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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

80-year-old California liquor store owner shoots would-be robber

An elderly convenience store owner in California is being hailed as a hero after he shot at a would-be robber who ran out of the store screaming that his arm was “shot off.”

Shocking surveillance footage from Norco Market & Liquor in the 2800 block of Clark Avenue in Norco showed a masked assailant entering the business at about 2:47 a.m. Sunday with an AR-15-style rifle pointed at the 80-year-old store owner.

The suspect yelled, “Freeze, hands in the air,” but within seconds, quick-thinking store owner Craig Cope pulled out a shotgun from under the counter and immediately shot once at the robber, hitting him in the arm.

Cope’s 79-year-old wife, Nancy, told The Post her husband had a heart attack following the shooting but is expected to fully recover.

“He’s asleep right now,” she said during a brief telephone interview early Tuesday, adding that he was discharged from a hospital late Monday.

“He’s going to be fine,” Nancy Cope said. “He just has to rest for a while.”

Video footage from the store showed another man getting out of a black BMW SUV, but he stopped and got back into the vehicle once he saw the first suspect run out of the store repeatedly screaming, “He shot my arm off!” 

Authorities tracked down the four suspects at a southern California hospital, where one had a gunshot wound consistent with a shotgun blast, according to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department.

Three suspects being held on $500,000 bond were identified as Justin Johnson, 22, of Inglewood, Calif., Jamar Williams, 27, of Los Angeles, and Davon Broadus, 24, of Las Vegas.

The primary suspect, a 23-year-old man, remained in critical but stable condition at the hospital. His identity is being withheld pending his release and transfer to jail, sheriff officials said.

“In this case, a lawfully armed member of our community prevented a violent crime and ensured their own safety, while being confronted with multiple armed suspects,” the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release. “This investigation is active and ongoing and no additional information will currently be released.”

Employees at Norco Market & Liquor said the owner was watching the store cameras as the SUV pulled into the parking lot. Once he saw the first assailant get out of the SUV and pull a mask over his face, the owner immediately went for his rifle. 

“He just prepared himself … and he stood right here, aimed and shot,” store manager Marnia Tapia told Fox11. 

Employees said Cope was not at the store on Monday, Fox11 reported.

R9X Hellfire missile used to take out al-Zawahiri is a precision ‘ninja bomb’ that uses blades to kill


Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed Monday by America’s secretive and gruesome R9X Hellfire missile — which is also known as the “flying Ginsu.”

The strangest variant in the Hellfire family of missiles — built as a precision weapon of targeted assassination — the R9X’s most distinguishing characteristic is that it doesn’t explode and simply uses its weight, momentum and blade-like appendages to kill.

First revealed by the Wall Street Journal in 2019, the modified R9X trades the standard Hellfire’s explosive warhead for a halo of six metal fins that look like swords and are sharp enough to slice through concrete and steel on their way to a target.

The lethal payload has earned the R9X nicknames like “the flying Ginsu” or “the Ninja bomb” within the defense community.

Designed to be launched from an unmanned drone, the 100-pound R9X deploys the blades through its skin while in flight.

One US official described the weapon to the Wall Street Journal as a “speeding anvil” falling from the sky — with knives.

o its proponents in the US defense community, the weapon’s design allows it to minimize collateral casualties, smashing into and slicing through a lone target rather than exploding in an expanding ball of hot shrapnel like a conventional Hellfire.

Some have even suggested the weapon — which originated during the Cold War as an anti-tank missile designed to be fired from a helicopter — could kill the passenger of a car without harming the driver.

Those claims have not been verified, and neither has the missile itself — the US government remains tight-lipped in public about its very existence.

The weapon’s use is usually suggested by a tell-tale entry hole and a lack of explosion damage.

The R9X is believed to have been used only a half-dozen times since its development began in 2011. It was likely first fielded in 2017.

Officials have said the weapon requires very accurate intelligence precisely because it is supposedly so accurate — one would need to know not simply which car or building a target was in, but specifically where they were sitting or standing.

Pelosi arrives in Taiwan despite China's threats

 US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan for an official visit Tuesday, defying China's warnings that her visit to the island nation would cross a red line and could provoke a military response.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is part of a tour she and a congressional delegation are taking of eastern Asia this week.

The last time a Speaker of the House visited Taiwan was in 1997, when Newt Gingrich was Speaker during the Clinton Administration.

The Biden Administration had warned Pelosi of the risks of her visit, but failed to dissuade her from flying to Tapai.

China had threatened to shoot down Pelosi's plane if she went through with her visit.

Rare Discovery in Ancient Shiloh – 5 Intact 2,000-Year-Old Giant Jugs


100 years after the first excavations at the ancient Shiloh site, a number of rare finds were discovered in a new excavation, including five intact large storage jars that were placed in a row inside a building from the Talmud period (200-400 CE).

The jars were discovered in their entirety as part of an excavation led by Dr. Reut Ben Aryeh, a resident of Shiloh.

The jugs were found lying under the floor and this was probably to keep their contents at a cool and constant temperature. Their burial is also what kept them completely intact.

The Bible recounts how Joshua set the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in Shiloh after conquering the Promised Land, and for more than three centuries, this was the center of Israelite life. The site includes archaeological findings from the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Early Muslim periods.

The Benjamin Council, which operates the ancient Shiloh heritage site, says that the current excavation was intended to examine the route of the wall around the ancient city and its entrance area in ancient times. The excavators made a cut on the edge of the southern mound and revealed layers from all historic periods, starting with the Bronze Age and ending with the Ottoman period.

The Canaanite wall of the site was revealed for the first time in the excavations of the Danish expedition, which marked the centenary of its work this month.

During the excavation, additional finds were found such as coins, a key that was probably used to open a box, and a wooden game cube that is exactly like the game cubes we have nowadays.

Yisrael Gantz, head of the Benyamin Regional Council which is home to Ancient Shiloh, said Tuesday that “we are privileged to uncover discoveries that are evidence of our connection to the areas of Judea and Samaria and to the whole of this land.”

“The findings here give meaning to our daily activities in the development of this region of the country. There is nothing more exciting than realizing with our eyes how we are continuing the lives of our ancestors here. The eternal story of the people of Israel and this story instills strength in us,” he added.

Chareidie Extremists Take Over City of Elad and Assault Woman For Sitting in Front Row of Bus


 It sounds hard to believe in 2022. But a young Israeli woman was verbally and physically assaulted by Charedi extremists for choosing to sit in the front row of a public bus.

Although she does not need an excuse, the woman says she had motion sickness and felt nauseous sitting in the back.

In an interview with Israeli news site Ynet, the resident of Elad said she was traveling to Jerusalem on the Kavim public bus line when the men began to abuse and ridicule her.

A short video clip shows one of the assailants saying, “We are Jews and do not want to sit next to a woman,” and the other yelling at the driver, “If you are such a good driver, don’t let women sit in the front.”

The woman said that nobody on the bus attempted to defend her other than the driver. She said an extremist branch of Charedim have recently moved in and are terrorizing women in the city.

“I took a seat at the front of the bus because I suffer from car sickness and sitting in the back makes me nauseous,” she said. “At one point, a group of 20 men who belong to an extremist Charedi sect boarded the bus and ordered me to move to the back. When I refused, they began yelling at me, pulling my hair and finally one man took off his shoe and shoved his dirty sock in my face,” she said.

“I was very nervous and tried to call the police and had to get up for better phone service, but the men blocked my way. They yelled at me and called me a shiktza. I really believed something bad would happen to me,” she said.

The victim was quite traumatized. “The violence and humiliation were so bad, I do not wish it on anyone,” she said. “Even a three-year old called me a shiktza and told me to put clothes on. I came home shaking.”

The woman explained that she has no issue with Charedim in general, only people like these fanatical extremists.

“I come from a religious home and understand the sensibilities of the community and would never stand against the ultra-Orthodox. I am only opposed to the extremists who are harassing us on the streets or on public transportation and try to change our city.”

Monday, August 1, 2022

Rare Footage of Jewish Life before World War II

 This video - although historically significant - is beyond sad and tragic. Such beautiful, innocent people just living their lives ignorant of the horrors to come. The senselessness of what occured soon after is beyond comprehension

Watch Zev Jabotinsky Speak in Yiddish


On the anniversary of his death, here is part of a video by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, from 1934, as he talks about the Land of Israel on both sides of the Jordan river, in Yiddish.

Finally Jerusalem Muncipality Suing the "Light Train Hooligans and extortionists"

The Jerusalem Municipality and the company carrying out the railway work are demanding NIS 5 million from demonstrators who allegedly rioted. 

For almost two years now, demonstrations have been held on a regular basis against the construction of the light rail on Bar-Ilan Street in Jerusalem. Yesterday, the Jerusalem Municipality and Moriah, which is responsible for the work, filed huge lawsuits against 17 Haredim who they claim were the leaders of the demonstrators.

From each demonstrator, the municipality and the works company, demand NIS 300,000. In total, the lawsuit demands five million shekels from all the demonstrators against whom the lawsuit was filed together. 

To date, a total of 23 lawsuits have been filed.  These lawsuits are against protesters who blocked roads and tractors and but caused no damage. Moriah hopes this might stop the protesters.

"The malicious motives, which underlie the activities of this 'group of rioters,' cannot be understood, except that the defendants and their friends are acting out of hooliganism and extortion motives, all this for personal and hidden favors for the group's leaders," the lawsuit states, among other things.

"In this context, the rioters use the method of causing damage and complete destruction of fences, construction equipment, tools and all that entails. The rioters and the defendant gather along the route of the works for countless hours, adjacent to the work tools and work vehicles operated on behalf of the plaintiff, and even crawl under them, all with the clear aim of damaging the equipment, stopping the work and delaying them as much as possible."

In addition, the State Attorney's Office filed an indictment yesterday against another protester, a resident of Ashdod, at the age of 20, after he broke into the construction site of the light rail line in Jerusalem about a week ago.

According to the indictment, while mass demonstrations were taking place near the site of the work for the development of the light rail line, the accused entered the work site together with others and settled there in order to prevent further development work. The accused, who was holding a tallit and tefillin, cigarettes and a holy book in case he was arrested, did not leave the area despite repeated calls from the police officers to evacuate the area. The accused even smoked a cigarette and looked at a book he had brought with him, while sitting in the morning ignoring the calls of the police officers. After some time, when the pleas of the officers did not help, the accused was forcibly evicted from the work site by police officers and arrested.

The indictment charges the defendants with committing offenses of trespass in order to commit an offense and interfering with a police officer in the performance of his duties.

R' Tuvia Weiss Funeral Marred by Violent Infighting


 So the civil war within the Eida Hachareidis continues unabated and inevitably spilled into the levaye itself.

As we explained yesterday, R' Moshe Shterbuch Shlitah who is the current Raavad of the Extremists Eida Hachareidis ruled that a certain site in Beit Shemesh was free from any Jewish bones after giving the site a thorough inspection and allowed the developer to build a beautiful development in Ramat Avraham. The Asra Kadisha was livid with this ruling, not because they found Jewish bones. No.... they were upset because the developer refused to give into extortion and instead gave the Asra Kadisha Mafia the middle finger. 

They were able to convince the old feeble and weak Gaavad, R' Tuvia Weiss z"l to rule that this was graves of Jews that died there some 3,000 years ago. And he put a "fatwa" against building there without having ever set foot in the area.

 To bolster and strengthen their position the Weiss Extremist started physically harassing Rav Shternbuch and bombarding him with fresh raw eggs and shouting "YM"S" "Sheigatz." Then they took some lessons from Krystal Nacht, stealing Rav Shternbuch's sefarim from nearby shuls and burned them in a huge bonfire in front of his home, they even had their Satmar colleagues harass R' Shternbuch when he visited Williamsburg. And like the Gestapo they went to Golobnezitz's home in Har Nof and when Mrs Golobnezitz opened the door, they beat her to a pulp. 

A reader let me know that R' Chaim Kanievski had also ruled that they could build on the site.

This harassment campaign continues to this day even after the late R' Weiss begged them to stop. 

At the levaya, when R' Shternbuch made the hespid,  the Weiss followers started screaming and shouting trying to embarrass R' Shterbuch shlita, which triggered a physical battle. This continued for a good 10 minutes. 

The Weiss faction of the Eida Hachreidis are fearful that Askanim will appoint Rav Shternbuch as "Gaavad" I guess a step up from being Raavad. That would be the natural thing to do, because if they brought an outsider to fill that position, the Shernbuch faction would be outraged. If this should happen, the Eida Hachreidis would be permanently split, G-d Forbid.

I wish them both Hatzlacha! 

Pat Boone a "Zionist?"


Is the FBI Totally Corrupt?


Lawyer Accuses Judge that fined a Holocaust Survivor $159,000, an "Anti-Semite"


The lawyer representing congregants in a long-running dispute over perennial  anti-Israel and antisemitic protests outside their Ann Arbor synagogue on Saturday mornings has accused the federal judge presiding over the case of herself being antisemitic. 

The U.S. Supreme Court declined this spring to hear the case, which pits the protesters’ First Amendment right of free expression against the worshippers’ First Amendment right to freely exercise their religion. Lower courts had dismissed the lawsuit the congregants filed in 2019, and U.S. District Court Judge Victoria Roberts ordered them to pay $159,000 in legal fees.

“Considering all of her rulings, taken together in their entirety, the appearance of antisemitism is undeniable,” the lawyer, Marc Susselman, wrote in a brief filed Thursday appealing the order. 

Susselman noted that one of the plaintiffs is an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor, and that some of the protesters also picketed outside a Holocaust museum on Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2014 with signs saying “Free Ernst Zundel,” the author of a book titled “The Hitler We Knew and Loved,” who was jailed in Germany for Holocaust denial and inciting racial hatred. (Zundel died in 2017.)

The protests began in 2003 outside an Ann Arbor building that houses services for both the Conservative Beth Israel Congregation and the Pardes Hannah Congregation, which is affiliated with the Jewish Renewal movement. Neither congregation was involved in the lawsuit; Jewish groups including Agudath Israel of America, the Rabbinical Council of America and the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce filed briefs supporting the plaintiffs.

In his latest court filing, Susselman questioned how the judge arrived at the amount of the legal fee —$158,721 — and how the protesters’ signs with slogans including   “Resist Jewish Power,” “Jewish Power Corrupts,” and “No More Holocaust Movies” could be protected as addressing “issues of public concern.” 

“This is not an issue that may be minimized, rationalized, or swept under the  carpet,” Susselman wrote. 

“The specter of the appearance of racial, ethnic or religious bias in the rulings of any judge, regardless of the judge’s own race, ethnicity or religion, must be forthrightly addressed, investigated and, if sustained, sanctioned,” he added. (Judge Roberts is Black.) “When such bias seeps into the judiciary, it becomes a cancer which undermines the administration of  justice in this country.”

Chinese Threaten to Blow up Pelosi's Plane if she flies to Taiwan but White House Won't say anything


Andy Levin Vicious Anti-Semite Must be Defeated in Michigan


Andy's Jews Seen Here Supporting Rashida Tlaib 



No More Cash Deals in Israel (if it’s over 6000 Shekels)


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Askanim at the Funeral of Harav Weiss Warn Beit Shemesh Residents Not to go Near His Casket!

To the extremist right wing Chareidim, the 9 days mean absolutely nothing, they see fit to continue with their endless bickering and fake piety. 

Since "officially" they don't own smartphones, the askanim established a phone number to keep the sheep informed on a minute-by-minute basis where the levaye was and how it was progressing. 

The phone recording had a message for Beit Shemesh residents that live in the Ramat Avraham section:

"Don't go near or (G-d Forbid) touch the casket! "

The dispute goes back at least 9 years when a developer by the name of Golobnezitz decided to put up a development in Beit Shemesh and called it "Ramat Avraham." The minhag is that when a developer chooses a site to build, he informs the Asra Kadisha mafia, and they supposedly inspect the site to make sure that there are no Jewish bones around. After the developer shells out millions of shekels the mafia gives the developer the permission to proceed.

This Golobnezitz or whatever he calls himself decided to bypass the mafia and brought down Raavad of the Eida Hachreidis, R' Moshe Shternbuch Shlita to the site, and after doing a thorough inspection R' Shternbuch ruled that the site was kosher, no Jewish bones anywhere close. He even wrote a lengthy "teshuva" to support his ruling. R' Chaim Kanievski was also approached about this issue and after looking into the situation, ruled that the site was "kosher." 

The Asra Kadisha Mafia went berserk and forced and intimidated the Gaavad of the Eida Hachreidis, the now deceased R' Tuvia Weiss z"l to overrule his partner in the Eida, R' Moshe Shernbuch, which he did.

But R' Moshe Shternbuch refused to back down and gave the signal to the developer to continue building, which he did and built a brand-new town called Ramat Avraham where thousands of Beit Shemesh residents live. 

The Weiss followers started protesting at the development on a daily basis and intimidated even the little children of the residents on their way to school. These protests continue to this day; the crazed Weiss followers will not do any shidduchim with those living in Ramat Avraham.

When the Weiss followers saw that they were totally ignored by everyone, they began a violent harassment campaign against their very own Harav Shternbach, a Rav of their Eida Hachreidies.  For example, they went and stole Rav Shternbuch's "shaalos & teshuvois" from nearby shuls and set them all on fire in front of Rav Shternbach's home ala Krystal Nacht. Another example, when Harav Shternbach visited Williamsburg a few years ago, he had to stop his visit midway, because the police warned him that they could no longer protect him from the crazed Satmar mobs, who were backing the Asra Kadisha Mafia under the jurisdiction of Harav Weiss z"l. Rav Shernbuch wasn't fazed and even had one of his children move to Ramat Avraham for good measure. 

Even though the Ramat Avraham residents basically defied the Gavvad Harav Weiss z"l they still respected him as a tzaddik, after all R' Weiss was the Gaavad of the Eida Hachreidis. They felt that they were following Daas Torah by moving into the development, following the repeated rulings of Harav Shternbuch Shlita who was and still is the Raavad of the extreme Eida Hachreidis.

Now that Rav Weiss passed away during the 9 days, the Weiss followers decided to continue the minhag of their ancestors the notorious Kamtaza bar Kamtza (minyani de'yoimie) and issued a "fatwa' against the residents of Ramat Avraham, Beit Shemesh, that they stay clear of the levaya and the casket. 

As of this writing the extremists have not named a successor, which is usually done at the levaya.

Earlier this morning, there were clashes between a group of Eida Hachareidis who came to participate in the funeral procession and police forces near the rabbi's house in Jerusalem. The extremists called the police "Nazis" and "murderers".

 Just that you know, the residents of Ramat Avraham are followers of the Eida Hachreidis and are extremists themselves. 

זו טריפה וזו נבילה 

 *בית שמש חדשות*

*במהלך הלווית גאב"ד העדה החרדית כעת:* הודעה חריפה בקו הטלפוני של העדה החרדית בה מוזהרים מי שמתגוררים בשכונת 'רמת אברהם' (גולובנציץ) בבית שמש שלא להתקרב או לגעת במיטת הגאב"ד. (שפר)

Why? Why Are We Allowing This in Our Communities? Why?


The Hidden Truth_Trailer from HG Distribution on Vimeo.

Disturbing... Watch American Children Being Indoctrinated to become Martyrs