satmar bros were fighting in the secular courts, in Bais Din and on the streets but they laid their arms down and united in a show of "achdus" to endorse this bitch!

Both Bobover Rebbes, endorsed her. 

There is a decent Jew, Lee Zeldin running for governor and has a great chance of winning, but they dissed him in favor of Hochul.

מה רבו מעשך ה

Guys keep voting for the DemonRats, keep listening to the Ezra Friedlanders of this world, they will lead you into the abyss before you have a chance to see what hit you. 

Question: How much money did the "Moisdois Ha'Torah contribute to her campaign? 

What did she promise in return?