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Friday, September 2, 2022

Meir Kin Will Not Be Able to Bury His Father in Israel Should he Drop Dead Unless He Gives His Wife a Get


Daniel Schwartz, Chaya Lonna and the Yad LaIsha lawyers Pnina Omer, Morah Dayan , Yifah Blonder, at the Supreme Court. July 2022.

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Council on Thursday ruled that in difficult cases of get refusal, the burial of the refuser’s relatives must be banned until he grants the get. The decision followed the discussions in a difficult case in which the aguna wife has been stranded for more than 18 years in the US, while her husband succeeded in marrying another woman in California in 2014.

The aguna, Haya Lana, appealed many times to the rabbinical courts in the US, but the husband insisted on refusing to grant her the get and didn’t even bother to show up for the hearings while enjoying his new marital life. In August, Haya Lana submitted a request to the Chief Rabbinate via attorneys Daniel Schwartz and Avraham Ben-Zvi, for an order that as long as the get is not granted, the transfer of bodies and burial in Israel of the husband and his relatives, including his father who is on his deathbed, must be banned.

Zera Shimshon Parshas Shoiftim


New Minhag for Mitzva Tantz ... Turning your back to the Kallah and then bowing down to the roaches on the floor

 I don't get it, doesn't it say כיצד מרקדין לפני הכלה?

Thursday, September 1, 2022

New entrance to Yerushalayim opens


A new entrance to Jerusalem, Route 16, opened Wednesday and is expected to significantly ease traffic, providing speedy travel between Route 1 and the city’s southern neighborhoods.

Inaugurated on Wednesday by government officials, the six-kilometer (3.7 mile) section connects motorists from Route 1 — the main highway connecting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv — directly into the Givat Mordechai neighborhood.

The road, consisting of four tunnels and seven bridges, also includes 50,000 acres of newly landscaped territory featuring bike paths, walking paths, picnic areas and observation points overlooking the Jerusalem hills.

Sharansky: Gorbachev wouldn’t have released Soviet Jews if not for global pressure


Nice article but there is one thing missing! The giant elephant in the room!

Meir Kahana!
It was Rabbi Meir Kahana that put the plight of the Soviet Jews on the front pages of the New York Slimes!
It was Rabbi Meir Kahana that put pressure on all the Major Jewish Organizations to make this agenda a priority and to advocate for Soviet Jews living behind the Iron Country to bring the issue to Washington DC and to Congress!

I remember that the Gedoilim were against Kahana's ideas to make their plight public. I distinctly remember that the Gedoilim would not allow Yeshiva Students to attend any of Meir Kahana's rallies on behalf of Soviet Jews. They were content with sending care packages to Soviet Jews and sending them Marzos for Pesach. They felt that it was far better to negotiate secretly. This did not move the needle at all and was a dismal failure. 

When the Jews were finally allowed to leave, they thanked Rabbi Kahana publicly and not one had a bad word to say about him. I live in Beit Shemesh and there are many Jews living in my neighborhood that lived under the Communist Tyranny, and they all give credit to his initiatives and his tireless selfless work to get them the freedom that they so deserved. 
I had the honor to meet Sharanski on many occasions and whenever he spoke he mentioned Rabbi Meir Kahana.
I know that the good rabbi will not get recognition for this work in particular, from the leftists politicians, but wouldn't it be prudent for frum Jews to be "makir tov" and give credit where credit is due? Or am I asking too much?

A response to the Vicious Self-Hating Jew Peter Beinart


It is almost autumn, which means it is time for yet another op-ed from Peter Beinart, professor of journalism and political science, and self-proclaimed visionary for a middle east without a Jewish state. Beinart did not disappoint, publishing his latest piece, deceptively titled “Has the Fight Against Antisemitism Lost Its Way?” in the New York Times on August 26, 2022.

Beinart’s op-eds have all served a similar purpose: to demonstrate that Israel, as a “Jewish State” severely and unjustly oppresses the innocent Palestinian nation, to the point that Israel needs to be unmade and reconfigured as a state for all the peoples living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. That the consequences of creating such a polity, in which Jews would be a minority if not immediately then in the near future, would likely include civil war, ethnic cleansing, and perhaps yet another Arab state that will violently purge itself of its Jewish population (as Hamas has promised in its foundational charter) does not seem to bother Beinart. Demonstrating his complete ignorance of history, Beinart takes it as a given that Jews and Arabs will live harmoniously in his imagined multi-national utopia.

Hell on Earth Holocaust survivor testifies to daily beatings, cannibalism in Nazi camp


A Holocaust survivor told a shocked courtroom in Germany on Tuesday how starving inmates ate the body parts of dead prisoners to stay alive.

Speaking via video connection from her home in Australia, Risa Silbert, 93, told the Itzehoe Regional Court in Shleswig-Holstein about the daily atrocities she and other prisoners faced at the Stutthof concentration camp.

“Stutthof was hell,” she said.

“We had cannibalism in the camp. People were hungry and they cut up the corpses and they wanted to take out the liver.”

Born to a Jewish family in Klaipėda, Lithuania, in 1929, Silbert was taken to Stutthoff, in Poland, with her mother and sister in August 1944. Her father and brother were murdered by German collaborators in 1941.

Ukraine's chief Rabbi: 'Don't come to Uman'


Ezra "capo" Friedlander Wants FBI to Investigate Jew Beatings While He Was the ONE who backed these far-left woke Candidates who let out these criminals


Muslim Women Drop Child While beating the hell out of each other


Arab Praising Israelis ...Must Watch!


Foreign Reporters Question Biden's Sanity and Ask "Who is running America?"


Brilliant Response from a Chassidishe Guy to a Palestinian


President Herzog Goes to Bais Medrash to learn a Daf


When Gorbachev made a commercial for Pizza Hut


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Theodor Herzl;s six days of action to establish the Stae of Israel


Theodor Herzl needed only six days of action to establish a state. Or at least that period of time to understand and absorb that, in this short time, he laid the foundations for the political existence of the Jewish people.

On 1 Elul, 5647 (1897) Herzl was still running around the Stadtcasino concert hall in Basel, starching flags, commenting – like a skilled editor – on the delegates’ speeches that were sent to him ahead of time. He then reprimanded Max Nordau and sent him back to the hotel to change his casual clothes into a frock coat, in accordance with the ceremonial dress code. On Friday, 6 Elul (1897), after the 208 delegates had returned to their relevant countries, Herzl wrote in his diary: “At Basel, I founded the Jewish state.”

What made Herzl realize that the Jewish state had been founded at the special conference of the First Zionist Congress? After all, another fifty years passed until the actual declaration of independence, during which time the Jewish people faced a real danger of annihilation. Herzl had, in fact, launched a vision that expressed a desire. In the following lines in his diary, he wrote: “The foundation of the state was already laid in the people’s desire for a homeland.”

One word in the Hebrew language expresses the transition from the metaphysical event of the First Zionist Congress to the physical event called the State of Israel more than anything else, and that word is “chozeh.” In English, there are two separate meanings for the word “chozeh.” One is “visionary,” and Herzl, who was defined as the State Visionary, represents the vision and belief in the establishment of the Jewish state. The second is “contract,” and Herzl was the one who drafted the contract between the Jewish People and their homeland. In Hebrew, it sounds so much better, clearer, and more real.

Pollard Reverses Course, Retracts Support for Ayelet Shaked


Former spy Jonathan Pollard announced Tuesday evening that he is withdrawing his support for Zionist Spirit leader Ayelet Shaked due to her unwillingness to commit to supporting a right-wing government only.

Earlier in the day, Pollard had endorsed Shaked, saying he had shown “misplaced loyalty in our last government” but maintained she “realizes the mistake” and would “serve Israel in a way that will safeguard both our core interests and our honor.”

“After talks that took place recently and seemed positive, and after my words regarding Ayelet Shaked were published this morning, it became clear to me that she refuses to make necessary changes to her list and to commit that she will only join a right-wing government that will preserve the Jewish identity of the country,” Pollard said in a statement quoted by Israel’s Channel 2 News political journalist Amit Segal.

“This raises real concerns that she will once again transfer votes from the right to the left,” Pollard said, adding, “That’s why I retract my support for her.”

In response to Pollard’s message, Shaked issued her own statement.

“I was happy to hear this morning about Jonathan Pollard’s support for me,” she said.

“The poisonous machine that was directed at him from the moment he announced his support for me put Jonathan in an impossible situation and I’m glad he pulled himself out of the eye of the storm.

“An Israeli hero like Jonathan deserves to be at the heart of the consensus and not become a target in the toxic discourse of Israeli politics.

“As I have said at every step in recent weeks, only together will we win. This is the secret of the strength of the people of Israel.”

Harav Kook the iconic leader of religious Zionism who was Israel's first Chief Rabbi, was a Torah giant even as a young man.


In each generation, the Holy One Blessed Be He sends special souls into the world to shepherd the Jewish People. Shepherds like Avraham Avinu, Moshe Rabenu, King David, and Rabbi Akiva.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook had a soul like theirs. His soul was filled with a burning love for Hashem, for Torah, for the Land of Israel, for all the Jewish People and for all of mankind. Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook was born in the Hebrew month of Elul, in the year 1865, in the town of Griva, Russia.

A story is told about him as a young boy in Heder. During breaks in their learning, the children would line up outside with their school bags on their backs. Avraham would march them around the yard as if leading them on a voyage. The boys would call out: “Where are we going?” and their young leader would reply in a joyous voice: “To Eretz Yisrael!”

Yad Vashem Hires an anti-Israel for a senior post.


Yad Vashem is embroiled in a deep controversy over .the choice of Dr. Dan Sachor for a senior post, head administrator of the library, at the Holocaust Memorial and museum in Jerusalem.

Sachor is a "post-Zionist". Politically, he is on the extreme Left fringe of Israeli politics.

What earns him this title?

-Comparing Israeli pilots to terrorist suicide bombers is an example.

-Another is refusing service in the Israeli army of "occupation" and accusing Israel of purposely and regularly killing Palestinian Arab children.

-Still another is calling for the end of American support for Israel.

-Add to that, supporting the BDS boycott of Israel, insisting that Hamas is a movement interested in peace and that Israel should just talk. with them and ask for nothing more...

-And being proud of the fact that his organization includes terrorists with Jewish blood on their hands.

-Joining protests in NY together with other anti-Israel groups against Israel's actions in Gaza

Are Jews in the US in Danger? More Than 40% Think American Civil War Likely in Next Decade


Guess who becomes the scapegoat in the event of a civil war?  

A troubling new survey found that 43% of Americans – and more than half of “strong Republicans” – believe that a civil war is at least somewhat likely to occur within the next 10 years. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%, while 54% of strong Republicans said the same.

The poll also found that 65% say political violence has increased since the start of 2021, and 62% believe that political violence will increase in the next few years.

The findings comes from a poll by YouGov and the Economist, follows heated rhetoric from Trump supporters in the wake of the unprecedented FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, including from Sen. Lindsey Graham, who predicted “riots in the streets” if Trump is indicted.

Most experts believe that a full-scale war, like the 1861-1865 civil war, remains highly unlikely. But many worry that increasing rhetoric and division could result in isolated or even coordinated attacks against political figures.

“Countries with democracies and governments as strong as America’s do not fall into civil war. But if our institutions weaken, the story could be different,” said Rachel Kleinfeld a civil conflict specialist at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.